952 resultados para Representative Unit Cell


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Sortases are cell-membrane-anchored cysteine transpeptidases that are essential for the assembly and anchoring of cell-surface adhesins in Gram-positive bacteria. Thus, they play critical roles in virulence, infection and colonization by pathogens. Sortases have been classified into four types based on their primary sequence and the target-protein motifs that they recognize. All Gram-positive bacteria express a class A housekeeping sortase (SrtA). Sortase A from Streptococcus pneumoniae (NP_358691) has been crystallized in two crystal forms. Diamond-shaped crystals of Delta N(59)SrtA diffracted to 4.0 angstrom resolution and belonged to a tetragonal system with unit-cell parameters a = b = 122.8, c = 86.5 angstrom, alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees, while rod-shaped crystals of Delta N(81)SrtA diffracted to 2.91 angstrom resolution and belonged to the monoclinic space group P2(1) with unit-cell parameters a = 66.8, b = 103.47, c = 74.79 angstrom, alpha = gamma = 90, beta = 115.65 degrees. The Matthews coefficient (V(M) = 2.77 angstrom(3) Da(-1)) with similar to 56% solvent content suggested the presence of four molecules in the asymmetric unit for Delta N(81)SrtA. Also, a multi-copy search using a monomer as a probe in the molecular-replacement method resulted in the successful location of four sortase molecules in the asymmetric unit, with statistics R = 41.61, R(free) = 46.44, correlation coefficient (CC) = 64.31, CC(free) = 57.67.


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Acetate kinase (AckA) catalyzes the reversible transfer of a phosphate group from acetyl phosphate to ADP, generating acetate and ATP, and plays a central role in carbon metabolism. In the present work, the gene corresponding to AckA from Salmonella typhimurium (StAckA) was cloned in the IPTG-inducible pRSET C vector, resulting in the attachment of a hexahistidine tag to the N-terminus of the expressed enzyme. The recombinant protein was overexpressed, purified and crystallized in two different crystal forms using the microbatch-under-oil method. Form I crystals diffracted to 2.70 angstrom resolution when examined using X-rays from a rotating-anode X-ray generator and belonged to the monoclinic space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 283.16, b = 62.17, c = 91.69 angstrom, beta = 93.57 degrees. Form II crystals, which diffracted to a higher resolution of 2.35 angstrom on the rotating-anode X-ray generator and to 1.90 angstrom on beamline BM14 of the ESRF, Grenoble, also belonged to space group C2 but with smaller unit-cell parameters (a = 151.01, b = 78.50, c = 97.48 angstrom, beta = 116.37 degrees). Calculation of Matthews coefficients for the two crystal forms suggested the presence of four and two protomers of StAckA in the asymmetric units of forms I and II, respectively. Initial phases for the form I diffraction data were obtained by molecular replacement using the coordinates of Thermotoga maritima AckA (TmAckA) as the search model. The form II structure was phased using a monomer of form I as the phasing model. Inspection of the initial electron-density maps suggests dramatic conformational differences between residues 230 and 300 of the two crystal forms and warrants further investigation.


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Highly (110) preferred orientated antiferroelectric PbZrO3 (PZ) and La-modified PZ thin films have been fabricated on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates using sol-gel process. Dielectric properties, electric field induced ferroelectric polarization, and the temperature dependence of the dielectric response have been explored as a function of composition. The Tc has been observed to decrease by ∼ 17 °C per 1 mol % of La doping. Double hysteresis loops were seen with zero remnant polarization and with coercive fields in between 176 and 193 kV/cm at 80 °C for antiferroelectric to ferroelectric phase transformation. These slim loops have been explained by the high orientation of the films along the polar direction of the antiparallel dipoles of a tetragonal primitive cell and by the strong electrostatic interaction between La ions and oxygen ions in an ABO3 perovskite unit cell. High quality films exhibited very low loss factor less than 0.015 at room temperature and pure PZ; 1 and 2 mol % La doped PZs have shown the room temperature dielectric constant of 135, 219, and 142 at the frequency of 10 kHz. The passive layer effects in these films have been explained by Curie constants and Curie temperatures. The ac conductivity and the corresponding Arrhenius plots have been shown and explained in terms of doping effect and electrode resistance.


