972 resultados para Post operative pain
Objetivo. Determinar en un grupo de pacientes llevados a revascularización miocárdica si existió asociación entre la presencia de niveles de calcio iónico inferiores a 1,1 en las 24 horas del post operatorio y la ocurrencia de fibrilación auricular post operatoria. Metodología. Estudio observacional, analítico de casos y controles, en donde de manera consecutiva se incluyeron 110 sujetos (57 en el grupo de casos con presencia de fibrilación auricular post operatoria y 54 en el grupo de controles sin evidencia de fibrilación auricular) estos sujetos fueron llevados a revascularización miocárdica en la Fundación Cardioinfantil en los años 2010 a 2015. Resultados. Hubo 13 casos de fibrilación auricular post operatoria en pacientes con niveles de calcio iónico inferiores a 1,1 mmol/l en las primeras 24 horas del post operatorio OR: 0,5, IC (0,2-1,2) p: 0,1. Sin determinarse asociación por limitaciones del estudio, sin embargo un 29% de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular tuvieron niveles de calcio inferiores a 1,1 mmol/l en las primeras 24 horas del post operatorio, este valor aumenta a 31% cuando se analizan por separado los valores de calcio obtenidos a las 12 horas. Conclusiones. Aunque no se logró determinar asociación entre la fibrilación auricular post operatoria y las concentraciones de calcio iónico, de manera exploratoria se pudo establecer que un 29% de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular tuvieron concentraciones de calcio iónico inferiores a 1,1 mmol/l, este valor aumenta a 31% cuando se analizan los niveles de calcio iónico por separado.
BACKGROUND: Total rectocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis is the choice surgical procedure for patients with ulcerative colitis. In cases of Crohn's disease post-operative diagnosis, it can be followed by pouch failure. AIM: To evaluate ileal pouch-anal anastomosis long-term outcome in patients with Crohn's disease. METHODS: Between February 1983 and March 2007, 151 patients were submitted to ileal pouch-anal anastomosis by Campinas State University Colorectal Unit, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 76 had pre-operative ulcerative colitis diagnosis and 11 had post-operative Crohn's disease diagnosis. Crohn's disease diagnosis was made by histopathological biopsies in nine cases, being one in surgical specimen, two cases in rectal stump, small bowel in two cases, ileal pouch in three and in perianal abscess in one of them. The median age was 30.6 years and eight (72.7%) were female. RESULTS: All patients had previous ulcerative colitis diagnosis and in five cases emergency colectomy was done by toxic megacolon. The mean time until of Crohn's disease diagnosis was 30.6 (6-80) months after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Ileostomy closure was possible in 10 cases except in one that had ileal pouch fistula, perianal disease and small bowel involvement. In the long-term follow-up, three patients had perineal fistulas and one had also a pouch-vaginal fistula. All of them were submitted to a new ileostomy and one had the pouch excised. Another patient presented pouch-vaginal fistula which was successfully treated by mucosal flap. Three patients had small bowel involvement and three others, pouch involvement. All improved with medical treatment. Presently, the mean follow-up is 76.5 months and all patients are in clinical remission, and four have fecal diversion. The remaining patients have good functional results with 6-10 bowel movements/day. CONCLUSION: Crohn's disease diagnosis after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis may be usual and later complications such fistulas and stenosis are common. However, when left in situ ileal pouch is associated with good function.
A avaliação da dor em animais necessita da utilização de escalas de avaliação, que dependem da interpretação realizada por observadores. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a correlação entre a escala visual analógica (EVA), escala de Melbourne e os filamentos de Von Frey, na avaliação da dor pós-operatória em 42 cadelas adultas e saudáveis, submetidas à ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH). A dor pós-operatória foi avaliada por dois observadores cegos aos tratamentos analgésicos, em intervalos de uma hora, utilizando a EVA, a escala de Melbourne e os filamentos de Von Frey, aplicados ao redor da incisão cirúrgica. Foram considerados como critérios para realização da analgesia resgate uma pontuação de 50mm na EVA ou de 13 pontos na escala de Melbourne. A EVA revelou-se a escala mais sensível, uma vez que 100% dos animais receberam resgate seguindo esse método. Os valores obtidos na EVA e na escala de Melbourne determinaram boa correlação, com r=0,74, o que não ocorreu com os filamentos de Von Frey (r=-0,18). Já a correlação entre a escala de Melbourne e os filamentos de Von Frey foi de -0.37. Apesar de a EVA e a escala de Melbourne apresentarem boa correlação, sugere-se que se considere uma pontuação menor na escala de Melbourne como critério para administração de analgesia resgate.
