984 resultados para Rna Transcripts


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Transcripts of typical dicot plant plastid genes undergo C→U RNA editing at approximately 30 locations, but there is no consensus sequence surrounding the C targets of editing. The cis-acting elements required for editing of the C located at tobacco rpoB editing site II were investigated by introducing translatable chimeric minigenes containing sequence –20 to +6 surrounding the C target of editing. When the –20 to +6 sequence specified by the homologous region present in the black pine chloroplast genome was incorporated, virtually no editing of the transcripts occurred in transgenic tobacco plastids. Nucleotides that differ between the black pine and tobacco sequence were tested for their role in C→U editing by designing chimeric genes containing one or more of these divergent nucleotides. Surprisingly, the divergent nucleotide that had the strongest negative effect on editing of the minigene transcript was located –20 nt 5′ to the C target of editing. Expression of transgene transcripts carrying the 27 nt sequence did not affect the editing extent of the endogenous rpoB transcripts, even though the chimeric transcripts were much more abundant than those of the endogenous gene. In plants carrying a 93 nt rpoB editing site sequence, transgene transcripts accumulated to a level three times greater than transgene transcripts in the plants carrying the 27 nt rpoB editing sites and resulted in editing of the endogenous transcripts from 100 to 50%. Both a lower affinity of the 27 nt site for a trans-acting factor and lower abundance of the transcript could explain why expression of minigene transcripts containing the 27 nt sequence did not affect endogenous editing.


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Maternally encoded RNAs and proteins program the early development of all animals. A subset of the maternal transcripts is eliminated from the embryo before the midblastula transition. In certain cases, transcripts are protected from degradation in a subregion of the embryonic cytoplasm, thus resulting in transcript localization. Maternal factors are sufficient for both the degradation and protection components of transcript localization. Cis-acting elements in the RNAs convert transcripts progressively (i) from inherently stable to unstable and (ii) from uniformly degraded to locally protected. Similar mechanisms are likely to act later in development to restrict certain classes of transcripts to particular cell types within somatic cell lineages. Functions of transcript degradation and protection are discussed.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-encoded trans-activator (Tat) acts through the trans-activation response element RNA stem-loop to increase greatly the processivity of RNA polymerase II. Without Tat, transcription originating from the HIV promoter is attenuated. In this study, we demonstrate that transcriptional activation by Tat in vivo and in vitro requires the C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II. In contrast, the CTD is not required for basal transcription and for the formation of short, attenuated transcripts. Thus, trans-activation by Tat resembles enhancer-dependent activation of transcription. These results suggest that effects of Tat on the processivity of RNA polymerase II require proteins that are associated with the CTD and may result in the phosphorylation of the CTD.


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A unique gene, RBP-MS, spanning over 230 kb in the human chromosome 8p11-12 near the Werner syndrome gene locus is described. The single-copy RBP-MS gene is alternatively spliced, resulting in a family of at least 12 transcripts (average length of 1.5 kb). Nine different types of cDNAs that encode an RNa-binding motif at the N terminus and helix-rich sequences at the C terminus have been identified thus far. Among the 16 exons identified, four 5'-proximal exons contained sequences homologous to the RNA-binding domain of Drosophila couch potato gene. Northern blot analysis showed that the RBP-MS gene was expressed strongly in the heart, prostate, intestine, and ovary, and poorly in the skeletal muscle, spleen, thymus, brain, and peripheral leukocytes. The possible role of this gene in RNA metabolism is discussed.


