316 resultados para Prescrições urbanísticas
This study aims to analyze the process of resignification of Chile Street, in Natal, from the development of a music scene in the late 1990s. Chile Street, as part of the Historic Centre of Natal, had its images constructed from the discursive practices and everyday life of its regular visitors, leading to a series of symbolic and imaging transformations throughout the twentieth century. Initially transformed into glamorous space as a result of urban actions of the new republic of Albuquerque Maranhão, in the early twentieth century, Ribeira and Chile Street, specifically, came to be seen as bohemian area, during the war time"; followed by a marginal phase, it was eventually transformed into the main rocker area of Natal, with the development of a musical scene in the second half of the 1990s. This music scene, its practices, economic interests, cultural events and identity ties created among their practitioners made Chile Street, "in the time of Blackout night club", an "alternative" space. As the historic centers, inserted in the logic of postmodern city marketing, both spaces are dynamic in their practices, as in their images, Chile Street also suffered changes in its meanings and symbols, around the year 2000 when the alternative-underground space became a pop space, where people from various parts of the city began attending its events and places, transforming it into a point of very heterogeneous sociability
Introduction: This work intents to characterize behavioral indicators of tack to the hemodialysis treatment in a sample of carrying patients of chronic kidney failure (CKF) in the great Natal/RN. The therapeutical adherence represents the agreement degree between the patient behavior and the health team lapsings. The CKF is the gradual and irreversible loss of the renal function, being the hemodialysis treatment an important alternative to assist or to substitute the kidneys. Method: The sample consisted in 80 chronic kidney patients in hemodialysis treatment in two located clinical centers in the region of the great Natal, RN. It was used as instruments (a) a protocol of clinical data collection, (b) the Millon Index of Personality Styles (MIPS) and (c) a script of halfstructuralized interview. Results: The results show a balance between the genders (51% of female and 48.8% of the male sex), average age and equal average time of dialysis respectively to the 43,4 years (±13,25 years) and 22,04 years (±4,24 years). The marital status of half of the sample is married, predominating basic education (43.6%) and a familiar income until a minimum wage (43.8%). It had been defined six physicianlaboratorial indicators to evaluate the therapeutical adherence, further the use of the evaluation of the health team and the patient themselves. Thus, there was an average adherence around 55.97% of the sample ±18.37%). However only between selfassessment of the patients about the adherence and the assessment made by blood pressure post-dialysis indicated a significant association (p=0,029, qui-square test). On the other hand, there was a significant association (p <0.05, chi-square test) among the criteria for treatment adherence and issues investigated in the interview - the perception on the quality of the health services provided to patients, the difficulties following the prescribed diet, the characterization of the days between dialysis sessions and the perception of patients about the dialysis sessions. It was also noted a significant association (p <0.05, Levene test) between adherence to therapy and scales that constitute the MIPS. The health team characterized the patients more adherent behavior as an attitude of acceptance of the treatment, looking actively for their implementation, for more information and knowledge, and establishing a positive communication with the team and with other patients. Similar results were confirmed by the MIPS evaluation. According to that assessment the more compliant patients adopt a more optimistic attitude, trying to act or adapt themselves to their environment, processing cognitively both concrete and objective information, such as more speculative and symbolic information. In addition they establish a gregarious, cooperative, submissive and flexibly pattern of interpersonal relationships to social demands. These characteristics managed to explain 55.7% of the adherence variation according the health team and 23.3% of the variation according the CaxP laboratory indicator. Conclusions: The MIPS shown to be able to identify the most and least adherent to therapy patients. The use of different adherence indicators is important for an evaluation covering the different facets of this process. The adhesion levels are observed within registered by the relevant literature. There is need for further studies with a larger sample to deepen the data findings in this work
