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Seasonal climate forecasting offers potential for improving management of crop production risks in the cropping systems of NE Australia. But how is this capability best connected to management practice? Over the past decade, we have pursued participative systems approaches involving simulation-aided discussion with advisers and decision-makers. This has led to the development of discussion support software as a key vehicle for facilitating infusion of forecasting capability into practice. In this paper, we set out the basis of our approach, its implementation and preliminary evaluation. We outline the development of the discussion support software Whopper Cropper, which was designed for, and in close consultation with, public and private advisers. Whopper Cropper consists of a database of simulation output and a graphical user interface to generate analyses of risks associated with crop management options. The charts produced provide conversation pieces for advisers to use with their farmer clients in relation to the significant decisions they face. An example application, detail of the software development process and an initial survey of user needs are presented. We suggest that discussion support software is about moving beyond traditional notions of supply-driven decision support systems. Discussion support software is largely demand-driven and can compliment participatory action research programs by providing cost-effective general delivery of simulation-aided discussions about relevant management actions. The critical role of farm management advisers and dialogue among key players is highlighted. We argue that the discussion support concept, as exemplified by the software tool Whopper Cropper and the group processes surrounding it, provides an effective means to infuse innovations, like seasonal climate forecasting, into farming practice. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The contribution of roof gutters to Aedes aegypti (L.) and Ochlerotatus notoscriptus (Skuse) pupal populations was quantified for the first time in Cairns, Australia. Concurrent yard and roof surveys yielded ill estimated 6,934 mosquito pupae, comprising four species. Roof gutters were all uncommon but productive source of Ae. aegypti in both wet season (n = 11) and dry season (n = 2) surveys, producing 52.6% and 39.5% of the respective populations. First story gutters accounted for 92.3% of the positive gutters. Therefore, treatment of roof gutters is a critical element in Ae. aegypti control campaigns during dengue outbreaks. In wet season yards, the largest standing, crops of Ae. aegypti occurred in garden accoutrements, discarded household items, and rubbish (36.4%, 28.0%, and 20.6%, respectively). In dry season yards, rubbish produced 79.6% of the Ae. aegypti pupae. The number of Ae. aegypti pupae/person was 2.36 and 0.59 for the wet and dry season surveys, respectively.
Phyllurus gulbaru, sp. nov., is a highly distinct species of leaf-tailed gecko restricted to rocky rainforest of Pattersons Gorge, north-west of Townsville. The possession of a cylindrical, non-depressed, tapering original and regenerated tail separates P. gulbaru from all congeners except P. caudiannulatus. From this species P. gulbaru is separated by having a partially divided, as opposed to fully divided, rostral scale. Furthermore, the very small spinose body tubercles of P. gulbaru are in marked contrast to the large spinose body scales of P. caudiannulatus. An analysis of 729 bp of mitochondrial 12S rRNA and cytochrome b genes reveals P. gulbaru to be a deeply divergent lineage with closer affinities to mid-east Queensland congeners than the geographically neighbouring P. amnicola on Mt Elliot. In conservation terms, P. gulbaru is clearly at risk. Field surveys of Pattersons Gorge and the adjacent ranges indicate that this species is restricted to a very small area of highly fragmented habitat, of which only a small proportion receives a degree of protection in State forest. Further, there is ongoing, unchecked destruction of dry rainforest habitat by fire. Under current IUCN criteria, P. gulbaru warrants an Endangered ( B1, 2) listing.
The authors identify key issues that researchers, funding bodies, ethics committees and ethicists might consider in contemplating research subject payment ethics. They argue that what is missing from the broader debate is due consideration of ethics committee decision processes; research subject reasons for participation; and current research practices. The authors explore these issues and how they relate to existing guidelines on voluntary consent, and arguments that have been proposed for and against research subject payments. (non- author abstract)
BP Refinery (Bulwer Island) Ltd (BP) located on the eastern Australian coast is currently undergoing a major expansion as a part of the Queensland Clean Fuels Project. The associated wastewater treatment plant upgrade will provide a better quality of treated effluent than is currently possible with the existing infrastructure, and which will be of a sufficiently high standard to meet not only the requirements of imposed environmental legislation but also BP's environmental objectives. A number of challenges were faced when considering the upgrade, particularly; cost constraints and limited plot space, highly variable wastewater, toxicity issues, and limited available hydraulic head. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology was chosen for the lagoon upgrade based on the following; SBR technology allowed a retro-fit of the existing earthen lagoon without the need for any additional substantial concrete structures, a dual lagoon system allowed partial treatment of wastewaters during construction, SBRs give substantial process flexibility, SBRs have the ability to easily modify process parameters without any physical modifications, and significant cost benefits. This paper presents the background to this application, an outline of laboratory studies carried out on the wastewater and details the full scale design issues and methods for providing a cost effective, efficient treatment system using the existing lagoon system.