Tumours of the brachial plexus region are rare and most publications are case reports or studies with a small series of patients. The aim of this study is to present our experience in managing these lesions. We review 18 patients with tumours in the brachial plexus region submitted to surgical treatment in a 6 year period, including their clinical presentation, neuro-imaging data, surgical findings and outcome. The tumours comprised a heterogeneous group of lesions, including schwannomas, neurofibromas, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (MPNST), sarcomas, metastases, desmoids and an aneurysmal bone cyst. The most common presentation was an expanding lump (83.33%). Eleven tumours were benign and 7 were malignant. Neurofibromatosis was present in only 2 patients (11.11%). Gross total resection was achieved in 14 patients and sub-total resection in the others. Only 3 patients presented with new post-operative motor deficits. The incidence of complications was low (16.5 %). The majority of tumours were benign and most of them could be excised with a low incidence of additional deficits. Some of the malignant tumours could be controlled by surgery plus adjuvant therapy, but this category is still associated with high morbidity and mortality rates.
Treatment of large petroclival meningiomas causing brain stem compression is surgical removal followed by radiotherapy or radiosurgery if the lesion was partially resected. The management of small petroclival meningiomas is, however, controversial. Clinical observation, radiosurgery and surgical removal are the options of treatment. The natural history of these tumours is not well known. Published series of patients treated with radiosurgery are not comparable with surgical series because the latter also includes large size tumours. In this paper we present a series of 18 patients with small petroclival meningiomas (diameter <= 2.8cm) treated with radical surgical removal. Total resection (Simpson`s Grade 1) [43] was possible with minimal morbidity and no mortality. Background. We present a series of small petroclival meningiomas (SPM) treated by radical surgical removal and compare the outcome with other management modalities proposed for these lesions. Methods. Eighteen patients with SPM were surgically treated at our department of neurological surgery. The tumours were classified as small when they had a diameter < 3.0cm. Headaches (n = 12), diplopia (n = 8), facial hypoaesthesia (n = 3) and tinnitus (n = 6) were the most frequent symptoms at presentation. The approaches used were retrosigmoid (n = 14), fronto-orbito-zygomatic (n = 3) and presigmoid (n = 1). The post-operative follow-up ranged from 1 to 110 months (mean 41.8 months). Findings. Radical tumour resection (Simpson`s Grades 1 and 2) was achieved in all patients. There was no major morbidity or mortality related to the surgical procedure. Transient abducent nerve palsy was the only post-operative complication. The pre-operative cranial nerves deficits improved after surgery. Only one patient had persistent diplopia postoperatively. Conclusion. Radical surgical removal of SPM is possible with minimal morbidity and may cure the patient. The effectiveness and outcome of surgery for small petroclival meningiomas should be compared with series treated by radiosurgery.
Recently, mild AKI has been considered as a risk factor for mortality in different scenarios. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the risk factors for two distinct definitions of AKI after elective repair of aortic aneurysms. Logistic regression was carried out to identify independent risk factors for AKI ( defined as >= 25% or >= 50% increase in baseline SCr within 48 h after surgery, AKI 25% and AKI 50%, respectively) and for mortality. Of 77 patients studied ( mean age 68 +/- 10, 83% male), 57% developed AKI 25% and 33.7% AKI 50%. There were no differences between AKI and control groups regarding comorbidities and diameter of aneurysms. However, AKI patients needed a supra-renal aortic cross-clamping more frequently and were more severely ill. Overall in-hospital mortality was 27.3%, which was markedly higher in those requiring a supra-renal aortic cross-clamping. The risk factors for AKI 25% were suprarenal aortic cross-clamping ( odds ratio 5.51, 95% CI 1.05-36.12, p = 0.04) and duration of operation for AKI 25% ( OR 6.67, 95% CI 2.23-19.9, p < 0.001). For AKI 50%, in addition to those factors, post-operative use of vasoactive drugs remained as an independent factor ( OR 6.13, 95% CI 1.64-22.8, p = 0.005). The risk factors associated with mortality were need of supra-renal aortic cross-clamping ( OR 9.6, 95% CI 1.37-67.88, p = 0.02), development of AKI 50% ( OR 8.84, 95% CI 1.31-59.39, p = 0.02), baseline GFR lower than 49 mL/min ( OR 17.07, 95% CI 2.00 145.23, p = 0.009), and serum glucose > 118 mg/dL in the post-operative period ( OR 19.99, 95% CI 2.32-172.28, p = 0.006). An increase of at least 50% in baseline SCr is a common event after surgical repair of aortic aneurysms, particularly when a supra-renal aortic cross-clamping is needed. Along with baseline moderate chronic renal failure, AKI is an independent factor contributing to the high mortality found in this scenario.
