838 resultados para Residence for elderly people


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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the possibilities and interconnec-tions that exist concerning the relationship between the University of Applied Sci-ences and the Learning by Developing action model (LbD), on the one hand, and education for sustainable development and high-quality learning as a part of profes-sional competence development on the other. The research and learning environment was the Coping at Home research project and its Caring TV project, which provided the context of the Physiotherapy for Elderly People professional study unit. The re-searcher was a teacher and an evaluator of her own students learning. The aims of the study were to monitor and evaluate learning at the individual and group level using tools of high-quality learning − improved concept maps − related to understanding the projects core concept of successful ageing. Conceptions were evaluated through aspects of sustainable development and a conceptual basis of physiotherapy. As edu-cational research this was a multi-method case study design experiment. The three research questions were as follows. 1. What kind of individual conceptions and conceptual structures do students build concerning the concept of successful ageing? How many and what kind of concepts and propositions do they have a) before the study unit, b) after the study unit, c) after the social-knowledge building? 2. What kind of social-knowledge building exists? a) What kind of social learn-ing process exists? b) What kind of socially created concepts, propositions and conceptual structures do the students possess after the project? c) What kind of meaning does the social-knowledge building have at an individual level? 3. How do physiotherapy competences develop according to the results of the first and second research questions? The subjects were 22 female, third-year Bachelor of Physiotherapy students in Laurea University of Applied Sciences in Finland. Individual learning was evaluated in 12 of the 22 students. The data was collected as a part of the learning exercises of the Physiotherapy for Elderly People study unit, with improved concept maps both at individual and group levels. The students were divided into two social-knowledge building groups: the first group had 15 members and second 7 members. Each group created a group-level concept map on the theme of successful ageing. These face-to-face interactions were recorded with CMapTools and videotaped. The data consists of both individually produced concept maps and group-produced concept maps of the two groups and the videotaped material of these processes. The data analysis was carried out at the intersection of various research traditions. Individually produced data was analysed based on content analysis. Group-produced data was analysed based on content analysis and dialogue analysis. The data was also analysed by simple statistical analysis. In the individually produced improved concept maps the students conceptions were comprehensive, and the first concept maps were found to have many concepts unrelated to each other. The conceptual structures were between spoke structures and chain structures. Only a few professional concepts were evident. In the second indi-vidual improved concept maps the conception was more professional than earlier, particulary from the functional point of view. The conceptual structures mostly re-sembled spoke structures. After the second individual concept mapping social map-ping interventions were made in the two groups. After this, multidisciplinary concrete links were established between all concepts in almost all individual concept maps, and the interconnectedness of the concepts in different subject areas was thus understood. The conceptual structures were mainly net structures. The concepts in these individual concept maps were also found to be more professional and concrete than in the previ-ous concept maps of these subjects. In addition, the wider context dependency of the concepts was recognized in many individual concept maps. This implies a conceptual framework for specialists. The social-knowledge building was similar to a social learning process. Both socio-cultural processes and cognitive processes were found to develop students conceptual awareness and the ability to engage in intentional learning. In the knowl-edge-building process two aspects were found: knowledge creation and pedagogical action. The discussion during the concept-mapping process was similar to a shared thinking process. In visualising the process with CMapTools, students easily comple-mented each others thoughts and words, as if mutually telepathic . Synthesizing, supporting, asking and answering, peer teaching and counselling, tutoring, evaluating and arguing took place, and students were very active, self-directed and creative. It took hundreds of conversations before a common understanding could be found. The use of concept mapping in particular was very effective. The concepts in these group-produced concept maps were found to be professional, and values of sustainable development were observed. The results show the importance of developing the contents and objectives of the European Qualification Framework as well as education for sustainable development, especially in terms of the need for knowledge creation, global responsibility and systemic, holistic and critical thinking in order to develop clinical practice. Keywords: education for sustainable development, learning, knowledge building, improved concept map, conceptual structure, competence, successful ageing


