436 resultados para Programmable Automats


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Robotin ohjelmointi on aikaa vievää ja tarvitsee robotin ohjelmoinnin tuntevan operaattorin toimimaan robotin opettajana. Saadakseen robottisolun kustannustehokkaaksi operaattorilla olisi hyvä olla useampi solu hoidettavanaan samaan aikaan. Tämä ei ole suuri ongelma suurille yrityksille, joissa voi olla kymmeniä robottisoluja. Jos kyseessä on pieni tai keskisuuri yritys, automatisointi-investointi voi jäädä tekemättä ohjelmoinnin vaikeuden aiheuttaman ongelman vuoksi. Diplomityössä keskityttiin tutkimaan robotisointia pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten kannalta. Teoriaosassa on keskitytty robottisolun suunnittelun kannalta tarvittaviin perustietoihin robotin rakenteesta, ohjausjärjestelmästä, ohjelmoinnista sekä turvallisuudesta. Näiden perustietojen lisäksi on huomioitu hitsauksen automatisointia sekä taluttamalla ohjelmoitavan robottisolun tekninen konsepti. Taluttamalla ohjelmoitavan robottisolun konseptin käsittelyosassa on myös perehdytty taluttamalla ohjelmoinnin vaatimiin komponentteihin kuten voima/vääntö-anturi. Robottisolun suunnittelu on tehtävä koneasetuksen vaatimusten mukaan. Turvallisuus osiossa on käsitelty koneasetuksen vaatimuksia koneensuunnittelulle ja käytännön osassa on käsitelty Winnovan taluttamalla ohjelmoitavan robottisolun suunnittelua koneasetuksen ohjeiden mukaan. Käytännön osassa on tutkittu taluttamalla ohjelmoinnin tuomia etuja muihin ohjelmointimenetelmiin nähden sekä suoritettu investointilaskelmat taluttamalla ohjelmoitavasta ja opettamalla ohjelmoitavasta robottisolusta. Koetuloksista nähdään taluttamalla ohjelmoinnin olevan nopeampi ja yksinkertaisempi tapa ohjelmoida robottia kuin opettamalla ohjelmointi. Investointilaskelmien vertailusta nähdään taluttamalla ohjelmoinnin tulevan opettamalla ohjelmointia edullisemmaksi vaihtoehdoksi käyttökustannusten edullisuuden ansiosta.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää automaatiolaitteiden elinkaaren hallintaa ottaen huomioon ydinvoimalaitoksessa toimimisen erityispiirteet. Elinkaaren hallinnan tavoitteena on laitoksen korkean turvallisuuden ja käyttökertoimen varmistaminen. Työssä käydään läpi elinkaaren vaiheita käyttäen esimerkkinä turbiinilaitoksen automaation modernisointiprojektia. Diplomityö alkaa katsauksella ydinenergia-alan viranomaisiin, säännöksiin sekä menetelmiin, joilla ydinturvallisuus varmistetaan. Työssä otetaan selvää, millaisissa tehtävissä automaatiolaitteet ja –järjestelmät ydinvoimalaitoksissa toimivat ja millä perusteilla ne kelpoistetaan käyttötarkoitukseensa. Työssä pyritään lisäksi kartoittamaan ydinvoimala-alan tarpeita erilaisilleautomaatiotekniikkaan liittyville palveluille. Esiin nousivat etenkin haasteet ohjelmistoversioiden hallinnassa.


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In the work eddy current sensors are described and evaluated. Theoretical part includes physical basics of the eddy currents, overview of available commercial products and technologies. Industrial sensors operation was assessed based on several working modes. Apart from this, the model was created in Matlab Simulink with Xilinx Blockset and then translated into a Xilinx ISE Design Suite compatible project. The performance of the resulting implementation was compared to the existing implementation in the Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA board with the custom made sensor. Additionally, an introduction to FPGAs and VHDL is presented.


