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Two species of Didymozoidae, Didymosulcus palati (Yamaguti 1970) and Didymosulcus philobranchiarca (Yamaguti 1970) were reported for the first time in South America, Atlantic Ocean, parasitizing three different tuna species from the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Thunnus atlanticus (Lesson), Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) and Thunnus obesus (Lowe). Pairs of D. philobranchiarca were found on gill arches of T. albacares and T. obesus, in longitudinal rows of yellow cysts located inside grooves in the hard denticle palate (new site) of the three hosts species studied, and as disperse groups of cysts in the operculum (new site) and gill arches of T. atlanticus (new host record). D. palati occurred as disperse groups of encysted worm pairs in the gill arches of T. albacares and T. obesus and in gill arches and operculum of T. atlanticus (new host record). The pathological alterations induced by D. philobranchiarca in the palate of T. atlanticus are described for the first time. Original measurements and figures are presented.
Nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) rDNA and partial sequences of the cytochrome coxidase subunit I (COI) mtDNA and white gene nDNA were obtained from specimens of Anopheles nuneztovari A collected in Macapá (state of Amapá), Óbidos, Prainha and Almeirim (state of Pará), Itacoatiara and Parintins (state of Amazonas), Brazil, and compared with previously published sequences of A. nuneztovari s.l. Results of the Bayesian phylogenetic analyses performed using either COI or combined ITS2, COI and white gene sequences suggest that An. nuneztovari B/C is distinct from specimens obtained in the Amazonas/Solimões River basin. Anopheles goeldii, currently in synonymy with An. nuneztovari, was described from individuals collected in Belterra (= Fordlândia) in the Tapajós River, state of Pará, Southern Amazonas River. Morphological comparisons of the characteristics of the male genitalia indicated that An. nuneztovari A and An. goeldii are similar but distinct from An. nuneztovariB/C by the apex of the aedeagus. In considering the results of the phylogenetic analyses and morphological comparisons, An. goeldii is resurrected from synonymy with An. nuneztovari. Additionally, Anopheles dunhamiis reported for the first time in Parintins. This species can be distinguished from An. goeldiiby characters of the male genitalia and molecular data.
El present treball exposa el contingut i procediment d’una sessió emmarcada en un taller–seminari sobre ètica aplicada als àmbits professionals de la psicologia. L’objectiu de la mateixa és introduir als estudiants en els fonaments del Codi Deontològic, així com la reflexió d’alguns dels articles que aquest conté. El mètode expositiu consisteix en presentar i discutir tres situacions, èticament problemàtiques, a partir de les quals s’il·lustra el contingut normatiu de diferents articles que regulen l’exercici professional en l’àmbit de la psicologia
Highly evolved rhyolite glass plus near-solidus mineral assemblages in voluminous, dacitic, crystal-rich ignimbrites provide an opportunity to evaluate the late magmatic evolution of granodiorite batholiths. This study reports laser-ablation ICP-MS analyses of trace element concentrations in feldspars, hornblende, biotite, titanite, zircon, magnetite, and interstitial glass of the crystal-rich Fish Canyon Tuff. The high-silica rhyolite glass is characterized by relatively high concentrations of feldspar-compatible elements (e.g., 100 ppm Sr and 500 ppm Ba) and low concentrations of Y (< 7 ppm) and HREE (&SIM; 1 ppm Yb), hence high LREE/HREE (Ce/Yb > 40) compared to many well-studied high-silica rhyolite glasses and whole-rock compositions. Most minerals record some trace element heterogeneities, with, in particular, one large hornblende phenocryst showing four- to six-fold core-to-rim increases in Sr and Ba coupled with a decrease in Sc. The depletions of Y and HREE in the Fish Canyon glass relative to the whole-rock composition (concentrations in glass &SIM; 30% of those in whole rocks) reflect late crystallization of phases wherein these elements were compatible. As garnet is not stable at the low-P conditions at which the Fish Canyon magma crystallized, we show that a combination of modally abundant hornblende (&SIM; 4%) + titanite (&SIM; 0.5-1%) and the highly polymerized nature of the rhyolitic liquid led to Y and HREE depletions in melt. Relatively high Sr and Ba contents in glass and rimward Sr and Ba increases in euhedral, concentrically zoned hornblende suggest partial feldspar dissolution and a late release of these elements to the melt as hornblende was crystallizing, in agreement with textural evidence for feldspar (and quartz) resorption. Both observations are consistent with thermal rejuvenation of the magma body prior to eruption, during which the proportion of melt increased via feldspar and quartz dissolution, even as hydrous and accessory phases were crystallizing. Sr/Y in Fish Canyon glass (13-18) is lower than the typical ``adakitic'' value (> 40), confirming that high Sr/Y is a reliable indicator of high-pressure magma generation and/or differentiation wherein garnet is implicated.