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Cardiovascular diseases, which presently are considered inflammatory diseases, affect millions of people worldwide. Chronic infections may contribute to the systemic inflammation suggested to increase the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Such chronic infections are periodontitis and Chlamydia pneumoniae infection. They are highly prevalent as approximately 10% of adult population and 30% of people over 50 years old are affected by severe periodontitis and 70-80% of elderly people are seropositive for C. pneumoniae. Our general aim was to investigate the role of infection and inflammation in atherosclerosis both in animal and human studies. We aimed to determine how the two pathogens alter the atherosclerosis-associated parameters, and how they affect the liver inflammation and lipid composition. Furthermore, we evaluated the association between matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8), a proteinase playing a major role in inflammation, and the future cardiovascular diseases (CVD) events in a population-based cohort. For the animal experiments, we used atherosclerosis-susceptible apolipoprotein E deficient (apoE-/-) mice. They were kept in germ free conditions and fed with a normal chow diet. The bacteria were administered either intravenously (A. actinomycetemcomitans) or intranasally (C. pneumoniae). Several factors were determined from serum as well as from aortic and hepatic tissues. We also determined how cholesterol efflux, a major event in the removal of excess cholesterol from the tissues, and endothelial function were affected by these pathogens. In the human study, serum MMP-8 and its tissue inhibitor (TIMP-1) concentrations were measured and their associations during the follow-up time of 10 years with CVD events were determined. An infection with A. actinomycetemcomitans increased concentrations of inflammatory mediators, MMP production, and cholesterol deposit in macrophages, decreased lipoprotein particle size, and induced liver inflammation. C. pneumoniae infection also elicited an inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction, as well as induced liver inflammation, microvesicular appearance and altered fatty acid profile. In the population-based cohort, men with increased serum MMP-8 concentration together with subclinical atherosclerosis (carotid artery intima media thickness > 1mm) had a three-fold increased risk for CVD death during the follow-up. The results show that infections with A. actinomycetemcomitans and C. pneumoniae induce proatherogenic changes, as well as affect the liver. These data therefore support the concept that common infections have systemic effects and could be considered as cardiovascular risk factors. Furthermore, our data indicate that, as an independent predictor of fatal CVD event, serum MMP-8 could have a clinical significance in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases.


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"Prayer, a heritage from generation to generation" The elderly and religion in Finland at the turn of the 21st century The strong demographic changes in Europe mean that research on the elderly is highly needed, and also from the viewpoint of their resources and opportunities. Further, it is important to determine, how the elderly could find a meaningful place as members of the chain of generations in our rapidly changing society. The aim of this study was to find out how the elderly build and perceive their place in the society through religious texts. The study was based on religious texts written by elderly people in the study groups of the Finnish pensioners organization Pension Union (Eläkeliitto). These 943 short prayers, poems, and aphorisms were collected during the Tree of Life (Elämänpuu) project in 1998-1999 and were then analysed applying qualitative content analysis and grounded theory methodology. The social construction of aging and the view of communication as a collective signifying process were used as the mainstays of the research perspective. The themes brought forward by the elderly writers were grouped around three key themes: the self, the world and religion. In this examination religion with its forms of expression appeared to be deeply rooted to each of these themes and thus seems a vital part of the elderly writers' culture. In connection with the theme of the self, the religious forms of expression provided a means of building a coherent and culturally accepted self-image which is further supported by positive views of personal history and current life situation. In relation to the world theme, the elderly writers stressed the importance of close social relationships and at the same time expressed anxiety with regard to the changing world. Concerning the theme of religion, the religious forms of expression were first and foremost used in building and creating a sense of personal safety and a belief in the future. The study suggests that skill in the use of religious language enable the elderly to cope with equivocal life events and cognitive dissonance. At the social level the religious forms of expression seemed to connect the writers to the Finnish linguistic culture and identity, as well as to the collective memory, where religion plays a central part. By using religious language the elderly both exploit and maintain these considerable social resources. The key result of the study is that the elderly were found to have a significant and separate role in the continuity and well-being of society. Bound to the religious tradition, the elderly seem to carry significant information as regards the identity of the Finnish people, information which is essentially passed on to future generations. By sustaining traditions and thus the collective identity, they perform a uniquely productive task and their life experience could be seen as a particular type of capital in the society. This result also raises a grave question: Will the elderly of the future be able to undertake this task that so profoundly requires religious literacy?


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In the beginning of the 1990s the legislation regarding the municipalities and the system of central government transfers were reformed in Finland. This resulted in a move from detailed governmental control to increased municipal autonomy. The purpose of this decentralization was to enable the municipalities to better adapt their administration and service supply to local needs. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of the increased municipal autonomy on the organization of services for people with intellectual disabilities. Did the increased autonomy cause the municipalities to alter their service supply and production and did the services become more adapted to local needs? The data consists of statistical information on service use and production, and also of background data such as demographics, economics and political elections on 452 municipalities in Finland from the years 1994 and 2000. The methods used are cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and factor analysis. The municipalities could be grouped in two categories: those which offered mainly one kind of residential services and others which had more varied mixes of services. The use of institutional care had decreased and municipalities which used institutional care as their primary form of service were mostly very small municipalities in 2000. The situation had changed from 1994, when institutional care was the primary service for municipalities of all sizes. Also the service production had become more differentiated and the municipalities had started using more varied ways of production. More municipalities had started producing their own services and private production had increased as well. Furthermore, the increase in local autonomy had opened up possibilities for local politics to influence both the service selection and methods of production. The most significant motive for changes in the service structure was high unemployment and an increasing share of elderly people in the population, particularly in sparsely populated areas. Municipalities with a low level of resources had made more changes in their service organization while those with more resources had been able to carry on as before. Key words: service structure, service for people with intellectual disabilities, municipalities, contingency theory, New Public Management


