957 resultados para Priority intervention educational territories
Background. Screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) is considered cost effective but screening compliance in the US remains low. There have been very few studies on economic analyses of screening promotion strategies for colorectal cancer. The main aim of the current study is to conduct a cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) and examine the uncertainty involved in the results of the CEA of a tailored intervention to promote screening for CRC among patients of a multispeciality clinic in Houston, TX. ^ Methods. The two intervention arms received a PC based tailored program and web based educational information to promote CRC screening. The incremental cost of implementing a tailored PC based program was compared to the website based education and the status quo of no intervention for each unit of effect after 12 months of delivering the intervention. Uncertainty analysis in the point estimates of cost and effect was conducted using nonparametric bootstrapping. ^ Results. The cost of implementing a web based educational intervention was $36.00 per person and the cost of the tailored PC based interactive intervention was $43.00 per person. The additional cost per person screened for the web-based strategy was $2374 and the effect of the tailored intervention was negative. ^
In this study we sought to identify and understand feelings, benefits and barriers to making heart healthy behavioral changes by reviewing and analyzing participant responses to a follow-up telephone survey conducted as part of the HEART project (Health Education Awareness Research Team). Individuals who participated in HEART attended classes and received “Su Corazon, Su Vida” education. The HEART follow-up telephone survey was conducted only on those participants who were part of the experimental group. A total of 93 individuals from this group were successfully contacted for participation in the telephone survey after the classes ended. Quantitative data regarding ‘feelings’ and ‘difficulty making heart healthy behavioral changes’ were analyzed by calculating frequencies of each category of response for post-intervention weeks 9, 13, and 15. In addition, Wilcoxon rank-sum tests were conducted for post-intervention at weeks 9, 13, and 15 to measure associations between feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes. Changes in responses over time for feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes were looked at by counting differences in responses between pairs of follow up weeks. Qualitative responses to the survey were analyzed by categorizing content of responses under themes in order to identify factors related to feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes. Telephone survey participants showed positive attitudes towards making nutritional and physical activity changes. Out of the 93 telephone survey respondents, 53 (57%) reported some type of physical activity change during the follow-up period while 46 (49%) reported specific changes in nutrition. Data from the “difficulty to making changes” responses were categorized under constructs from the Health Belief Model, perceived benefits and barriers. Overall, the barriers for physical activity were health issues, individual habits and time. Barriers to eating healthy were family support, individual habits, and knowledge. This study suggests that with respect to nutritional knowledge barriers, educational programs should explore other ways of teaching and familiarizing individuals with information sources that may be more appropriate for those populations not accustomed to them. For example, nutrition labels, portions, recipes, and use of photonovelas. Our findings of the barriers to changes in food preparation due to lack of family support may also suggest the need for the development of programs where influential partners or relatives are involved in order to create a more supportive environment which may provide more opportunity for change toward healthier lifestyle behaviors. Finally, the physical activity barriers found suggest that it may be beneficial to recommend appropriate exercises for those with specific health problems or those with time restrictions due to work or travel so that physical activity is not completely avoided.^
Background. Consistent adherence to antiretroviral treatment is necessary for a treatment success. Improving and maintaining adherence rate >95% are challenging for health care professionals. This pilot randomized controlled study aimed to evaluate the impact of the interactive intervention on adherence to GPO-VIR, to describe the feasibility of the interactive intervention in Thailand, and to illustrate the adherence self-efficacy concept among HIV treatment-naïve patients in Thailand who were starting antiretroviral treatment. ^ Methods. The study took place at three HIV clinics located in Phayao, Thailand. Twenty-three patients were randomly assigned into the experimental (n=11) and the control groups (n=12). Each participant in the experimental group and a significant person to the patient received 5 educational sessions with a nurse at the clinics and at their homes. They also received 3 follow-up evaluations during the 6-month period of the study. The participants in the control group received the standard of care provided by HIV clinical personnel plus three follow-up evaluations at the clinic. ^ Results. Seventeen patients (7 in the experimental and 10 in the control group) completed the study. The 4-day recall on the