989 resultados para Positive Matrix Factorization


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The aim of the present study was to investigate whether biomarkers improve the prediction of recurrence-free, disease-specific, and overall survival in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer. A tissue microarray was constructed from prostate specimens of 278 patients who underwent open radical retropubic prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer. For immunohistochemical studies, antibodies were used against matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, MMP-3, MMP-7, MMP-9, MMP-13, and MMP-19, as well as against vascular endothelial growth factor, hypoxia-induced factor 1 , basic fibroblast growth factor, and cluster of differentiation 31. Univariate and multivariable analyses were performed to evaluate the potential predictors of overall, disease-specific, and recurrence-free survival. In univariate analysis of patients with clinically organ-confined prostate cancer, only higher expression levels of MMP-9 (hazard ratio [0.6], 95% CI 0.45-0.8) had a protective effect in terms of overall survival. This positive effect of high MMP-9 expression was also observed for recurrence-free (HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.78-0.99) and disease-specific survival (HR 0.5, 95% CI 0.36-0.73). In multivariable analysis, none of these potential markers was found to be an independent prognostic factor of survival. Of all MMPs and angiogenic factors tested, MMP-9 expression has the potential as a prognostic marker in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy for clinically organ-confined cases of prostate cancer.


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Previous experimental studies have indicated that locally administered enamel matrix derivative (EMD) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) may have a stimulatory effect on bone formation. However, it is not clear if the positive effect of EMD is related to its effect on the periodontium as a whole or directly on the bone-forming cells. In addition, it is not known if the presentation of PTH by adding the amino acid sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) is essential for its osteopromotive effect. Local delivery of a bioactive substance at the right time and in the right concentration often constitutes a major challenge. Polyethylene glycol-based hydrogel (PEG) is a degradable vehicle developed for delivery of bioactive proteins. To enhance the mechanical stability of the PEG-bioactive substance complex, an osteoconductive bone substitute material is often needed.


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The self-regeneration capacity of articular cartilage is limited, due to its avascular and aneural nature. Loaded explants and cell cultures demonstrated that chondrocyte metabolism can be regulated via physiologic loading. However, the explicit ranges of mechanical stimuli that correspond to favourable metabolic response associated with extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis are elusive. Unsystematic protocols lacking this knowledge produce inconsistent results. This study aims to determine the intrinsic ranges of physical stimuli that increase ECM synthesis and simultaneously inhibit nitric oxide (NO) production in chondrocyte-agarose constructs, by numerically re-evaluating the experiments performed by Tsuang et al. (2008). Twelve loading patterns were simulated with poro-elastic finite element models in ABAQUS. Pressure on solid matrix, von Mises stress, maximum principle stress and pore pressure were selected as intrinsic mechanical stimuli. Their development rates and magnitudes at the steady state of cyclic loading were calculated with MATLAB at the construct level. Concurrent increase in glycosaminoglycan and collagen was observed at 2300 Pa pressure and 40 Pa/s pressure rate. Between 0-1500 Pa and 0-40 Pa/s, NO production was consistently positive with respect to controls, whereas ECM synthesis was negative in the same range. A linear correlation was found between pressure rate and NO production (R = 0.77). Stress states identified in this study are generic and could be used to develop predictive algorithms for matrix production in agarose-chondrocyte constructs of arbitrary shape, size and agarose concentration. They could also be helpful to increase the efficacy of loading protocols for avascular tissue engineering. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), particularly MMP-2 and MMP-9, participate in tumour progression and metastasis in various cancers. Their significance in urothelial cancer of the bladder (UCB) is unclear. Expression analysis of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in tissue microarrays (TMA) constructed of corresponding samples from histopathological normal urothelium, tumour centre and invasion front of primary tumours and lymph-node (LN) metastases might help to elucidate their relevance in UCB.


