908 resultados para Prática de atividade desportiva


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Among others things, ageing results in neuromuscular decrease. The physical activity practice may to influence positively the ageing process. Objective: To evaluate the flexibility and the level of pain on the sedentary and physically active elderly. Method: Forty-two elderly participated of this study, both male and female, (twenty-two physically active and twenty sedentary), over sixty years old and functionally capable to perform the evaluations suggested. They were submitted to tests of decrease in anterior flexion of the trunk, Stibor and Shoeber to evaluate the flexibility and then they signalized the level of pain on the analogic visual scale. The data obtained on the valuations has been analyzed utilizing the non-parametric statistic test Mann-Whitney, considering the level of significance of 5% (p<0,05), in order to compare the performance among the groups. Results: It has not been observed significant di- fferences among the groups referring to the tests Stibor and analogic visual scale. On Shoeber and FAT tests has been observed significant differences (p<0,05) among the groups, with a better performance to the active group. Conclusion: The physical activity practicing interfere on the mobility and on the flexibility of the elderly body segment.


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Introduction:The regular practice of physical activity is being used as a therapeutic resource to the elderly population, with the objective of reduction of the losses provoked by the growing old process. The home place (urban or rural) is still little explored in literature about your infl uence in the physical capacity of the elderly people. Objective: The aim of this study was to value and compare the quality of life, motion and functional capacity between physically active and sedentary elderly people, residents in the urban and rural area. Methods: Sixty people with age above 60 years old were valued, 20 physically active residents in the urban area (66,5 ± 4,32 years), 20 sedentary residents in the urban area (68,8± 7,24 years), 10 physically active residents in the rural area (64,4±2,46 years) and 10 sedentary residents in the rural area (68±5,78 years). It was realized the evaluation of the fl exibility (previous fl exon of the trunk), mobility (timed up and go test), a six-minute walk test and answered a quality of life’s questionnaire SF-36. To compare the results obtained by the two groups was used the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the signifi cant presence of the test was performed post hoc Newman-Keuls. The level of signifi cance used in statistical analysis was 5% (p<0,05).Results: It was observed that the physically active elderly people obtaine better performance on the six-minutes walk test. It wasn’t found difference in the mobility among the groups. In relation to the quality of life, the elderly residents in the rural area, were better in the component Vitally. In relation to the fl exibility the elderly residents in the urban area obtained the best results. So, we can conclude that the practice of physical activity realized by the volunteers contributed to a better functional capacity, observed by the biggest distance gone through on the walk test. The rural home place positively infl uenced the vitality control, while the fl exibility was worse presented in these elderly people.


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Currently , as a result of the significant increase in the number of elderly, one can observe an increase in the number of chronic diseases , among them Alzheimer's disease (AD) , which affects both patients and their caregivers , that due care with the patient , just overwhelmed , anxious and depressed. Therefore, this study aims to draw a profile of caregivers of Alzheimer's patients, correlating the physical activity of patients with levels of overload, anxiety, depression caregivers. For both sample consisted of 40 patients with AD to characterize the physical activity levels and perform activities of daily living. In addition, we evaluated 40 caregivers. Patient assessment was made through a medical history, beyond the score Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), Mini - Mental State Examination (MMSE), Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults (MBQ) , Functional Activities Questionnaire PFEFFER (QAFP) , and the Self Perception Performance in Activities of Daily Living (EAPAVD). For assessing the caregiver was also used an interview, then the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), anxiety and depression scale (HAD) Scale and the Zarit caregiver burden (Zarit). The data were processed using descriptive procedures for the analysis of characterization of samples, such as cognitive screening and physical activity level and profile of caregivers. There was a normal distribution of the data using the Shapiro Wilk, For data with normal distribution were used parametric descriptive procedures using One Way ANOVA to compare groups and applying a post hoc Bonferroni. As for the data that showed the destruction not normal was used to standardize the test by Z -score , and then treated by means of parametric statistical procedures , as presented earlier . The Pearson correlation was used to identify possible associations between variables. It was assumed significance level of 5 % (p ≤ 0.05) for all analyzes. Given these results, we conclude that...