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This work is a study of the implementation of a classical controller using a tuning method referred to as IMC (Internal Model Control) and aimed at the reduction of electrical energy consumption by the appropriate relation between energy consumption and the cooling time with forced air. The supervisory system installed was able to manipulate the variable of frequency of the signal power of the exhaust fan engine (forced air module), to accelerate or decelerate the loss of heat from the product to be cooled by airflow variation that passes through the mass of the produce. The results demonstrated a reduction in energy consumption from 64% and an increase of only 8% in the cooling time to the system using PI/IMC (Proportional - Integral with IMC) tuning method compared with the system in its operating nominal condition. This PI/IMC control may be implemented directly in a frequency converter, without the need to purchase a computer or PLC (programmable logic controller) to run the dedicated application, increasing its economical viability.


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Memristive computing refers to the utilization of the memristor, the fourth fundamental passive circuit element, in computational tasks. The existence of the memristor was theoretically predicted in 1971 by Leon O. Chua, but experimentally validated only in 2008 by HP Labs. A memristor is essentially a nonvolatile nanoscale programmable resistor — indeed, memory resistor — whose resistance, or memristance to be precise, is changed by applying a voltage across, or current through, the device. Memristive computing is a new area of research, and many of its fundamental questions still remain open. For example, it is yet unclear which applications would benefit the most from the inherent nonlinear dynamics of memristors. In any case, these dynamics should be exploited to allow memristors to perform computation in a natural way instead of attempting to emulate existing technologies such as CMOS logic. Examples of such methods of computation presented in this thesis are memristive stateful logic operations, memristive multiplication based on the translinear principle, and the exploitation of nonlinear dynamics to construct chaotic memristive circuits. This thesis considers memristive computing at various levels of abstraction. The first part of the thesis analyses the physical properties and the current-voltage behaviour of a single device. The middle part presents memristor programming methods, and describes microcircuits for logic and analog operations. The final chapters discuss memristive computing in largescale applications. In particular, cellular neural networks, and associative memory architectures are proposed as applications that significantly benefit from memristive implementation. The work presents several new results on memristor modeling and programming, memristive logic, analog arithmetic operations on memristors, and applications of memristors. The main conclusion of this thesis is that memristive computing will be advantageous in large-scale, highly parallel mixed-mode processing architectures. This can be justified by the following two arguments. First, since processing can be performed directly within memristive memory architectures, the required circuitry, processing time, and possibly also power consumption can be reduced compared to a conventional CMOS implementation. Second, intrachip communication can be naturally implemented by a memristive crossbar structure.


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The general trend towards increasing e ciency and energy density drives the industry to high-speed technologies. Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs) are one of the technologies that allow contactless support of a rotating body. Theoretically, there are no limitations on the rotational speed. The absence of friction, low maintenance cost, micrometer precision, and programmable sti ness have made AMBs a viable choice for highdemanding applications. Along with the advances in power electronics, such as signi cantly improved reliability and cost, AMB systems have gained a wide adoption in the industry. The AMB system is a complex, open-loop unstable system with multiple inputs and outputs. For normal operation, such a system requires a feedback control. To meet the high demands for performance and robustness, model-based control techniques should be applied. These techniques require an accurate plant model description and uncertainty estimations. The advanced control methods require more e ort at the commissioning stage. In this work, a methodology is developed for an automatic commissioning of a subcritical, rigid gas blower machine. The commissioning process includes open-loop tuning of separate parts such as sensors and actuators. The next step is to apply a system identi cation procedure to obtain a model for the controller synthesis. Finally, a robust model-based controller is synthesized and experimentally evaluated in the full operating range of the system. The commissioning procedure is developed by applying only the system components available and a priori knowledge without any additional hardware. Thus, the work provides an intelligent system with a self-diagnostics feature and an automatic commissioning.


