992 resultados para RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes)


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We design consistent discontinuous Galerkin finite element schemes for the approximation of the Euler-Korteweg and the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg systems. We show that the scheme for the Euler-Korteweg system is energy and mass conservative and that the scheme for the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system is mass conservative and monotonically energy dissipative. In this case the dissipation is isolated to viscous effects, that is, there is no numerical dissipation. In this sense the methods are consistent with the energy dissipation of the continuous PDE systems. - See more at: http://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/2014-83-289/S0025-5718-2014-02792-0/home.html#sthash.rwTIhNWi.dpuf


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The fluid flow of the liquid phase in the sol-gel-dip-coating process for SnO(2) thin film deposition is numerically simulated. This calculation yields useful information on the velocity distribution close to the substrate, where the film is deposited. The fluid modeling is done by assuming Newtonian behavior, since the linear relation between shear stress and velocity gradient is observed. Besides, very low viscosities are used. The fluid governing equations are the Navier-Stokes in the two dimensional form, discretized by the finite difference technique. Results of optical transmittance and X-ray diffraction on films obtained from colloidal suspensions with regular viscosity, confirm the substrate base as the thickest part of the film, as inferred from the numerical simulation. In addition, as the viscosity increases, the fluid acquires more uniform velocity distribution close to the substrate, leading to more homogenous and uniform films.


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In this article we address decomposition strategies especially tailored to perform strong coupling of dimensionally heterogeneous models, under the hypothesis that one wants to solve each submodel separately and implement the interaction between subdomains by boundary conditions alone. The novel methodology takes full advantage of the small number of interface unknowns in this kind of problems. Existing algorithms can be viewed as variants of the `natural` staggered algorithm in which each domain transfers function values to the other, and receives fluxes (or forces), and vice versa. This natural algorithm is known as Dirichlet-to-Neumann in the Domain Decomposition literature. Essentially, we propose a framework in which this algorithm is equivalent to applying Gauss-Seidel iterations to a suitably defined (linear or nonlinear) system of equations. It is then immediate to switch to other iterative solvers such as GMRES or other Krylov-based method. which we assess through numerical experiments showing the significant gain that can be achieved. indeed. the benefit is that an extremely flexible, automatic coupling strategy can be developed, which in addition leads to iterative procedures that are parameter-free and rapidly converging. Further, in linear problems they have the finite termination property. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We consider incompressible Stokes flow with an internal interface at which the pressure is discontinuous, as happens for example in problems involving surface tension. We assume that the mesh does not follow the interface, which makes classical interpolation spaces to yield suboptimal convergence rates (typically, the interpolation error in the L(2)(Omega)-norm is of order h(1/2)). We propose a modification of the P(1)-conforming space that accommodates discontinuities at the interface without introducing additional degrees of freedom or modifying the sparsity pattern of the linear system. The unknowns are the pressure values at the vertices of the mesh and the basis functions are computed locally at each element, so that the implementation of the proposed space into existing codes is straightforward. With this modification, numerical tests show that the interpolation order improves to O(h(3/2)). The new pressure space is implemented for the stable P(1)(+)/P(1) mini-element discretization, and for the stabilized equal-order P(1)/P(1) discretization. Assessment is carried out for Poiseuille flow with a forcing surface and for a static bubble. In all cases the proposed pressure space leads to improved convergence orders and to more accurate results than the standard P(1) space. In addition, two Navier-Stokes simulations with moving interfaces (Rayleigh-Taylor instability and merging bubbles) are reported to show that the proposed space is robust enough to carry out realistic simulations. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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fit the context of normalized variable formulation (NVF) of Leonard and total variation diminishing (TVD) constraints of Harten. this paper presents an extension of it previous work by the authors for solving unsteady incompressible flow problems. The main contributions of the paper are threefold. First, it presents the results of the development and implementation of a bounded high order upwind adaptative QUICKEST scheme in the 3D robust code (Freeflow), for the numerical solution of the full incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Second, it reports numerical simulation results for 1D hock tube problem, 2D impinging jet and 2D/3D broken clam flows. Furthermore, these results are compared with existing analytical and experimental data. And third, it presents the application of the numerical method for solving 3D free surface flow problems. (C) 2007 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,