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We have developed a system for generation of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), a segmented double-stranded RNA virus of the Birnaviridae family, with the use of synthetic transcripts derived from cloned cDNA. Independent full-length cDNA clones were constructed that contained the entire coding and noncoding regions of RNA segments A and B of two distinguishable IBDV strains of serotype I. Segment A encodes all of the structural (VP2, VP4, and VP3) and nonstructural (VP5) proteins, whereas segment B encodes the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (VP1). Synthetic RNAs of both segments were produced by in vitro transcription of linearized plasmids with T7 RNA polymerase. Transfection of Vero cells with combined plus-sense transcripts of both segments generated infectious virus as early as 36 hr after transfection. The infectivity and specificity of the recovered chimeric virus was ascertained by the appearance of cytopathic effect in chicken embryo cells, by immunofluorescence staining of infected Vero cells with rabbit anti-IBDV serum, and by nucleotide sequence analysis of the recovered virus, respectively. In addition, transfectant viruses containing genetically tagged sequences in either segment A or segment B of IBDV were generated to confirm the feasibility of this system. The development of a reverse genetics system for double-stranded RNA viruses will greatly facilitate studies of the regulation of viral gene expression, pathogenesis, and design of a new generation of live vaccines.


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The phenomenon of RNA editing has been found to occur in chloroplasts of several angiosperm plants. Comparative analysis of the entire nucleotide sequence of a gymnosperm [Pinus thunbergii (black pine)] chloroplast genome allowed us to predict several potential editing sites in its transcripts. Forty-nine such sites from 14 genes/ORFs were analyzed by sequencing both cDNAs from the transcripts and the corresponding chloroplast DNA regions, and 26 RNA editing sites were identified in the transcripts from 12 genes/ORFs, indicating that chloroplast RNA editing is not restricted to angiosperms but occurs in the gymnosperm, too. All the RNA editing events are C-to-U conversions; however, many new codon substitutions and creation of stop codons that have not so far been reported in angiosperm chloroplasts were observed. The most striking is that two editing events result in the creation of an initiation and a stop codon within a single transcript, leading to the formation of a new reading frame of 33 codons. The predicted product is highly homologous to that deduced from the ycf7 gene (ORF31), which is conserved in the chloroplast genomes of many other plant species.


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A method was developed to detect 5' ends of bacterial RNAs expressed at low levels and to differentiate newly initiated transcripts from processed transcripts produced in vivo. The procedure involves use of RNA ligase to link a specific oligoribonucleotide to the 5' ends of cellular RNAs, followed by production of cDNA and amplification of the gene of interest by PCR. The method was used to identify the precise sites of transcription initiation within a 10-kb region of the pheromone-inducible conjugative plasmid pCF10 of Enterococcus faecalis. Results confirmed the 5' end of a very abundant, constitutively produced transcript (from prgQ) that had been mapped previously by primer extension and defined the initiation point of a less abundant, divergently transcribed message (from prgX). The method also showed that the 5' end of a pheromone-inducible transcript (prgB) that had been mapped by primer extension was generated by processing rather than new initiation. In addition, the results provided evidence for two promoters, 3 and 5 kb upstream of prgB, and indicated that only the transcripts originating 5 kb upstream may be capable of extending to prgB.


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The cytochrome P450 2C24 gene is characterized by the capability to generate, in rat kidney, a transcript containing exons 2 and 4 spliced at correct sites but having the donor site of exon 4 directly joined to the acceptor site of exon 2 (exon scrambling). By reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis, it is now shown that the only exons present in the scrambled transcript are exons 2, 3, and 4 and that this molecule lacks a poly(A)+ tail. Furthermore, the use of PCR primers in both orientations of either exon 2 or exon 4 revealed that the orders of the exons in the scrambled transcript are 2-3-4-2 and 4-2-3-4, respectively. These results, combined with the observation that P450 2C24 is a single-copy gene, with no duplication of the exon 2 to exon 4 segment, suggest that the scrambled transcript has properties consistent with that of a circular molecule. In line with this is the observation of an increased resistance of the transcript to phosphodiesterase I, a 3'-exonuclease. Moreover, an alternatively processed cytochrome P450 2C24 mRNA, lacking the three scrambled exons and having exon 1 directly joined to exon 5, has been identified in kidney and liver, tissues that express the scrambled transcript. This complete identity of the exons that are absent in the alternatively processed mRNA but present in the scrambled transcript is interpreted as indicative of the possibility that exon scrambling and exon skipping might be interrelated phenomena. It is therefore proposed that alternative pre-mRNA processing has the potential to generate not only mRNAs lacking one or more exons but also circular RNA molecules.


