981 resultados para Quantum mechanical model


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During recent years, quantum information processing and the study of N−qubit quantum systems have attracted a lot of interest, both in theory and experiment. Apart from the promise of performing efficient quantum information protocols, such as quantum key distribution, teleportation or quantum computation, however, these investigations also revealed a great deal of difficulties which still need to be resolved in practise. Quantum information protocols rely on the application of unitary and non–unitary quantum operations that act on a given set of quantum mechanical two-state systems (qubits) to form (entangled) states, in which the information is encoded. The overall system of qubits is often referred to as a quantum register. Today the entanglement in a quantum register is known as the key resource for many protocols of quantum computation and quantum information theory. However, despite the successful demonstration of several protocols, such as teleportation or quantum key distribution, there are still many open questions of how entanglement affects the efficiency of quantum algorithms or how it can be protected against noisy environments. To facilitate the simulation of such N−qubit quantum systems and the analysis of their entanglement properties, we have developed the Feynman program. The program package provides all necessary tools in order to define and to deal with quantum registers, quantum gates and quantum operations. Using an interactive and easily extendible design within the framework of the computer algebra system Maple, the Feynman program is a powerful toolbox not only for teaching the basic and more advanced concepts of quantum information but also for studying their physical realization in the future. To this end, the Feynman program implements a selection of algebraic separability criteria for bipartite and multipartite mixed states as well as the most frequently used entanglement measures from the literature. Additionally, the program supports the work with quantum operations and their associated (Jamiolkowski) dual states. Based on the implementation of several popular decoherence models, we provide tools especially for the quantitative analysis of quantum operations. As an application of the developed tools we further present two case studies in which the entanglement of two atomic processes is investigated. In particular, we have studied the change of the electron-ion spin entanglement in atomic photoionization and the photon-photon polarization entanglement in the two-photon decay of hydrogen. The results show that both processes are, in principle, suitable for the creation and control of entanglement. Apart from process-specific parameters like initial atom polarization, it is mainly the process geometry which offers a simple and effective instrument to adjust the final state entanglement. Finally, for the case of the two-photon decay of hydrogenlike systems, we study the difference between nonlocal quantum correlations, as given by the violation of the Bell inequality and the concurrence as a true entanglement measure.


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Es mostra que, gracies a una extensió en la definició dels Índexs Moleculars Topològics, s'arriba a la formulació d'índexs relacionats amb la teoria de la Semblança Molecular Quàntica. Es posa de manifest la connexió entre les dues metodologies: es revela que un marc de treball teòric sòlidament fonamentat sobre la teoria de la Mecànica Quàntica es pot connectar amb una de les tècniques més antigues relacionades amb els estudis de QSPR. Es mostren els resultats per a dos casos d'exemple d'aplicació d'ambdues metodologies


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Resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum and the unavailability of useful antimalarial vaccines reinforce the need to develop new efficacious antimalarials. This study details a pharmacophore model that has been used to identify a potent, soluble, orally bioavailable antimalarial bisquinoline, metaquine (N,N'-bis(7-chloroquinolin-4-yl)benzene-1,3-diamine) (dihydrochloride), which is active against Plasmodium berghei in vivo (oral ID50 of 25 mu mol/kg) and multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum K1 in vitro (0.17 mu M). Metaquine shows strong affinity for the putative antimalarial receptor, heme at pH 7.4 in aqueous DMSO. Both crystallographic analyses and quantum mechanical calculations (HF/6-31+G*) reveal important regions of protonation and bonding thought to persist at parasitic vacuolar pH concordant with our receptor model. Formation of drug-heme adduct in solution was confirmed using high-resolution positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry. Metaquine showed strong binding with the receptor in a 1: 1 ratio (log K = 5.7 +/- 0.1) that was predicted by molecular mechanics calculations. This study illustrates a rational multidisciplinary approach for the development of new 4-aminoquinoline antimalarials, with efficacy superior to chloroquine, based on the use of a pharmacophore model.


