921 resultados para Psychotherapy relationships that work


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Premise: In the literary works of our anthropological and cultural imagination, the various languages and the different discursive practices are not necessarily quoted, expressly alluded to or declared through clear expressive mechanisms; instead, they rather constitute a substratum, a background, now consolidated, which with irony and intertextuality shines through the thematic and formal elements of each text. The various contaminations, hybridizations and promptings that we find in the expressive forms, the rhetorical procedures and the linguistic and thematic choices of post-modern literary texts are shaped as fluid and familiar categories. Exchanges and passages are no longer only allowed but also inevitable; the post-modern imagination is made up of an agglomeration of discourses that are no longer really separable, built up from texts that blend and quote one another, composing, each with its own specificities, the great family of the cultural products of our social scenario. A literary work, therefore, is not only a whole phenomenon, delimited hic et nunc by a beginning and an ending, but is a fragment of that complex, dense and boundless network that is given by the continual interrelations between human forms of communication and symbolization. The research hypothesis: A vision is delineated of comparative literature as a discipline attentive to the social contexts in which texts take shape and move and to the media-type consistency that literary phenomena inevitably take on. Hence literature is seen as an open systematicity that chooses to be contaminated by other languages and other discursive practices of an imagination that is more than ever polymorphic and irregular. Inside this interpretative framework the aim is to focus the analysis on the relationship that postmodern literature establishes with advertising discourse. On one side post-modern literature is inserted in the world of communication, loudly asserting the blending and reciprocal contamination of literary modes with media ones, absorbing their languages and signification practices, translating them now into thematic nuclei, motifs and sub-motifs and now into formal expedients and new narrative choices; on the other side advertising is chosen as a signification practice of the media universe, which since the 1960s has actively contributed to shaping the dynamics of our socio-cultural scenarios, in terms which are just as important as those of other discursive practices. Advertising has always been a form of communication and symbolization that draws on the collective imagination – myths, actors and values – turning them into specific narrative programs for its own texts. Hence the aim is to interpret and analyze this relationship both from a strictly thematic perspective – and therefore trying to understand what literature speaks about when it speaks about advertising, and seeking advertising quotations in post-modern fiction – and from a formal perspective, with a search for parallels and discordances between the rhetorical procedures, the languages and the verifiable stylistic choices in the texts of the two different signification practices. The analysis method chosen, for the purpose of constructive multiplication of the perspectives, aims to approach the analytical processes of semiotics, applying, when possible, the instruments of the latter, in order to highlight the thematic and formal relationships between literature and advertising. The corpus: The corpus of the literary texts is made up of various novels and, although attention is focused on the post-modern period, there will also be ineludible quotations from essential authors that with their works prompted various reflections: H. De Balzac, Zola, Fitzgerald, Joyce, Calvino, etc… However, the analysis focuses the corpus on three authors: Don DeLillo, Martin Amis and Aldo Nove, and in particular the followings novels: “Americana” (1971) and “Underworld” (1999) by Don DeLillo, “Money” (1984) by Martin Amis and “Woobinda and other stories without a happy ending” (1996) and “Superwoobinda” (1998) by Aldo Nove. The corpus selection is restricted to these novels for two fundamental reasons: 1. assuming parameters of spatio-temporal evaluation, the texts are representative of different socio-cultural contexts and collective imaginations (from the masterly glimpses of American life by DeLillo, to the examples of contemporary Italian life by Nove, down to the English imagination of Amis) and of different historical moments (the 1970s of DeLillo’s Americana, the 1980s of Amis, down to the 1990s of Nove, decades often used as criteria of division of postmodernism into phases); 2. adopting a perspective of strictly thematic analysis, as mentioned in the research hypothesis, the variations and the constants in the novels (thematic nuclei, topoi, images and narrative developments) frequently speak of advertising and inside the narrative plot they affirm various expressions and realizations of it: value ones, thematic ones, textual ones, urban ones, etc… In these novels the themes and the processes of signification of advertising discourse pervade time, space and the relationships that the narrator character builds around him. We are looking at “particle-characters” whose endless facets attest the influence and contamination of advertising in a large part of the narrative developments of the plot: on everyday life, on the processes of acquisition and encoding of the reality, on ideological and cultural baggage, on the relationships and interchanges with the other characters, etc… Often the characters are victims of the implacable consequentiality of the advertising mechanism, since the latter gets the upper hand over the usual processes of communication, which are overwhelmed by it, wittingly or unwittingly (for example: disturbing openings in which the protagonist kills his or her parents on the basis of a spot, former advertisers that live life codifying it through the commercial mechanisms of products, sons and daughters of advertisers that as children instead of playing outside for whole nights saw tapes of spots.) Hence the analysis arises from the text and aims to show how much the developments and the narrative plots of the novels encode, elaborate and recount the myths, the values and the narrative programs of advertising discourse, transforming them into novel components in their own right. And also starting from the text a socio-cultural reference context is delineated, a collective imagination that is different, now geographically, now historically, and from comparison between them the aim is to deduce the constants, the similarities and the variations in the relationship between literature and advertising.


