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A incorporação de elementos da cultura primeira do estudante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem foi defendida pelo pedagogo francês Georges Snyders (1988) em sua obra \"A Alegria na Escola\". Esta pesquisa contribuiu com essa interface, identificando, no discurso de canções do rock n\' roll, elementos textuais que possibilitem reflexões no âmbito conceitual, epistemológico e sociopolítico sobre a exploração do espaço. O objeto de estudo neste trabalho são canções do período entre as décadas de 1960 e 1970 que possuem representações sobre a astronomia e as missões espaciais. O uso do rock justificou-se pelo fato de temas sobre exploração espacial aparecerem no trabalho de diversos artistas desse gênero musical, permitindo reflexões em nível conceitual, epistemológico e sociopolítico sobre a ciência, a tecnologia e suas relações com a sociedade e o ambiente. Além disso, identificamos que tanto o rock quanto as missões espaciais foram fenômenos culturais que dependeram em sua gênese dos avanços da tecnologia e da ciência e tiveram sua repercussão na sociedade através de processos midiáticos. Essas canções foram selecionadas entre os diversos gêneros de rock, e analisadas a partir de referenciais semiodiscursivos. As atividades foram aplicadas em situações formais de ensino - ensino médio e ensino superior -, em formação continuada de professores e projetos de ensino não formal na escola. No processo de ensinoaprendizagem, foram desenvolvidas atividades que envolviam leitura-comentada da canção, identificando na letra, melodia e harmonia, aspectos que evidenciavam um discurso crítico sobre a ciência e sua relação com a sociedade e o ambiente. Essas atividades envolveram três instâncias: Elaboração, Aplicação e Análise. Como referencial norteador dessas etapas, nos valemos das teorias socioculturais de Vigotski (2001), Snyders (1988) e Freire (2013).


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The complete characterization of rock masses implies the acquisition of information of both, the materials which compose the rock mass and the discontinuities which divide the outcrop. Recent advances in the use of remote sensing techniques – such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) – allow the accurate and dense acquisition of 3D information that can be used for the characterization of discontinuities. This work presents a novel methodology which allows the calculation of the normal spacing of persistent and non-persistent discontinuity sets using 3D point cloud datasets considering the three dimensional relationships between clusters. This approach requires that the 3D dataset has been previously classified. This implies that discontinuity sets are previously extracted, every single point is labeled with its corresponding discontinuity set and every exposed planar surface is analytically calculated. Then, for each discontinuity set the method calculates the normal spacing between an exposed plane and its nearest one considering 3D space relationship. This link between planes is obtained calculating for every point its nearest point member of the same discontinuity set, which provides its nearest plane. This allows calculating the normal spacing for every plane. Finally, the normal spacing is calculated as the mean value of all the normal spacings for each discontinuity set. The methodology is validated through three cases of study using synthetic data and 3D laser scanning datasets. The first case illustrates the fundamentals and the performance of the proposed methodology. The second and the third cases of study correspond to two rock slopes for which datasets were acquired using a 3D laser scanner. The second case study has shown that results obtained from the traditional and the proposed approaches are reasonably similar. Nevertheless, a discrepancy between both approaches has been found when the exposed planes members of a discontinuity set were hard to identify and when the planes pairing was difficult to establish during the fieldwork campaign. The third case study also has evidenced that when the number of identified exposed planes is high, the calculated normal spacing using the proposed approach is minor than those using the traditional approach.


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The financial and economic crises have led to an enormous plumbing exercise, involving a fundamental re-design of the global and European regulatory and supervisory system. This book systematically assesses the big items on the G-20 and EU agendas and the effectiveness with which they have been implemented in the EU. Its publication coincides with the demand by European Commissioner Jonathan Hill, in the context of the Capital Markets Union, for a 'comprehensive review' of the impact and coherence of EU legislation in the area of financial services. Karel Lannoo argues in the book that much has been done by European policy-makers to make the financial system safer and to prevent banking crises of the magnitude that erupted in 2008 and 2011, but that the new framework puts an enormous burden on banks and supervisors to implement and enforce it correctly. With the huge amount of secondary or 'level-2' legislation in place, this process has spiralled out of control, and as member states always find new ways of ‘gold-plating’ EU rules, the EU always finds further reasons to achieve a 'single rulebook'. This process has to be brought to a halt, and mutual recognition, a basic single-market principle, reinforced. The new framework also brings huge advantages, which should offer benefits to all parties. Banking Union is a huge step forward, which introduces 'one-stop shopping' for banks in the eurozone, another basic single market principle, and a true single supervisor. The clarity of the new resolution framework should, if correctly applied, trigger early intervention and bring an end to forbearance, thereby enforcing market discipline in the banking sector. It should also avoid reliance on taxpayers' money to bail-out banks in trouble, which totalled 14% of EU GDP during the crisis.


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The grain sizes of gas hydrate crystallites are largely unknown in natural samples. Single grains are hardly detectable with electron or optical microscopy. For the first time, we have used high-energy synchrotron diffraction to determine grain sizes of six natural gas hydrates retrieved from the Bush Hill region in the Gulf of Mexico and from ODP Leg 204 at the Hydrate Ridge offshore Oregon from varying depth between 1 and 101 metres below seafloor. High-energy synchrotron radiation provides high photon fluxes as well as high penetration depth and thus allows for investigation of bulk sediment samples. Gas hydrate grain sizes were measured at the Beam Line BW 5 at the HASYLAB/Hamburg. A 'moving area detector method', originally developed for material science applications, was used to obtain both spatial and orientation information about gas hydrate grains within the sample. The gas hydrate crystal sizes appeared to be (log-)normally distributed in the natural samples. All mean grain sizes lay in the range from 300 to 600 µm with a tendency for bigger grains to occur in greater depth. Laboratory-produced methane hydrate, aged for 3 weeks, showed half a log-normal curve with a mean grain size value of c. 40 µm. The grains appeared to be globular shaped.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. [177]-188)


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Reprint of the 1964 ed. published by McGraw-Hill. N. Y.


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