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Technological developments in microprocessors and ICT landscape have made a shift to a new era where computing power is embedded in numerous small distributed objects and devices in our everyday lives. These small computing devices are ne-tuned to perform a particular task and are increasingly reaching our society at every level. For example, home appliances such as programmable washing machines, microwave ovens etc., employ several sensors to improve performance and convenience. Similarly, cars have on-board computers that use information from many di erent sensors to control things such as fuel injectors, spark plug etc., to perform their tasks e ciently. These individual devices make life easy by helping in taking decisions and removing the burden from their users. All these objects and devices obtain some piece of information about the physical environment. Each of these devices is an island with no proper connectivity and information sharing between each other. Sharing of information between these heterogeneous devices could enable a whole new universe of innovative and intelligent applications. The information sharing between the devices is a diffcult task due to the heterogeneity and interoperability of devices. Smart Space vision is to overcome these issues of heterogeneity and interoperability so that the devices can understand each other and utilize services of each other by information sharing. This enables innovative local mashup applications based on shared data between heterogeneous devices. Smart homes are one such example of Smart Spaces which facilitate to bring the health care system to the patient, by intelligent interconnection of resources and their collective behavior, as opposed to bringing the patient into the health system. In addition, the use of mobile handheld devices has risen at a tremendous rate during the last few years and they have become an essential part of everyday life. Mobile phones o er a wide range of different services to their users including text and multimedia messages, Internet, audio, video, email applications and most recently TV services. The interactive TV provides a variety of applications for the viewers. The combination of interactive TV and the Smart Spaces could give innovative applications that are personalized, context-aware, ubiquitous and intelligent by enabling heterogeneous systems to collaborate each other by sharing information between them. There are many challenges in designing the frameworks and application development tools for rapid and easy development of these applications. The research work presented in this thesis addresses these issues. The original publications presented in the second part of this thesis propose architectures and methodologies for interactive and context-aware applications, and tools for the development of these applications. We demonstrated the suitability of our ontology-driven application development tools and rule basedapproach for the development of dynamic, context-aware ubiquitous iTV applications.


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Tämä kandityön aihe liittyy LUT Energialla lukuvuonna 2012 – 2013 käynnissä olevaan tutkimukseen, jossa tutkitaan sähkömoottorin laakerivirtojen syntyä. Tätä tutkimusta varten tarvittiin sähkömoottorin etäohjausjärjestelmä, jonka avulla tutkimuksessa käytettävän sähkömoottorin käyttäytymistä voitaisiin tutkia erilaisien käyttöprofiileiden funktiona. Tässä kandityössä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan edellä kuvattu järjestelmä. Toteutuksessa hyödynnetään nykyaikaista automaatiotekniikkaa, joka yhdessä Ethernet-lähiverkkotekniikan kanssa mahdollistaa etäohjauksen. Valmiin etäohjausjärjestelmän avulla käyttäjä pystyy sekä käynnistämään että sammuttamaan sähkömoottorin, ja määrittämään käyttöprofiilin ON- ja OFF-tilojen ajalliset kestot sekä käyntinopeudet.


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Rakennusautomaatiossa tulee esiin sovelluksia, joissa järjestelmän ohjaus-, säätö- tai valvontaratkaisun toteuttaminen ohjelmoitavilla logiikoilla ei ole riittävän edullista. Tällöin vaihtoehtona on oman laitteen suunnittelu. Työn tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa kustannustehokas CAN-väylään liitettävä vapaasti ohjelmoitava automaatioyksikkö. Suunnittelua ohjasivat asiakkaan laatimat vaatimusmäärittelyt. Niistä laitteen konfigurointimahdollisuudet ja piirilevyn tavoitekoko asettivat suurimmat haasteet laitteen suunnittelulle. Työn tuloksena toteutettiin asiakkaan tarpeisiin soveltuva automaatioyksikkö. Tavoitteisiin päästiin komponenttivalinnoilla ja hyödyntämällä tehokkaasti mikro-ohjaimen integroituja ominaisuuksia. Näiden avulla pystyttiin karsimaan monia yksiköitä, joita tavanomaisesti toteutetaan erilliskomponenteilla. Työssä perehdyttiin sulautetun järjestelmän elektroniikan tuotekehitysprosessiin ideasta prototyyppiin. Samalla on kuvailtu valittuja ratkaisuja sekä suunnittelussa tapahtuneita virheitä ja miten ne on ratkaistu.