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Rapid solidification of Ag‐53 at. % Se alloy resulted in the formation of a composite mixture of Ag2.5Se and Se. The microstructure consists of spherical Se grains of 2–20 μm size, randomly distributed in a matrix of Ag2.5 Se. The Se grains were found to be layered hexagonal while the Ag2.5 Se had an orthorhombic crystal structure. The unit cell size of this phase, however, was twice that reported for the equilibrium orthorhombic Ag2 Se compound. The conductivity σ variation with temperature in the range 80–320 K was found to be similar to that observed in degenerate semiconductors. The σ decreased from 295 Ω−1 cm−1 at room temperature to a saturation value of 70 Ω−1 cm−1 for temperatures <80 K. The results are discussed in terms of percolation conduction in the Ag2.5 Se phase.


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We present a method for obtaining conjugate, conjoined shapes and tilings in the context of the design of structures using topology optimization. Optimal material distribution is achieved in topology optimization by setting up a selection field in the design domain to determine the presence/absence of material there. We generalize this approach in this paper by presenting a paradigm in which the material left out by the selection field is also utilised. We obtain conjugate shapes when the region chosen and the region left-out are solutions for two problems, each with a different functionality. On the other hand, if the left-out region is connected to the selected region in some pre-determined fashion for achieving a single functionality, then we get conjoined shapes. The utilization of the left-out material, gives the notion of material economy in both cases. Thus, material wastage is avoided in the practical realization of these designs using many manufacturing techniques. This is in contrast to the wastage of left-out material during manufacture of traditional topology-optimized designs. We illustrate such shapes in the case of stiff structures and compliant mechanisms. When such designs are suitably made on domains of the unit cell of a tiling, this leads to the formation of new tilings which are functionally useful. Such shapes are not only useful for their functionality and economy of material and manufacturing, but also for their aesthetic value.


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The synthesis of cobalt-doped ZnO nanowires is achieved using a simple, metal salt decomposition growth technique. A sequence of drop casting on a quartz substrate held at 100 degrees C and annealing results in the growth of nanowires of average (modal) length similar to 200 nm and diameter of 15 +/- 4 nm and consequently an aspect ratio of similar to 13. A variation in the synthesis process, where the solution of mixed salts is deposited on the substrate at 25 degrees C, yields a grainy film structure which constitutes a useful comparator case. X-ray diffraction shows a preferred 0001] growth direction for the nanowires while a small unit cell volume contraction for Co-doped samples and data from Raman spectroscopy indicate incorporation of the Co dopant into the lattice; neither technique shows explicit evidence of cobalt oxides. Also the nanowire samples display excellent optical transmission across the entire visible range, as well as strong photoluminescence (exciton emission) in the near UV, centered at 3.25 eV. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Raman studies on Ca4Al2O5.7Fe2As2 superconductor in the temperature range of 5K to 300 K, covering the superconducting transition temperature T-c = 28.3 K, reveal that the Raman mode at similar to 230 cm(-1) shows a sharp jump in frequency by similar to 2% and linewidth increases by similar to 175% at T-o similar to 60 K. Below T-o, anomalous softening of the mode frequency and a large decrease by similar to 10 cm(-1) in the linewidth are observed. These precursor effects at T-0 (similar to 2T(c)) are attributed to significant superconducting fluctuations, possibly enhanced due to reduced dimensionality arising from weak coupling between the well separated (similar to 15 angstrom) Fe-As layers in the unit cell. A large blue-shift of the mode frequency between 300 K and 60 K (similar to 7%) indicates strong spin-phonon coupling in this superconductor. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724206]