This research has aimed to analyze the presence of the Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) at the psychologist s undergraduate education after 2004 s National Curricular Guidelines in Brazil. It has investigated in 43 Brazilian undergraduate courses of Psychology how their Course Pedagogical Projects (CPPs) approach the WOP issues. For that investigation, the CPPs, the subjects programmes related to the WOP and the curriculum grid have been accurately read and analyzed. Categories created by similar studies have also been used. The studied knowledge field has been cited by 41 courses, mainly on the definition of the egress s professional profile, on the expected competences and on the psychologist s formation process lines. Moreover, 28 courses have disposed curricular emphasis on the WOP and 12 have provided professional practices on that Psychology s field. All the courses have displayed, at least, one subject related to the WOP and in 29 cases there have been found between two and six subjects concerned to that field of Psychology, occupying nearby 10% of the whole courses credit hours. It has been verified that the Work and Organizational Psychology is allied to discussions about Quality of Life and Health of the Worker, bonded to work prescriptions at the Personnel Management departments and in other places such as syndicates. Additionally, 37% (147) of the WOP s subjects concerns to the contents of the Work Psychology, 21% (81) relates to the Organizational Psychology, 18% (71) are about Industrial Psychology s topics and 14% (55) debates the field generically. The most often issues are: Recruitment and Selection (25 courses); Training, Development, Learning and Education (24); and Work and Mental Health (24). Those topics have assumed three functions: providing principles for the acting at the WOP field; tutoring psychologists to analyze their own workplaces; and offering a comprehension of the human being mediated by the Work. It has been concluded that the WOP is incorporated on the psychologist s undergraduate education by considering the increasing of its presence and the occurrence of its traditional and emergent topics
thèse de maîtrise, qui a été idealizée et exécutée à partir de la réunion et les relations dialogiques établies entre la géographie et l'histoire, et l'espace et le temps, a considéré l'environnement urbain comme le thème général et, comme la référence empirique, l'espace urbain de Caicó, incrusté dans les terres semi-arides du Sertão do Seridó Potiguar, plus précisément à la mi-sud de l'État du Rio Grande do Norte. Dans cet espace, à travers de recherche des fragments de mémoires acquis de diverses sources historiques, on a tenté de faire des investigations sur les transformations urbaines qui ont eu lieu dans la ville au cours des années 50 et 60 du XXe siècle. Ces transformations, dans l espace urbain de Caicó à un moment du pic de l'activité de développement de coton, reflétaient et conditionnaient les propres projets de modernization urbaine qui représentants des élites locales eurent conçu avec l'objectif de la construction d une ville idéal dans les regions isolées du Seridó: moderne, civilisé, progressive et capitale régionale du Seridó. Pour cette construction, les nouveaux équipements et services urbains ont passé du plan imaginaire à l espace réel, installés dans plusieurs quartiers de la ville en transformant le paysage urbain. Face à cette situation, cinémas, magasins, station de radio, énergie électrique, institutions de l'éducation, téléphonie, maison de soins infirmiers, usine de bénéficiement de coton, banques, politiques urbaines, hygiéniques et sanitaires, modes de comportement, sociabilités urbaines distincttes, parmi d'autres éléments géographiques se sont institués à travers la réalisation de certains idéaux de progrès social et dans un esprit de modernité urbaine, dans de nouveaux espaces et pratiques inventés, tramés et éprouvés sur les rochers et entre le cours d eau au milieu d'un quotidien urbain marqué par ruptures et permanence de certaines coutumes et habitudes antiques et de certains paysages et environnement ridé
