955 resultados para Royal Frontenac Hotel (Frankfort, Mich.)


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Este documento pretende ser un instrumento para favorecer la mejora de accesibilidad, pero no tiene una caracterización fácil dada la diversidad de aspectos abordados. En primer lugar parte del estudio de los condicionantes normativos y económicos que inciden sobre el mercado hotelero y los fallos o consecuencias negativas que el diseño de las normas puede tener para la penetración de la accesibilidad en los hoteles, lo que da pie a consideraciones sobre la intervención pública, la aplicabilidad de los instrumentos normativos y el control de su cumplimiento. Como documento de investigación, plantea una metodología de análisis e interpretación del proceso de incorporación de accesibilidad en los hoteles, buscando que este no se focalice exclusivamente en la reforma de espacios, sino en la consideración de los procesos y acciones que desarrolla el viajero, como forma de favorecer la continuidad y la lógica finalista de las intervenciones. Un tercer bloque viene constituido por la presentación de un amplio trabajo de campo con directores de 22 hoteles de los que 17 respondieron a un cuestionario y 10 fueron entrevistados de manera informal, puesto que sus planteamientos, conocimiento y problemática no suele analizarse suficientemente en los trabajos de accesibilidad hotelera. Por último, y a partir de las fotografías que se han podido tomar en los hoteles visitados, se plantean algunas soluciones y comentarios sencillos y visuales a problemas recogidos en la realidad, con el fin de ser didáctico y ofrecer pautas concretas de solución para cada tipo de problema detectado.


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S'ha realitzat un plantejament ampli, partint d'un estudi més detallat de les necessitats de disseny, a fi de donar els primers passos en el tractament d'aspectes de l'organització i gestió de l'hotel, que si bé són aspectes pocs coneguts fins al moment, resulten molt necessaris per a arribar a una millora integral de l'accessibilitat i comprendre el que un enfocament de Disseny per a Tots pot oferir al negoci hoteler


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Some historians have argued that 1996 marked a ‘second transition’ for Spain because of the return to power of the political right in Madrid and that the relationship and eventual pact between the Partido Popular (PP) and Convergència i Unió (CiU) meant that the state could finally escape the ghosts of its Francoist past. For this research, face-to-face interviews were conducted with Catalan Members of Parliament who served under either José María Aznar or Jordi Pujol in Madrid or Barcelona. Drawing upon both interviews and other evidence, including the analysis of election results and the 1996 Hotel Majestic Agreement, the research seeks to provide a better understanding of the previous relationships between the PP and CiU and their leaders in order to understand what lessons might be learnt that would contribute to anticipating and explaining possible future negotiations between the two parties. This is attempted by first examining the potential costs and benefits of political pacts between centre (Madrid) and periphery (Barcelona). Secondly, due to many interviewees making reference to Salvador Espriu’s work La Pell de Brau, the three routes of Espriu’s Catalan nationalism are put into the context of the political pacts. Finally, the likelihood of future agreements between PP and CiU are hypothesized, not only how those agreements may (or may not) come about, but also, what might the result of those negotiations be. Ultimately, it is concluded that the benefits of the Hotel Majestic Agreement outweighed the costs, thus leaving the door open for future negotiations, even if some of those interviewed disagreed.


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In the light of emerging and overlooked infectious diseases and widespread drug resistance, diagnostics have become increasingly important in supporting surveillance, disease control and outbreak management programs. In many low-income countries the diagnostic service has been a neglected part of health care, often lacking quantity and quality or even non-existing at all. High-income countries have exploited few of their advanced technical abilities for the much-needed development of low-cost, rapid diagnostic tests to improve the accuracy of diagnosis and accelerate the start of appropriate treatment. As is now also recognized by World Healt Organization, investment in the development of affordable diagnostic tools is urgently needed to further our ability to control a variety of diseases that form a major threat to humanity. The Royal Tropical Institute's Department of Biomedical Research aims to contribute to the health of people living in the tropics. To this end, its multidisciplinary group of experts focuses on the diagnosis of diseases that are major health problems in low-income countries. In partnership we develop, improve and evaluate simple and cheap diagnostic tests, and perform epidemiological studies. Moreover, we advice and support others - especially those in developing countries - in their efforts to diagnose infectious diseases.


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A Consultation Paper


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Treball final de carrera que consisteix en un software per a un hotel SPA que ha de gestionar les seves activitats i peticions. El programari està implementat en .NET (WPF i WCF).