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We present a critical investigation on the structural, magnetic, and magnetotransport properties of two sets of polycrystalline SrRuO3 samples with uniquely defined ferromagnetic transition temperatures. The ac magnetic susceptibility study exhibits the remarkable memory effect, a distinct characteristic of glassy behavior, at low temperatures. The transport study suggests a crossover from Fermi-liquid to non-Fermi-liquid behavior. Most strikingly, the temperature-dependent magnetoresistance exhibits two distinct dips (one around ferromagnetic ordering temperature and the other around 50 K), resembling a double-well potential in appearance. In addition, the temperature-dependent coercive field shows a plateau around 50 K. An attempt has been made to employ neutron diffraction to understand the genesis of such unusual low-temperature magnetic features. From the neutron-diffraction study, we find the evidence for changes in the unit-cell lattice parameters around 60 K and, thus, believe that the low-temperature anomalous magnetic response is closely intertwined to lattice-parameter change.


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The synthesis, molecular structure, DNA binding and nuclease activity of Cu4O4 open-cubane tetranuclear copper(II) complex with 3-2-(ethyl amino)ethyl]imino]-2-butanoneoxime (HL) are reported for the first time. The neutral tetranuclear Cu4L4(ClO4)(4)] complex crystallizes in tetragonal space group P (4) over bar2(1)c with the unit cell parameters; a = 13.798(4) angstrom, b = 13.798(4) angstrom, c = 14.119(6) angstrom, V = 2688(16) angstrom(3), Z = 8, R = 0.0636. Symmetrically equivalent copper atoms exhibit a CuN3O3 elongated distorted octahedral coordination environment, with three nitrogen atoms of the L ligand and one oxime-oxygen atom of second L ligand at equatorial positions, one oxime-oxygen atom of the third L ligand and perchlorate oxygen at axial positions. The complex shows quasireversible cyclic voltammetric response at 0.805 V (Delta E-p = 277 mV) at 100 mV s (1) in DMF for the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox couple. The binding study of the complex with calf-thymus DNA has been investigated using absorption spectrophotometry. The complex shows strong nuclease activity on stranded pBR 322 plasmid DNA in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and marginal nuclease activity in the presence of reducing agent (dithiothreitol). (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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MutT1 (MSMEG_2390) from Mycobacterium smegmatis has been crystallized and the crystals have been characterized using X-ray diffraction. The crystals belonged to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The Matthews coefficient suggested the possibility of one protein molecule in the asymmetric unit of the orthorhombic unit cell. Solution of the structure using the known three-dimensional structure of a bacterial MutT1 is anticipated.


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In situ powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies on 3D micro-crystalline tin (II) sulfide (SnS) were carried out at different temperatures. While increasing temperature, the crystal structure of SnS remains stable as orthorhombic, whereas its lattice parameters and unit-cell volume are considerably varied. Further, these 3D micro-crystalline structures have showed a negative thermal expansion along the a-axis and positive expansion along the b- and c-axes. However, the overall drop along the a-axis of SnS crystals is nearly equal to their expansion along the c-axis. The observed changes in the structural properties of SnS micro-crystallites with temperature are discussed and reported.