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Cleft palate is a common birth defect in humans. Elevation and fusion of paired palatal shelves are coordinated by growth and transcription factors, and mutations in these can cause malformations. Among the effector genes for growth factor signaling are extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins. These provide substrates for cell adhesion (e.g., fibronectin, tenascins), but also regulate growth factor availability (e.g., fibrillins). Cleft palate in Bmp7 null mouse embryos is caused by a delay in palatal shelf elevation. In contrast, palatal shelves of Tgf-β3 knockout mice elevate normally, but a cleft develops due to their failure to fuse. However, nothing is known about a possible functional interaction between specific ECM proteins and Tgf-β/Bmp family members in palatogenesis. To start addressing this question, we studied the mRNA and protein distribution of relevant ECM components during secondary palate development, and compared it to growth factor expression in wildtypewild type and mutant mice. We found that fibrillin-2 (but not fibrillin-1) mRNA appeared in the mesenchyme of elevated palatal shelves adjacent to the midline epithelial cells, which were positive for Tgf-β3 mRNA. Moreover, midline epithelial cells started expressing fibronectin upon contact of the two palatal shelves. These findings support the hypothesis that fibrillin-2 and fibronectin are involved in regulating the activity of Tgf-β3 at the fusing midline. In addition, we observed that tenascin-W (but not tenascin-C) was misexpressed in palatal shelves of Bmp7-deficient mouse embryos. In contrast to tenascin-C, tenascin-W secretion was strongly induced by Bmp7 in embryonic cranial fibroblasts in vitro. These results are consistent with a putative function for tenascin-W as a target of Bmp7 signaling during palate elevation. Our results indicate that distinct ECM proteins are important for morphogenesis of the secondary palate, both as downstream effectors and as regulators of Tgf-β/Bmp activity.


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We investigated the protein expression of gelatinases [matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9] and collagenases (MMP-8 and -13) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with bacterial (BM, n = 17) and aseptic (AM, n = 14) meningitis. In both, MMP-8 and -9 were increased in 100% of patients, whereas MMP-13 was detectable in 53% and 82% respectively. Three patients with clinical signs of meningitis, without CSF pleocytosis, scored positive for all three MMPs. MMP-8 appeared in two isoforms, granulocyte-type [polymorphonuclear cell (PMN)] and fibroblast/macrophage (F/M) MMP-8. Analysis of kinetic changes from serial lumbar punctures showed that these MMPs are independently regulated, and correlate only partly with CSF cytosis or levels of the endogenous inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1. In vitro, T cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and granulocytes (PMN) release MMP-8 and -9, whereas MMP-13 could be found only in the former two cell types. Using models of exogenous (n-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe, T cell receptor cross-linking) and host-derived stimuli (interleukin-2), the kinetics and the release of the MMP-8, -9 and -13 showed strong variation between these immune cells and suggest release from preformed stocks. In addition, MMP-9 is also synthesized de novo in PBMCs and T cells. In conclusion, invading immune cells contribute only partially to MMPs in CSF during meningitis, and parenchymal cells are an equally relevant source. In this context, in patients with clinical signs of meningitis, but without CSF pleocytosis, MMPs seem to be a highly sensitive marker for intrathecal inflammation. The present data support the concept that broad-spectrum enzyme inhibition targeting gelatinases and collagenases is a potential strategy for adjunctive therapy in infectious meningitis.


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Interactions between follicular epithelial cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) are supposed to play an important role in the development and maintenance of thyroid tissue architecture. In the present study we have therefore investigated the synthesis of ECM components by a feline thyroid cell line which is able to form follicle-like structures in vitro, and also in v-ras-transfected and control-transfected sublines. Transfections were performed by lipofection with pZSR (viral Harvey ras gene; neo) and pSV2-neo (control, neo only) plasmids. We have adapted a semisolid culture system composed exclusively of polymerized alginate and therefore devoid of ECM components. Feline cells embedded in alginate gels as single cells and cultured for up to 90 days formed cell clusters within 10 days. Follicle-like structures were formed in the original cell lines and also in the v-ras- and control-transfected cells. Differences in proliferation rates were observed, the v-ras-transfected cells growing up to two to three times faster than the non-transfected cells. Immunostaining was done using rabbit first antibodies directed against mouse collagen IV, human fibronectin, laminin (tumor Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm laminin), perlecan and other ECM components. For comparison, immunostaining was also performed on cryosections of nodular goiters of six hyperthyroid cats. The cell lines and their transfected clones stained strongly positive for collagen IV and fibronectin, and positively but less strongly for laminin and perlecan. The cat goiter tissue stained positively for collagen IV, laminin, perlecan, and fibronectin, and positive staining for S-laminin (containing the beta2-chain) was seen in blood vessel walls in this tissue. In conclusion, cat cell lines grow three-dimensionally in alginate beads over several weeks, they form follicle-like structures and express the same ECM components as the native cat goiter tissue. Transfection with v-ras does increase proliferation rate, but does not fundamentally alter formation of follicle-like structures and ECM expression. Alginate gel culture is a promising new tool for the study of follicular morphogenesis, polarity, the expression pattern of ECM components and of the interaction between thyrocytes and ECM. It avoids interference caused by gels composed of ECM components.