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A hipertensão arterial atinge uma média de 20% a 25% da população brasileira. Estudos apontam que a prática regular de atividade física além de combater o sedentarismo pode ser utilizada como meio não farmacológico de tratamento e prevenção da hipertensão. Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos do estado de ânimo gerado por exercícios não sistematizados e sistematizados na pressão arterial. Metodologia: Participaram do estudo 30 alunas que participam há mais de seis meses do Programa Saúde Ativa Rio Claro. Elas receberam treinamento duas semanas, para utilizarem o aparelho de pressão digital de pulso Fuzzy LOGIC. As participantes foram submetidas a 3 sessões de aulas (aeróbio, lúdico e força) em dias diferentes. As aulas do aeróbio contavam com 40 min de caminhada moderada, a aula de força constou 3 séries de 1 minuto, com intervalo entre as séries de 30 segundos para membros superiores e inferiores e a aula lúdica com brincadeiras não padronizadas. As aulas foram constituídas de alongamento (10 min), parte principal (40 min) e volta à calma (10 min). A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) foram aferidas nos momentos: repouso (M1), término (M2), 30 minutos após a sessão (M3), 4 horas após (M4) e 8 horas após a sessão dos exercícios (M5). A análise estatística utilizada foi a Anova para medidas repetidas com 2 fatores (Momentos e Tipo de aula) com significância de p<0.05. Resultados: A PAS no M3 foi menor do que no M1 e M2 para todos os protocolos (p<0.05); para a PAD o M3 apresentou valores menores do que o M1 e M2 para todos os protocolos. Conclusão: O efeito hipotensor teve resultados mais significativos quando relacionado a prática dos exercícios do que aos estados de ânimo gerados pelos mesmos. A prática da atividade física foi capaz de alterar positivamente os estados de ânimo dos indivíduos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Em Presidente Prudente, a média de pessoas que apresentam algum tipo de deficiência supera as demais cidades do estado de São de Paulo (IBGE 2010). Em decorrência desta população expressiva e a ausência de acessibilidade e de equipamentos voltados para essa demanda, buscando seu bem-estar, este trabalho final de graduação propõe a criação de um Centro Esportivo voltado para pessoas com deficiência física. É pensando nas dificuldades que estes encontram para manter uma vida saudável, que o Centro Esportivo atua não só como fator de qualidade de vida, através prática da atividade física, como também de integração social, através do convívio que se tem com diversas pessoas, que podem apresentar a mesma dificuldade ou não, propiciando a troca de valores e experiência


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The practice of regular physical activity has been widely recommended in the literature, indicating an improvement of the physical and psychological activities promoted through the routine of workers. In this sense, physical activity has become of great importance in the workplace, for the prevention of injuries caused by normalizing bodily functions and staff providing relaxation and socialization, basic elements of daily life a worker. This study aimed to analyze the effects of a active break program in the routine of workers in their mood and stress, even checking the influence of physical activity on quality of life of participants. We selected 15 individuals of both genders, the restaurant staff University, UNESP - Rio Claro-SP. The activities lasted four months, two times a week, at the beginning of the workday, for 15 minutes, followed by stretching and playful activity. The evaluations were answered a week before the execution of the program and lists of mood states have been answered before and after the activity, and the end of working hours and also at the beginning and end of the days when there were no interventions. After analyzing the results, we concluded that the participants have a good index of perception of quality of life with total score of 76.6 for mental and physical health and that all assets are considered in accordance with the recommendations of 150 minutes of physical activity per week. More than 50% of them have symptoms of stress found mostly in the resistance stage, and no changes were found in the mood states when practicing active break or not. We conclude that the changing of moods can be associated with the fact that workers are already active, another reason may be due to low number of participants in the study, given other studies show that there is a change and that active break interferes positively in mood states of individuals


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Due to motor difficulties, children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) doesn't feel motivated to do physical activities, sometimes resulting in a decline of their physical fitness, but it isn't really known for sure the reasons that induct children with DCD to low performances in physical fitness tests, because a lot of tasks that are part of the battery of tests of physical performance are complex in the coordination and/or motor control point of view, like the vertical jump for example. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the factors that induct children with DCD to low performances in physical fitness tests, especially in the vertical jump task. For that, cinematic (duration of the eccentrical phase, duration of the concentrical phase, shift of the mass center and velocity of the mass center), kinetic (potency peak and force peak) and vertical jump performance analysis in two conditions (with the use of arms and without it) were realized in a force platform. The results indicated that children with DCD show a lower performance compared to their peers with typical development (TD), due to a lower potency production