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Terahertz (THz) frequency radiation, 0.1 THz to 20 THz, is being investigated for biomedical imaging applications following the introduction of pulsed THz sources that produce picosecond pulses and function at room temperature. Owing to the broadband nature of the radiation, spectral and temporal information is available from radiation that has interacted with a sample; this information is exploited in the development of biomedical imaging tools and sensors. In this work, models to aid interpretation of broadband THz spectra were developed and evaluated. THz radiation lies on the boundary between regions best considered using a deterministic electromagnetic approach and those better analysed using a stochastic approach incorporating quantum mechanical effects, so two computational models to simulate the propagation of THz radiation in an absorbing medium were compared. The first was a thin film analysis and the second a stochastic Monte Carlo model. The Cole–Cole model was used to predict the variation with frequency of the physical properties of the sample and scattering was neglected. The two models were compared with measurements from a highly absorbing water-based phantom. The Monte Carlo model gave a prediction closer to experiment over 0.1 to 3 THz. Knowledge of the frequency-dependent physical properties, including the scattering characteristics, of the absorbing media is necessary. The thin film model is computationally simple to implement but is restricted by the geometry of the sample it can describe. The Monte Carlo framework, despite being initially more complex, provides greater flexibility to investigate more complicated sample geometries.


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Two polymorphs of the molecular complex formed between 3-fluorobenzoic acid with 4-acetylpyridine are described and found to be based upon the same dimeric supramolecular construct. The conformational freedom around the hydrogen bond results in a 180 degrees rotation about this intermolecular link, distinguishing the polymorphs and affecting the packing of the dimeric units. The two polymorphs are fully characterised by single crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction and quantum mechanical calculations. There is evidence of structured crystal growth defects in both polymorphic crystals via observation of diffuse scattering and a disorder model for the average structure of Form I, which can be interpreted as a mixing of the two dimer conformations. The similarity of energy of the distinct dimeric units, supporting their likely co-existence, has been verified by periodic quantum chemical calculations.


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It is known that the actions of field theories on a noncommutative space-time can be written as some modified (we call them theta-modified) classical actions already on the commutative space-time (introducing a star product). Then the quantization of such modified actions reproduces both space-time noncommutativity and the usual quantum mechanical features of the corresponding field theory. In the present article, we discuss the problem of constructing theta-modified actions for relativistic QM. We construct such actions for relativistic spinless and spinning particles. The key idea is to extract theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles from path-integral representations of the corresponding noncommutative field theory propagators. We consider the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations for the causal propagators in such theories. Then we construct for the propagators path-integral representations. Effective actions in such representations we treat as theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles. To confirm the interpretation, we canonically quantize these actions. Thus, we obtain the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in the noncommutative field theories. The theta-modified action of the relativistic spinning particle is just a generalization of the Berezin-Marinov pseudoclassical action for the noncommutative case.


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This paper completes the review of the theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators for physicists as a basis for constructing quantum-mechanical observables. It contains a comparative presentation of the well-known methods and a newly proposed method for constructing ordinary self-adjoint differential operators associated with self-adjoint differential expressions in terms of self-adjoint boundary conditions. The new method has the advantage that it does not require explicitly evaluating deficient subspaces and deficiency indices (these latter are determined in passing) and that boundary conditions are of explicit character irrespective of the singularity of a differential expression. General assertions and constructions are illustrated by examples of well-known quantum-mechanical operators like momentum and Hamiltonian.


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We propose an approach to the quantum-mechanical description of relativistic orientable objects. It generalizes Wigner`s ideas concerning the treatment of nonrelativistic orientable objects (in particular, a nonrelativistic rotator) with the help of two reference frames (space-fixed and body-fixed). A technical realization of this generalization (for instance, in 3+1 dimensions) amounts to introducing wave functions that depend on elements of the Poincar, group G. A complete set of transformations that test the symmetries of an orientable object and of the embedding space belongs to the group I =GxG. All such transformations can be studied by considering a generalized regular representation of G in the space of scalar functions on the group, f(x,z), that depend on the Minkowski space points xaG/Spin(3,1) as well as on the orientation variables given by the elements z of a matrix ZaSpin(3,1). In particular, the field f(x,z) is a generating function of the usual spin-tensor multi-component fields. In the theory under consideration, there are four different types of spinors, and an orientable object is characterized by ten quantum numbers. We study the corresponding relativistic wave equations and their symmetry properties.