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Because of the large variability in the pharmacokinetics of anti-HIV drugs, therapeutic drug monitoring in patients may contribute to optimize the overall efficacy and safety of antiretroviral therapy. An LC–MS/MS method for the simultaneous assay in plasma of the novel antiretroviral agents rilpivirine (RPV) and elvitegravir (EVG) has been developed to that endeavor. Plasma samples (100 μL) extraction is performed by protein precipitation with acetonitrile, and the supernatant is subsequently diluted 1:1 with 20-mM ammonium acetate/MeOH 50:50. After reverse-phase chromatography, quantification of RPV and EVG, using matrix-matched calibration samples, is performed by electrospray ionization–triple quadrupole mass spectrometry by selected reaction monitoring detection using the positive mode. The stable isotopic-labeled compounds RPV-13C6 and EVG-D6 were used as internal standards. The method was validated according to FDA recommendations, including assessment of extraction yield, matrix effects variability (<6.4%), as well as EVG and RPV short and long-term stability in plasma. Calibration curves were validated over the clinically relevant concentrations ranging from 5 to 2500 ng/ml for RPV and from 50 to 5000 ng/ml for EVG. The method is precise (inter-day CV%: 3–6.3%) and accurate (3.8–7.2%). Plasma samples were found to be stable (<15%) in all considered conditions (RT/48 h, +4°C/48 h, −20°C/3 months and 60°C/1 h). Selected metabolite profiles analysis in patients' samples revealed the presence of EVG glucuronide, that was well separated from parent EVG, allowing to exclude potential interferences through the in-source dissociation of glucuronide to parent drug. This new, rapid and robust LCMS/MS assay for the simultaneous quantification of plasma concentrations of these two major new anti-HIV drugs EVG and RPV offers an efficient analytical tool for clinical pharmacokinetics studies and routine therapeutic drug monitoring service.


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Enterococcus faecium has emerged as an important cause of nosocomial infections over the last two decades. We recently demonstrated collagen type I (CI) as a common adherence target for some E. faecium isolates and a significant correlation was found to exist between acm-mediated CI adherence and clinical origin. Here, we evaluated 60 diverse E. faecium isolates for their adherence to up to 15 immobilized host extracellular matrix and serum components. Adherence phenotypes were most commonly observed to fibronectin (Fn) (20% of the 60 isolates), fibrinogen (17%) and laminin (Ln) (13%), while only one or two of the isolates adhered to collagen type V (CV), transferrin or lactoferrin and none to the other host components tested. Adherence to Fn and Ln was almost exclusively restricted to clinical isolates, especially the endocarditis-enriched nosocomial genogroup clonal complex 17 (CC17). Thus, the ability to adhere to Fn and Ln, in addition to CI, may have contributed to the emergence and adaptation of E. faecium, in particular CC17, as a nosocomial pathogen.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the origin and degree of activity of nitric oxide (NO) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) in explants of cranial cruciate ligaments (CCLs) obtained from dogs and cultured with and without inflammatory activators. SAMPLE POPULATION Tissue specimens obtained from 7 healthy adult Beagles that were (mean +/- SD) 4.5 +/- 0.5 years old and weighed 12.5 +/- 0.8 kg. PROCEDURE The CCLs were harvested immediately after dogs were euthanatized, and specimens were submitted for explant culture. Cultures were stimulated by incubation with a combination of interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and lipopolysaccharide, or they were not stimulated. Culture supernatants were examined for production of NO nitrite-nitrate metabolites (NOts) and activity of MMP Cultured specimens were evaluated by use of immunohistochemical analysis to detect activity of inducible NO synthase (iNOS). RESULTS All ligament explants produced measurable amounts of NOts. Stimulated cultures produced significantly more NOts after incubation for 24 and 48 hours, compared with nonstimulated cultures. Production of MMP in supernatants after incubation for 48 hours was significantly higher in stimulated cultures than in nonstimulated cultures. Cells with positive staining for iNOS were detected on all slides. Positively stained cells were predominantly chondroid metaplastic. There was a significant difference in intensity of cell staining between stimulated and non-stimulated cultures. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Explant cultures of intact CCLs obtained from dogs produce iNOS-induced NO. Stimulation of chondroid metaplastic cells in CCL of dogs by use of inflammatory activators can increase production of iNOS, NOts, and MMP.