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Through this research I have tried to demonstrate how the evolution of the newest marketing strategies - that work towards engaging relationships with consumers, thus building an emotional connection between the brand and the user- can be considered as a response to the evolution of young audiences and consumers. More specifically, I have analized product placement as a cultural and social phenomena above all, and not only as an economical one, thus demonstrating all the social and cultural practices that this tool implies. The approach I have chosen to do so, is historical-analytical, particularly focusing on the evolution of the society and of the consumer, especially for what teenagers (both as audiences and as consumers) are concerned.


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In the last decades, the increasing significance of “projectivization” (Lundin & Steinthórsson, 2003) has stimulated considerable interest in project-based organizations as new economic actors able to introduce a new logic of organizing work and weakening boundaries in favour of networks of collaborations. In these contexts, work is often delegated to project teams. Deciding whom to put on a project team is one of the biggest challenges faced by a project manager; in particular which characteristics rely on to compose and match effective teams. We address this issue, focusing on the individual flexibility (Raudsepp, 1990), as team composition variable that affects project team performance. Thus, the research question investigated is: Is it better to compose project teams with flexible team members or not flexible project team members to achieve higher levels of project performance? The temporary nature of PBOs involves that after achieving the purpose for which team members are enrolled, they are disbanded but their relationships remain, allowing them to be involved in future projects (Starkey, Barnatt & Tempest, 2000). Pre-existing relationships together with the current relationships create a network of relationships that yields some implications for project teams as well as for team members. We address this issue, exploring the following research question: To what extent is the individual flexibility influenced by the network structure? The conceptual framework is used to articulate the research questions investigated with respect to the Television drama serials production. Their project-team organizing combined with their capacity to dissolve and recreate over time make it an interesting field to develop. We contribute to the organizational literature, providing a clear operationalization of individual flexibility construct and its role on affecting project performance. Second, we contribute to the organizational network literature addressing the effects yielded by the network structure-structural holes and network closure- on the individual flexibility.


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La specificità dell'acquisizione di contenuti attraverso le interfacce digitali condanna l'agente epistemico a un'interazione frammentata, insufficiente da un punto di vista computazionale, mnemonico e temporale, rispetto alla mole informazionale oggi accessibile attraverso una qualunque implementazione della relazione uomo-computer, e invalida l'applicabilità del modello standard di conoscenza, come credenza vera e giustificata, sconfessando il concetto di credenza razionalmente fondata, per formare la quale, sarebbe invece richiesto all'agente di poter disporre appunto di risorse concettuali, computazionali e temporali inaccessibili. La conseguenza è che l'agente, vincolato dalle limitazioni ontologiche tipiche dell'interazione con le interfacce culturali, si vede costretto a ripiegare su processi ambigui, arbitrari e spesso più casuali di quanto creda, di selezione e gestione delle informazioni che danno origine a veri e propri ibridi (alla Latour) epistemologici, fatti di sensazioni e output di programmi, credenze non fondate e bit di testimonianze indirette e di tutta una serie di relazioni umano-digitali che danno adito a rifuggire in una dimensione trascendente che trova nel sacro il suo più immediato ambito di attuazione. Tutto ciò premesso, il presente lavoro si occupa di costruire un nuovo paradigma epistemologico di conoscenza proposizionale ottenibile attraverso un'interfaccia digitale di acquisizione di contenuti, fondato sul nuovo concetto di Tracciatura Digitale, definito come un un processo di acquisizione digitale di un insieme di tracce, ossia meta-informazioni di natura testimoniale. Tale dispositivo, una volta riconosciuto come un processo di comunicazione di contenuti, si baserà sulla ricerca e selezione di meta-informazioni, cioè tracce, che consentiranno l'implementazione di approcci derivati dall'analisi decisionale in condizioni di razionalità limitata, approcci che, oltre ad essere quasi mai utilizzati in tale ambito, sono ontologicamente predisposti per una gestione dell'incertezza quale quella riscontrabile nell'istanziazione dell'ibrido informazionale e che, in determinate condizioni, potranno garantire l'agente sulla bontà epistemica del contenuto acquisito.


