998 resultados para Red-hill
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil de Ordenamento do Território e Impactes Ambientais
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial do cajuzinho do cerrado (Anacardium humile) sobre larvas de Aedes aegypti. Os extratos hexânico, etanólico, aquoso e o óleo das folhas foram obtidos do material vegetal coletado em fragmento de cerrado. Estes foram testados nas concentrações 1%; 0,5%, 0,25%, 0,125%, 0,05% e 0,0125% diluídas em dimetil sulfóxido 1%. A contagem das larvas mortas foi realizada após 24 horas. Utilizou-se o método Probit de análise para obtenção das CL50 e respectivos intervalos de confiança. Conclui-se que apenas o óleo extraído de folhas de Anacardium humile causa 100% de mortalidade em larvas de 4º estádio de Aedes aegypti nas concentrações até 0,125%, o que parece indicar que os ingredientes ativos estão na fase mais apolar. O que indica a potencialidade de uso da planta como larvicida de Aedes aegypti, entretanto, novos testes deverão ser conduzidos utilizando outros órgãos vegetais, assim como outros métodos e solventes utilizados na extração.
The bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens (Gs) is capable of oxidizing a large variety of compounds relaying electrons out of the cytoplasm and across the membrane in a process designated as extracellular electron transfer. The Gs genome was fully sequenced and a family composed by five periplasmic triheme cytochromes c7 (designated PpcA-E) was identified. These cytochromes play an important role in the reduction of extracellular acceptors. They contain approximately 70 amino acids, three heme groups with bis-histidinyl axial coordination, and share between 57 and 77% sequence identity. The triheme cytochrome PpcA is highly abundant in Gs and is most likely the reservoir of electrons destined for outer surface. In addition to its role in electron transfer pathways this protein can perform e-/H+ energy transduction, a process that is disrupted when the strictly conserved aromatic residue phenylalanine 15 is replaced by a leucine (PpcAF15L). This Thesis focuses on the expression, purification and characterization of these proteins using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The orientations of the heme axial histidine ring planes and the orientation of the heme magnetic axis were determined for each Gs triheme cytochrome. The comparison of the orientations obtained in solution with the crystal structures available showed significant differences. The results obtained provide the paramagnetic constraints to include in the future refinement of the solution structure in the oxidized state. In this work was also determined the solution structure and the pH-dependent conformational changes of the PpcAF15L allowing infer the structural origin for e-/H+ energy transduction mechanism as shown by PpcA. Finally, the backbone and side chain NH signals of PpcA were used to map interactions between this protein and the putative redox partner 9,10-anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS). In this work a molecular interaction was identified for the first time between PpcA and AQDS, constituting the first step toward the rationalization of the Gs respiratory chain.
IntroductionThe aim of the study was to compare haemoglobin and red cell counts between patients known to be infected with a range of leptospiral serovars.MethodsThe study retrospectively compared the haemoglobin and red cell count results from the first blood samples taken from 207 patients at presentation to a Queensland Health hospital.ResultsSignificant differences were observed in haemoglobin and red cell counts in those infected with Leptospira interrogans serovars Szwajizak and Canicola when compared with most of the other serovars.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that haemoglobin and red cell counts may be useful in differentiating leptospiral serovars in leptospirosis patients.
This Work Project is a case study on the credit lending process and loan pricing policy of Millennium bcp, one of the main Portuguese banks. The goal of the case study is to provide an opportunity to understand the above mentioned process and policy in a major bank and to explore the issues and interests at play when a relevant credit decision must be taken. I would like to thank Dr. José Miguel Pessanha without whom this project would not have been possible.
Nature has developed strategies to present us with a wide variety of colours, from the green of leaves to the bright colours seen in flowers. Anthocyanins are between these natural pigments that are responsible for the great diversity of colours seen in flowers and fruits. Anthocyanins have been used to sensitize titanium dioxide (TiO2) in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs). DSSCs have become one of the most popular research topic in photovoltaic cells due to their low production costs when compared to other alternatives. DSSCs are inspired in what happens in nature during photosynthesis. A primary charge separation is achieved by means of a photoexcited dye capable of performing the electron injection into the conduction band of a wide band-gap semiconductor, usually TiO2. With this work we aimed to synthesize a novel mesoporous TiO2 structure as the semiconductor in order to increase the dye loading. We used natural occurring dyes such as anthocyanins and their synthetic flavylium relatives, as an alternative to the widely used metal complexes of Ru(II) which are expensive and are environmentally unsafe. This offers not only the chance to use safer dyes for DSSCs, but also to take profit of waste biological products, such as wine and olive oil production residues that are heavily loaded with anthocyanin dyes. We also performed a photodegradation study using TiO2 as the catalyst to degrade dye contaminants, such as those from the wine production waste, by photo-irradiation of the system in the visible region of the light spectrum. We were able to succeed in the synthesis of mesoporous TiO2 both powder and thin film, with a high capacity to load a large amount of dye. We proved the concept of photodegradation using TiO2 as catalyst. And finally, we show that wine production waste is a possible dye source to DSSCs application.