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Posttranscriptional regulation of genes of mammalian iron metabolism is mediated by the interaction of iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) with RNA stem-loop sequence elements known as iron-responsive elements (IREs). There are two identified IRPs, IRP1 and IRP2, each of which binds consensus IREs present in eukaryotic transcripts with equal affinity. Site-directed mutagenesis of IRP1 and IRP2 reveals that, although the binding affinities for consensus IREs are indistinguishable, the contributions of arginine residues in the active-site cleft to the binding affinity are different in the two RNA binding sites. Furthermore, although each IRP binds the consensus IRE with high affinity, each IRP also binds a unique alternative ligand, which was identified in an in vitro systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment procedure. Differences in the two binding sites may be important in the function of the IRE-IRP regulatory system.


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We have cloned the gene for a putative chloroplast RNA polymerase sigma factor from the unicellular rhodophyte Cyanidium caldarium. This gene contains an open reading frame encoding a protein of 609 amino acids with domains highly homologous to all four conserved regions found in bacterial and cyanobacterial sigma 70-type subunits. When Southern blots of genomic DNA were hybridized to the "rpoD box" oligonucleotide probe, up to six hybridizing hands were observed. Transcripts of the sigma factor gene were undetectable in RNA from dark-grown cells but were abundant in the poly(A)+ fraction of RNA from illuminated cells. The sigma factor gene was expressed in Escherichia coli, and antibodies against the expressed sigma factor fusion protein cross-reacted with a 55-kDa protein in partially purified chloroplast RNA polymerase. Antibodies directed against a cyanobacterial RNA polymerase sigma factor also cross-reacted with a 55-kDa protein in the same enzyme preparation. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that this enzyme preparation contains proteins with the same molecular weights as the alpha, beta, beta', and beta" subunits of chloroplast RNA polymerase in higher plants. This study identifies a gene for a plastid RNA polymerase sigma factor and indicates that there may be a family of nuclear-encoded sigma factors that recognize promoters in subsets of plastid genes and regulate differential gene expression at the transcriptional level.


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A satellite RNA of 836 nt depends on the bamboo mosaic potexvirus (BaMV) for its replication and encapsulation. The BaMV satellite RNA (satBaMV) contains a single open reading frame encoding a 20-kDa nonstructural protein. A full-length infectious cDNA clone has been generated downstream of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. To investigate the role of the 20-kDa protein encoded by satBaMV, satBaMV transcripts containing mutations in the open reading frame were tested for their ability to replicate in barley protoplasts and in Chenopodium quinoa using BaMV RNA as a helper genome. Unlike other large satellite RNAs, mutants in the open reading frame did not block their replication, suggesting that the 20-kDa protein is not essential for satBaMV replication. Precise replacement of the open reading frame with sequences encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase resulted in high level expression of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase in infected C. quinoa, indicating that satBaMV is potentially useful as a satellite-based expression vector.


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When in Escherichia coli the host RNA polymerase is replaced by the 8-fold faster bacteriophage T7 enzyme for transcription of the lacZ gene, the beta-galactosidase yield per transcript drops as a result of transcript destabilization. We have measured the beta-galactosidase yield per transcript from T7 RNA polymerase mutants that exhibit a reduced elongation speed in vitro. Aside from very slow mutants that were not sufficiently processive to transcribe the lacZ gene, the lower the polymerase speed, the higher the beta-galactosidase yield per transcript. In particular, a mutant which was 2.7-fold slower than the wild-type enzyme yielded 3.4- to 4.6-fold more beta-galactosidase per transcript. These differences in yield vanished in the presence of the rne-50 mutation and therefore reflect the unequal sensitivity of the transcripts to RNase E. We propose that the instability of the T7 RNA polymerase transcripts stems from the unmasking of an RNase E-sensitive site(s) between the polymerase and the leading ribosome: the faster the polymerase, the longer the lag between the synthesis of this site(s) and its shielding by ribosomes, and the lower the transcript stability.