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End-user development is a very common but often largely overlooked phenomenon in information systems research and practice. End-user development means that regular people, the end-users of software, and not professional developers are doing software development. A large number of people are directly or indirectly impacted by the results of these non-professional development activities. The numbers of users performing end-user development activities are difficult to ascertain precisely. But it is very large, and still growing. Computer adoption is growing towards 100% and many new types of computational devices are continually introduced. In addition, other devices not previously programmable are becoming so. This means that, at this very moment, hundreds of millions of people are likely struggling with development problems. Furthermore, software itself is continually being adapted for more flexibility, enabling users to change the behaviour of their software themselves. New software and services are helping to transform users from consumers to producers. Much of this is now found on-line. The problem for the end-user developer is that little of this development is supported by anyone. Often organisations do not notice end-user development and consequently neither provide support for it, nor are equipped to be able to do so. Many end-user developers do not belong to any organisation at all. Also, the end-user development process may be aggravating the problem. End-users are usually not really committed to the development process, which tends to be more iterative and ad hoc. This means support becomes a distant third behind getting the job done and figuring out the development issues to get the job done. Sometimes the software itself may exacerbate the issue by simplifying the development process, deemphasising the difficulty of the task being undertaken. On-line support could be the lifeline the end-user developer needs. Going online one can find all the knowledge one could ever need. However, that does still not help the end-user apply this information or knowledge in practice. A virtual community, through its ability to adopt the end-user’s specific context, could surmount this final obstacle. This thesis explores the concept of end-user development and how it could be supported through on-line sources, in particular virtual communities, which it is argued here, seem to fit the end-user developer’s needs very well. The experiences of real end-user developers and prior literature were used in this process. Emphasis has been on those end-user developers, e.g. small business owners, who may have literally nowhere to turn to for support. Adopting the viewpoint of the end-user developer, the thesis examines the question of how an end-user could use a virtual community effectively, improving the results of the support process. Assuming the common situation where the demand for support outstrips the supply.


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It has been shown for several DNA probes that the recently introduced Fast-FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) technique is well suited for quantitative microscopy. For highly repetitive DNA probes the hybridization (renaturation) time and the number of subsequent washing steps were reduced considerably by omitting denaturing chemical agents (e.g., formamide). The appropriate hybridization temperature and time allow a clear discrimination between major and minor binding sites by quantitative fluorescence microscopy. The well-defined physical conditions for hybridization permit automatization of the procedure, e.g., by a programmable thermal cycler. Here, we present optimized conditions for a commercially available X-specific a-satellite probe. Highly fluorescent major binding sites were obtained for 74oC hybridization temperature and 60 min hybridization time. They were clearly discriminated from some low fluorescent minor binding sites on metaphase chromosomes as well as in interphase cell nuclei. On average, a total of 3.43 ± 1.59 binding sites were measured in metaphase spreads, and 2.69 ± 1.00 in interphase nuclei. Microwave activation for denaturation and hybridization was tested to accelerate the procedure. The slides with the target material and the hybridization buffer were placed in a standard microwave oven. After denaturation for 20 s at 900 W, hybridization was performed for 4 min at 90 W. The suitability of a microwave oven for Fast-FISH was confirmed by the application to a chromosome 1-specific a-satellite probe. In this case, denaturation was performed at 630 W for 60 s and hybridization at 90 W for 5 min. In all cases, the results were analyzed quantitatively and compared to the results obtained by Fast-FISH. The major binding sites were clearly discriminated by their brightness


