839 resultados para Post-exercise recovery
Consumption of low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training has been shown to have positive influences on body composition and training adaptations; however, little research has examined the effects of LFM consumption following endurance training. The purpose of the study was to look at the effects of combining additional servings of LFM following endurance exercise on body composition, bone health, and training adaptations. 40 healthy males were recruited. Individuals were randomized into 4 groups – DEI (750mL LFM immediately post exercise), DEA (750mL LFM 4 hrs prior to or 6 hrs post exercise), CEI (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise), and CEA (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise). Participants took part in a 12-week endurance training intervention (1 h/day, 3 d/wk, ~60% max HR). 22 participants completed the study. Analysis showed significant increases in lean mass, spinal bone mineral content, relative VO2peak, and a decrease in Trap 5β across all groups (p < 0.05).
Face aux données conflictuelles de la littérature sur le VO2 requis d’exercices de boxe (sparring, palettes de frappe et sac de frappe), surtout pour le “vrai” sparring avec coups de poings au visage, une nouvelle méthode basée sur une mesure de VO2 “post-exercice” fut développée, validée (Annexe 1) et utilisée pour ré-évaluer le coût énergétique de ces exercices de boxe. Neufs boxeurs mâles expérimentés, de 22.0±3.5 ans et 71.4±10.9 kg avec un VO2pic de 62.2±4.1 ml·kg-1·min-1 (moyenne ± écart type) furent mesurés lors 1) d’un test progressif maximal sur tapis roulant en laboratoire 2) d’un entrainement standardisé de boxe en gymnase et 3) d’exercices de boxe standardisés en laboratoire. Des VO2 requis de 43.4±5.9, 41.1±5.1, 24.7±6.1, 30.4±5.8 et 38.3±6.5 ml·kg-1·min-1, respectivement obtenues pour le sparring, les palettes de frappe et le sac de frappe à 60, 120 et 180 coup·min-1, situe l’intensité de ces exercices autour de ~70 %VO2pic.
La succession de plus en plus fréquente d’événements catastrophiques a amené les sociétés à poser les conditions d’une gestion proactive des risques « naturels ». Ainsi, dans une perspective exploratoire, nous étudions les processus de planification du rétablissement postcatastrophe et la place qu’occupe le concept de résilience urbaine au sein des pratiques de cette planification et des contenus et produits qui en sont issus. Nous entamons plus spécifiquement une réflexion entourant l’intelligibilité et l’opérationnalisation de la résilience. Pour ce faire, nous examinons deux cas signifiants d’inondation dans l’historique nord-américain, soit celui de la Nouvelle-Orléans en Louisiane et celui de la ville québécoise de La Baie, ayant été respectivement victimes des ouragans Katrina et Rita en 2005 et des pluies diluviennes de 1996. Après avoir procédé à une brève mise en contexte des désastres éprouvés, de leurs effets et des vulnérabilités physico-spatiales qu’ils ont mis en exergue, nous mettons en parallèle les logiques institutionnelles précatastrophe d’aménagement du territoire, d’urbanisme et de gestion des risques des villes. Nous observons ensuite l’évolution des deux processus de planification du rétablissement et les enjeux et débats qui les ont caractérisés, pour terminer avec une exposition des changements résilients qui en ont émané. Les deux derniers chapitres démontrent que la qualité de résilience des villes est fortement influencée par leurs cultures politiques, administratives et législatives propres et leurs traditions urbanistiques. Bien qu’elles aient su élaborer une stratégie de prévention des risques, qui accepte les inondations plutôt que de tenter de s’y opposer à tout prix, elles n’ont toutefois pas saisi l’entièreté des opportunités qui s’offraient à elles.
Metodología: se realizó un estudio descriptivo para evaluar las ventajas de la técnica regional sobre la técnica general en mujeres ASA 1 y 2 en Hospital Occidente de Kennedy. Se evaluaron los signos vitales, tiempo de recuperación, analgesia postoperatoria y efectos colaterales. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 177 pacientes, 79 con anestesia regional y 98 pacientes con anestesia general. Los resultados en el postoperatorio mostraron que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a manejo de dolor, efectos colaterales, variación en signos vitales. Se encontró una diferencia significativa en el tiempo de recuperación p=0,02 siendo la técnica espinal 20 minutos en promedio más prolongada. Discusión: ambas técnicas suponen una buena opción como técnica anestésica para pacientes llevadas a legrado obstétrico, a pesar que el tiempo de recuperación fue mayor en el grupo de técnica espinal, se obtuvo un mejor manejo del dolor, sin el requerimiento de otros analgésicos durante el postoperatorio.