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Treball de Fi de Carrera sobre la tecnologia .NET de Microsoft. En aquest treball s'ha creat un servei WCF i una petita aplicació de consola per hostatjar-lo. Aquest servei utilitza unes classes de LINQ To SQL per accedir a la base de dades. L'aplicació HotelSpaWPF, creada amb WPF i XAML, consumeix el servei WCF per treballar amb la informació de que es disposa a la base de dades.L'aplicació d'escriptori HotelSpaWPF consta de dues parts, la part corresponent als clients de l'hotel, on podran consultar el serveis, activitats i recursos oferts així com fer peticions, inscripcions o reserves. La part d'administrador permet gestionar tota aquesta informació.


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El proyecto consiste en desarrollar un software para la gestión de los servicios que ofrece un Hotel Spa.Por un lado, un software con el que los clientes podrán interactuar para la petición de servicios al hotel. Estas peticiones de servicios son: -Peticiones servicios de habitaciones (incidencias, peticiones de material, servicio despertador, servicio limpieza, etc.) -Reservar un recurso (salas de reunión, pistas de deportes, etc.) -Planificar actividades realizadas en el recinto del hotel (gimnasio, masajista, conferencias, audiciones, espectáculos musicales, etc.)Y por otro lado el software necesario para gestionar estas peticiones que estará a la disposición de los encargados del hotel.El nombre de la aplicación es: eHotelSPANet.Para el desarrollo del software se utilizarán las herramientas de Microsoft usando la tecnología .NET, concretamente: -WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). -WCF (Windows Communications Foundation) SQL Server 2008


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Desenvolupament d'una aplicació amb Microsoft .NET, WCF, WPF, Linq2SQL, d'un Hotel Spa.


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Bio-nano interactions can be defined as the study of interactions between nanoscale entities and biological systems such as, but not limited to, peptides, proteins, lipids, DNA and other biomolecules, cells and cellular receptors and organisms including humans. Studying bio-nano interactions is particularly useful for understanding engineered materials that have at least one dimension in the nanoscale. Such materials may consist of discrete particles or nanostructured surfaces. Much of biology functions at the nanoscale; therefore, our ability to manipulate materials such that they are taken up at the nanoscale, and engage biological machinery in a designed and purposeful manner, opens new vistas for more efficient diagnostics, therapeutics (treatments) and tissue regeneration, so-called nanomedicine. Additionally, this ability of nanomaterials to interact with and be taken up by cells allows nanomaterials to be used as probes and tools to advance our understanding of cellular functioning. Yet, as a new technology, assessment of the safety of nanomaterials, and the applicability of existing regulatory frameworks for nanomaterials must be investigated in parallel with development of novel applications. The Royal Society meeting 'Bio-nano interactions: new tools, insights and impacts' provided an important platform for open dialogue on the current state of knowledge on these issues, bringing together scientists, industry, regulatory and legal experts to concretize existing discourse in science law and policy. This paper summarizes these discussions and the insights that emerged.


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Pediculosis seems to have afflicted humans since the most ancient times and lice have been found in several ancient human remains. Examination of the head hair and pubic hair of the artificial mummy of Ferdinand II of Aragon (1467-1496), King of Naples, revealed a double infestation with two different species of lice, Pediculus capitis, the head louse, and Pthirus pubis, the pubic louse. The hair samples were also positive for the presence of mercury, probably applied as an anti-pediculosis therapy. This is the first time that these parasites have been found in the hair of a king, demonstrating that even members of the wealthy classes in the Renaissance were subject to louse infestation.


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This article examines the effect on price of different characteristics of holiday hotels in the sun-and-beach segment, under the hedonic function perspective. Monthly prices of the majority of hotels in the Spanish continental Mediterranean coast are gathered from May to October 1999 from the tour operator catalogues. Hedonic functions are specified as random-effect models and parametrized as structural equation models with two latent variables, a random peak season price and a random width of seasonal fluctuations. Characteristics of the hotel and the region where they are located are used as predictors of both latent variables. Besides hotel category, region, distance to the beach, availability of parking place and room equipment have an effect on peak price and also on seasonality. 3- star hotels have the highest seasonality and hotels located in the southern regions the lowest, which could be explained by a warmer climate in autumn


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En el present projecte final de carrera s’han dissenyat i pressupostat les instal·lacions de fontaneria, energia solar i gas natural per abastir d’aigua les dependències d’un hotel. L’hotel es troba situat a municipi de Platja d’Aro, a la província de Girona. La seva categoria és de quatre estrelles i això comporta un nivell alt de qualitat en els serveis oferts, en aquest cas el subministrament d’aigua freda i aigua calenta sanitària (ACS) als seus clients