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In this study, which pertains to the field of social gerontology and family research, I analyse the meaning of everyday life as perceived by elderly couples living at home. I use the ethnographic approach, with the aim of interpreting meanings from the elderly people s personal point of view and to increase understanding of their way of life. The study deepens our conception of what gives purpose to the everyday life of elderly people. The number of elderly couples is growing and, to an increasing extent, a couple will live and cope together to a ripe old age. Such coping can also be viewed as an important resource for society. Ethnography tries to get close to people's life practices. I examine the day-to-day life of elderly couples based on textual data, which I obtained by visiting the homes of 16 couples in a total of five small municipalities in Southern Finland. The couples had married soon after the war or in the early 1950s. I found that the aspiration towards continuity, which unites the concepts of place and home, housework and a long marriage, is the most important notion connecting the discussion themes. The results show that in the opinion of the elderly, the concept of a good life is intertwined with a long marriage spent at home, as well as its values. Old people find that they lead an independent life if they feel that they can hold on to the key features of their way of life. Elderly couples ability to cope with everyday life involves taking care of housework and other tasks around the home together. This means that they support one another and have common goals and aspirations. Daily tasks provide substance in the lives of elderly couples. Each day has its rhythm, and the pace of this rhythm is set by routine and habits. Satisfaction stems from the fact that you can do something you are good at. The couples have also revised the division of housework. Men have learned to perform new tasks around the house when their wives can no longer manage them by themselves. Some tasks are given up. Day-to-day life at home and around the house provides room for men s participation. Mutual support and care between husband and wife can also protect them from having to resort to outside or official help. Old couples integrate their life experiences and memories, as well as present and future risks and opportunities. They wish to carry on their lives as before, and still think that their present life corresponds with their idea of a good life. Key words: elderly couples, continuity theory of aging, everyday life, social gerontology, family research


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaista kulutuskulttuuria ja sen muuttumista kulutuskerronnan kautta. Aineisto koostuu 39 iäkkään, 1920–1950-luvuilla syntyneen, suomalaisen kuluttajaelämäkerroista, jotka kerättiin kirjoituskilpailulla. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan informanttien kulutukseen ja rahankäyttöön liittämiä hyveitä sekä sitä, millaisista kulutuseetoksista hyveet kertovat. Elämäkertojen erittelyyn ja tulkintaan on sovellettu lähiluentaa. Analyysin avulla on rakennettu tulkinta keskiluokkaisesta kulutuseetoksesta. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu kulutuksen normatiivisia merkityksiä, kulutuseetoksia ja keskiluokkaisuutta käsitteleviin tutkimuksiin. Tulkintaa ohjaa lisäksi ymmärrys tutkittavan sukupolven elämänkulusta suomalaisen kulutusyhteiskunnan kehityksen näkökulmasta. Tutkittavan sukupolven elämän aikana kotitalous on kehittynyt agraarisen yhteiskunnan omavaraisesta tuotantoyksiköstä vauraan yhteiskunnan kulutukseen ja sosiaaliseen uusintamiseen keskittyväksi instituutioksi. Palkkatyöläisyys, vapaa-aika ja kulutusmahdollisuudet ovat lisääntyneet, ja yhteiskuntaa leimaa keskiluokkaistuminen. Elämäkerroista löytyvät säästäväisyyden ja vaatimattomuuden hyveet kertovat talonpoikaisen kulutueetoksen olevan edelleen keskeinen kulutuseetos, mutta niukkuuden hyveellistämisen lisäksi kulutuskerronnasta löytyy myös modernimpia tapoja suhtautua kulutukseen. Tulkitsen kuluttajaelämäkerroista löytyvien järkevyyden, tavallisuuden ja työnteon hyveiden kertovan keskiluokkaisuudesta. Hyveellinen kuluttaminen on keskiluokkaisessa kulutuseetoksessa talonpoikaista kulutuseetosta sallivampaa. Se määrittyy niukan kuluttamisen sijaan kohtuullisen ja tavallisen kuluttamisen hyveellistämiseksi. Keskiluokkaisessa kulutuseetoksessa on hyväksyttävää nauttia kohtuudella ja järkevästi omalla työllä ansaitusta vaurastumisesta. Talonpoikaisesta kulutuseetoksesta poiketen keskiluokkainen kulutuseetos hyväksyy kulutuksesta saatavan nautinnon. Sanonta ”ensin työ, sitten huvi” kuvaa keskiluokkaisen kulutuseetoksen tapaa suhtautua vaurastumisen mukanaan tuomaan kulutuskulttuuriin ja sen nautintoihin.


