984 resultados para Renaudot, Théophraste (1586-1653)
Iowa Lottery Authority Retailer Information Newsletter
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Resection of lung metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasingly performed with a curative intent. This strategy was made possible in the 1990s by the development of new chemotherapeutic approaches, improved surgical techniques and better imaging modalities. However, evidence-based data showing clinical benefits of lung metastasectomy in this setting are nonexistent, and there are no prospective randomized trials to support the routine performance of these procedures for stage IV CRC. Current evidence suggests that resection of pulmonary metastases in combination with new cytotoxic agents, such as oxaliplatin, irinotecan and bevacizumab, may result in prolonged survival for many, and cure for a small minority of CRC patients who experienced tumor spread beyond the limits of the abdomen. This review focuses on the results of surgical management of CRC patients with lung metastases: we report the outcome of published series according to the presence or the absence of liver metastasis (and hepatic resection) prior to lung resection.
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection represent possible complications of medical immunosuppression. Between 2005 and 2010, non-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) PCP patients admitted to a nephrology unit were analyzed for outcome, CMV comorbidity, and patient-to-patient contacts prior to PCP. In contrast to 2002-2004 (no cases) and 2008-2010 (10 cases), a PCP outbreak of 29 kidney-transplant recipients and one patient with anti-glomerular basement membrane disease occurred between 2005 and 2007. None of the patients were on PCP chemoprophylaxis. In four PCP patients, the genotyping data of bronchoalveolar lavage specimen showed an identical Pneumocystis strain. PCP cases had a higher incidence of CMV infection (12 of 30 PCP patients) and CMV disease (four patients) when compared to matched PCP-free controls (p < 0.05). Cotrimoxazole and, if applicable, ganciclovir were started 2.0 ± 4.0 days following admission, and immunosuppressive medication was reduced. In-hospital mortality was 10% and the three-year mortality was 20%. CMV co-infection did not affect mortality. CMV co-infection more frequently occurred during a cluster outbreak of non-HIV PCP in comparison to PCP-free controls. Here, CMV awareness and specific therapy of both CMV infection and PCP led to a comparatively favorable patient outcome. The role of patient isolation should be further investigated in incident non-HIV PCP.
Arenaviruses are a large group of emerging viruses including several causative agents of severe hemorrhagic fevers with high mortality in man. Considering the number of people affected and the currently limited therapeutic options, novel efficacious therapeutics against arenaviruses are urgently needed. Over the past decade, significant advances in knowledge about the basic virology of arenaviruses have been accompanied by the development of novel therapeutics targeting different steps of the arenaviral life cycle. High-throughput, small-molecule screens identified potent and broadly active inhibitors of arenavirus entry that were instrumental for the dissection of unique features of arenavirus fusion. Novel inhibitors of arenavirus replication have been successfully tested in animal models and hold promise for application in humans. Late in the arenavirus life cycle, the proteolytic processing of the arenavirus envelope glycoprotein precursor and cellular factors critically involved virion assembly and budding provide further promising 'druggable' targets for novel therapeutics to combat human arenavirus infection.
Fables (Douze) de Fleuves ou Fontaines (1585)
Hypertension affects approximately 1 billion people worldwide. Owing to population aging, hypertension-related cardiovascular burden is expected to rise in the near future. In addition to genetic variants influencing the blood pressure response to antihypertensive drugs, several genes encoding for drug-metabolizing or -transporting enzymes have been associated with blood pressure and/or hypertension in humans (e.g., ACE, CYP1A2, CYP3A5, ABCB1 and MTHFR) regardless of drug treatment. These genes are also involved in the metabolism and transport of endogenous substances and their effects may be modified by selected environmental factors, such as diet or lifestyle. However, little is currently known on the complex interplay between environmental factors, endogenous factors, genetic variants and drugs on blood pressure control. This review will discuss the respective role of population-based primary prevention and personalized medicine for arterial hypertension, taking a pharmacogenomics' perspective focusing on selected pharmacogenes.