A utilização de extratos de plantas pode ser uma alternativa para o controle de pragas. Dentre as plantas com atividade inseticida, destacam-se a erva-de-rato (Palicourea marcgravii) e o subproduto (manipueira) da produção de farinha de mandioca (Manihot esculenta), plantas comuns na região Amazônica. Esse trabalho teve, como principal objetivo, investigar o potencial inseticida da manipueira e do extrato de erva-de-rato sobre Toxoptera citricida (pulgão-preto do citros). Os extratos liofilizados de manipueira e de erva-de-rato foram pulverizados sobre plantas de citros contendo pulgões em cinco concentrações (10mg/ml, 20mg/ml, 30mg/ml, 40mg/ml e 50mg/ml). Todas as concentrações analisadas causaram mortalidade dos pulgões superior a 50%, sendo que a maior concentração causou a mortalidade de todos os insetos. O potencial destes extratos demonstrado no experimento coloca os mesmos como uma alternativa ao uso de inseticidas sintéticos no controle do pulgão-preto dos citros.
The deep brine pools of the Red Sea comprise extreme, inhospitable habitats yet house microbial communities that potentially may fuel adjacent fauna. We here describe a novel bivalve from a deep-sea (1525 m) brine pool in the Red Sea, where conditions of high salinity, lowered pH, partial anoxia and high temperatures are prevalent. Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) footage showed that the bivalves were present in a narrow (20 cm) band along the rim of the brine pool, suggesting that it is not only tolerant of such extreme conditions but is also limited to them. The bivalve is a member of the Corbulidae and named Apachecorbula muriatica gen. et sp. nov. The shell is atypical of the family in being modioliform and thin. The semi-infaunal habit is seen in ROV images and reflected in the anatomy by the lack of siphons. The ctenidia are large and typical of a suspension feeding bivalve, but the absence of guard cilia and the greatly reduced labial palps suggest that it is non-selective as a response to low food availability. It is proposed that the low body mass observed is a consequence of the extreme habitat and low food availability. It is postulated that the observed morphology of Apachecorbula is a result of paedomorphosis driven by the effects of the extreme environment on growth but is in part mitigated by the absence of high predation pressures.
Extreme value theory (EVT) deals with the occurrence of extreme phenomena. The tail index is a very important parameter appearing in the estimation of the probability of rare events. Under a semiparametric framework, inference requires the choice of a number k of upper order statistics to be considered. This is the crux of the matter and there is no definite formula to do it, since a small k leads to high variance and large values of k tend to increase the bias. Several methodologies have emerged in literature, specially concerning the most popular Hill estimator (Hill, 1975). In this work we compare through simulation well-known procedures presented in Drees and Kaufmann (1998), Matthys and Beirlant (2000), Beirlant et al. (2002) and de Sousa and Michailidis (2004), with a heuristic scheme considered in Frahm et al. (2005) within the estimation of a different tail measure but with a similar context. We will see that the new method may be an interesting alternative.
The biology and ecology of South American turtles is still poorly known, particularly, for the Brazilian species. Laboratory studies are essential to understand the life cycles of aquatic turtles species and to help in formulating management plans for their conservation. As a contribution to the knowledge of Podocnemis erythrocephala species, we give a description of its species-typical behaviors, categorized as: maintenance, locomotion, feeding, agonistic and reproduction, based on captives observations of four pairs of turtles in an aquarium in Manaus, Brazil. Similarities and differences with the repertoires of other turtle species are discussed, concluding that turtles have much more complex adaptative strategies and social life than was believed.
A intensa exploração econômica tem causado diminuição do estoque original das espécies madeireiras amazônicas, incluindo aquelas de alta durabilidade natural destinadas a usos em contato com o solo. A escassez dessas madeiras resulta na elevação do preço, inviabilizando economicamente seu uso, sendo uma alternativa a substituição por espécies plantadas de rápido crescimento tratadas com preservativos. Outra vantagem, além da econômica, de utilizar espécies plantadas em substituição às tradicionais é ambiental, pois reduzirá a pressão exploratória sobre aquelas. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o grau de degradação biológica de madeira de eucalipto citriodora (Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K.D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson) tratado por processo a vácuo e pressão com arseniato de cobre cromatado (CCA) e exposta em ensaio de campo em Rio Branco-AC. O ensaio foi implantado em maio de 2005 com estacas tratadas ou não com CCA. As variáveis avaliadas foram: 1) degradação por fungos, 2) degradação por cupins, e 3) região ou parte da peça afetada. A partir da terceira avaliação (47 meses de ensaio), 100% dos corpos de prova não tratados foram classificados com o grau de degradação máximo e, ao contrário, 100% dos tratados com CCA, decorridos 60 meses de ensaio, foram classificados com o grau mínimo. As partes não tratadas com maior e menor grau de degradação foram, respectivamente, o topo inferior e a parte aérea acima de 10 cm do solo. A degradação provocada por fungos foi levemente inferior à dos cupins. O ensaio aponta para a viabilidade técnica do uso de madeira tratada de eucalipto em substituição às espécies tradicionais da Amazônia.