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In this research, I examine the agency of women who has taken part in peer groups for immigrants organized by Finnish refugee council. My thesis is connected with post-colonial feminist research where difference and power have been studied especially from the view of those inferior positions. Agency is the main tool that I use in this thesis. I examine how peer groups are significant in the speech of women and how women s agency shows in their lives. My goal was to examine how women build their lives in a new environment. I also want to show an alternative view in the discussion about integration by telling about the lives of the women. My data is from single and group interviews, from one peer group meeting that I observed and conversations with the peer mentors. Altogether I interviewed 29 women from the age of 18 to elderly people. Women had emigrated from eight different countries. I also used educational material made for peer group mentors as my data. According to my study, the peer groups were significant for women especially because of the social relations made in the groups and the knowledge achieved about Finnish society. Also the language skills achieved in the peer groups were important. In the peer groups women realized to fill the competences acquired to make their space of agency wider. Women s agency was sometimes quiet and it aimed to maintain. This kind of agency made the foundation to everyday life in Finland. It was also used to create relation to the country of emigration. Agency occurred also as toleration. Especially when confronting racism or when women had to give up customs that were important to them. The sense of agency grew in peer groups. This and through perceiving their competences women pondered the paths in their future. Women spoke of themselves as foreigners and made distinction with the majority of population. In the educational material and in the speech of the mentors, the image of Finnishness was unlimited. Women did not find space for them in the concept of Finnish. The intercommunication between women and the majority of population was narrow and those were formed mainly in context of the work of the majority of population. In my research, I noticed that women have enough knowledge, skills and competences for agency, only the space for it is narrow. When speaking about integration, immigrants are seen as objects to be activated. I suggest that from this way of speaking focus should be changed from activation to deconstruction of the positions shown to women.


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Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön 2006 julkaiseman vanhustyön ja geriatrisen lääkehoidon kehittämistä koskevan selvityksen yhtenä tärkeänä huolenaiheena oli iäkkäiden lääkehoidon useat epäkohdat, kuten iäkkäitä hoitavien hoitajien lääkeosaamiseen liittyvät puutteet ja ongelmat. Yksi keino parantaa iäkkäitä hoitavien eri tahojen lääkehoito-osaamista on täydennyskoulutus, johon kaikilla sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattiryhmillä on oikeus ja velvollisuus. Täydennyskoulutuksella pystytään myös kehittämään organisaatioiden toimintaa ja tuottamaan uusia, parempia palveluita. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Lohjan, Siuntion, Inkoon ja Karjalohjan muodostaman sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yhteistoiminta-alueen LOSTin kotihoidon yksiköiden iäkkäiden lääkehoitoihin liittyviä koulutustarpeita. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla syvennettiin samalle tutkimusryhmälle tehdyn kyselytutkimuksen tuloksia. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin LOST-alueen kotihoidon yksiköiden hoitajille (n=150) farmaseutin lopputyönä tehtyä kyselyaineistoa sekä työntekijöille (n=6) ja esimiehille (n=6) tehtyjä erillisiä ryhmäkeskusteluja. Lisäksi näkökulman laajentamiseksi ja moniammatillisuuden korostamiseksi aineistona käytettiin kotihoidon asiakkaita hoitavien lääkärien (n=4) teemahaastatteluja. Kyselyaineistosta analysoitiin erikseen sairaanhoitajien, lähihoitajien ja kodinhoitajien koulutustarpeet. Samat asiat nousivat esille kunkin ammattiryhmän tuloksissa. Tärkeimpinä lääkehoito-osaamiseen liittyvinä teoreettisina koulutettavina asioina kyselystä nousivat esille iäkkäiden farmakokinetiikka ja lääkkeiden käyttöön liittyvät erityispiirteet, lääkkeiden vaikutukset, lääkkeiden haittavaikutukset sekä lääkkeiden yhteisvaikutukset ja yhteensopivuus. Lisäksi teoreettisista taidoista nousi hoitotyön etiikkaan liittyvät tarkkuus ja huolellisuus työssä. Käytännön taidoista tärkeimpinä koulutettavina aiheina kyselystä nousivat asiakkaiden lääkehoidon ja voinnin seuranta, lääkkeiden jakaminen sekä lääkkeiden annosteluun liittyen se, että annostellaan oikeaa lääkettä ja vahvuutta, oikea annos ja oikeaan aikaan sekä oikeat antotavat. Ryhmäkeskusteluista ja lääkärien teemahaastatteluista haettiin syvempää ymmärrystä kyselyn tuloksiin. Yksi tärkeimmistä tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen löydöksistä oli kotihoidon yhteistyöhön liittyvät epäkohdat. Lääkehoitojen toteuttamista ja seurantaa voitaisiin tulosten perusteella parantaa lääkärien ja kotihoidon hoitajien yhteisellä koulutuksella. Tärkeimpiä sairauksia tai oireita, joihin hoitajat toivoisivat yhteisiä toimintakäytäntöjä, ovat diabetes, sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet, kipu, muistisairaudet sekä psyykensairaudet. Lisäksi koulutusaiheiksi tutkimuksesta nousivat iäkkäiden lääkehoidon erityispiirteet, lääkkeiden antoreitit ja lääkemuodot. Kyselyn sekä ryhmäkeskustelujen ja lääkärien teemahaastattelujen tuloksista tehtiin lopuksi synteesi, jonka lopputuloksena LOST-alueen kotihoidon hoitohenkilöstölle sekä kotihoidon lääkäreille koottiin yhteinen tarvelähtöinen täydennyskoulutussuunnitelma. Suunnitelma tehtiin aineistosta nousseiden koulutusaiheiden pohjalta, eikä siihen lisätty aiheita tutkimuksen ulkopuolelta.