Background: Parenteral nutrition (PN) is used to control the nutritional state after severe intestinal resections. Whenever possible, enteral nutrition (EN) is used to promote intestinal rehabilitation and reduce PN dependency. Our aim is to verify whether EN + oral intake (01) in severe short bowel syndrome (SBS) surgical adult patients can maintain adequate nutritional status in the long term. Methods: This longitudinal retrospective study included 10 patients followed for 7 post-operative years. Body mass index (BMI), percentage of involuntary loss of usual body weight (UWL), free fat mass (FFM), and fat mass (FM) composition assessed by bioelectric impedance, and laboratory tests were evaluated at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and 84 months after surgery. Energy and protein offered in HPN and at long term by HEN+ oral intake (01), was evaluated at the same periods. The statistical model of generalized estimating equations with p <0,05 was used. Results: With long term EN + 01 there was a progressive increase in the UWL, a decrease in BMI, FFM, and FM (p < 0,05). PN weaning was possible in eight patients. Infection due to central venous catheter (CVC) contamination was the most common complication (1.2 episodes CVC/patient/year). There was an increase in energy and protein intake supply provided by HEN+OI (p <0.05). All patients survived for at least 2 years, seven for 5 years and six for 7 years of follow-up. Conclusions: In the long term SBS surgical adult patients fed with HEN+OI couldn`t maintain adequate nutritional status with loss of FM and FFM. (Nutr Hosp. 2011;26:834-842) DOI:10.3305/nh.2011.26.4.5153
This paper has the objective to evaluate retrospectively the long-term results of transhepatic treatment of PV stenoses after pediatric LT. During an eight-yr period, 15 children with PV stenoses underwent PTA with balloon dilation or stent placement in case of PTA failure after LT. Patients` body weights ranged from 9.3 to 46 kg (mean, 15.5 kg). PV patency was evaluated in the balloon dilation and in the stent placement groups. Technical and clinical successes were achieved in all cases with no complication. Eleven patients (11/15; 73.3%) were successfully treated by single balloon dilation. Four patients (4/15; 26.7%) needed stent placement. One patient was submitted to stent placement during the same procedure because of PTA failure. The other three developed clinical signs of portal hypertension because of PV restenoses two, eight, and twenty-eight months after the first PTA. They had to be submitted to a new procedure with stent placement. The follow-up time ranged from 3 to 8.1 yr (mean, 6.3 yr). In conclusion, transhepatic treatment of PV stenoses after pediatric LT with balloon dilation or stent placement demonstrated to be a safe and effective treatment that results in long-term patency.
Intracranial meningioma removal carries a higher risk of post-operative haemorrhage compared with other intracranial neoplasm surgeries. We report a patient who developed three intracranial haematomas following a frontal meningioma removal.
Objective: To evaluate the gain in strength and range of motion after modified Steindler surgery of the elbow in patients with lesions of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus. Method: From 1998 to 2007, eleven patients with traumatic closed upper trunk lesion of the brachial plexus were studied. All the patients had development of at least 1 year of injury and degree of strength of elbow flexion ranging from M1 to M3. The patients underwent Steindler surgery with at least 6 months of follow-up. Pre- and post-operative assessments were carried out to determine gain in muscle strength, range of motion of the elbow, and DASH scale score. Results: Of the eleven patients studied, nine (82%) achieved a level of strength equal to or greater than M3 (MRC) with good functional recovery. Two (18%) reached strength level M2 (MRC). We observed that the patients had an average postoperative gain in range of motion of the elbow of 43.45 degrees. The average elbow flexion after surgery was 88 degrees. There was an improvement in elbow function, as demonstrated in the DASH Scale, in 81% of the patients studied. Conclusion: Modified Steindler surgery was effective in the treatment of patients with injuries of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus, with statistically significant gains in range of motion. In all the cases studied, there was some degree of gain in strength and range of elbow flexion, the gain being correlated with the initial muscle strength. Level of Evidence: Level II, prospective clinical trial.