L'existència d'una aula USEE ha de permetre la inclusió dels alumnes amb NEE en un entorn majoritàriament ordinari. El present treball és una aproximació a l'educació inclusiva, les seves dificultats i aplicacions a través d'una experiència pràctica en un institut al voltant de la seva aula USEE. Les tasques pràctiques realitzades estan dividides en dos grans blocs: per una banda la recollida d'informació per a la identificació i l'anàlisi dels grau d'inclusió dels alumnes i del funcionament general del centre i per altra banda, una intervenció a la pròpia aula USEE a través d'un taller de ceràmica, el qual em va permetre valorar el sentiment de pertinença dels alumnes i treballar amb ells temes com l'autoconcepte, l'aprenentatge constructiu, les habilitats socials i les estratègies d'aprenentatge. He pogut constatar com una USEE és un recurs facilitador del model inclusiu si es donen algunes condicions fonamentals com aquelles que afecten a la cultura de centre. Finalment, el treball aporta algunes idees per orientar el centre cap a una millora en la seva cultura inclusiva.
L'autor exposa el treball de camp dut a terme durant més de cent hores de pràctiques en un centre de salut mental, CSAM de Manresa. S'inicia amb una visió general del centre, la seva història i els seus òrgans de funcionament. Es fa una petita exposició dels motius de l'elecció per part de l'alumne, l'orientació teòrica del centre, així com la metodologia utilitzada i la temporalització amb la qual s'ha dut a terme la tasca i, finalment, un seguiment i alguns resultats obtinguts de les sessions que s'han dut a terme en les àrees infanto-juvenil i d'addicció i control d'impulsos en adults. Acaba el treball amb una reflexió per als futurs estudiants de psicologia, en l'àrea clínica: Lluiteu, lluitem tots junts "por un prácticum clínico que no convierta a los estudiantes de psicología en pedigüeños de las prácticas y los coloquen en la zozobra inquieta que les lleve a un peregrinaje absurdo por diversos centros públicos o privados, a la búsqueda de algún paciente al que puedan simplemente observar" (De Josep Mª Farré, Psiquiatre de l'Institut Dexeus, en el llibre de María Dolores Avia (dir), "Cartas a un joven psicólogo", en la seva segonda edició).
Patterns of malaria cases were compared between the department of Meta and the municipality of Puerto Gaitán, Colombia, to examine temporal change in malaria from 2005-2010. During this time frame in Meta the mean ratio was 2.53; in contrast, in Puerto Gaitán it was 1.41, meaning that a surprisingly high proportion of Plasmodium falciparum cases were reported from this municipality. A detailed analysis of data from Puerto Gaitán for 2009 and 2010 detected a significant difference (χ2, p < 0.001) in the distribution of plasmodia, with Plasmodium vivax more prevalent in 2009 and P. falciparum in 2010. Males had the highest number of cases but there was no difference in the distribution of cases between sexes and years. In both years, for both sexes, people 16-40 accounted for the majority of cases (58.9% in 2009; 60.4% in 2010). There were significant differences in the distribution of both P. vivax (χ2, p < 0.01) and P. falciparum cases (χ2, p < 0.05) by geographic setting (urban vs. non-urban) between years. Urban cases of both P. vivax and P. falciparum are recorded in this study for the first time in Puerto Gaitán, possibly the result of area wide displacement and migration due to armed conflict.
In 2004, the urban presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis was recorded for the first time in Formosa province. In 2006, the first autochthonous case of human urban visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was recorded in Misiones in the presence of the vector, along with some canine VL cases. After this first case, the vector began to spread primarily in northeast Argentina. Between 2008-2011, three human VL cases were reported in Salta province, but the presence of Lu. longipalpis was not recorded. Captures of Phlebotominae were made in Tartagal, Salta, in 2013, and the presence of Lu. longipalpis was first recorded in northwest Argentina at that time. Systematic sampling is recommended to observe the distribution and dispersion patterns of Lu. longipalpis and consider the risk of VL transmission in the region.