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The general theme of the present inquiry concerns the role of training and continuous updating of knowledge and skills in relation to the concept of employability and social vulnerability. The empirical research has affected the entire calendar year 2010, namely from 13 February 2010 to December 31, 2010: data refer to a very specific context or to the course funded by the Emilia Romagna region and targeted to employees in cassintegrazione notwithstanding domiciled in the region. The investigations were performed in a vocational training scheme accredited by the Emilia Romagna for the provision of publicly funded training courses. The quantitative data collected are limited to the region and distributed in all the provinces of Emilia Romagna; It addressed the issue of the role of continuing education throughout life and the importance of updating knowledge and skills, such as privileged instruments to address the instability of the labor market and what strategy to reduce the risk unemployment. Based on the different strategies that the employee puts in place during their professional careers, we introduce two concepts that are more common in the so-called knowledge society, namely the concept of social vulnerability and employability. In modern organizations becomes relevant knowledge they bring workers and the relationships that develop between people and allowing exponentially and disseminate such knowledge and skills. The knowledge thus becomes the first productive force, defined by Davenport and Prusak (1998) as "fluid combination of experience, values, contextual information and specialist knowledge that provides a framework for the evaluation and assimilation of new experience and new information ". Learning at work is a by stable explicit and conscious, and even enjoyable for everyone, especially outside of a training intervention. It then goes on to address the specific issue of training, under the current labor market increasingly deconstructed.


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During school-to-work transition, adolescents develop values and prioritize what is im-portant in their life. Values are concepts or beliefs about desirable states or behaviors that guide the selection or evaluation of behavior and events, and are ordered by their relative importance (Schwartz & Bilsky, 1987). Stressing the important role of values, career re-search has intensively studied the effect of values on educational decisions and early career development (e.g. Eccles, 2005; Hirschi, 2010; Rimann, Udris, & Weiss, 2000). Few re-searchers, however, have investigated so far how values develop in the early career phase and how value trajectories are influenced by individual characteristics. Values can be oriented towards specific life domains, such as work or family. Work values include intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of work (e.g., self-development, cooperation with others, income) (George & Jones, 1997). Family values include the importance of partner-ship, the creation of an own family and having children (Mayer, Kuramschew, & Trommsdroff, 2009). Research indicates that work values change considerably during early career development (Johnson, 2001; Lindsay & Knox, 1984). Individual differences in work values and value trajectories are found e.g., in relation to gender (Duffy & Sedlacek, 2007), parental background (Loughlin & Barling, 2001), personality (Lowry et al., 2012), educa-tion (Battle, 2003), and the anticipated timing of school-to-work transition (Porfeli, 2007). In contrast to work values, research on family value trajectories is rare and knowledge about the development during the school-to-work transition and early career development is lack-ing. This paper aims at filling this research gap. Focusing on family values and intrinsic work values and we expect a) family and work val-ues to change between ages 16 and 25, and b) that initial levels of family and work values as well as value change to be predicted by gender, reading literacy, ambition, and expected du-ration of education. Method. Using data from 2620 young adults (59.5% females), who participated in the Swiss longitudinal study TREE, latent growth modeling was employed to estimate the initial level and growth rate per year for work and family values. Analyses are based on TREE-waves 1 (year 2001, first year after compulsory school) to 8 (year 2010). Variables in the models included family values and intrinsic work values, gender, reading literacy, ambition and ex-pected duration of education. Language region was included as control variable. Results. Family values did not change significantly over the first four years after leaving compulsory school (mean slope = -.03, p =.36). They increased, however, significantly five years after compulsory school (mean slope = .13, p >.001). Intercept (.23, p < .001), first slope (.02, p < .001), and second slope (.01, p < .001) showed significant variance. Initial levels were higher for men and those with higher ambitions. Increases were found to be steeper for males as well as for participants with lower educational duration expectations and reading skills. Intrinsic work values increased over the first four years (mean slope =.03, p <.05) and showed a tendency to decrease in the years five to ten (mean slope = -.01, p < .10). Intercept (.21, p < .001), first slope (.01, p < .001), and second slope (.01, p < .001) showed signifi-cant variance, meaning that there are individual differences in initial levels and growth rates. Initial levels were higher for females, and those with higher ambitions, expecting longer educational pathways, and having lower reading skills. Growth rates were lower for the first phase and steeper for the second phase for males compared to females. Discussion. In general, results showed different patterns of work and family value trajecto-ries, and different individual factors related to initial levels and development after compul-sory school. Developments seem to fit to major life and career roles: in the first years after compulsory school young adults may be engaged to become established in one's job; later on, raising a family becomes more important. That we found significant gender differences in work and family trajectories may reflect attempts to overcome traditional roles, as over-all, women increase in work values and men increase in family values, resulting in an over-all trend to converge.