Background: A pancreatic fistula (PF) is the most common complication after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD), and its reported incidence varies from 2% to 28%. The aim of the present study was to analyse the treatment of a complicated PF comparing the surgical approach with conservative techniques. Methods: From January 2000 through to August 2006, 121 patients were submitted for PD. The study consisted of 70 men and 47 women, with a median age of 60 years (SD +/- 12). The main indications for PD were pancreatic duct carcinoma in 52 patients (44.5%), ampullary carcinoma or adenoma in 18 (15.4%) and islet cell tumour in 11 (9.4%). Reconstruction by pancreatogastrostomy was performed in 65 patients (55.6%), and pancreatojejunostomy in 52 patients (44%). Results: Thirty-five patients (30%) developed a PF. Amongst these, 20 were managed conservatively and 14 were reoperated. These two groups of patients were compared with patients without a PF for analysis. There was no significant difference in the mean age, the gender ratio, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification, surgical time and blood replacement, number of associated procedures, vascular resection and type of reconstruction between the three groups. There were five post-operative deaths (4.2%), three patients (21.4%) in the surgical treatment group (P < 0.01). Mean total number of complications (P = 0.02) and mean length of hospital stay (P < 0.001) were greater in the surgical group. The medium delay between the pancreatic resection and reoperation was 10 days (range, 3-32 days). Completion splenopancreatectomy was required in five patients whereas conservative treatment including debridement and drainage was applied in nine patients. Conclusion: The surgical approach for a PF is associated with a higher mortality and morbidity. There is no advantage in performing completion pancreatectomy (CP) instead of extensive drainage as a result of the same mortality and morbidity rates and the risk of endocrine insufficiency. In cases of complicated PF, radiological or surgical conservative treatment is recommended.
Objective: To assess the ability of a three-layer graft in the closuse of large fetal skin defects. Methods: Ovine fetuses underwent a large (4 x 3 cm) full-thickness skin defect over the lumbar region at 105 days` gestation (term = 140 days). A bilaminar artificial skin was placed over a cellulose interface to cover the defect (3-layer graft). The skin was partially reapproximated with a continuous nylon suture. Pregnancy was allowed to continue and the surgical site was submitted to histopathological analysis at different post-operative intervals. Results: Seven fetuses underwent surgery. One maternal/fetal death occurred, and the remaining 6 fetuses were analyzed. Artificial skin adherence to the wound edges was observed in cases that remained in utero for at least 15 days. Neoskin was present beneath the silicone layer of the bilaminar artificial skin. Conclusions: Our study shows that neoskin can develop in the fetus using a 3-layer graft, including epidermal growth beneath the silicone layer of the bilaminar skin graft. These findings suggest that the fetus is able to reepithelialise even large skin defects. Further experience is necessary to assess the quality of this repair.
Objective: To study the influence of low power GaAsAl laser irradiation on the regeneration of a peripheral nerve, following a controlled crush injury. Material and methods: The right common fibular nerve of 30 Wistar rats was submitted to a crush injury with an adjustable load forceps (5 000 g, 10 minutes of application). The animals were divided into three groups (n=10), according to the postoperative procedure (no irradiation; sham irradiation; effective irradiation). Laser irradiation (830 nm wave-length; 100 mW emission power; continuous mode; 140 J/cm(2)) was started on the first postoperative day and continued over 21 consecutive days. Body mass, time spent on the walking track and functional peroneal index (PFI) were analyzed based on the hind footprints, both preoperatively and on the 21st postoperative day. Results: Walking time and PFI significantly improved in the group that received effective laser irradiation, despite the significant gain in body mass between the pre- and post-operative periods. Conclusion: Low Power GaAsAl laser irradiation, with the parameters used in our study, accelerated and improved fibular nerve regeneration in rats.