AIM: In normal aging, subjective cognitive decline (SCD) might reflect personality traits or affective states rather than objective cognitive decline. However, little is known on the correlates of SCD in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The present study investigates SCD in MCI patients and healthy older adults, and explores the association of SCD with personality traits, affective states, behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPS), and episodic memory in patients with MCI as compared with healthy older adults. METHODS: A total of 55 patients with MCI and 84 healthy older adults were recruited. Standard instruments were used to evaluate SCD, episodic memory, BPS and affective states. Premorbid and current personality traits were assessed by proxies using the NEO Personality Inventory Revised. RESULTS: Patients with MCI generally reported SCD more often than healthy older adults. SCD was positively associated with depressive symptoms in both groups. With regard to personality, no significant relationship was found in the healthy older group, whereas agreeableness was significantly negatively related to SCD in the MCI group. No significant association was found between SCD and episodic memory. CONCLUSIONS: SCD is more prevalent in patients with MCI than in the healthy elderly, but it does not reflect an objective cognitive impairment. SCD rather echoes depressive symptoms in both patients with MCI and healthy subjects. The negative association of SCD with agreeableness observed in patients with MCI could indicate that MCI patients scoring high on the agreeableness trait would not report SCD in order to prevent their relatives worrying about their increasing cognitive difficulties. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2014; 14: 589-595.
A consolidação das conquistas alcançadas, resultantes das reformas no sistema educativo, permitiu a possibilidade da melhoria acesso ao ensino a todos os caboverdianos. Contudo, a necessidade de melhoria contínua da qualidade educativa, constitui um dos desafios a vencer na perspectiva de fazer corresponder a educação às exigências do desenvolvimento harmonioso, tanto no dominio político como económico, social e cultural do país. Nesse contexto, o país vê-se confrontado com necessidades de mudança, adaptando e reconvertendo o seu sistema educativo face aos rápidos acontecimentos que têm marcado o mundo actual nos mais diversos sectores de desenvolvimento, entre os quais o da Educação, enquanto um dos sectores decisivos para o desenvolvimento de um país. Neste sentido, Cabo Verde estrutura, no início da década de 90, o seu sistema de ensino introduzindo reformas tanto no ensino básico como no ensino secundário, permitindo ao longo dos últimos 15 anos que o país ficasse próximo de atingir as metas da universalisação, alcansando taxa de escolarizaçõo a volta de 96% , ter conseguido a paridade de género nos diferentes subsistemas, ter diminuído as assimetrias regionais, no qual hoje todos os concelhos possuem uma taxa escolarização líquida acima de 80% e ter atingido taxas médias de transição para o ensino secundário acima do 70% nos último anos. Apesar desses ganhos, hoje o país vê-se confrontado com novos desafios, decorrentes das novas exigências, tendo em conta o desfasamento entre a expansão do ensino secundário e a capacidade da oferta educativa, originou desequilíbrios no sistema, criando disparidades regionais no acesso e na qualidade da educação. Isto acontece com particular incidência nos concelhos rurais. Esses constrangimentos reflectiram-se negativamente na qualidade do processo de ensino-aprendizagem comprometendo a tão desejada qualidade de ensino. É assim que esse exercício, tem como objectivo dotar o ministério de um instrumento de planeamento que servirá de base ao apoio à decisão quanto às propostas de ampliação e construções das escolas secundárias consideradas no âmbito das suas políticas actuais.
Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo fazer uma reflexão sobre três revoltas dos rendeiros na ilha de Santiago em Cabo Verde, entre os anos de 1822 a 1910. Propõe mostrar a especificidade das revoltas dos Engenhos (1822), de Achada Falcão (1841) e de Ribeirão Manuel (1910), compreendendo além do panorama cultural, a importância das confrontações políticas, como elementos condicionadores dessas revoltas. Por outro lado, propõe demonstrar que além das causas econômicas e culturais apontadas pela historiografia, as revoltas foram buscar sua inspiração nas disputas políticas. Propõe ainda demonstrar como as elites políticas locais apropriaram das festas religiosas para mobilizar os rendeiros do interior da ilha de Santiago. Além disso, analisa como as revoltas dos rendeiros devem ser compreendidas a partir das reivindicações pelo livre acesso às terras cultivadas.
Temozolomide (Temodal, Temodar), an imidazol derivative, is a second-generation alkylating agent. The orally available prodrug with the capacity of crossing the blood-brain barrier received accelerated US FDA approval in 1999. Three pivotal Phase II trials showed modest activity in the treatment of recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma glioblastoma. In 2005, the FDA and the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products approved temozolomide for use in newly diagnosed glioblastoma, in conjunction with radiotherapy, based on an European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer/National Cancer Institute of Canada Phase III trial. The adverse events associated with temozolomide are mild-to-moderate and generally predictable; the most serious are noncumulative and reversible myelosuppression and, in particular, thrombocytopenia, which occurs in less than 5% of patients. Continuous temozolomide administration is associated with profound CD4-selective lymphocytopenia. Molecular studies have suggested that the benefit of temozolomide chemotherapy is restricted to patients whose tumors have a methylated methylguanine methyltransferase gene promotor and are thus unable to repair some of the chemotherapy-induced DNA damage. Temozolomide is under investigation for other disease entities, in particular lower-grade glioma, brain metastases and melanoma.
