1000 resultados para Reglá, Juan, 1917-1973
Juan Ramón Masoliver perteneció a una generación privilegiada en cuanto a su formación. Promovió la revista Hèlix, altavoz del surrealismo en Catalunya, y estuvo en contacto con el núcleo surrealista francés. Conoció a James Joyce y Ezra Pound, dos intelectuales claves para su formación y su desarrollo cultural posterior. También en esta época entró en contacto con corrientes de pensamiento cercanas al fascismo. Con todas sus experiencias construyó un excéntrico personaje que, en su madurez, contaría con la simpatía de numerosos intelectuales.
Prenent com a referència les aportacions de diversos estudis i codificacions que han tractat sobre la performance i el teatre com a acte polític i manera d'intervenció cultural, sense perdre de vista possibles generadors d'acció com la fantasia i la memòria creadora, analitzarem una manera concreta de fer teatre que es va donar a Barcelona entre els anys 1965 i 1973: el teatre de guerrilles, més concretament, el teatre de guerrilles de Jordi Dodero. Des de el seu context context, social i teatral, i amb aquest marc teòric de referència, atenent a la forma d'organització i de relació donarem compte d'una hipotètica possibilitat del teatre practicada a Barcelona durant els últims anys del franquisme en el si d'una forta convulsió social: el teatre com a vehicle de trobada.
This study was performed in an urban neighborhood of the capital city of the province of San Juan, Argentina. Erected as a housing complex, the place consists of 768 flats distributed in buildings of three and seven floors each. A survey was carried out in 33% of the dwellings, enquiring about the number of Triatoma infestans found indoors, stage of the bug development - nymph or adult - and how these insects had entered their homes. Adult T.infestans were found on all floors; 163 people (64%) had found them at least once, and 130 (51%) several times. Dispersal flight seems to have been the main mechanism of infestation by adult bugs in this area, and a total of 51% of the surveyed inhabitants reported that the insects had flown into their flats.
The discovery of two atypical specimens of Rhodnius pictipes Stål, 1872 in French Guiana and the examination of the female holotype of R. amazonicus Almeida, Santos & Sposina, 1973, the only specimen of this species so far known, lead us to propose the rehabilitation of R. amazonicus synonymized with R. pictipes. The male is described for the first time and the female redescribed. Both external characters and genitalia distinguish R. amazonicus from R. pictipes. R. amazonicus shows affinities not only with pictipes but also with R. stali Lent, Jurberg & Galvão, 1993 and R. paraensis Sherlock, Guitton & Miles, 1977. A key is provided for these four species forming, in all likelihood, a natural group, i.e. the "pictipes group".
The variation of abundances of intermediate snail hosts of Fasciola hepatica in Cuba (Fossaria cubensis and Pseudosuccinea columella) was studied during one year under natural conditions at five sampling sites in San Juan y Martinez municipality, Pinar del Rio province, Cuba. The effect of some environmental variables on the lymnaeid abundances was also studied. A canonical correspondence analysis showed that both species do not generally occur together in the same habitat and that most factors affect them in an opposite fashion, although both of them correlate positively through time to the diversity of the habitats. F. cubensis prefers the sites that are in or closer to the city whereas P. columella is more abundant in rural sites. Lymnaeid abundances are mainly affected by nitrite and nitrate concentrations as well as by the abundance of the thiarid Tarebia granifera. F. cubensis is more abundant in polluted habitats with low densities (or absence) of T. granifera whereas P. columella prefers cleaner habitats and can coexist with the thiarid, even at its higher densities. The implications of divergent preferences of the two lymnaeids for the control of fasciolosis are discussed.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és presentar les circumstàncies i algunes de les actuacions que es produïren a l'hora de fer els dos nomenaments que afectaren la diòcesi de Girona. El primer, per causa de la mort del bisbe Cartañà, enregistrada el 1963; i el segon, motivat pel trasllat del bisbe Jubany a Barcelona, el 1971
Breu ressenya de la vida i obra de l’historiador empordanès Joan Reglà
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 55016