Comparación de la anestesia espinal con anestesia general endovenosa para legrado uterino obstétrico
Introducción: La elección de la técnica anestésica para cualquier procedimiento quirúrgico debe estar basada en su seguridad, la rapidez para su aplicación, la recuperación óptima para el paciente y minimización de los efectos secundarios, la anestesia raquídea es una técnica anestésica que puede ser utilizada con buenos resultados clínicos y minimas complicaciones . Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional con recolección prospectiva en mujeres clasificadas como ASA I - II y que posteriormente fueron llevadas a la realización de legrado uterino obstétrico por embarazo no viable durante las primeras 12 semanas de gestación, las técnicas anestésicas fueron anestesia espinal o anestesia general endovenosa dependiendo de la elección hecha por el anestesiólogo previo al procedimiento. Se midieron variables hemodinámicas, control del dolor postoperatorio, tiempo de recuperación y complicaciones perioperatorias con el fin de determinar si se presentaban diferencias significativas entre estas dos técnicas anestésicas. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 110 pacientes, 63.6% (n=70) con anestesia general y 36.4% (n40) con anestesia espinal. Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables. Se presentaron menos efectos secundarios con la técnica espinal, hay una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto al dolor a favor de la anestesia espinal (p0,000) Discusión: La anestesia raquídea es una opción viable, sencilla , fácil y eficaz para la realización de legrados obstétricos, se puede realizar con monitorización básica y las complicaciones son mínimas. Se requieren estudios más amplios para determinar el papel de cual es la mejor técnica. Palabras claves: legrado uterino instrumentado, anestesia espinal, anestesia general endovenosa
Europe's failure to specialise in new ICT sectors and firms is likely to hold back Europe’s post-crisis recovery. Europe lacks in particular leading platform providers, who are capturing most of the value in the new ICT ecosystem. • In-depth analysis of some specific new emerging ICT sectors shows that the problem in Europe appears not to be so much in the generation of new ideas, but rather in bringing ideas successfully to market. Among the barriers are the lack of a single digital market, fragmented intellectual property regimes, lack of an entrepreneurial culture, limited access to risk capital and an absence of ICT clusters. • The EU policy framework, particularly the Innovation Union and Digital Agenda EU 2020 Flagships, could better leverage the growth power for Europe of new ICT markets. The emphasis should move beyond providing support for infrastructure and research, to funding programmes for pre-commercial projects. But perhaps most important is dealing with the fragmentation in European digital markets.
Encapsulated cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) somatic embryos subjected to 0.08-1.25 M sucrose treatments were analyzed for embryo soluble sugar content, non-freezable water content, moisture level after desiccation and viability after desiccation and freezing. Results indicated that the higher the sucrose concentration in the treatment medium, the greater was the extent of sucrose accumulation in the embryos. Sucrose treatment greatly assisted embryo post-desiccation recovery since only 40% of the control embryos survived desiccation, whereas a survival rate of 60-95% was recorded for embryos exposed to 0.5-1.25 M sucrose. The non-freezable water content of the embryos was estimated at between 0.26 and 0.61 g H2O g(-1)dw depending on the sucrose treatment, and no obvious relationship could be found between the endogenous sucrose level and the amount of non-freezable water in the embryos. Cocoa somatic embryos could withstand the loss of a fraction of their non-freezable water without losing viability following desiccation. Nevertheless, the complete removal of potentially freezable water was not sufficient for most embryos to survive freezing.