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a associação entre música e atividade física no que diz respeito ao bem-estar psicológico e o estado de ânimo de participantes de esportes coletivos. Confirmam os estudos, que os benefícios da prática de atividade física juntamente com a música são muitos e inegáveis. Os participantes de esporte coletivo, por estarem sempre em contato com muitas outras pessoas e sempre sofrendo muitas influências de todos os lados (meio e pessoal), foram os escolhidos para o estudo. A literatura disponível e estudada apóia a idéia de que uma pessoa que esteja na presença de uma música de seu gosto, se estruturando de forma correta, pode se sentir mais motivada e psicologicamente preparada. A diferenciação dada nesse estudo foi à idéia de colocar a música “preferida” e “nãopreferida”, assim conseguimos avaliar a influência positiva e também a negativa dada pela música. Por meio de questionários passados pré e pós a atividade física, fizemos a análise, e a conclusão foi o que os estudos já diziam, de que existe uma clara influência da música tanto nos aspectos do humor, quanto nos psicológicos, positivamente e também negativamente. Considerando tudo isso, a idéia de existirem mais trabalhos para o aprimoramento de treinamentos com a presença da música ideal é o foco do estudo.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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The research discusses the pulmonary function of the students of SORRI that are part of the Project for the extension of the Department of Physical Education in Bauru Swimming for People with Disabilities during the aquatic activities, noting the changes in efficiency class of breathing with the practice of aquatic activity, by the analysis of the volume and respiratory capacity. The respiratory control is essential in the process of adaptation to the liquid medium, because a student who fails to immerse the face in the water will not be able to adopt a horizontal position sufficiently stable. The practice of aquatic activities requires a great effort of breathing. Therefore, the practice of aquatic activities influence favorably the breathing, because the movements performed in the water tone the diaphragm, which is the essential muscle of the breathing, allowing an improvement in pulmonary ventilation. For the purposes of this study, the sample was composed of 10 students of the SORRI of the city of Bauru forming part of the project Swimming for People with Disabilities, practicing swimming once a week for 1 hour. For the collection of lung volumes and capacities was used a transducer of air flow and a unit of data collection, model MP36, both of the brand Biopac connected to a computer, where the data were collected and recorded for later analysis. Two tests were carried out in a day with each participant in the project of swimming, and a test at the beginning of the lesson, at rest, and another after a series of 10 breaths carried out within the swimming pool. These tests were performed in the months of March and April. The analysis of the data was through the medium of the figures and also individually, noting the changes in respiratory function of students practicing aquatic activities, without which there would be no comparison between the participants. The measurements of the scores on the pre- and post-exercise show that the...


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The academies are important spaces for dissemination of physical activity and one of the own market niches of Physical Education professionals. The preparation of these professionals takes place in universities facing the transformation of the body through specific physical activities related to the different objectives pursued by the students of academies with what they can offer. Expected to identify the motivations that lead people to academies and whether such motivations are met by the academies. The study was conducted in two academies in the city of Rio Claro, SP, that meet different audiences by purchasing power. This qualitative research that used of the methodological tools of systematic observation and interview


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Many professionals of Physical Education are included in the academies environment, very important space for dissemination of physical activity and increasingly attended by the population, due to the practicality of offering various activities in one location. This feature is essential in today's world, as people have less and less time to devote to body care. In pursuit of various goals, such as weight loss, lean mass gain (hypertrophy), aesthetics, health and leisure, attendees expect to reach them through the work of physical education professional. It is expected that this be prepared to meet the most varied demands and goals, so that students are satisfied with the service and obtain the desired results. The academy works as a means, a provider of space that provides tools for the teacher meet the needs of students; now this student has the role of establishing goals and engage in the search results. This study aimed to increase knowledge of the resources provided by the professionals of the academies in service to their customers