Contient : « Genealogie des comtes de Lyon et de Forests par Mr le chevalier GUICHENON, avec l'epitaphe d'Artaud, evesque de Belley » ; « Memoires touchant les comtes de Bar sur Seyne », dressés dans une lettre de M. « De VILLEPROUVEE », écrite « à Troyes, ce 4 febvrier 1653 » et adressée au P. J. Vignier ; « Contrele testament de Gerard de Roussillon » ; « Genealogies des maisons de Soissons, de Neelle et autres, par le R. Père JACQUES VIGNIER, de la Compagnie de Jésus » ; « Genealogie de la maison de Grandprey, avec des memoires la concernants » ; Genealogie de la maison de Choiseul par M. le marquis « DE LANQUES » : Notes adressées au R. P. Jacques Vignier, par lettres datées du 4 et du 9 février 1661. Epitaphes de différents membres de la famille de Choiseul, la première relevée à Metz par M. le marquis de Lanques, et les autres par le Père Vignier en l'eglise d'Aigremont et en l'abbaye de Morimond ; Lettre du comte D'HAUSSONVILLE au P. Vignier, concernant les sépultures de la maison de Choiseul à Morimond. « A Choiseul, ce 16 aoust 1658 » ; « Memoires de monseigneur DU CANGE, concernant la maison de Beaujeu » ; « Origine de la maison de Pontaillier ou Pontaillé », par le Père J. Vignier. A la suite : « genealogie de la maison de Pontaillier, suivant les lettres de madame la marquise de Rinel, en 1658 » et « Esclaircissements envoyés au P. J. Vignier de la Cie de Jésus, sur la genealogie de la maison de Pontaillier, descendue des comtes de Champagne » ; « Genealogie de la maison Dessalles de Rorté » adressée dans une lettre datée de Toul, 16 mars 1660, au P. J. Vignier par un descendant de cette famille « LOUYS DESSALLES DE RORTE » ; « Genealogie de la maison de Bourlemont », accompagnee d'une lettre au P. Vignier du Sr DE THUMERY, lettre datée de Bourlemont, le 23 octobre, sans désignation d'année ; « Memoires des seigneurs de Plancy » en Champagne, accompagnés d'une lettre de M. « DE VILLEPROUVEE » au P. J. Vignier ; « Memoires de la maison de Montbel » ; Lettre du Sr « DE VILLEPROUVEE » au P. J. Vignier sur les comtes de Champagne, la maison de Ravenel, les seigneurs de Sablonnière. « Troyes, ce premier de febvrier 1659 » ; Lettre du sieur « DE BEURVILLE » sur le même sujet. Cette lettre, adressée au P. J. Vignier, porte au dos 2 cachets de cire rouge aux armes des Srs de Beurville ; « Lettre de Mr DU LION, Sgr DE POINSSON » au P. J. Vignier, concernant la « genealogie de la maison du Lion ou de Lyon », dont l'auteur de la lettre était issu. Poinsson, 2 janvier 1664 ; Lettre du Sr « DE GAND » concernant sa famille, audit Père. « Dijon, 12 avril 1662 » ; « Genealogie de la maison de Fontetes... prez de St-Seine » ; « Mémoires de la maison de messieurs le Grand » ; « Eloge et genealogie de Jean Mercier, professeur royal en l'Université de Paris » ; Notes, qui semblent autographes, concernant le mariage et la naissance des enfants de JOSIAS MERCIER, seigneur DE GRIGNY etc ; Nouveau tableau généalogique avec blasons relatifs à cette famille ; Lettre autographe signée de PIERRE, « NEVELET DE DOSCHE », audit Père. Chaumont, 11 juin 1662 ; « Genealogie de messieurs de Beze » depuis Guyot de Beze, bourgeois de Cosne, vers le milieu du XVe siècle, jusqu'à Theodore de Beze, qui résigna le prieuré de Villeselve en 1548