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A numerical method to approximate partial differential equations on meshes that do not conform to the domain boundaries is introduced. The proposed method is conceptually simple and free of user-defined parameters. Starting with a conforming finite element mesh, the key ingredient is to switch those elements intersected by the Dirichlet boundary to a discontinuous-Galerkin approximation and impose the Dirichlet boundary conditions strongly. By virtue of relaxing the continuity constraint at those elements. boundary locking is avoided and optimal-order convergence is achieved. This is shown through numerical experiments in reaction-diffusion problems. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This work presents a finite difference technique for simulating three-dimensional free surface flows governed by the Upper-Convected Maxwell (UCM) constitutive equation. A Marker-and-Cell approach is employed to represent the fluid free surface and formulations for calculating the non-Newtonian stress tensor on solid boundaries are developed. The complete free surface stress conditions are employed. The momentum equation is solved by an implicit technique while the UCM constitutive equation is integrated by the explicit Euler method. The resulting equations are solved by the finite difference method on a 3D-staggered grid. By using an exact solution for fully developed flow inside a pipe, validation and convergence results are provided. Numerical results include the simulation of the transient extrudate swell and the comparison between jet buckling of UCM and Newtonian fluids.


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The immersed boundary method is a versatile tool for the investigation of flow-structure interaction. In a large number of applications, the immersed boundaries or structures are very stiff and strong tangential forces on these interfaces induce a well-known, severe time-step restriction for explicit discretizations. This excessive stability constraint can be removed with fully implicit or suitable semi-implicit schemes but at a seemingly prohibitive computational cost. While economical alternatives have been proposed recently for some special cases, there is a practical need for a computationally efficient approach that can be applied more broadly. In this context, we revisit a robust semi-implicit discretization introduced by Peskin in the late 1970s which has received renewed attention recently. This discretization, in which the spreading and interpolation operators are lagged. leads to a linear system of equations for the inter-face configuration at the future time, when the interfacial force is linear. However, this linear system is large and dense and thus it is challenging to streamline its solution. Moreover, while the same linear system or one of similar structure could potentially be used in Newton-type iterations, nonlinear and highly stiff immersed structures pose additional challenges to iterative methods. In this work, we address these problems and propose cost-effective computational strategies for solving Peskin`s lagged-operators type of discretization. We do this by first constructing a sufficiently accurate approximation to the system`s matrix and we obtain a rigorous estimate for this approximation. This matrix is expeditiously computed by using a combination of pre-calculated values and interpolation. The availability of a matrix allows for more efficient matrix-vector products and facilitates the design of effective iterative schemes. We propose efficient iterative approaches to deal with both linear and nonlinear interfacial forces and simple or complex immersed structures with tethered or untethered points. One of these iterative approaches employs a splitting in which we first solve a linear problem for the interfacial force and then we use a nonlinear iteration to find the interface configuration corresponding to this force. We demonstrate that the proposed approach is several orders of magnitude more efficient than the standard explicit method. In addition to considering the standard elliptical drop test case, we show both the robustness and efficacy of the proposed methodology with a 2D model of a heart valve. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We present a variable time step, fully adaptive in space, hybrid method for the accurate simulation of incompressible two-phase flows in the presence of surface tension in two dimensions. The method is based on the hybrid level set/front-tracking approach proposed in [H. D. Ceniceros and A. M. Roma, J. Comput. Phys., 205, 391400, 2005]. Geometric, interfacial quantities are computed from front-tracking via the immersed-boundary setting while the signed distance (level set) function, which is evaluated fast and to machine precision, is used as a fluid indicator. The surface tension force is obtained by employing the mixed Eulerian/Lagrangian representation introduced in [S. Shin, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, V. Daru and D. Juric, J. Comput. Phys., 203, 493-516, 2005] whose success for greatly reducing parasitic currents has been demonstrated. The use of our accurate fluid indicator together with effective Lagrangian marker control enhance this parasitic current reduction by several orders of magnitude. To resolve accurately and efficiently sharp gradients and salient flow features we employ dynamic, adaptive mesh refinements. This spatial adaption is used in concert with a dynamic control of the distribution of the Lagrangian nodes along the fluid interface and a variable time step, linearly implicit time integration scheme. We present numerical examples designed to test the capabilities and performance of the proposed approach as well as three applications: the long-time evolution of a fluid interface undergoing Rayleigh-Taylor instability, an example of bubble ascending dynamics, and a drop impacting on a free interface whose dynamics we compare with both existing numerical and experimental data.