P>Cholinergic agonists and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, such as neostigmine, produce a muscarinic receptor-mediated antinociception in several animal species that depends on activation of spinal cholinergic neurons. However, neostigmine causes antinociception in sheep only in the early, and not late, postoperative period. In the present study, a model of postoperative pain was used to determine the antinociceptive effects of bethanechol (a muscarinic agonist) and neostigmine administered intrathecally 2, 24 or 48 h after a plantar incision in a rat hind paw. Changes in the threshold to punctate mechanical stimuli were evaluated using an automated electronic von Frey apparatus. Mechanical hyperalgesia was obtained following plantar incision, the effect being stronger during the immediate (2 h) than the late post-surgical period. Bethanechol (15-90 mu g/5 mu L) or neostigmine (1-3 mu g/5 mu L) reduced incision-induced mechanical hyperalgesia, the effects of both drugs being more intense during the immediate (2 h) than the late post-surgical period. The ED(50) for bethanechol injected at 2, 24 and 48 h was 5.6, 51.9 and 82.5 mu g/5 mu L, respectively. The corresponding ED(50) for neostigmine was 1.62, 3.02 and 3.8 mu g/5 mu L, respectively. The decline in the antinociceptive potency of neostigmine with postoperative time is interpreted as resulting from a reduction in pain-induced activation of acetylcholine-releasing descending pathways. However, the similar behaviour of bethanechol in the same model points to an additional mechanism involving intrinsic changes in spinal muscarinic receptors.
Rasmussen encephalitis (RE) is characterized by intractable epilepsy, progressive hemiparesis, and unilateral hemispheric atrophy. The progression of the symptoms to significant neurological impairment usually occurs within months to a few years. RE causes are unknown, although evidence of an autoimmune process has been extensively described in the literature. Antiepileptic drugs are usually not effective to control seizures or cerebral atrophy; despite data supporting a beneficial effect of early immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory interventions, for intractable seizures in RE patients with advanced disease, epilepsy surgery in the form of hemispheric disconnection has been considered the treatment of choice. This work describes the clinical and electrographic analyses, as well as the post-operative evolution of patients with RE. This work includes all the patients with RE evaluated from January 1995 to January 2008 by the RibeirA o pound Preto Epilepsy Surgery Program (CIREP), taking variables such as gender; age at epilepsy onset; seizure semiology; seizure frequency; interictal and ictal electroencephalographic (EEG) findings; age at surgery, when done; duration of epilepsy; surgery complications; follow-up duration; anatomo-pathological findings; post-surgery seizure; language and cognitive outcome; and anti-epileptic drug treatment after surgery into account. Twenty-five patients were evaluated; thirteen were female. Mean age of epilepsy onset was 4.4 +/- 2.0 years. There were no differences between patients with slow and fast evolution with respect to age of epilepsy onset (p = 0.79), age at surgery (p = 0.24), duration of epilepsy (0.06), and follow-up (p = 0.40). There were no correlations between the presence of bilateral EEG abnormalities or the absence of spikes and post-operative seizure outcome (p = 0.06). Immunomodulatory therapy was tried in 12 patients (48%). Twenty-three patients underwent surgery. The mean follow-up was 63.3 months. Eleven patients had total seizure control. Twelve individuals persisted with seizures consisting of mild facial jerks (six patients), occasional hemigeneralized tonic-clonic seizures (three patients), and frequent tonic-clonic seizures (three patients). Mental and language impairment was observed in 15 and 12 patients, after surgery, respectively. Eight patients presented post-operative cognitive decline, while only two patients had cognitive improvement. Comparing pre- and post-operative language deficits, 66.7% of the 12 patients with language disturbance did not improve after surgery. This retrospective study reported the clinical and electrographic analysis, as well as the evolution of 23 patients with RE. Patients were divided into two groups: fast evolution and slow evolution to hemiparesis and epilepsia partialis continua. These groups may represent different RE substrates. Fourteen patients achieved satisfactory seizure control, three patients had partial response to surgery, and five patients had maintenance of the pre-operative condition. All patients with left-side involvement presented with some language disturbance, which did not improve after surgery in 66.6% of patients. Cognitive evaluation showed that the majority of the patients did not have any significant improvement, and 38.1% had cognitive deterioration after surgery.