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Tutkimuksen taustalla on väestön ikääntyminen ja iäkkäiden lisääntynyt lääkkeiden käyttö. Ikääntyminen aiheuttaa elimistössä useita muutoksia, jotka voivat muuttaa lääkevastetta ja altistaa potilaan haittavaikutuksille. Iäkkäillä riski joutua sairaalaan lääkkeen haittavaikutuksen vuoksi on arvioitu olevan neljä kertaa suurempi kuin nuoremmilla. Monet lääkkeiden yhteis- ja haittavaikutukset olisivat ehkäistävissä välttämällä iäkkäillä tiettyjä lääkeaineita. Iäkkäiden lääkehoitojen seurantaa ja arviointia varten on kehitetty erilaisia suosituksia sekä Suomessa että kansainvälisesti. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda Suomen oloihin soveltuva, hoitajien koulutettuina käytettävissä oleva, avohoidon yli 65-vuotiaiden iäkkäiden lääkitykseen liittyviä riskejä arvioiva työkalu. Työkalun avulla voitaisiin löytää ne potilaat, joiden lääkitykseen liittyy paljon riskejä. Tutkimuksen aineistona olivat laaja kansainvälinen kirjallisuuskatsaus iäkkäiden lääkehoitoihin liittyvistä tekijöistä sekä asiantuntijakommentoinnit, joiden perusteella luotiin alustava arviointityökalu. Alustava arviointityökalu validoitiin kolmikierroksisella Delfoi-menetelmällä. Delfoi-menetelmä on laadullinen konsensusmenetelmä, joka perustuu asiantuntijoiden arvioihin tutkittavasta asiasta. Kaksi ensimmäistä Delfoi-kierrosta mittasivat alustavan arviointityökalun kohtien soveltuvuutta ja kolmas kierros kohtien tärkeyttä arvioitaessa iäkkään lääkityksiin liittyviä riskejä. Tutkimuksen Delfoi-kierroksien vastaajiksi pyydettiin 33 geriatrian asiantuntijaa, joista vastaajiksi lupautui 11 lääkäriä, 3 proviisoria ja 4 sairaanhoitajaa. Delfoi-kierrosten tuloksia analysoitiin sekä kvantitatiivisesti että kvalitatiivisesti. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatu arviointityökalu käsittää 19 iäkkäiden lääkehoitoa arvioivaa kohtaa. Asiantuntijapaneelin mukaan kaikki arviointityökalun lääkitykseen liittyviä riskejä mittaavat kohdat ovat tärkeitä tai jokseenkin tärkeitä, joten työkalun voidaan olettaa olevan validi mitattaessa lääkitykseen liittyviä riskejä. Jatkotutkimuksissa työkalun käytettävyyttä sekä riskien mittaamiskykyä tulee testata sekä arviointityökalun käyttäjien että potilaiden keskuudessa. Kehitettyä työkalua voidaan jatkossa hyödyntää esimerkiksi koulutustarkoituksissa sen varsinaisen käyttötarkoituksen lisäksi. Työkalun avulla iäkkäiden lääkehoitoa voidaan tulevaisuudessa toteuttaa entistä turvallisemmin ja tarkoituksenmukaisemmin.