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Barium molybdate (BaMoO(4)) powders were synthesized by the co-precipitation method and processed in microwave-hydrothermal at 140 degrees C for different times. These powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopies and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD patterns and FT-Raman spectra showed that these powders present a scheelite-type tetragonal structure without the presence of deleterious phases. FT-IR spectra exhibited a large absorption band situated at around 850.4 cm(-1), which is associated to the Mo-O antisymmetric stretching vibrations into the [MoO(4)] clusters. UV-vis absorption spectra indicated a reduction in the intermediary energy levels within band gap with the processing time evolution. First-principles quantum mechanical calculations based on the density functional theory were employed in order to understand the electronic structure (band structure and density of states) of this material. The powders when excited with different wavelengths (350 nm and 488 nm) presented variations. This phenomenon was explained through a model based in the presence of intermediary energy levels (deep and shallow holes) within the band gap. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure and the vibrational spectrum of a potential drug for Chagas`s disease treatment, the (E)-isomer of phenylethenylbenzofuroxan 1 (5(6)(E)-[(2-phenylethenyl)]benzo[1,2-c]1,2,5-oxadiazole N-oxide), are reported. In order to provide insights into structural relationships, quantum mechanical calculations were employed starting from crystal structure. These results have given theoretical support to state interesting structural features, such as the effect of some intermolecular contacts on the molecule conformation and the electronic delocalization decreasing through atoms of the benzofuroxan moiety. Furthermore, the MOGUL comparative analysis in the Cambridge Structural Database provided additional evidences on these structural behaviors of compound 1. Intermolecular contacts interfere on the intramolecular geometry, as, for instance, on the phenyl group orientation, which is twisted by 12.32(6)A degrees from the ethenylbenzofuroxan plane. The experimental Raman spectrum of compound 1 presents unexpected frequency shift and also anomalous Raman activities. At last, the molecule skeleton deformation and the characteristic vibrational modes were correlated by matching the experimental Raman spectrum to the calculated one.


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The solvatochromic shift of the lowest singlet it pi -> pi* electronic transition in the all-trans, cis-13, cis-11, cis-9, and cis-7 retinal isomers were computed under the influence of water, methanol, and benzene solvents. Excitation energies were calculated in gas phase and in solution. The calculations in solution were performed considering the sequential Monte Carlo (MC) /Quantum Mechanical approach. The MC simulations were performed considering the full retinal isomer molecules and 900 water molecules, 900 methanol, or 400 benzene ones. The OPLS/AA parametrization was chosen for retinal, methanol, and benzene molecules and the SPC model was used for water one. From the MC calculations 100 independent configurations were selected, with 100 solvent molecules in thermodynamical equilibrium at T = 298.15 K. Average point-charges were obtained from those independent configurations for water, methanol, and benzene solvent. TDDFT and CASSCF//CASPT2 methodologies were used to compute the vertical excitation energy of the retinal isomers in different environment. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 110: 2076-2087, 2010


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In this paper the behavior of matter waves in suddenly terminated potential structures is investigated numerically. It is shown that there is no difference between a fully quantum mechanical treatment and a semiclassical one with regards to energy redistribution. For the quantum case it is demonstrated that there can be substantial reflection at the termination. The neglect of backscattering by the semiclassical method brings about major differences in the case of low kinetic energies. A simple phenomenological model is shown to partially explain the observed backscattering using dynamics of reduced dimensionality.


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The behavior of Liquid N,N-dimethylformamide subjected to a wide range of externally applied electric fields (from 0.001 V/nm to 1 V/nm) has been investigated through molecular dynamics simulation. To approach the objective the AMOEBA polarizable force field was extended to include the interaction of the external electric field with atomic partial charges and the contribution to the atomic polarization. The simulation results were evaluated with quantum mechanical calculations. The results from the present force field for the liquid at normal conditions were compared with the experimental and molecular dynamics results with non-polarizable and other polarizable force fields. The uniform external electric fields of higher than 0.01 V/nm have a significant effect on the structure of the liquid, which exhibits a variation in numerous properties, including molecular polarization, local cluster structure, rotation, alignment, energetics, and bulk thermodynamic and structural properties.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)