Wild boar (Sus scrofa) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) are the main maintenance hosts for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in continental Europe. Understanding Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) excretion routes is crucial to define strategies to control bTB in free-ranging populations, nevertheless available information is scarce. Aiming at filling this gap, four different MTC excretion routes (oronasal, bronchial-alveolar, fecal and urinary) were investigated by molecular methods in naturally infected hunter-harvested wild boar and red deer. In addition MTC concentrations were estimated by the Most Probable Number method. MTC DNA was amplified in all types of excretion routes. MTC DNA was amplified in at least one excretion route from 83.0% (CI95 70.8-90.8) of wild ungulates with bTB-like lesions. Oronasal or bronchial-alveolar shedding were detected with higher frequency than fecal shedding (p < 0.001). The majority of shedders yielded MTC concentrations <10(3) CFU/g or mL. However, from those ungulates from which oronasal, bronchial-alveolar and fecal samples were available, 28.2% of wild boar (CI95 16.6-43.8) and 35.7% of red deer (CI95 16.3-61.2) yielded MTC concentrations >10(3) CFU/g or mL (referred here as super-shedders). Red deer have a significantly higher risk of being super-shedders compared to wild boar (OR = 11.8, CI95 2.3-60.2). The existence of super-shedders among the naturally infected population of wild boar and red deer is thus reported here for the first time and MTC DNA concentrations greater than the minimum infective doses were estimated in excretion samples from both species.
Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by certain moulds, being ochratoxin A (OTA) one of the most relevant. Its chemical structure is a dihydro-isocoumarin connected at the 7-carboxy group to a molecule of L--phenylalanine via an amide bond. OTA contamination of wines might be a risk to consumer health, thus requiring treatments to achieve acceptable standards for human consumption [1]. According to the Regulation No. 1881/2006 of the European Commission, the maximum limit for OTA in wine is 2 µg/kg [2]. Therefore, the aim of this work was to know the effect of different fining agents on OTA removal, as well as their impact on white and red wine physicochemical characteristics. To evaluate their efficiency, 11 commercial fining agents (mineral, synthetic, animal and vegetable proteins) were used to get new approaches on OTA removal from white and red wines. Trials were performed in wines artificially supplemented (at a final concentration of 10 µg/L) with OTA. The most effective fining agent in removing OTA (80%) from white wine was a commercial formulation that contains gelatine, bentonite and activated carbon. Removals between 10-30% were obtained with potassium caseinate, yeast cell walls and pea protein. With bentonites, carboxymethylcellulose, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone and chitosan no considerable OTA removal was verified. In red wine, removals between 6-19% were obtained with egg albumin, yeast cell walls, pea protein, isinglass, gelatine, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone and chitosan. The most effective fining agents in removing OTA from red wine were an activated carbon (66%) followed again by the commercial formulation (55%), being activated carbon a well-known adsorbent of mycotoxins. These results may provide useful information for winemakers, namely for the selection of the most appropriate oenological product for OTA removal, reducing wine toxicity and simultaneously enhancing food safety and wine quality.
The bottom of the Red Sea harbors over 25 deep hypersaline anoxic basins that are geochemically distinct and characterized by vertical gradients of extreme physicochemical conditions. Because of strong changes in density, particulate and microbial debris get entrapped in the brine-seawater interface (BSI), resulting in increased dissolved organic carbon, reduced dissolved oxygen toward the brines and enhanced microbial activities in the BSI. These features coupled with the deep-sea prevalence of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in the global ocean make the BSI a suitable environment for studying the osmotic adaptations and ecology of these important players in the marine nitrogen cycle. Using phylogenomic-based approaches, we show that the local archaeal community of five different BSI habitats (with up to 18.2% salinity) is composed mostly of a single, highly abundant Nitrosopumilus-like phylotype that is phylogenetically distinct from the bathypelagic thaumarchaea; ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were absent. The composite genome of this novel Nitrosopumilus-like subpopulation (RSA3) co-assembled from multiple single-cell amplified genomes (SAGs) from one such BSI habitat further revealed that it shares [sim]54% of its predicted genomic inventory with sequenced Nitrosopumilus species. RSA3 also carries several, albeit variable gene sets that further illuminate the phylogenetic diversity and metabolic plasticity of this genus. Specifically, it encodes for a putative proline-glutamate 'switch' with a potential role in osmotolerance and indirect impact on carbon and energy flows. Metagenomic fragment recruitment analyses against the composite RSA3 genome, Nitrosopumilus maritimus, and SAGs of mesopelagic thaumarchaea also reiterate the divergence of the BSI genotypes from other AOA.