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Motivation is a core concept to understand work related outcomes and vocational pursuits. However, existing research mostly focused on specific aspects of motivation, such as goals or self-efficacy beliefs, while falling short of adequately addressing more complex and integrative notions of motivation. Advancing the current state of research, we draw from Motivational Systems Theory and a model of proactive motivation to propose a comprehensive model of work-related motivation. Specifically, we define motivation as a system of mutually related factors consisting of goals, emotions, and personal agency beliefs, comprised by capability beliefs and context evaluations. Adapting this model of motivation to the school-to-work transition, we postulate that this motivational system is affected by different social, personal, and environmental variables, for example social support, the presence of role-models, personality traits, and scholastic achievement. We further expect that students with more autonomous work-related goals, expectations of more positive emotional experiences in their future working life, fewer perceived barriers to their career development, and higher work-related self-efficacy beliefs would be more successful in their transition from school to work. We also propose that goal-directed engagement acts as a partial mediator in the relationship between motivation and a successful transition. Finally, we hypothesize that work-related motivation while in school will have meaningful effects on positive outcomes while in vocational training, as represented by more work engagement, higher career commitment, job satisfaction, and lower intentions to quit training. In sum, we advance the point that the adaptation of a broader concept of work-related motivation in the school-to-work transition would result in more powerful predictions of success in this transition and would enhance scientific research and interventions in career development and counselling practice.


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Although employees are encouraged to take exercise after work to keep physically fit, they should not suffer injury. Some sports injuries that occur after work appear to be work-related and preventable. This study investigated whether cognitive failure mediates the influence of mental work demands and conscientiousness on risk-taking and risky and unaware behaviour during after-work sports activities. Participants were 129 employees (36% female) who regularly took part in team sports after work. A structural equation model showed that work-related cognitive failure significantly mediated the influence of mental work demands on risky behaviour during sports (p < .05) and also mediated the directional link between conscientiousness and risky behaviour during sports (p < .05). A path from risky behaviour during sports to sports injuries in the last four weeks was also significant (p < .05). Performance constraints, time pressure, and task uncertainty are likely to increase cognitive load and thereby boost cognitive failures both during work and sports activities after work. Some sports injuries after work could be prevented by addressing the issue of work redesign.


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El trabajo plantea, teniendo como eje central de su desarrollo la Mediación, explorarlas relaciones posibles entre los procesos de Mediación y Trabajo Social de Grupo. Con esta exploración se intenta pensar y construir un campo de encuentro e interjuego entre ambos términos. Trabajo Social de Grupo y Mediación. A lo largo del texto se irá desarrollando esta idea de articulación e interacción entre ambos procesos. Así, y tomando la palabra de autores idóneos de cada área, se irán develando objetivos, características, fundamentos, dinámicas, etc. En la comparación, a su vez, surgirán coincidencias, semejanzas, paralelismos y complementaciones posibles. La intención, en esta primera aproximación, es abrir una instancia de encuentro entre disciplinas, así como brindar un aporte para un enriquecimiento mutuo.