We determined the influence of the triazole derivatives paclobutrazol, penconazole, epixiconazole, propiconazole and myclobutanil on the drought tolerance and post drought recovery of container-grown horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) saplings. Myclobutanil neither conferred drought resistance, as assessed by its effects on a number of physiological and biochemical parameters, nor affected growth parameters measured after recovery from drought. Chlorophyll fluorescence (F,IF,,), photosynthetic rates, total foliar chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations, foliar proline concentration and superoxide dismutase and catalase activities were consistently higher and leaf necrosis and cellular electrolyte leakage was lower at the end of a 3-week drought in trees treated with paclobutrazol, penconazole, epixiconazole or propiconazole than in control trees. Twelve weeks after drought treatment, leaf area and shoot, root and total plant dry masses were greater in triazole-treated trees than in control trees with the exception of those treated with myclobutanil. In a separate Study, trees were subjected to a 2-week drought and then sprayed with paclobutrazol, penconazole, epixiconazole, propiconazole or myclobutanil. Chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic rate, foliar chlorophyll concentration and catalase activity over the following 12 weeks were 20 to 50% hi-her in triazole-treated trees than in control trees. At the end of the 12-week recovery period, leaf area and shoot, root and total plant dry masses were higher in triazole-treated trees than in control trees, with the exception of trees treated with myclobutanil. Application of triazole derivatives, with the exception of myclobutanil, enhanced tolerance to prolonged drought and, when applied after a 2-week drought, hastened recovery from drought. The magnitude of treatment effects was in the order epixiconazole approximate to propiconazole > penconazole > paclobutrazol > myclobutanil.
Many species have the ability to resprout vegetatively after a substantial loss of biomass induced by environmental stress, including drought. Many of the regions characterised by ecosystems where resprouting is common are projected to experience more frequent and intense drought during the 21st Century. However, in assessments of ecosystem response to drought disturbance there has been scant consideration of the resilience and post-drought recovery of resprouting species. Systematic differences in hydraulic and allocation traits suggest that resprouting species are more resilient to drought-stress than nonresprouting species. Evidence suggests that ecosystems dominated by resprouters recover from disturbance more quickly than ecosystems dominated by nonresprouters. The ability of resprouters to avoid mortality and withstand drought, coupled with their ability to recover rapidly, suggests that the impact of increased drought stress in ecosystems dominated by these species may be small. The strategy of resprouting needs to be modelled explicitly to improve estimates of future climate-change impacts on the carbon cycle, but this will require several important knowledge gaps to be filled before resprouting can be properly implemented.
We tested if modulation in mRNA expression of cyclooxygenase isoforms (COX-1 and COX-2) can be related to protective effects of phototherapy in skeletal muscle. Thirty male Wistar rats were divided into five groups receiving either one of four laser doses (0.1, 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 J) or a no-treatment control group. Laser irradiation (904 nm, 15 mW average power) was performed immediately before the first contraction for treated groups. Electrical stimulation was used to induce six tetanic tibial anterior muscle contractions. Immediately after sixth contraction, blood samples were collected to evaluate creatine kinase activity and muscles were dissected and frozen in liquid nitrogen to evaluate mRNA expression of COX-1 and COX-2. The 1.0 and 3.0 J groups showed significant enhancement (P < 0.01) in total work performed in six tetanic contractions compared with control group. All laser groups, except the 3.0 J group, presented significantly lower post-exercise CK activity than control group. Additionally, 1.0 J group showed increased COX-1 and decreased COX-2 mRNA expression compared with control group and 0.1, 0.3 and 3.0 J laser groups (P < 0.01). We conclude that pre-exercise infrared laser irradiation with dose of 1.0 J enhances skeletal muscle performance and decreases post-exercise skeletal muscle damage and inflammation.