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We have previously identified a testicular phosphoprotein that binds to highly conserved sequences (Y and H elements) in the 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of testicular mRNAs and suppresses in vitro translation of mRNA constructs that contain these sequences. This protein, testis/brain RNA-binding protein (TB-RBP) also is abundant in brain and binds to brain mRNAs whose 3' UTRs contain similar sequences. Here we show that TB-RBP binds specific mRNAs to microtubules (MTs) in vitro. When TB-RBP is added to MTs reassembled from either crude brain extracts or from purified tubulin, most of the TB-RBP binds to MTs. The association of TB-RBP with MTs requires the assembly of MTs and is diminished by colcemid, cytochalasin D, and high levels of salt. Transcripts from the 3' UTRs of three mRNAs that contain the conserved sequence elements (transcripts for protamine 2, tau protein, and myelin basic protein) are linked by TB-RBP to MTs, whereas transcripts that lack the conserved sequences do not bind TB-RBP. We conclude that TB-RBP serves as an attachment protein for the MT association of specific mRNAs. Considering its ability to arrest translation in vitro, we propose that TB-RBP functions in the storage and transportation of mRNAs to specific intracellular sites where they are translated.


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Leishmaniavirus (LRV) is a double-stranded RNA virus that persistently infects the protozoan parasite Leishmania. LRV produces a short RNA transcript, corresponding to the 5' end of positive-sense viral RNA, both in vivo and in in vitro polymerase assays. The short transcript is generated by a single site-specific cleavage event in the 5' untranslated region of the 5.3-kb genome. This cleavage event can be reproduced in vitro with purified viral particles and a substrate RNA transcript possessing the viral cleavage site. A region of nucleotides required for cleavage was identified by analyzing the cleavage sites yielding the short transcripts of various LRV isolates. A 6-nt deletion at this cleavage site completely abolished RNA processing. In an in vitro cleavage assay, baculovirus-expressed capsid protein possessed an endonuclease activity identical to that of native virions, showing that the viral capsid protein is the RNA endonuclease. Identification of the LRV capsid protein as an RNA endonuclease is unprecedented among known viral capsid proteins.


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The regulation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gene expression in response to Tat is dependent on an element downstream of the HIV-1 transcriptional initiation site designated the trans-activating region (TAR). TAR forms a stable stem-loop RNA structure in which a 3-nt bulge structure and a 6-nt loop structure are important for Tat activation. In the absence of Tat, the HIV-1 promoter generates so-called short or nonprocessive transcripts terminating at +60, while in the presence of Tat the synthesis of these short transcripts is markedly decreased and transcripts that extend through the 9.0-kb HIV-1 genome are synthesized. Tat effects on transcriptional elongation are likely due to alterations in the elongation properties of RNA polymerase II. In this study we demonstrated that a set of cellular cofactors that modulate the binding of the cellular protein TRP-185 to the TAR RNA loop sequences also functioned to markedly stimulate the specific binding of hypophosphorylated (IIa) and hyperphosphorylated (IIo) RNA polymerase II to TAR RNA. The concentrations of RNA polymerase II required for this interaction with TAR RNA were similar to those required to initiate in vitro transcription from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat. RNA gel retardation analysis with wild-type and mutant TAR RNAs indicated that the TAR RNA loop and bulge sequences were critical for the binding of RNA polymerase II. The addition of wild-type but not mutant Tat protein to gel retardation analysis with TAR RNA and RNA polymerase II resulted in the loss of binding of RNA polymerase II binding to TAR RNA. These results suggest that Tat may function to alter RNA polymerase II, which is paused due to its binding to HIV-1 TAR RNA with resultant stimulation of its transcriptional elongation properties.