994 resultados para Quantum-mechanics
Utiliza-se o método coordenada geradora Hartree-Fock para gerar bases Gaussianas adaptadas para os átomos de Li (Z=3) até Xe (Z=54). Neste método, integram-se as equações de Griffin-Hill-Wheeler-Hartree-Fock através da técnica de discretização integral. Comparam-se as funções de ondas geradas neste trabalho com as funções de ondas Roothaan-Hartree-Fock de Clementi e Roetti (1974) e com outros conjuntos de bases relatados na literatura. Para os átomos estudados aqui, os erros em nossas energias totais relativos aos limites numéricos Hartree-Fock são sempre menores que 7,426 milihartree.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2015.
Per a determinar la dinàmica espai-temporal completa d’un sistema quàntic tridimensional de N partícules cal integrar l’equació d’Schrödinger en 3N dimensions. La capacitat dels ordinadors actuals permet fer-ho com a molt en 3 dimensions. Amb l’objectiu de disminuir el temps de càlcul necessari per a integrar l’equació d’Schrödinger multidimensional, es realitzen usualment una sèrie d’aproximacions, com l’aproximació de Born–Oppenheimer o la de camp mig. En general, el preu que es paga en realitzar aquestes aproximacions és la pèrdua de les correlacions quàntiques (o entrellaçament). Per tant, és necessari desenvolupar mètodes numèrics que permetin integrar i estudiar la dinàmica de sistemes mesoscòpics (sistemes d’entre tres i unes deu partícules) i en els que es tinguin en compte, encara que sigui de forma aproximada, les correlacions quàntiques entre partícules. Recentment, en el context de la propagació d’electrons per efecte túnel en materials semiconductors, X. Oriols ha desenvolupat un nou mètode [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 066803 (2007)] per al tractament de les correlacions quàntiques en sistemes mesoscòpics. Aquesta nova proposta es fonamenta en la formulació de la mecànica quàntica de de Broglie– Bohm. Així, volem fer notar que l’enfoc del problema que realitza X. Oriols i que pretenem aquí seguir no es realitza a fi de comptar amb una eina interpretativa, sinó per a obtenir una eina de càlcul numèric amb la que integrar de manera més eficient l’equació d’Schrödinger corresponent a sistemes quàntics de poques partícules. En el marc del present projecte de tesi doctoral es pretén estendre els algorismes desenvolupats per X. Oriols a sistemes quàntics constituïts tant per fermions com per bosons, i aplicar aquests algorismes a diferents sistemes quàntics mesoscòpics on les correlacions quàntiques juguen un paper important. De forma específica, els problemes a estudiar són els següents: (i) Fotoionització de l’àtom d’heli i de l’àtom de liti mitjançant un làser intens. (ii) Estudi de la relació entre la formulació de X. Oriols amb la aproximació de Born–Oppenheimer. (iii) Estudi de les correlacions quàntiques en sistemes bi- i tripartits en l’espai de configuració de les partícules mitjançant la formulació de de Broglie–Bohm.
Particle physics studies highly complex processes which cannot be directly observed. Scientific realism claims that we are nevertheless warranted in believing that these processes really occur and that the objects involved in them really exist. This dissertation defends a version of scientific realism, called causal realism, in the context of particle physics. I start by introducing the central theses and arguments in the recent philosophical debate on scientific realism (chapter 1), with a special focus on an important presupposition of the debate, namely common sense realism. Chapter 2 then discusses entity realism, which introduces a crucial element into the debate by emphasizing the importance of experiments in defending scientific realism. Most of the chapter is concerned with Ian Hacking's position, but I also argue that Nancy Cartwright's version of entity realism is ultimately preferable as a basis for further development. In chapter 3,1 take a step back and consider the question whether the realism debate is worth pursuing at all. Arthur Fine has given a negative answer to that question, proposing his natural ontologica! attitude as an alternative to both realism and antirealism. I argue that the debate (in particular the realist side of it) is in fact less vicious than Fine presents it. The second part of my work (chapters 4-6) develops, illustrates and defends causal realism. The key idea is that inference to the best explanation is reliable in some cases, but not in others. Chapter 4 characterizes the difference between these two kinds of cases in terms of three criteria which distinguish causal from theoretical warrant. In order to flesh out this distinction, chapter 5 then applies it to a concrete case from the history of particle physics, the discovery of the neutrino. This case study shows that the distinction between causal and theoretical warrant is crucial for understanding what it means to "directly detect" a new particle. But the distinction is also an effective tool against what I take to be the presently most powerful objection to scientific realism: Kyle Stanford's argument from unconceived alternatives. I respond to this argument in chapter 6, and I illustrate my response with a discussion of Jean Perrin's experimental work concerning the atomic hypothesis. In the final part of the dissertation, I turn to the specific challenges posed to realism by quantum theories. One of these challenges comes from the experimental violations of Bell's inequalities, which indicate a failure of locality in the quantum domain. I show in chapter 7 how causal realism can further our understanding of quantum non-locality by taking account of some recent experimental results. Another challenge to realism in quantum mechanics comes from delayed-choice experiments, which seem to imply that certain aspects of what happens in an experiment can be influenced by later choices of the experimenter. Chapter 8 analyzes these experiments and argues that they do not warrant the antirealist conclusions which some commentators draw from them. It pays particular attention to the case of delayed-choice entanglement swapping and the corresponding question whether entanglement is a real physical relation. In chapter 9,1 finally address relativistic quantum theories. It is often claimed that these theories are incompatible with a particle ontology, and this calls into question causal realism's commitment to localizable and countable entities. I defend the commitments of causal realism against these objections, and I conclude with some remarks connecting the interpretation of quantum field theory to more general metaphysical issues confronting causal realism.