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BACKGROUND Despite the worldwide increased prevalence of osteoporosis, no data are available evaluating the effect of an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) on the healing of periodontal defects in patients with osteoporosis. This study aims to evaluate whether the regenerative potential of EMD may be suitable for osteoporosis-related periodontal defects. METHODS Forty female Wistar rats (mean body weight: 200 g) were used for this study. An osteoporosis animal model was carried out by bilateral ovariectomy (OVX) in 20 animals. Ten weeks after OVX, bilateral fenestration defects were created at the buccal aspect of the first mandibular molar. Animals were randomly assigned to four groups of 10 animals per group: 1) control animals with unfilled periodontal defects; 2) control animals with EMD-treated defects; 3) OVX animals with unfilled defects; and 4) OVX animals with EMD-treated defects. The animals were euthanized 28 days later, and the percentage of defect fill and thickness of newly formed bone and cementum were assessed by histomorphometry and microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) analysis. The number of osteoclasts was determined by tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), and angiogenesis was assessed by analyzing formation of blood vessels. RESULTS OVX animals demonstrated significantly reduced bone volume in unfilled defects compared with control defects (18.9% for OVX animals versus 27.2% for control animals) as assessed by micro-CT. The addition of EMD in both OVX and control animals resulted in significantly higher bone density (52.4% and 69.2%, respectively) and bone width (134 versus 165μm) compared with untreated defects; however, the healing in OVX animals treated with EMD was significantly lower than that in control animals treated with EMD. Animals treated with EMD also demonstrated significantly higher cementum formation in both control and OVX animals. The number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts did not vary between untreated and EMD-treated animals; however, a significant increase was observed in all OVX animals. The number of blood vessels and percentage of new vessel formation was significantly higher in EMD-treated samples. CONCLUSIONS The results from the present study suggest that: 1) an osteoporotic phenotype may decrease periodontal regeneration; and 2) EMD may support greater periodontal regeneration in patients suffering from the disease. Additional clinical studies are necessary to fully elucidate the possible beneficial effect of EMD for periodontal regeneration in patients suffering from osteoporosis.


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OBJECTIVE Renal resistive index (RRI) varies directly with renal vascular stiffness and pulse pressure. RRI correlates positively with arteriolosclerosis in damaged kidneys and predicts progressive renal dysfunction. Matrix Gla-protein (MGP) is a vascular calcification inhibitor that needs vitamin K to be activated. Inactive MGP, known as desphospho-uncarboxylated MGP (dp-ucMGP), can be measured in plasma and has been associated with various cardiovascular (CV) markers, CV outcomes and mortality. In this study we hypothesize that increased RRI is associated with high levels of dp-ucMGP. DESIGN AND METHOD We recruited participants via a multi-center family-based cross-sectional study in Switzerland exploring the role of genes and kidney hemodynamics in blood pressure regulation. Dp-ucMGP was quantified in plasma samples by sandwich ELISA. Renal doppler sonography was performed using a standardized protocol to measure RRIs on 3 segmental arteries in each kidney. The mean of the 6 measures was reported. Multiple regression analysis was performed to estimate associations between RRI and dp-ucMGP adjusting for sex, age, pulse pressure, mean pressure, renal function and other CV risk factors. RESULTS We included 1035 participants in our analyses. Mean values were 0.64 ± 0.06 for RRI and 0.44 ± 0.21 (nmol/L) for dp-ucMGP. RRI was positively associated with dp-ucMGP both before and after adjustment for sex, age, body mass index, pulse pressure, mean pressure, heart rate, renal function, low and high density lipoprotein, smoking status, diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol lowering drugs, and history of CV disease (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS RRI is independently and positively associated with high levels of dp-ucMGP after adjustment for pulse pressure and common CV risk factors. Further studies are needed to determine if vitamin K supplementation can have a positive effect on renal vascular stiffness and kidney function.