The history of the opening seaway from the westernmost Tethys to the Central Atlantic is traced by the analysis of the sedimentary facies development in the external Rif basin of Northern Morocco and the geological and seismic data from the Moroccan Atlantic continental margin. In the Rif basin, after the early Sinemurian, sedimentary facies dated by ammonites, foraminifers and brachiopods, indicate a progression of rapid subsidence resulting from extensional tectonic (tilted blocks, escarpment fault breccias, neptunian dykes etc.) from the N and NE to the S and SW. From the Toarcian to the Bajocian, deltas progress from the W and SW into the `'Rides sud-rifaines'' realm. From the late Bathonian to the Oxfordian, deep-sea fans develop in the external Rif. During the same period, deltaic sediments fill in the Middle Atlas basin of Eastern Morocco and progress into the external Rif. The top of the Jurassic is characterised by carbonate deposits. At the northwestern corner of Africa, the subsidence of the sedimentary basins by rifting is initiated in the late Triassic; however, at the Mazagan transect of the Atlantic continental margin, the tectonic pattern characteristic of a passive continental margin appears clearly only in the early Jurassic. At the foot of the Mazagan escarpment, the sedimentary record shows a foundering of the first bloc during early to middle Lias. A thermal uplift phase is indicated by emersion of the African margin shoulder in late Liassic, and thermal relaxation starts in the middle Jurassic. The morphology of this transect, compared with the conjugate side of the American continent is most easily explained by the uniform sense simple shear model.
We report a unique case of two female Barn Owls laying eggs and incubating together in a single nest cup in a communal nest. A trio of two females and one male bred in an abandoned water tower in 2013 in Israel. Both females incubated/brooded together in the communal nest, and all three individuals brought food to the communal family. The two females laid 20 eggs, of which 19 hatched and 16 fledged.
The chemical and isotopic compositions of clay minerals such as illite and chlorite are commonly used to quantify diagenetic and low-grade metamorphic conditions, an approach that is also used in the present study of the Monte Perdido thrust fault from the South Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt. The Monte Perdido thrust fault is a shallow thrust juxtaposing upper Cretaceous-Paleocene platform carbonates and Lower Eocene marls and turbidites from the Jaca basin. The core zone of the fault, about 6 m thick, consists of intensely deformed clay-bearing rocks bounded by major shear surfaces. Illite and chlorite are the main hydrous minerals in the fault zone. Illite is oriented along cleavage planes while chlorite formed along shear veins (< 50 mu m in thickness). Authigenic chlorite provides essential information about the origin of fluids and their temperature. delta O-18 and delta D values of newly formed chlorite support equilibration with sedimentary interstitial water, directly derived from the local hanging wall and footwall during deformation. Given the absence of large-scale fluid flow, the mineralization observed in the thrust faults records the P-T conditions of thrust activity. Temperatures of chlorite formation of about 240A degrees C are obtained via two independent methods: chlorite compositional thermometers and oxygen isotope fractionation between cogenetic chlorite and quartz. Burial depth conditions of 7 km are determined for the Monte Perdido thrust reactivation, coupling calculated temperature and fluid inclusion isochores. The present study demonstrates that both isotopic and thermodynamic methods applied to clay minerals formed in thrust fault are useful to help constrain diagenetic and low-grade metamorphic conditions.
This study investigated the small mammal community of the periurban Banco National Park (34 km(2)), Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, using identical numbers of Sherman and Longworth traps. We aimed to determine the diversity and distribution of rodents and shrews in three different habitats: primary forest, secondary forest and swamp. Using 5014 trap-nights, 91 individuals were captured that comprised seven rodent and four shrew species. The trapping success was significantly different for each species, i.e., the Longworth traps captured more soricids (31/36 shrews), whereas the Sherman traps captured more murids (37/55 mice). The most frequent species was Praomys cf. rostratus, followed by Crocidura buettikoferi, Hybomys trivirgatus and Crocidura jouvenetae. Indices of species richness (S) and diversity (H') were greatest in primary forest, followed by secondary forest and swamp. - Several expected species, such as Crocidura obscurior, were not found, whereas we captured four specimens of the critically endangered (IUCN 2012) Wimmer's shrew Crocidura wimmeri, a species that has vanished from its type locality, Adiopodoume. Therefore, Banco National Park represents an important sanctuary, not only for plants, birds and primates, but also for other small forest vertebrates.
2000 Summary Iowa Beef Cow Business Record