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In many countries, the prevalence of smoking and smokers average cigarette consumption have decreased, with occasional smoking and daily light smoking (1-4 cigarettes per day, CPD) becoming more common. Despite these changes in smoking patterns, the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a disorder characterized by a progressive decline in lung function, continues to rise globally. Smoking is the most important factor causing COPD, however, not all smokers develop the disease. Genetic factors partly explain the inter-individual differences in lung function and susceptibility of some smokers to COPD. No earlier research on the genetic and environmental determinants of lung function or on the phenomenon of light smoking exists in the Finnish population. Further, the association between low-rate smoking patterns and COPD remains partly unknown. This thesis aimed to study the prevalence and consistency of light smoking longitudinally in the Finnish population, to assess the characteristics of light smokers, and to examine the risks of chronic bronchitis and COPD associated with changing smoking patterns over time. A further aim was to estimate longitudinally the proportions of genetic and environmental factors that explain the inter-individual variances in lung function. Data from the Older Finnish Twin Cohort, including same-sex twin pairs born in Finland before 1958, were used. Smoking patterns and chronic bronchitis symptoms were consistently assessed in surveys conducted in 1975, 1981, and 1990. National registry data on reimbursement eligibilities and medication purchases were used to define COPD. Lung function data were obtained from a subsample of the cohort, 217 female twin pairs, who attended spirometry in 2000 and 2003 as part of the Finnish Twin Study on Ageing. The genetic and environmental influences on lung function were estimated by using genetic modeling. This thesis found that light smokers are more often female, well-educated, and exhibit a healthier lifestyle than heavy smokers. At individual level, light smoking is rarely a constant pattern. Light smoking, reducing from heavier smoking to light smoking, and relapsing to light smoking after quitting, are among patterns associated with an increased risk of chronic bronchitis and COPD. Constant light smoking is associated with an increased use of inhaled anticholinergics, a medication for CODP. In addition to smoking, other environmental factors influence lung function in the older age. During a three-year follow-up, new environmental effects influencing spirometry values were observed, whereas the genes affecting lung function remained mostly the same. In conclusion, no safe level of daily smoking exists with regard to pulmonary diseases. Even daily light smoking in middle-age is associated with increased respiratory morbidity later in life. Smoking reduction does not decrease the risk of COPD, and should not be recommended as an alternative to quitting smoking. In elderly people, attention should also be drawn to other factors that can prevent poor lung function.


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O crescimento do percentual de idosos na população ocorre mundialmente tornando necessário conhecer o impacto do processo de envelhecimento, neste contexto, do sistema respiratório. O desconhecimento do impacto do envelhecimento associado a diferentes graus de exposição a poluentes e a presença de comorbidade(s) dificulta a diagnose das pneumopatias acarretando aos idosos piora da qualidade de vida. São vantagens da Técnica de Oscilações Forçadas (FOT): alto potencial de aplicação em idosos, fácil realização, análise detalhada da mecânica respiratória, desempenho de papel complementar, bem como de alternativa na impossibilidade de realização dos exames tradicionais. Foi realizado um estudo experimental comparativo que objetivou investigar o impacto do envelhecimento no sistema respiratório pela FOT e pela espirometria entre grupos de diferentes faixas etárias, sendo a idade a variável independente e as variáveis dependentes, os parâmetros oscilométricos resistência em regime contínuo (R0) e das vias aéreas centrais (Rm), inclinação da resistência (S), frequência de ressonância (fr), reatância média (Xm), complacência dinâmica (Cdin,sr) e os parâmetros espirométricos (VEF1, CVF, VEF1/CVF e FEF/CVF). Foram realizados entrevista, exame clínico, radiografia torácica, avaliação da mecânica respiratória pela FOT e da função pulmonar pela espirometria. 255 indivíduos com idades entre 20 e 86 anos foram entrevistados. Destes, 175 foram excluídos, restando os 80 voluntários analisados, que foram divididos em 6 grupos de acordo com a faixa etária (A: 20 a 29 anos; B: 30 a 39 anos; C: 40 a 49 anos; D: 50 a 59 anos; E: 60 a 69 anos; F: 70 anos ou mais). Foram utilizados os testes de Shapiro-Wilkins, na avaliação da normalidade dos dados biométricos em cada grupo, Oneway ANOVA, na comparação entre os grupos, e Tukey HSD na comparação entre as classes subjacentes. A análise da associação entre duas variáveis foi realizada inicialmente pela regressão univariada entre os parâmetros oscilométricos, a idade e a altura. A regressão múltipla entre os parâmetros oscilométricos, idade e altura foi realizada em conjunto. Foi realizada a análise de confundimento ou modificação de efeito sobre o parâmetro altura na relação entre a idade e os parâmetros oscilométricos. A correção pelo fator altura foi realizada quando sua análise apresentava fator de confundimento. Quanto aos parâmetros resistivos, não foram observadas alterações em R0 e Rm com o envelhecimento enquanto que o declínio observado em S é discreto e não-significativo. Em relação aos parâmetros reativos, verificouse que Cdin,sr e Xm diminuem enquanto que fr aumenta com o processo de envelhecimento. Todas estas alterações são significativas. Todavia, a diminuição da Cdin,sr não apresenta relação com a idade e sim com a altura, que constituiu modificação do efeito. Nos demais parâmetros oscilométricos, a altura constituiu fator de confundimento. Quanto à espirometria, observou-se declínio significativo do VEF1, do VEF1/CVF e da CVF. O índice FEF/CVF apresentou declínio nãosignificativo. Concluindo, a resistência do sistema respiratório e a complacência dinâmica não se modificam enquanto a homogeneidade do sistema respiratório diminui com o processo de envelhecimento.