Foram examinados 20 eqüinos adultos, 10 sadios e 10 acometidos por abdômen agudo, submetidos à laparotomia. O exame clínico e a colheita de amostras de sangue foram realizados antes da laparotomia e diariamente, a partir da cirurgia, até o 10º dia após a intervenção. Constatou-se elevação da temperatura retal, das freqüências cardíaca e respiratória, do número de hemácias e de leucócitos, do volume globular e dos valores das proteínas plasmáticas após a cirurgia, em ambos os grupos, porém com valores mais elevados nos animais enfermos, especialmente do número de neutrófilos. O proteinograma plasmático dos eqüinos com abdômen agudo mostrou que houve elevação significativa nas concentrações de proteínas na fase aguda com maiores valores ao redor de 48 horas após a cirurgia. Os resultados indicaram que o padrão de elevação e decréscimo dessas proteínas pode ser útil na definição do prognóstico do quadro clínico de abdômen agudo e da recuperação cirúrgica dos eqüinos.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Qualidade em anestesia e na satisfação dos pacientes têm tido acentuado destaque. O objetivo foi avaliar o atendimento anestésico de crianças e adolescentes, entrevistando seus responsáveis. MÉTODO: Foram entrevistados 230 responsáveis por crianças e adolescentes submetidos à anestesia no período compreendido entre abril e dezembro de 2003. Realizou-se entrevista na visita pós-operatória através de questionário com quatro itens: identificação das crianças e de adolescentes e seus responsáveis (item 1); esclarecimentos na visita pré-anestésica (item 2), quanto à anestesia (item 3) e à recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA) (item 4), determinando-se quem dera as informações aos entrevistados e se houvera complicação no pós-anestésico. O responsável atribuiu nota de 0 a 10 ao Serviço de Anestesiologia. RESULTADOS: A pesquisa foi respondida pela mãe em 189 (82,2%) casos. A maioria dos entrevistados, 114 (75,6%), tinha entre 20 e 39 anos, era casada (148 a 64,3%) e 140 (60,9%) não tinham ocupação. Para 89%, o anestesiologista se identificou; para 37% e 77,4%, esclareceu sobre importância e tempo do jejum; 82%, sobre anemia; 90%, alergia; 46,8%, importância da SRPA; 42,2%, tempo de permanência; 72,9%, estado de saúde de sua criança. Não houve apreensões para 49%, 58% e 58%, respectivamente, no pré, intra e pós-anestésico. Gostariam de ter estado com sua criança/adolescente na chegada à SRPA 78,9%. Foram relacionadas preocupações no período pré, intra e pós-anestésico com o sexo e a idade do paciente - não ter tido nenhuma preocupação - maioria dos entrevistados - e com a escolaridade do entrevistado - quanto mais completa, menor foi o número e a variedade das preocupações relatadas. As notas atribuídas ao Serviço de Anestesiologia tiveram maior freqüência entre 7 e 10 (97,4%). CONCLUSÕES: Considera-se que o Serviço de Anestesiologia desenvolve bom trabalho, apesar de falhas na comunicação, que são de solução simples e dependem mais da vontade do serviço que de seu conhecimento científico.
The present study cross-sectionally investigated the influence of training status, route difficulty and upper body aerobic and anaerobic performance of climbers on the energetics of indoor rock climbing. Six elite climbers (EC) and seven recreational climbers ( RC) were submitted to the following laboratory tests: ( a) anthropometry, (b) upper body aerobic power, and ( c) upper body Wingate test. on another occasion, EC subjects climbed an easy, a moderate, and a difficult route, whereas RC subjects climbed only the easy route. The fractions of the aerobic (WAER), anaerobic alactic (W-PCR) and anaerobic lactic (W-[La(])-) systems were calculated based on oxygen uptake, the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen uptake, and changes in net blood lactate, respectively. on the easy route, the metabolic cost was significantly lower in EC [ 40.3 ( 6.5) kJ] than in RC [60.1 ( 8.8) kJ] ( P < 0.05). The respective contributions of the WAER, WPCR, and W-[La(])- systems in EC were: easy route = 41.5 (8.1), 41.1 (11.4) and 17.4% (5.4), moderate route = 45.8 (8.4), 34.6 (7.1) and 21.9% (6.3), and difficult route = 41.9 (7.4), 35.8 (6.7) and 22.3% (7.2). The contributions of the WAER, WPCR, and W-[La(])- systems in RC subjects climbing an easy route were 39.7 (5.0), 34.0 (5.8), and 26.3% (3.8), respectively. These results indicate that the main energy systems required during indoor rock climbing are the aerobic and anaerobic alactic systems. In addition, climbing economy seems to be more important for the performance of these athletes than improved energy metabolism.
The objective of this study was to propose an alternative method (MAOD(ALT)) to estimate the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) using only one supramaximal exhaustive test. Nine participants performed the following tests: (a) a maximal incremental exercise test, (b) six submaximal constant workload tests, and (c) a supramaximal constant workload test. Traditional MAOD was determined by calculating the difference between predicted O(2) demand and accumulated O(2) uptake during the supramaximal test. MAOD(ALT) was established by summing the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption and the O(2) equivalent for energy provided by blood lactate accumulation, both of which were measured during the supramaximal test. There was no significant difference between MAOD (2.82 +/- 0.45 L) and MAOD(ALT) (2.77 +/- 0.37 L) (p = 0.60). The correlation between MAOD and MAOD(ALT) was also high (r = 0.78; p = 0.014). These data indicate that the MAOD(ALT) can be used to estimate the MAOD.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)