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The management of HIV infection with antiretroviral drugs has succeeded in increasing survival rates, but the subject of pregnancy in HIV-positive women continues to garner debate. Discrimination and stigma have been identified as barriers to health care, suggesting that women with HIV may be disinclined to seek prenatal care if health-care workers exhibit negative attitudes toward the women's pregnancies. To optimize prenatal and medical care for women with HIV infection, it is important to understand the general social conditions and cultural context in which these women have children. Goffman's treatise on stigma, Foucault's discussion of the knowledge/power matrix, and Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory offer theoretical perspectives by which we can evaluate the gender, race, and class issues that are inherent in pregnancy decision-making for women with HIV infection. It is also necessary to evaluate prevailing attitudes on childbearing toward HIV-positive women and to review the historical background of prejudice in which HIV-positive women make decisions regarding childbearing. ^ This qualitative study used a survey instrument and one-on-one interviews with HIV-infected women to elicit their perceptions of how they were treated by care providers when they became pregnant. It also included interviews with health-care workers to determine what their feelings are about pregnancy within the context of HIV infection. Results of the ethnographic inquiry reveal that most of the women had negative experiences at some point during a pregnancy, but that the situation improved when they sought care from a provider who was familiar with HIV infection. The health-care providers interviewed were firm in their belief that HIV-positive women deserved optimal care and treated the women with respect, but these are individuals who are also experts in providing care to HIV-positive patients. The question remains as to what kind of care HIV-positive women are receiving generally and what types of attitudes they are being subjected to if they see less experienced providers. Further research is also needed to determine whether HIV-positive women from a broader ethnic representation and higher socioeconomic status experience similar negative attitudes. ^


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The α4 laminin subunit is a component of endothelial cell basement membranes. An antibody (2A3) against the α4 laminin G domain stains focal contact-like structures in transformed and primary microvascular endothelial cells (TrHBMECs and HMVECs, respectively), provided the latter cells are activated with growth factors. The 2A3 antibody staining colocalizes with that generated by αv and β3 integrin antibodies and, consistent with this localization, TrHBMECs and HMVECs adhere to the α4 laminin subunit G domain in an αvβ3-integrin–dependent manner. The αvβ3 integrin/2A3 antibody positively stained focal contacts are recognized by vinculin antibodies as well as by antibodies against plectin. Unusually, vimentin intermediate filaments, in addition to microfilament bundles, interact with many of the αvβ3 integrin-positive focal contacts. We have investigated the function of α4-laminin and αvβ3-integrin, which are at the core of these focal contacts, in cultured endothelial cells. Antibodies against these proteins inhibit branching morphogenesis of TrHBMECs and HMVECs in vitro, as well as their ability to repopulate in vitro wounds. Thus, we have characterized an endothelial cell matrix adhesion, which shows complex cytoskeletal interactions and whose assembly is regulated by growth factors. Our data indicate that this adhesion structure may play a role in angiogenesis.


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The transcriptional response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) was examined in a cultured cell model of adhesion. Gene expression was monitored in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) after attachment of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, laminin, and fibronectin, by using complementary DNA micorarrays printed with 1,718 individual human genes. Cluster analysis revealed that the influence of EGF on gene expression, either positive or negative, was largely independent of ECM composition. However, clusters of EGF-regulated genes were identified that were diagnostic of the type of ECM proteins to which cells were attached. In these clusters, attachment of cells to a laminin or fibronectin substrata specifically modified the direction of gene expression changes in response to EGF stimulation. For example, in HEK293 cells attached to fibronectin, EGF stimulated an increase in the expression of some genes; however, genes in the same group were nonresponsive or even suppressed in cells attached to laminin. Many of the genes regulated by EGF and ECM proteins in this manner are involved in ECM and cytoskeletal architecture, protein synthesis, and cell cycle control, indicating that cell responses to EGF stimulation can be dramatically affected by ECM composition.