Thai ACTG Adherence Scale demonstrated adherence rate >95% for most participants from both groups. After the first measurement, no experimental group patients reporting missing ART, while one control group participant continuously skipped ART. Participants from both groups had significantly increased CD4 cell counts after the study (F(1, 15) = 29.30, p = .000), but no differences were found between two groups (F(1, 15) = .001, p = .98). Examination of the intervention showed limitations and possibilities to implement it in Thailand. Qualitative data demonstrated self-efficacy expectations, resignation and acceptance as related concepts to improve adherence outcomes. ^ Conclusions. This interactive intervention, after appropriate modifications, is feasible to apply for Thai HIV-treatment naïve patients. Because of limitations the study could not demonstrate whether the interactive intervention improved adherence to ART among HIV-treatment naïve in Thailand. A longitudinal study in a larger sample would be required to test the impact of the intervention. ^ Keyword: antiretroviral treatment, adherence, treatment-naïve, Thailand, randomized controlled study ^
Most studies related to diarrhea have been focused narrowly on the etiological and pathophysiological factors involved in inducing the disease. Such studies have often failed to consider other facets contributing to and possibly prolonging the problem, namely: socio-economic conditions, educational opportunities and attainments, cultural characteristics and beliefs, and the political administration and its commitment towards fulfilling its moral and ethical obligations in responding to and fostering human development.^ This study utilized the diagnostic approach of the PRECEDE model. The acronym stands for the predisposing reinforcing, and enabling constructs in educational diagnosis and evaluation. The constituents of this model were identified by utilizing participant observation field methods, traditionally applied by ethnographers to collect data describing the multiple facets of a culture, and linguistic anthropology used to capture and define characteristic semantics and viewpoints. The household study sample was randomly selected from a defined list of households known to have at least one child less than five years of age. An open-ended questionnaire format was used to interview the 115 mothers in the selected households sample.^ Kalama, the study community, is characteristically an agricultural village, situated in the Governorate of Kaliobia and located approximately 25 Km (about 15.5 miles) from the capital, Cairo, Egypt. The 1986 census indicates a population size of 13,328 people in 4,818 households. There were 65 deaths occurring among children less than five years in 1986. The causes of death were primarily related to diarrhea, followed by upper respiratory infections, congenital anomalies and birth injuries.^ This study outlines (a) practices related to the management of diarrhea, including the administration of foods and drinks during such episodes; (b) influences of governmental policies; and (c) recommended strategies for overcoming barriers and promoting effective diarrhea intervention programs. ^
During the last three decades considerable attention has been placed on the reduction of tobacco use due to cigarette smoking. During this time, studies have been funded and programs have been developed that focus on both prevention and cessation of cigarette smoking. This intense focus has led to a significant decline in cigarette smoking. But now, use of another form of tobacco--smokeless tobacco--is gaining in popularity.^ In 1989, the National Cancer Institute funded a research study at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, called Working Well, to develop, implement, and evaluate worksite health promotion programs aimed at reducing cancer risks. As part of this program, a behavioral intervention for smokeless tobacco use was developed. This dissertation evaluates the impact of that behavioral change intervention for smokeless tobacco use.^ Data collected during the Working Well program were analyzed to determine the effect of the intervention. The primary outcomes analyzed were smokeless tobacco cessation, stages of change movement, and prevalence. The secondary outcomes analyzed included the prediction of smokeless tobacco use, stage movement, and cessation. Primary outcome analyses were conducted using the worksite as the unit of analysis, while the secondary analyses were conducted using the individual as the unit of analysis.^ Approximately 20% of the male population used smokeless tobacco. Results of intervention analyses indicate that the Working Well program produced no intervention effect on any of the primary outcomes. At the final observation, the experimental worksites achieved a quit rate of 27%, while the control worksites achieved a quit rate of 26% (P = 0.78). Stage movement for the experimental worksites was 49%, while the control worksites experienced stage movement of 43% (P = 0.20). The results of the analyses on smokeless tobacco prevalence followed the same pattern. Predictors of smokeless tobacco use, cessation, and stage movement were also identified.^ Based on the results found in this study, smokeless tobacco should remain a research priority. Future research should focus on smokeless tobacco use, including the identification of the determinants of smokeless tobacco use and the development of measures and effective intervention strategies. ^