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Single crystals of lithium D-isoascorbate monohydrate (LDAM), (C6H7O6Li center dot H2O), are grown by a solution growth method. The crystal structure of LDAM is solved using single crystal X-ray diffraction. The space group is orthorhombic P2(1)2(1)2(1) with four formula units per unit cell and lattice parameters a = 7.7836(3) angstrom, b = 8.7456(3) angstrom, and c = 11.0368(4) angstrom. Solubility of the material in water is determined thermogravimetrically and found to have a positive temperature coefficient of solubility. Large optical quality single crystals are subsequently grown from aqueous solution by a slow cooling method. The crystal has a bulky prismatic habit and among the prominent faces the c face appears as the only principal morphological face. The crystal exhibits a (010) cleavage. Dielectric spectroscopy reveals a nearly Debye type Cole-Cole behavior with anisotropy in relaxation. Optical transmission range is found to be from 300 to 1400 nm. The principal refractive indices of this biaxial crystal, measured using Brewster's angle method, at wavelengths 405, 543, and 632.8 nm, show high dispersion. The crystal is negative biaxial with 2V(z) = 107.8 degrees (405 nm) and belongs to the Hobden class 3. Theoretically generated type 1 and type 2 second order phase matching curves match very well with the experimental results. The second-order nonlinear coefficient d(14) was determined to be 7 x 10(-13) m/V. For the optimum phase matching direction (type 2), the second-order effective nonlinear coefficient and the walk off angle are determined to be 0.84 times d(14) and 3.5 degrees respectively. The crystal possesses high multiple surface damage thresholds of 18 GW/cm(2) and 8 GW/cm(2) at laser wavelengths 1064 and 532 nm, respectively.


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Nucleotide biosynthesis plays a key role in cell survival and cell proliferation. Thymidylate kinase is an enzyme that catalyses the conversion of dTMP to dTDP using ATP-Mg2+ as a phosphoryl-donor group. This enzyme is present at the junction of the de novo and salvage pathways; thus, any inhibitor designed against it will result in cell death. This highlights the importance of this enzyme as a drug target. Thymidylate kinase from the extremely thermophilic organism Thermus thermophilus HB8 has been expressed, purified and crystallized using the microbatch method. The crystals diffracted to a resolution of 1.83 angstrom and belonged to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 39.50, b = 80.29, c = 122.55 angstrom. Preliminary studies revealed the presence of a dimer in the asymmetric unit with a Matthews coefficient (V-M) of 2.18 angstrom(3) Da(-1).


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Porous zirconia ceramic monoliths have been extensively used in thermo-structural applications due to their inherent low thermal conductivity in combination with their adaptability to form complicated shapes through advanced ceramic processing techniques. However, extruded cellular honeycomb structures made from these materials have been less explored for thermal management applications. There exist large potential applications due to their unique configurations, resulting in better heat-management mechanisms. Some of the studies carried out on zirconia honeycombs are safeguarded through patents due to its technical importance, or the information is not in the public domain. In the present study, for the sake of comparison, honeycomb specimens with varying wall thicknesses and unit cell lengths maintaining almost same bulk density of around 90% theoretical and relative density of 0.34-0.37 were prepared and subjected to thermal conductivity evaluation along with the solid samples with relative density of 1.0 using monotonic heating regime methodology. In addition, the effect of channel shape was also evaluated using square and triangular channeled honeycombs with the same relative densities. The results obtained from these specimens were correlated with their configurations to bring out the advantages accrued by using the honeycomb with these configurations. It was observed that a significant decrease in thermal conductivity was achieved in honeycombs, which can be attributed to the behavior of various heat transfer mechanisms that are operative at high temperatures in combination with the considerable reduction in thermal mass and the consequent conduction through the solids.


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Oximato bridged dinuclear copper(II) complex Cu(L)(CH3OH)](2)(ClO4)(2) with an oxime-Schiff base ligand, viz. 3-2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]imino]-2-butanoneoxime (HL), has been synthesized and structurally characterized. The dinuclear copper(II) complex crystallizes in monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with the unit cell parameters, a = 13.3564(9) angstrom, b = 12.0821(8) angstrom, c = 17.5045(11) angstrom, beta = 90.097, V = 2824.8(3) angstrom(3), Z = 4, R = 0.0769. The complex shows quasi-reversible cyclic voltammetric response at 0.844V (Delta E-p = 276 mV) at 100 mVs(-1). The binding studies of the complex with calf thymus DNA has been investigated using absorption spectrophotometry. Cleavage activity of the complex has been carried out on double stranded pBR 322 plasmid DNA by using gel electrophoresis experiments in the absence and in the presence of the oxidant, viz., H2O2.