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Simulações Numéricas são executadas em um código numérico de alta precisão resolvendo as equações de Navier-Stokes e da continuidade para regimes de escoamento incompressíveis num contexto da turbulência bidimensional. Este código utiliza um esquema compacto de diferenças finitas de sexta ordem na aproximação das derivadas espaciais. As derivadas temporais são calculadas usando o esquema de Runge-Kuta de terceeira ordem com baixo armazenamento. Tal código numérico fornece uma representação melhorada para uma grande faixa de escalas de comprimento e de tempo. As técnicas dos contornos imersos acopladas ao método dos contornos virtuais permitem modelar escoamentos não-estacionários sobre geometrrias complexas, usando simplesmente uma malha Cartesiana uniforme. Por meio de procedimentos de aproximação/interpolação, as técnicas dos contornos imersos (aproximação Gaussiana, interpolação bilinear e redistribuição Gaussiana), permitem a representação do corpo sólido no interior do campo de escoamento, com a superfície não coincidindo com a malha computacional. O método dos contornos virtuais, proposto originalmente por Peskin, consiste, basicamente, na imposição na superfície e/ou no interior do corpo, de um termo de força temporal acrescentando às equações do momento. A aplicação deste campo de força local leva o fluido ao repouso na superfície do corpo, permitindo obter as condições de contorno de não-deslizamento e de não penetração de fluido na parede. A análise das oscilações induzidas no escoamento-contorno pelo processo de desprendimento de vórtices na esteira do cilindro circular e de geometria retangulares na incidência, para números de Reybolds variando de 40 a 400, confirma a eficiência computacional e a aplicabilidade das técncias implementadas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar os efeitos eletromagnéticos e fluido-dinâmicos induzidos no aço, decorrentes do uso de um agitador eletromagnético. Para tal, foi proposta a construção de um modelo numérico que resolva, de forma acoplada, os problemas de eletromagnetismo e fluido-dinâmica. O modelo numérico do problema eletromagnético, em elementos finitos, foi construído utilizando-se o software Opera-3d/Elektra da Vector Fields. O mesmo foi validado com medidas experimentais de densidade de fluxo magnético feitas na usina. O escoamento decorrente da agitação eletromagnética foi resolvido fazendo-se o acoplamento das forças de Lorentz com as equações de Navier-Stokes. Essas últimas foram resolvidas pelo método de volumes finitos, usando-se o software CFX-4 da AEA Technology. O modelo eletromagnético mostrou que existe um torque máximo dependente da freqüência do campo magnético. Também foi observado que a força magnética aumenta em quatro vezes seu valor, quando a corrente é duplicada. O perfil de escoamento produzido no molde, sob agitação eletromagnética, indica, que as situações de lingotamento testadas, não propiciam o arraste da escória. A velocidade crítica de arraste, determinada via modelo físico, não foi atingida para nenhum caso testado. O modelo fluido-dinâmico e térmico apresentou um aumento do fluxo de calor cedido pelo fluido para a casca solidificada com o uso do agitador eletromagnético. Como conseqüência, observou-se uma queda na temperatura do banho. Também foi observado, que o uso do agitador propicia a remoção de inclusões das camadas mais externas do tarugo. Ao mesmo tempo, notou-se que o uso do agitador aumenta o índice de remoção de inclusões para as duas seções de molde analisadas.