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O envelhecimento populacional é um fenômeno mundial, assim como o predomínio de mortes por doenças cardiovasculares. Estudos demonstram que o envelhecimento acarreta aumento da rigidez vascular e perturbações na reatividade macrovascular. O presente estudo comparou a microcirculação deste processo com adultos jovens através da pletismografia de oclusão venosa (POV) e da videocapilaroscopia do leito periungueal (VC). Para isto, desenvolveu-se um estudo transversal com dois grupos: idade entre 18 e 30 anos (n=16) e outro grupo com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos (n=21), além da subdivisão deste grupo em três subgrupos: idosas saudáveis (n=8), idosas em tratamento de hipertensão arterial (IDHAS,n=6) e idosas em tratamento de dislipidemia (IDDIS,n=6). Foram realizadas avaliações clínica, antropométrica, bioquímica e microcirculatória. Como resultados, a VC mostrou aumento dos diâmetros capilares aferente, apical e eferente e redução da relação velocidade máxima/ velocidade basal de deslocamento de hemácias para grupo de idosas e todos os subgrupos. A POV revelou diminuição da vasodilatação endotélio-dependente em todos os grupos estudados e a vasodilatação endotélio-independente alterou-se apenas em IDHAS e IDDIS. Como conclusões houve, no envelhecimento, alterações estruturais e funcionais da microcirculação assim como redução da vasodilatação endotélio-dependente. A vasodilatação endotélio-independente manteve-se inalterada, indicando que a célula muscular lisa da parede vascular permanece preservada, porém sofre alterações nos grupos IDHAS e IDDIS.


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Nos últimos anos, a população de idosos vem crescendo em todo o mundo, e a pesquisa de marcadores de risco cardiovascular mais precoces é de fundamental importância. Um desses marcadores é a doença arterial periférica (DAP), cuja prevalência aumenta com a idade. A DAP pode ser avaliada de forma simples e não invasiva através do índice tornozelo-braquial (ITB) que, por sua vez, pode ser obtido por cálculos diferentes. Até o momento, apenas o método tradicional foi utilizado no cálculo do ITB na população idosa. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, em idosos hipertensos que se mostrassem independentes para as atividades diárias, os principais fatores relacionados à redução do ITB, considerando-se duas formas distintas de calcular o índice. Os pacientes (n=65) foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, geriátrica e laboratorial, e divididos nos grupos com ITB normal (> 0,9) e ITB reduzido (≤ 0,9). Inicialmente o ITB foi calculado a partir da divisão da maior pressão sistólica dos membros inferiores pela maior pressão das artérias braquiais. Em seguida, o cálculo do ITB foi realizado por um método alternativo, a partir da utilização da menor ao invés da maior média de pressão sistólica nos membros inferiores. A média de idade foi de 74 anos, sendo 76% do sexo feminino. A prevalência de ITB reduzido foi de 18% pelo método convencional e de 32% pelo método alternativo. Na avaliação pelo método convencional, o grupo com ITB baixo apresentou maior prevalência de doenças cardiovasculares (58 vs 9%, p<0,001), diabetes (83 vs 13%, p<0,01), síndrome metabólica (75 vs 41%, p<0,05), e valores significativamente maiores de pressão arterial sistólica (1699 vs 1523 mmHg, p<0,05) e pressão de pulso (877 vs 672 mmHg, p<0,01). A redução do ITB pelo método alternativo mostrou associação com as mesmas variáveis, mas adicionalmente com maior freqüência de tabagistas (29 vs 20%, p<0,05) e maiores níveis de LDL-colesterol (15413 vs 1245 mg/dl, p<0,05). Além disso, o método alternativo foi capaz de detectar pacientes sem alto risco pelo escore de Framingham, mas obesos e com síndrome metabólica. Esses dados apontariam para um valor adicional desta forma de estimar o risco ao escore de Framingham na estratificação de risco cardiovascular, sugerindo sua incorporação na rotina de avaliação de pacientes idosos