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El Territorio hoy es visto como una totalidad organizada que no puede ser pensada separando cada uno de los elementos que la componen; cada uno de ellos es definido por su relación con los otros elementos. Así, un pensamiento que integra diferentes disciplinas y saberes comienza a manejar una realidad que lejos está de definir certezas inamovibles, y comienza a vislumbrar horizontes estratégicos. La adaptación a la no linealidad de las relaciones que se dan sobre el territorio, y la diferencia de velocidades en las que actúan los distintos actores, nos exige hacer de la flexibilidad una característica esencial de la metodología de planificación estratégica. La multi-causalidad de los fenómenos que estructuran el territorio nos obliga a construir criterios cualitativos, entendiendo que nos es imposible la medición de estas cadenas causales y su reconstrucción completa en el tiempo; sin dejar por ello de edificar un marco profundo de acción y transformación que responda a una realidad cierta y veraz. Los fenómenos producidos sobre el territorio nunca actúan de manera aislada, lo que implica una responsabilidad a la hora de comprender las sinergias y la restricción que afectan los resultados de los procesos desatados. La presente ponencia corresponde a la Segunda Fase del proceso de identificación estratégica de los proyectos Plan Estratégico Territorial (PET) que se inició en el año 2005; dicho Plan es llevada a cabo por la Subsecretaría de Planificación Territorial del Ministerio de Planificación Federal y fue abordado sobre la base de tres pretensiones: institucionalizar el ejercicio del pensamiento estratégico, fortalecer la metodología de trabajo transdisciplinaria y multisectorial, y diseñar un sistema de ponderación de proyectos estratégicos de infraestructura, tanto a nivel provincial como nacional, con una fuerte base cualitativa. Este proceso dio como resultado una cartera ponderada de proyectos de infraestructura conjuntamente con una metodología que permitió consolidar los equipos provinciales de planificación, tanto en su relación con los decisores políticos como con los actores de los múltiples sectores del gobierno, y en estos resultados consolidar y reforzar una cultura del pensamiento estratégico sobre el territorio


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El proyecto del presente trabajo consiste en reflexionar sobre la constitución del sujeto ético-político en los Erga de Hesíodo. Trabajaremos desde una propuesta de matriz antropológica, en torno a los consejos de administración familiar que el poeta propone, recurriendo a Jenofonte cuando la comparación sea oportuna. Siguiendo el horizonte semántico del término chresis, indagaremos dos cuestiones fundamentales, la gestión del hogar, a partir de la problematización del matrimonio como cuestión afín, y la gestión de los vínculos personales, que van más allá del oikos, para convocar a otros actores, el hermano, el huésped, el amigo. En ambos niveles, el estrictamente familiar con la presencia del marido y la esposa en el centro de la escena, y el familiar, en sentido más amplio, los tópicos devuelven ciertas preocupaciones y reflexiones en torno a cuestiones que se repiten, el trabajo, la riqueza, la productividad, la prudencia, el honor, la convivencia, la tolerancia. Se plasma un universo antropológico que nos permite relevar, desde los topoi recortados, la pequeña familia intramuros y la gran familia extramuros, la preocupación habitual de la constitución de un sujeto temperante que en Hesíodo cobra distintas aristas. El modelo discursivo obedece a las reglas de formación que reconocemos en los Erga como matriz de discurso: recomendaciones, consejos, exhortaciones, que delinean dos topoi reconocibles, dos categorías de sujetos, dos registros de conductas, dos modelos de instalación en la vida. Hesíodo nos tiene acostumbrados a esos sistemas binarios que, a nuestro juicio, se inscriben en la lógica del linaje. Hombres, valores, conductas de matriz diurna o nocturna, positiva o negativa, luminosa o tenebrosa. La vida familiar y la comunitaria no parece escapar a esta lógica binaria y el corpus de consejos no hace otra cosa que vigorizar con su logos el aspecto diurno de la tensión


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El presente trabajo aborda el caso de la Juventud Trabajadora Peronista en la empresa Propulsora Siderúrgica de la localidad de Ensenada en el período 1973-1976, constituyendo éste un período clave en la historia política argentina en tanto significó el retorno del peronismo al poder luego de dieciocho años de proscripción legal. Enmarcada en la extensa constelación de experiencias de la ?nueva izquierda? que irrumpe con fuerza en Argentina a partir de fines de los años sesenta, y específicamente en la amplia experiencia de las fuerzas peronistas revolucionarias dentro de ella, la Juventud Trabajadora Peronista aparece como un espacio político-sindical especialmente rico para el estudio y análisis en el campo de la historia reciente argentina y dentro de ella de las prácticas sindicales radicalizadas. Fundada en 1973, la JTP nace como frente de masas sindical de la organización armada Montoneros. Fundada en el contexto histórico, político y social de retorno de Perón al país y de crisis del gobierno peronista, ésta seráparte de la emergencia de particulares formas de vínculo social en el que se entrecruzan elementos ligados a la práctica de los militantes obreros, sus agrupaciones sindicales, el proceso de radicalización general del período y la singular participación de las organizaciones armadas peronistas. Contemplado el entrecruzamiento entre organizaciones armadas revolucionarias, organizaciones sindicales combativas y la radicalización de sectores de la clase trabajadora, nuestro trabajo enfatiza la capacidad política obrera para imponer condiciones al capital, al gobierno y a sectores burocráticos del sindicalismo. Es en estos tres frentes de combate en los que se verán inmersos los sectores radicalizados de la clase obrera argentina que buscamos poner en un primer plano a lo largo de esta investigación