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In this work, the feasibility of the floating-gate technology in analog computing platforms in a scaled down general-purpose CMOS technology is considered. When the technology is scaled down the performance of analog circuits tends to get worse because the process parameters are optimized for digital transistors and the scaling involves the reduction of supply voltages. Generally, the challenge in analog circuit design is that all salient design metrics such as power, area, bandwidth and accuracy are interrelated. Furthermore, poor flexibility, i.e. lack of reconfigurability, the reuse of IP etc., can be considered the most severe weakness of analog hardware. On this account, digital calibration schemes are often required for improved performance or yield enhancement, whereas high flexibility/reconfigurability can not be easily achieved. Here, it is discussed whether it is possible to work around these obstacles by using floating-gate transistors (FGTs), and analyze problems associated with the practical implementation. FGT technology is attractive because it is electrically programmable and also features a charge-based built-in non-volatile memory. Apart from being ideal for canceling the circuit non-idealities due to process variations, the FGTs can also be used as computational or adaptive elements in analog circuits. The nominal gate oxide thickness in the deep sub-micron (DSM) processes is too thin to support robust charge retention and consequently the FGT becomes leaky. In principle, non-leaky FGTs can be implemented in a scaled down process without any special masks by using “double”-oxide transistors intended for providing devices that operate with higher supply voltages than general purpose devices. However, in practice the technology scaling poses several challenges which are addressed in this thesis. To provide a sufficiently wide-ranging survey, six prototype chips with varying complexity were implemented in four different DSM process nodes and investigated from this perspective. The focus is on non-leaky FGTs, but the presented autozeroing floating-gate amplifier (AFGA) demonstrates that leaky FGTs may also find a use. The simplest test structures contain only a few transistors, whereas the most complex experimental chip is an implementation of a spiking neural network (SNN) which comprises thousands of active and passive devices. More precisely, it is a fully connected (256 FGT synapses) two-layer spiking neural network (SNN), where the adaptive properties of FGT are taken advantage of. A compact realization of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) within the SNN is one of the key contributions of this thesis. Finally, the considerations in this thesis extend beyond CMOS to emerging nanodevices. To this end, one promising emerging nanoscale circuit element - memristor - is reviewed and its applicability for analog processing is considered. Furthermore, it is discussed how the FGT technology can be used to prototype computation paradigms compatible with these emerging two-terminal nanoscale devices in a mature and widely available CMOS technology.


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Currently, laser scribing is growing material processing method in the industry. Benefits of laser scribing technology are studied for example for improving an efficiency of solar cells. Due high-quality requirement of the fast scribing process, it is important to monitor the process in real time for detecting possible defects during the process. However, there is a lack of studies of laser scribing real time monitoring. Commonly used monitoring methods developed for other laser processes such a laser welding, are sufficient slow and existed applications cannot be implemented in fast laser scribing monitoring. The aim of this thesis is to find a method for laser scribing monitoring with a high-speed camera and evaluate reliability and performance of the developed monitoring system with experiments. The laser used in experiments is an IPG ytterbium pulsed fiber laser with 20 W maximum average power and Scan head optics used in the laser is Scanlab’s Hurryscan 14 II with an f100 tele-centric lens. The camera was connected to laser scanner using camera adapter to follow the laser process. A powerful fully programmable industrial computer was chosen for executing image processing and analysis. Algorithms for defect analysis, which are based on particle analysis, were developed using LabVIEW system design software. The performance of the algorithms was analyzed by analyzing a non-moving image from the scribing line with resolution 960x20 pixel. As a result, the maximum analysis speed was 560 frames per second. Reliability of the algorithm was evaluated by imaging scribing path with a variable number of defects 2000 mm/s when the laser was turned off and image analysis speed was 430 frames per second. The experiment was successful and as a result, the algorithms detected all defects from the scribing path. The final monitoring experiment was performed during a laser process. However, it was challenging to get active laser illumination work with the laser scanner due physical dimensions of the laser lens and the scanner. For reliable error detection, the illumination system is needed to be replaced.


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Decimal multiplication is an integral part of financial, commercial, and internet-based computations. This paper presents a novel double digit decimal multiplication (DDDM) technique that performs 2 digit multiplications simultaneously in one clock cycle. This design offers low latency and high throughput. When multiplying two n-digit operands to produce a 2n-digit product, the design has a latency of (n / 2) 1 cycles. The paper presents area and delay comparisons for 7-digit, 16-digit, 34-digit double digit decimal multipliers on different families of Xilinx, Altera, Actel and Quick Logic FPGAs. The multipliers presented can be extended to support decimal floating-point multiplication for IEEE P754 standard


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En este texto se presentan algunos conceptos y marcos teóricos útiles para el análisis del trabajo en ergonomía. El objetivo es mostrar los conceptos de base para el estudio del trabajo en la tradición de la ergonomía de la actividad, y analizar de manera general algunos de los modelos empleados para el análisis de una actividad de trabajo. Inicialmente se abordan los principios teóricos de la ergonomía y los principios que provienen de la fisiología, la biomecánica, la psicología y la sociología; también se presentan los acercamientos metodológicos empleados en esta misma perspectiva para el análisis de actividades de trabajo. Se parte del principio de que un estudio ergonómico del trabajo se puede llevar a cabo desde una doble perspectiva: la perspectiva analítica y la perspectiva comprensiva.