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Estudos atuais apontam a importância da qualidade nos relacionamentos sociais para o bem-estar físico, psicológico e social na terceira idade, mas não fornecem dados suficientes que indiquem como auxiliar os idosos a se tornarem socialmente competentes, ou seja, como desenvolver habilidades sociais na terceira idade. Um método bastante utilizado para ensinar habilidades sociais para diferentes populações tem sido o Treinamento de Habilidades Sociais. O presente estudo pretende avaliar a eficácia de um Programa de Treinamento em Habilidades Sociais para Idosos (THSI) no aumento tanto do repertório de habilidades sociais como do bem estar subjetivo de estudantes da UnATI/UERJ. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas fases. Na primeira fase, foram utilizados a Escala de Depressão em Geriatria-15, o Mini-exame do Estado Mental e o Questionário de Dificuldades em Situações Sociais com a finalidade de selecionar os participantes do estudo. A atual pesquisa contou com a participação de 40 idosos, sendo que a escolha das pessoas que fariam parte do grupo experimental e do grupo controle foi baseada na compatibilidade entre a disponibilidade de horário dos estudantes e o horário escolhido para o treinamento. A segunda fase da pesquisa envolveu investigar a eficácia do THSI. Para a avaliação das habilidades sociais, foi utilizado o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais que compreende cinco fatores (enfrentamento e auto-afirmação com risco; auto-afirmação na expressão de sentimentos positivos; conversação e desenvoltura social; auto-exposição a desconhecidos e situações novas e o autocontrole da agressividade) e sete situações de jogos de papéis. O bem-estar subjetivo foi analisado através da Escala de Satisfação com a Vida e da Escala PANAS. Todo esse material foi aplicado, antes e logo depois do THSI, tanto no grupo controle como no experimental. O THSI foi realizado em 12 encontros de uma hora e meia de duração e teve como objetivo o ensino direto e sistemático das habilidades sociais com o propósito de aperfeiçoar a competência social dos idosos nas situações de: iniciar conversação; fazer pedidos; responder a pedidos; fazer pedido de mudança de comportamento; cobrar dívidas; responder a críticas; falar em público; fazer e receber elogios. A partir dos dados obtidos no material especificado acima, pôde-se observar mudanças positivas entre os participantes do grupo experimental como o desenvolvimento da habilidade assertiva. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que a implementação de programas de treinamento em habilidades sociais em grupo, com pessoas na terceira idade, contribuirá para a aprendizagem e o aperfeiçoamento das habilidades sociais desta população.


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Neste trabalho, procuramos conhecer as memórias da patrimonialização da viola de cocho nas cidades de Cuiabá -Mato Grosso, e Corumbá -Mato Grosso do Sul. Para a realização desse estudo usamos como referência teórica os estudos de memória social sobretudo as discussões desenvolvidos por Bartlett (1932), Halbwachs (1990), Bosi (1994), Portelli (1997) e Sá (2005). Tomando como referência essa abordagem teórica e buscando um entendimento psicossocial das memórias da preservação e patrimonialização do modo de fazer a viola de cocho, buscamos desenvolver a pesquisa por meio de análise documental, observações de campo e entrevistas in loco com mestres pessoas idosas representantes desse saber-, jovens aprendizes e pessoas envolvidas com a patrimonialização desse modo de saber fazer. Revelar as memórias dos entrevistados foi revelar as histórias pessoais e também as memórias coletivas em uma interface com a história narrada do modo de saber fazer a viola de cocho e o conjunto de práticas sociais à ela associadas. Cada entrevistado, ao recordar o momento vivido com esse saber, fez uma reinterpretação pessoal e coletiva e inscreveu suas lembranças na história desse saber ao mesmo tempo em que também traduziu o contexto e a história desse saber em suas memórias de vida. Através das narrativas de mestres, aprendizes e pessoas ligadas a patrimonialização desse saber foi possível conhecer os sentidos e significados atribuídos em diferentes contextos, bem como, as experiências vivenciadas e traduzidas pelos grupos em suas práticas coletivas. Ao tecermos comparações entre as narrativas de mestres e aprendizes foi possível relacionar algumas modificações que as tradições e todo o conjunto de conhecimentos associados ao modo de saber fazer a viola de cocho sofreu e relacionar alguns efeitos sociais dessas mudanças nas formas de ser, de se organizar e de viver destes grupos.