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivos contribuir al conocimiento del proceso de alfabetización temprana en español en niños de sectores sociales desfavorecidos, y analizar los resultados de la implementación de un programa destinado al desarrollo de habilidades y conocimientos relativos a la lectura y la escritura inicial. El tipo de intervención propuesta, surge del programa ECOS , ya probado en español, pero no replicado suficientemente en niños de edades preescolares. Se ha estudiado el impacto de la aplicación de dicho programa, destinado a niños de 4, 5 y 6 años de edad, pertenecientes a sectores en desventaja socio económica, que concurrían a jardines de infantes de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Esta tesis se enmarca en los modelos de investigación proporcionados desde la Psicología Cognitiva y la corriente sociocultural, y sustenta la hipótesis de que el presente programa incrementa, en mayor medida que la curricula escolar las habilidades de conciencia fonológica, el reconocimiento y escritura de palabras y textos, así como también las habilidades de comprensión y producción oral de textos narrativos, en el corto y mediano plazo. Su originalidad reside en la especificidad del programa seleccionado y en haber considerado de manera conjunta la evaluación de su impacto, a través de un seguimiento longitudinal, que permitió no sólo verificar la persistencia de sus efectos a mediano plazo, sino también las relaciones que guardan entre sí las variables evaluadas, el poder predictivo de unas sobre otras, el momento en el que se produce el impacto y sobre cuáles de las variables y el tamaño de ese impacto. La investigación se realizó comparando el desempeño de dos grupos de niños uno experimental en el cual se aplicó dicho programa y uno control. Al inicio de la investigación los niños fueron homologados en cuanto al estrato social de procedencia (identificado por el nivel educacional y ocupacional de los padres), a las características de los establecimientos educativos a los que concurrían y a la de los contextos alfabetizadores hogareños así como respecto de sus conocimientos y habilidades iniciales. Las variables a ser consideradas en la evaluación de los desempeños fueron las siguientes: habilidades de conciencia fonológica, conocimientos sobre material impreso y sobre el sistema de escritura, lectura y escritura de palabras de diferente longitud y complejidad, lectura de pseudopalabras, lectura y escritura de textos y comprensión y renarración oral de textos narrativos. Los niños fueron evaluados en cuatro oportunidades diferentes, comparándose los desempeños de ambos grupos en el transcurso de dos años y medio: Se aplicó un modelo de medidas repetidas y se calculó el estadístico Effect Size para todas las variables al finalizar la intervención y mediano plazo. Las conclusiones extraídas de esta investigación ponen en evidencia el impacto positivo del programa de intervención. A mediano plazo se verifica una diferencia promedio de alrededor del 30 entre los niños de ambos grupos, en los porcentajes de aciertos en las pruebas que evalúan las habilidades de conciencia fonológica, lectura y escritura de palabras y comprensión de textos


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En el presente trabajo se busca analizar ciertos datos sobre las relaciones sociales que aportaron los empadronamientos de fines 1810 y comienzos de 1814 en Mendoza, en articulación con las reformas administrativas que pretendían optimizar el control de la población en un contexto de acrecentamiento de las urgencias cívicas. Se cree que aun con los defectos "fotográficos" de una mirada sincrónica resulta interesante emprender tal análisis, en cuanto brinda un acercamiento a la realidad con la cual la elite local en proceso de recomposición debió contar para reunir recursos y lograr un disciplinamiento que asegurara la gobernabilidad durante el vuelco independentista.


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En este trabajo pretendemos aproximarnos al complejo mundo rural cordobés y observar otras formas de tenencias de la tierra, con sus prácticas de producción y trabajo, los diversos actores que se mueven dentro y fuera de la unidad, sus trayectorias personales y empresarias y las múltiples relaciones sociales que los vincularon. Procuraremos ampliar nuestra mirada hacia el contexto en que operaron en el marco regional e interregional. A los fines de comparar y observar los cambios y permanencias que se fueron dando, hemos acotado nuestra observación a un conjunto de establecimientos rurales que hacia finales del siglo XVIII pasó a ser administrado por la orden Betlemita y forman una unidad de producción que se puede seguir en el largo plazo, desde que se construye socialmente el espacio que ocupan, a fines del siglo XVI, hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.