986 resultados para Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau
In present paper, a new Micromegas detector is developed, and its time and energy signals are obtained in the figure form. The rising time of fast time signal is less than 2 ns due to the very fast collection of avalanche electrons, and the rising time of the energy pulse is about 100 ns, which is corresponding to the total collecting time of the electrons and ions in the avalanche process. The counter plateau, energy resolution and the gas gains of the detector have been compared with other groups' experimental results and the Garfield simulation result.
为探讨甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor)在青海作为饲料作物种植的可能性,在青海高原上做了初步试验,结果显示:密度对茎秆高度、茎粗、产量有显著影响,对生育期、单株质量影响不显著,株行距为0.40 m×0.20m时,产量最高;浇水次数对甜高粱的生育期、茎秆高度、茎粗、单株质量、产量没有显著影响,表明甜高粱对水分依赖不高,具有很强的耐旱和抗旱性;地膜对甜高粱有极显著影响,使其生育期提前,茎秆高度增高,单株质量增加、产量提高;糖分含量在开花-收获期为15.93%~16.67%,比不盖地膜增加了29.19%~47.98%;大田示范密度0.50 m×0.20 m,开花-收获期666.7 m2产量达4 890.8 kg,投入产出比为1∶1.78,效益显著。研究表明,在青海高原东部农业区盖地膜种植饲用甜高粱,用作饲料是完全可行的。