A descriptive study of the current educational programs of selected health personnel in Nigeria was made in 1986. Data on the content of educational programs was obtained from personal communication with the Heads of the various institutions and from their published materials (catalogs, course outlines and program descriptions). Adequacy of these programs was judged in the light of current health problems and needs of the population. Evaluation was based on the following criteria: (a) Selection of students to maximize their usefulness in the provision of health care. (b) Relevance of the curriculum to the tasks the trainee will be called upon to perform. (c) Types of courses that focus on community health needs. Using official reports, the health situation in the country was described to give a relative priority of health services.^ Findings indicate the following: (1) Health conditions in Nigeria are related to a high prevalence of illness and disease, unsanitary living conditions, a high ratio of infant mortality and a shortage of public health services. Priority needs for improvement call for attitudinal and environmental changes. (2) All health training programs have improved the relevance of education to community health needs by strengthening practical field experience, and teaching those courses which focus on disease prevention. (3) Prospective nurses and community health workers are selected on the basis of a number of personal and intellectual characteristics, but academic performance alone is the criterion for medical students. (4) The curriculum in the medical school needs to be restructured to cut back on time devoted to enriching the medical "background". Basic sciences need better integration with hospital work. (5) Managerial and organization courses have been well incorporated into the nursing and community health workers' curricula. (6) There is a marked overlap in the tasks the community health workers are expected to perform. This causes some redundancy in having four separate categories of these health personnel. ^
This work proposes to seek for the factors related to the choices that people with special educational needs make as the result of the visual impairment, during the transition stage from high school to advanced education. Therefore, we have taken into consideration that Vocational Guidance and the transition towards adulthood get specific characteristics in case of visually impaired young people, particularly in what's related to continue with advanced education. The focus of this work is to be able to clarify the existence of factors that make this transition stage easier or harder, through the observation of visually impaired and blind people who complete high school. This matter has aroused interest and concern about the strategies to follow to ensure the successful entrance and remaining in the selected advanced education. However, if we don?t know the factors involved in the described fact, it's difficult to design an appropriate intervention strategy. Then, in order to take acknowledge about the specific issues of visually impaired young people who complete high school, we chose a special school for this disability and some students who will join this project
This work is based upon conclusions drawn from the research project: "A Profile of vocational occupational counselling and placement and employment services" in La Plata and greater La Plata (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). This research was carried out between 1998 and 2002 and explored four axes or systems: Health - Labour-Social Policies and Education. In the case of this last axis, reference was made to information about school counselling teams (psychologists, psycho-pedagogues, social workers, etc.) who should have the responsibility for the counselling task, and moved their activity towards the attention of urgencies requested by educational institutions, to cope with current psycho-social problems, losing sight of the importance of counselling from a prevention perspective, for avoiding possible risk situations. Results achieved within this context (La Plata, capital of the Province of Buenos Aires, Ensenada and Berisso), due to the strategic importance of the region in the national context, allowed us to establish meaningful relationships, correlations and projective inferences in other social and regional spheres.
This work belongs to one of the activities that are carried out in the Vocational and Occupational Guidance Center (V.O.G.C.) of the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences at the L.P.N.U. In the year 1994 the Vocational/Occupational Guidance Programme for Municipalities was created, destined for work with adolescents who are attending their last year at secondary schools in the interior of the Province of Buenos Aires . The Programme aims at fostering the development of spaces for reflection related to the educational/working projects of the adolescents who are close to entering university. The proposal is based on the methodology of work groups, in the journeys preoccupations are sheared, the worries and fears experienced by the students are shared with their hosts, possibilities are used as ground for construction, dealing both with aspects of their current situation and their future possibilities. From the analysis of the group productions collected throughout these years, we have developed a student's profile that - although it resembles the one obtained from local adolescents- adds new questions and points of view, thus increasing the complexity of the balance of forces related to the question of having to make a choice.