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o uso da oxigenoterapia inalatória em crianças internadas em hospital universitário. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de crianças atendidas no Pronto-Socorro Pediátrico do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu e que receberam oxigenoterapia durante a internação, de maio a setembro de 2005. Indicou-se oxigenoterapia se saturação de oxigênio inferior a 90% e frequência respiratória elevada para idade. Crianças em uso crônico de oxigênio ou com necessidade de ventilação mecânica foram excluídas. Foram avaliados: sintomas respiratórios, diagnósticos clínicos, saturação de oxigênio, método e tempo de oxigenoterapia e responsável pela prescrição. RESULTADOS: Foram atendidas 8.709 crianças no pronto-socorro, sendo que 2.769 (32%) apresentaram doenças respiratórias e 97 necessitaram de internação na enfermaria. Destas, 62 (64%) receberam oxigenoterapia. Das 62 crianças, 37 eram do sexo masculino e a idade variou de 2 meses a 14 anos (mediana: 8 meses). A causa de hipóxia foi pneumonia em 52 crianças (84%), asma em cinco, bronquiolite em quatro e traqueomalácia em uma. As prescrições de oxigenoterapia foram feitas por médicos, com monitoração de saturação de oxigênio por oxímetro de pulso. O tempo mediano de administração de O2 foi 6 dias e o cateter nasal foi usado em 94% dos casos, sendo raro o uso de máscaras ou capuz de oxigênio. CONCLUSÕES: A oxigenoterapia inalatória foi mais frequente em crianças com menor idade e em pacientes com pneumonia, sendo sua indicação compatível com critérios internacionais. O uso do cateter nasal mostrou-se seguro, simples, efetivo e de baixo custo.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Embora os psicotrópicos sejam uma das classes de medicações mais prescritas em abrigos para idosos, os estudos avaliando o seu padrão de prescrição são limitados em número e escopo. Este estudo visou investigar os fatores associados ao uso de psicofármacos em um abrigo para idosos no Brasil. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo retrospectivo observacional realizado no Abrigo da Velhice de Rio Claro, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista. MÉTODOS: Dados sobre prescrições foram extraídos dos prontuários médicos dos 108 idosos moradores do abrigo. Sessenta e cinco sujeitos (idade média ± desvio padrão = 74,5 ± 9,4 anos), em uso regular de medicação, constituíram a amostra. Foram examinados os efeitos das variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas sobre o padrão de prescrição de psicofármacos. RESULTADOS: As mulheres recebiam mais psicofármacos (p = 0.038); indivíduos em uso de medicações para doenças cardiovasculares recebiam menos psicofármacos (p = 0.001). Houve correlação negativa entre número de psicofármacos prescritos e, ambos, idade (p = 0.009) e número de medicações clínicas (p = 0.009). CONCLUSÃO: Embora preliminares, os resultados indicam as doenças cardiovasculares como a variável clínica que mais influenciou a prescrição de psicofármacos. Uma excessiva precaução por parte dos clínicos pode explicar parcialmente este resultado. Novas investigações, com amostras maiores e de diferentes regiões são desejáveis para confirmação destes dados.
O texto analisa a ordenação do tempo nas escolas primárias paulistas no final do século XIX e início do século XX, período em que se institui e se consolida a arquitetura temporal escolar. Compreende, pois, as primeiras prescrições detalhadas sobre o tempo constantes na reforma republicana da instrução pública de 1892, as regulamentações instituídas no decorrer da Primeira República, até o momento de criação do Código de Educação de São Paulo em 1933, quando se inaugura uma nova fase da instrução pública no estado. O texto busca mostrar como o tempo constitui uma ordem que se experimenta e se aprende na escola. Para a realização deste estudo foram utilizadas fontes documentais, especialmente a legislação e textos oficiais da administração do ensino. As análises incidem sobre dois aspectos: a formulação política do tempo escolar e a organização pedagógica e disciplinar do tempo na escola. em relação ao primeiro aspecto, mostra como a ordenação do tempo pautou-se pela aspiração de uniformização e controle. Nesse sentido, as autoridades do ensino público procuraram regulamentar a obrigatoriedade do ensino, a freqüência, a duração do curso primário e a jornada escolar. em relação à organização pedagógica e disciplinar do tempo, põe em destaque a ordenação minuciosa do emprego do tempo compreendendo a racionalização curricular - a seleção e distribuição do conhecimento por séries, aulas, lições, e a definição dos horários.