This paper examines the influence of the chemical constituents of activated sludge and extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on the surface properties, hydrophobicity, surface charge (SC) and flocculating ability (FA) of activated sludge floes. Activated sludge samples from 7 different full-scale wastewater treatment plants were examined. Protein and humic substances were found to be the dominant polymeric compounds in the activated sludges and the extracted EPS, and they significantly affected the FA and surface properties, hydrophobicity and SC, of the sludge floes. The polymeric compounds proteins, humic substances and carbohydrates in the sludge floes and the extracted EPS contributed to the negative SC, but correlated negatively to the hydrophobicity of sludge floes. The quantity of protein and carbohydrate within the sludge and the extracted EPS was correlated positively to the FA of the sludge floes, while increased amounts of humic substances resulted in lower FA. In contrast, increased amounts of total extracted EPS had a negative correlation to FA. The results reveal that the quality and quantity of the polymeric compounds within the sludge floes is more informative, with respect to understanding the mechanisms involved in flocculation, than if only the extracted EPS are considered. This is an important finding as it indicates that extracting EPS may be insufficient to characterise the EPS. This is due to the low extraction efficiency and difficulties involved in the separation of EPS from other organic compounds. Correlations were observed between the surface properties and FA of the sludge floes., This confirms that the surface properties of the, sludge flocs play an important role in the bioflocculation process but that also other interactions like polymer entanglement are important. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
O artigo investiga as contribui????es da pol??tica de governo eletr??nico para a reforma administrativa e a governan??a no Brasil. A pesquisa baseou-se na opini??o de informantes-chave dos quatro setores que atuam no e-gov: setor p??blico, iniciativa privada, terceiro setor e academia. Concluiu-se que as tecnologias de informa????o e comunica????o (TIC) podem ser a principal ferramenta para as iniciativas de moderniza????o do Estado, sendo ressalvado que o e-governo n??o pode ser visto como panac??ia para as reformas: o uso de tecnologias deveria caminhar em paralelo com outras medidas governamentais, nos campos pol??tico e econ??mico, por exemplo. Embora tenha sido reconhecido o potencial das TIC, o governo eletr??nico ainda n??o se encontra inserido com a ??nfase necess??ria na agenda governamental brasileira, de modo a contribuir decisivamente para a reforma administrativa e a governan??a.
Atualmente é difícil reconhecer a identidade de muitas espécies neotropicais de Pseudisobrachium Kieffer, 1904, principalmente por que as descrições e ilustrações disponíveis não são suficientes para permitir identificações precisas. Para resolver este problema, foram examinadas 115 espécies válidas, além de seus sinônimos juniores. Foram realizados doze atos nomenclaturais, e reconhecidas 110 espécies válidas para a região Neotropical. Foram designados dois lectótipos: Pristocera crassicornis Westwood and Pristocera haemorrhoidalis Westwood. Foram propostas sete sinonímias novas para espécies: Pseudisobrachium retusum Evans syn. nov. de P. pauxillum Evans; P. cunco Perez syn. nov. de P. erythrocephalum Evans; P. navajo Evans, P. rectangulatum Evans, P. emarginatum Evans e P. foutsi Evans syn. nov. de P. flavinervis Fouts; P. acuminatum Waichert & Azevedo syn. nov. de P. latum Waichert & Azevedo. Foi proposta a seguinte sinonímia nova para gênero: Parisobrachium Kieffer syn. nov. de Dissomphalus Ashmead. Foi estabelecida a seguinte combinação nova e revalidado o nome: Dissomphalus albipes (Kieffer) comb. nov. e nom. rev. de Pseudisobrachium paraguayense Kieffer.