This work proposes to seek for the factors related to the choices that people with special educational needs make as the result of the visual impairment, during the transition stage from high school to advanced education. Therefore, we have taken into consideration that Vocational Guidance and the transition towards adulthood get specific characteristics in case of visually impaired young people, particularly in what's related to continue with advanced education. The focus of this work is to be able to clarify the existence of factors that make this transition stage easier or harder, through the observation of visually impaired and blind people who complete high school. This matter has aroused interest and concern about the strategies to follow to ensure the successful entrance and remaining in the selected advanced education. However, if we don?t know the factors involved in the described fact, it's difficult to design an appropriate intervention strategy. Then, in order to take acknowledge about the specific issues of visually impaired young people who complete high school, we chose a special school for this disability and some students who will join this project
This work is based upon conclusions drawn from the research project: "A Profile of vocational occupational counselling and placement and employment services" in La Plata and greater La Plata (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). This research was carried out between 1998 and 2002 and explored four axes or systems: Health - Labour-Social Policies and Education. In the case of this last axis, reference was made to information about school counselling teams (psychologists, psycho-pedagogues, social workers, etc.) who should have the responsibility for the counselling task, and moved their activity towards the attention of urgencies requested by educational institutions, to cope with current psycho-social problems, losing sight of the importance of counselling from a prevention perspective, for avoiding possible risk situations. Results achieved within this context (La Plata, capital of the Province of Buenos Aires, Ensenada and Berisso), due to the strategic importance of the region in the national context, allowed us to establish meaningful relationships, correlations and projective inferences in other social and regional spheres.
This work belongs to one of the activities that are carried out in the Vocational and Occupational Guidance Center (V.O.G.C.) of the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences at the L.P.N.U. In the year 1994 the Vocational/Occupational Guidance Programme for Municipalities was created, destined for work with adolescents who are attending their last year at secondary schools in the interior of the Province of Buenos Aires . The Programme aims at fostering the development of spaces for reflection related to the educational/working projects of the adolescents who are close to entering university. The proposal is based on the methodology of work groups, in the journeys preoccupations are sheared, the worries and fears experienced by the students are shared with their hosts, possibilities are used as ground for construction, dealing both with aspects of their current situation and their future possibilities. From the analysis of the group productions collected throughout these years, we have developed a student's profile that - although it resembles the one obtained from local adolescents- adds new questions and points of view, thus increasing the complexity of the balance of forces related to the question of having to make a choice.
This work proposes to seek for the factors related to the choices that people with special educational needs make as the result of the visual impairment, during the transition stage from high school to advanced education. Therefore, we have taken into consideration that Vocational Guidance and the transition towards adulthood get specific characteristics in case of visually impaired young people, particularly in what's related to continue with advanced education. The focus of this work is to be able to clarify the existence of factors that make this transition stage easier or harder, through the observation of visually impaired and blind people who complete high school. This matter has aroused interest and concern about the strategies to follow to ensure the successful entrance and remaining in the selected advanced education. However, if we don?t know the factors involved in the described fact, it's difficult to design an appropriate intervention strategy. Then, in order to take acknowledge about the specific issues of visually impaired young people who complete high school, we chose a special school for this disability and some students who will join this project
This work is based upon conclusions drawn from the research project: "A Profile of vocational occupational counselling and placement and employment services" in La Plata and greater La Plata (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). This research was carried out between 1998 and 2002 and explored four axes or systems: Health - Labour-Social Policies and Education. In the case of this last axis, reference was made to information about school counselling teams (psychologists, psycho-pedagogues, social workers, etc.) who should have the responsibility for the counselling task, and moved their activity towards the attention of urgencies requested by educational institutions, to cope with current psycho-social problems, losing sight of the importance of counselling from a prevention perspective, for avoiding possible risk situations. Results achieved within this context (La Plata, capital of the Province of Buenos Aires, Ensenada and Berisso), due to the strategic importance of the region in the national context, allowed us to establish meaningful relationships, correlations and projective inferences in other social and regional spheres.
This work belongs to one of the activities that are carried out in the Vocational and Occupational Guidance Center (V.O.G.C.) of the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences at the L.P.N.U. In the year 1994 the Vocational/Occupational Guidance Programme for Municipalities was created, destined for work with adolescents who are attending their last year at secondary schools in the interior of the Province of Buenos Aires . The Programme aims at fostering the development of spaces for reflection related to the educational/working projects of the adolescents who are close to entering university. The proposal is based on the methodology of work groups, in the journeys preoccupations are sheared, the worries and fears experienced by the students are shared with their hosts, possibilities are used as ground for construction, dealing both with aspects of their current situation and their future possibilities. From the analysis of the group productions collected throughout these years, we have developed a student's profile that - although it resembles the one obtained from local adolescents- adds new questions and points of view, thus increasing the complexity of the balance of forces related to the question of having to make a choice.