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar representações de pesquisadores da área de ensino de Física sobre a possível interferência da pesquisa da área de ensino de Ciências na maneira como se formam professores no Brasil. Para tal, foram analisadas as respostas a uma questão formulada em entrevistas a treze pesquisadores do ensino da Física, indicados por seus pares por meio de correio eletrônico encaminhado a pesquisadores do ensino de Ciências, incluindo as subáreas de Biologia, Física, Geociências e Química. A análise de discurso desenvolvida na França por Michel Pêcheux, a partir de subsídios obtidos principalmente em publicações de Eni Orlandi no Brasil, foi o apoio teórico que sustentou o estudo. As representações que os discursos selecionados permitem inferir evidenciam pequena influência. Entretanto, foram enunciados fatores de grande abrangência, incluindo desde aqueles internos à própria área, quanto fatores associados a políticas públicas. Também se observou uma diversidade de posições entre os pesquisadores entrevistados. No conjunto, os fatores abordados pelos entrevistados constituem um amplo quadro configurativo de representações que pode ser elemento de reflexão para outros pesquisadores. Acreditamos que essas representações têm potencial de contribuição para efetivas interferências na forma de realização de políticas públicas, sem a necessidade do uso de prescrições e cada vez menos com recomendações vazias.
Esse artigo analisa o manual didático Processologia na Escola Primária, de autoria de Caio de Figueiredo Silva, publicado em 1956, com o objetivo de compreender o processo de incorporação das concepções pedagógicas da Escola Nova nas prescrições para a prática pedagógica. O método empregado foi a análise do discurso expresso na fonte primária aliada a um conjunto de referências bibliográficas de cunho historiográfico que possibilitaram comentar o processo de inovação e permanência na educação, ressaltando as influências de tradições já estabelecidas e a importância dos textos didáticos como instrumentos mediadores para a difusão e circulação de idéias.
The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of elderly using potentially inappropriate medications (PIM) and with occurrence of potentially hazardous drug interactions (PHDI), to identify the risk factors for the prescription of PIM and to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical intervention (PI) for the prescription of safer therapeutic alternatives. Therefore, a cross-sectional study was performed in a long-term care facility in São Paulo State, between December/2010 and January/2011. The medical records of the patients >= 60 years old who took any drugs were consulted to assess the pharmacotherapeutic safety of the medical prescriptions, in order to identify PIM and PHDI, according to the Beers (2003) and World Health Organization criteria, respectively. PI consisted of a guidance letter to the physician responsible for the institution, with the suggestions of safer equivalent therapeutics. Approximately 88% of the elderly took at least one drug, and for 30% of them the PIM had been prescribed. Most of the PIM identified (53.4%) act on the central nervous system. Among the 13 different DI detected, 6 are considered PHDI. Polypharmacy was detected as a risk factor for PIM prescription. After the PI there was no change in medical prescriptions of patients who had been prescribed PIM or PHDI. The data suggests that PI performed by letter, as the only interventional, method was ineffective. To contribute it a wide dissemination of PIM and PHDI among prescriber professionals is necessary for the selection of safer treatment for elderly. Additionally, a pharmacist should be part of the health care team in order to help promote rational use of medicines.
The purpose of this study was to identify the drugs most often prescribed for hypertension at the Municipal Health Care Center of the town of Rincäo, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and the principal interactions arising from their association with other drugs, both anti-hypertensives and those in other classes. The study included 725 hypertensive patients registered at this health care center who were regularly seen by a physician every three months. Data were collected on age, sex, occurrence of diabetes, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and overweight, to obtain a profile of the hypertensive population of the area. Control records of all patients were available at the pharmacy in the health care center, where patients obtained their drugs once a month. Of the 725 patients, 38% were male and 62% female. Most (57%) were between 50 and 70 years of age, 21% used tobacco and 43% led a sedentary lifestyle. Single-drug therapy accounted for 33% of the prescriptions, multidrug therapy for 66%. In addition to anti-hypertensives, 50% of the patients took drugs of other therapeutic classes. Of those receiving multidrug therapy, 34% used three or more anti-hypertensives and 66% used only two of these drugs. Drug interactions were detected in as many as 47% of the prescriptions. Captopril was the drug that showed most interactions with others (54%), followed by hydrochlorothiazide (27%), furosemide (14%), propanolol (4%), and nifedipine (1%). The analysis revealed that drug consumption by the patients investigated is high, with a concomitantly high number of episodes of drug interaction.
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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)