Delayed-choice experiments in quantum mechanics are often taken to undermine a realistic interpretation of the quantum state. More specifically, Healey has recently argued that the phenomenon of delayed-choice entanglement swapping is incompatible with the view that entanglement is a physical relation between quantum systems. This paper argues against these claims. It first reviews two paradigmatic delayed-choice experiments and analyzes their metaphysical implications. It then applies the results of this analysis to the case of entanglement swapping, showing that such experiments pose no threat to realism about entanglement.
We present optimal and minimal measurements on identical copies of an unknown state of a quantum bit when the quality of measuring strategies is quantified with the gain of information (Kullback-or mutual information-of probability distributions). We also show that the maximal gain of information occurs, among isotropic priors, when the state is known to be pure. Universality of optimal measurements follows from our results: using the fidelity or the gain of information, two different figures of merits, leads to exactly the same conclusions for isotropic distributions. We finally investigate the optimal capacity of N copies of an unknown state as a quantum channel of information.
We obtain the next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic renormalization-group improvement of the spectrum of hydrogenlike atoms with massless fermions by using potential NRQED. These results can also be applied to the computation of the muonic hydrogen spectrum where we are able to reproduce some known double logarithms at O(m¿s6). We compare with other formalisms dealing with logarithmic resummation available in the literature.
The effect of quenched disorder on the propagation of autowaves in excitable media is studied both experimentally and numerically in relation to the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. The spatial disorder is introduced through a random distribution with two different levels of transmittance. In one dimension the (time-averaged) wave speed is smaller than the corresponding to a homogeneous medium with the mean excitability. Contrarily, in two dimensions the velocity increases due to the roughening of the front. Results are interpreted using kinematic and scaling arguments. In particular, for d = 2 we verify a theoretical prediction of a power-law dependence for the relative change of the propagation speed on the disorder amplitude.
A generic prediction of inflation is that the thermalized region we inhabit is spatially infinite. Thus, it contains an infinite number of regions of the same size as our observable universe, which we shall denote as O regions. We argue that the number of possible histories which may take place inside of an O region, from the time of recombination up to the present time, is finite. Hence, there are an infinite number of O regions with identical histories up to the present, but which need not be identical in the future. Moreover, all histories which are not forbidden by conservation laws will occur in a finite fraction of all O regions. The ensemble of O regions is reminiscent of the ensemble of universes in the many-world picture of quantum mechanics. An important difference, however, is that other O regions are unquestionably real.
We continue our study of classical mechanics using the methods of quantum mechanics. A Hilbert space is introduced, new conservation laws deduced, and the possibility of representing by new methods the many body classical problem discussed.
Laudisa (Found. Phys. 38:1110-1132, 2008) claims that experimental research on the class of non-local hidden-variable theories introduced by Leggett is misguided, because these theories are irrelevant for the foundations of quantum mechanics. I show that Laudisa's arguments fail to establish the pessimistic conclusion he draws from them. In particular, it is not the case that Leggett-inspired research is based on a mistaken understanding of Bell's theorem, nor that previous no-hidden-variable theorems already exclude Leggett's models. Finally, I argue that the framework of Bohmian mechanics brings out the importance of Leggett tests, rather than proving their irrelevance, as Laudisa supposes.
The effect of quenched disorder on the propagation of autowaves in excitable media is studied both experimentally and numerically in relation to the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. The spatial disorder is introduced through a random distribution with two different levels of transmittance. In one dimension the (time-averaged) wave speed is smaller than the corresponding to a homogeneous medium with the mean excitability. Contrarily, in two dimensions the velocity increases due to the roughening of the front. Results are interpreted using kinematic and scaling arguments. In particular, for d = 2 we verify a theoretical prediction of a power-law dependence for the relative change of the propagation speed on the disorder amplitude.
The Hartman effect is analyzed in both the position and momentum representations of the problem. The importance of Wigner tunneling and deep tunneling is singled out. It is shown quantitatively how the barrier acts as a filter for low momenta (quantum speed up) as the width increases, and a detailed mechanism is proposed. Superluminal transmission is also discussed.