O estudo tem por objetivo avaliar os fatores que possam explicar a captação de recursos (fundraising) dos fundos de Private Equity e Venture Capital (PE/VC). Em linhas gerais, a proposta é averiguar empiricamente quais são os fatores que impactam na captação de recursos pelos fundos de PE/VC. A amostra foi formada por 25 países e em um espaço temporal de 6 anos (2006-2011). Foram identificados seis fatores: atividade econômica, desenvolvimento do mercado de capitais, governança corporativa, desenvolvimento socioambiental, empreendedorismo e tributação. Assim, construiu-se através de Análise Fatorial seis fatores que foram compostos por 26 variáveis. Por meio de regressão múltipla foram investigadas as relações entre a captação de recursos por parte dos fundos PE/VC e os fatores gerados. Os resultados demonstraram que apesar dos fatores testados serem significativos, a captação dos recursos é fortemente influenciada pelo nível de desenvolvimento do mercado de capitais. Os resultados aqui encontrados se tornam relevantes, pois discutem uma realidade crescente tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo, visto que o mercado de PE/VC solidifica-se como alternativa de captação de recursos.
Tanto pessoas diferentes, como culturas diferentes, quanto percepções diferentes produzem significados de consumo particulares, sejam esses referentes a determinado grupo de pessoas, sejam relacionados a uma cultura ou a seletividade de percepção de cada um de nós. Nessa perspectiva, cultura, consumo e diferença são analisados através de situações específicas de consumo de um grupo de surdos em Vitória-ES. Tal escolha deveu-se a ausência de estudos dentro da área da Administração que se ocupem do tema surdez, uma vez que a discussão sobre a surdez vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço, dentro e fora da esfera acadêmica. A busca aqui se realiza pela reflexão acerca da ausência do sentido da audição não pelas abordagens clínicas, médicas ou terapêuticas, mas aproximando-se dos estudos sociais interpretativistas (THOMA, 2008; STROBEL, 2008; SÁ, 2006). O intento é buscar compreender de que forma esses consumidores forjam suas relações sociais através do consumo de bens e serviços. Para tal análise, realizouse pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o consumo por uma perspectiva antropológica (ROCHA, 2000, 2005; MILLER, 2002; MCCRACKEN, 2003). A partir de então, aproximou-se da perspectiva cultural proposta pelos estudos surdos, na busca pela compreensão do consumo como mediador de relações e construtor de significações. Através de inspiração etnográfica com a utilização de observação direta e entrevistas informais (MALINOWSKI, 1978; GEERTZ, 1989; MAGNANI, 2002, 2003), o campo de pesquisa se desenvolveu a partir dos eventos, encontros, discussões e passeios realizados pelo grupo de surdos. Com estes, foi possível vivenciar algumas situações de consumo que envolvem do uso de transporte coletivo à encontros informais. Viu-se que das relações sociais forjadas pelos surdos e ouvintes emergem sujeitos-chaves que atuam na construção coletiva do grupo. Também identificou-se possibilidades de compreensão do consumidor através das abordagens política, médico/terapêutica e religiosa, além de artefatos que permeiam o grupo estudado. Deixou-se como sugestão para pesquisas futuras, dentre outras, a busca pela utilização da etnografia para a compreensão de grupos de consumidores, pela compreensão da relação entre a surdez e bens específicos de consumo, além da possibilidade de utilizar as perspectivas elencadas nesse trabalho em outras situações, com o intuito de alargar o universo de possibilidade de compreensão dos surdos.
In this article we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables that can potentially influence the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)in Portugal. Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 591 publicly-owned organizations (local governments, municipal corporations and hospitals) and 549 privately-owned organizations (large companies and small and medium enterprises) in Portugal, with an overall response rate of 31.3%. The results allow us to conclude that although the majority of respondents claimed to know the BSC, its use in Portugal is still limited and very recent, particularly in the public sector organizations. However, it should be noted that its use has increased in Portugal in recent years. Using as theoretical framework the contingency and institutional theories, we found that decentralization, vertical differentiation and the degree of higher education are associated with the implementation of the BSC.
Many studies have been conducted in corporate finance regarding long-term investment and financing decisions. However, short-term asset investments play a significant role in the balance sheet of companies. Moreover, financial managers dedicate significant amounts of time and effort to the subject of working capital management, balancing current assets and liabilities. This paper provides insights regarding the key factors of working capital management by exploring the internal variables of a number of companies. This study used data from 2,976 Brazilian public companies from 2001 to 2008, and found that debt level, size and growth rate can affect the working capital management of companies.