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Este trabalho desenvolve um método numérico para a solução de escoamentos bidimensionais em torno de geometrias automobilísticas utilizando o método de diferenças finitas. O código computacional resolve as equações de Navier-Stokes e de Euler para uma distribuição adequada dos pontos discretos na malha. O método de integração empregado baseia-se no esquema explícito de Runge-Kutta de 3 estágios para as equações da quantidade de movimento e no de sub-relaxações sucessivas para a pressão na base Gauss-Seidel. Utilizou-se a técnica dos contornos virtuais em coordenadas cartesianas para resolver o escoamento sobre uma geometria simplificada, com a superfície coincidente com a malha computacional, e uma geometria automobilística mais complexa (BMW). Para a certificação da técnica empregada, optou-se pela utilização da teoria do escoamento potencial e pela comparação com dados experimentais encontrados na literatura e outros coletados em túnel de vento em escala reduzida. Houve dificuldade nesta comparação devido à falta de artigos relativos às simulações numéricas de escoamentos sobre automóveis e na aplicação da técnica dos contornos virtuais em geometrias complexas. Os resultados foram satisfatórios, com boas perspectivas para trabalhos futuros, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento da área.


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Neste trabalho, discutimos o movimento de uma macromolécula carregada em um fluido ionizado. A interação do campo elétrico é descrita pela equação de Poisson-Boltzmann acoplada às equações governantes para a dinâmica do fluido e às equações dinâmicas da partícula. Uma formulação fraca é introduzida no caso em que o domínio ocupado pelo fluido é finito e um teorema de existência de soluções fracas, local em tempo, é estabelecido. Dois modelos são considerados: fluxos não-estacionários e estacionários. No primeiro caso, a hidrodinâmica do sistema é governada pelas equações de Navier-Stokes, considerando-se um termo forçante relacionado ao potencial elétrico; no segundo caso, uma velocidade de deslizamento, a qual depende não linearmente sobre os potenciais, é introduzida como uma condição de contorno para um problema estacionário de Stokes. O caso de um fluido ocupando uma região infinita é também discutido supondo-se uma hipótese de aproximação sobre o campo elétrico.


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The present study provides a methodology that gives a predictive character the computer simulations based on detailed models of the geometry of a porous medium. We using the software FLUENT to investigate the flow of a viscous Newtonian fluid through a random fractal medium which simplifies a two-dimensional disordered porous medium representing a petroleum reservoir. This fractal model is formed by obstacles of various sizes, whose size distribution function follows a power law where exponent is defined as the fractal dimension of fractionation Dff of the model characterizing the process of fragmentation these obstacles. They are randomly disposed in a rectangular channel. The modeling process incorporates modern concepts, scaling laws, to analyze the influence of heterogeneity found in the fields of the porosity and of the permeability in such a way as to characterize the medium in terms of their fractal properties. This procedure allows numerically analyze the measurements of permeability k and the drag coefficient Cd proposed relationships, like power law, for these properties on various modeling schemes. The purpose of this research is to study the variability provided by these heterogeneities where the velocity field and other details of viscous fluid dynamics are obtained by solving numerically the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations at pore level and observe how the fractal dimension of fractionation of the model can affect their hydrodynamic properties. This study were considered two classes of models, models with constant porosity, MPC, and models with varying porosity, MPV. The results have allowed us to find numerical relationship between the permeability, drag coefficient and the fractal dimension of fractionation of the medium. Based on these numerical results we have proposed scaling relations and algebraic expressions involving the relevant parameters of the phenomenon. In this study analytical equations were determined for Dff depending on the geometrical parameters of the models. We also found a relation between the permeability and the drag coefficient which is inversely proportional to one another. As for the difference in behavior it is most striking in the classes of models MPV. That is, the fact that the porosity vary in these models is an additional factor that plays a significant role in flow analysis. Finally, the results proved satisfactory and consistent, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the referred methodology for all applications analyzed in this study.


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