1000 resultados para Porta, Carlo Antonio Melchiore Filippo, 1775-1821.
Trattamento di un'isolato urbano a Mirandola. Progettazione di un Complesso residenziale e di una porzione funzionalizzata ad area verde.
The conversion of computed tomography (CT) numbers into material composition and mass density data influences the accuracy of patient dose calculations in Monte Carlo treatment planning (MCTP). The aim of our work was to develop a CT conversion scheme by performing a stoichiometric CT calibration. Fourteen dosimetrically equivalent tissue subsets (bins), of which ten bone bins, were created. After validating the proposed CT conversion scheme on phantoms, it was compared to a conventional five bin scheme with only one bone bin. This resulted in dose distributions D(14) and D(5) for nine clinical patient cases in a European multi-centre study. The observed local relative differences in dose to medium were mostly smaller than 5%. The dose-volume histograms of both targets and organs at risk were comparable, although within bony structures D(14) was found to be slightly but systematically higher than D(5). Converting dose to medium to dose to water (D(14) to D(14wat) and D(5) to D(5wat)) resulted in larger local differences as D(5wat) became up to 10% higher than D(14wat). In conclusion, multiple bone bins need to be introduced when Monte Carlo (MC) calculations of patient dose distributions are converted to dose to water.
AIMS: No-reflow after a primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is associated with a high incidence of left ventricular (LV) failure and a poor prognosis. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptide and an important modulator of neutrophil function. Elevated systemic ET-1 levels have recently been reported to predict a poor prognosis in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) treated by primary PCI. We aimed to investigate the relationship between systemic ET-1 plasma levels and no-reflow in a group of AMI patients treated by primary PCI. METHODS AND RESULTS: A group of 51 patients (age 59+/-9.9 years, 44 males) with a first AMI, undergoing successful primary or rescue PCI, were included in the study. Angiographic no-reflow was defined as coronary TIMI flow grade < or =2 or TIMI flow 3 with a final myocardial blush grade < or =2. Blood samples were obtained from all patients on admission for ET-1 levels measurement. No reflow was observed in 31 patients (61%). Variables associated with no-reflow at univariate analysis included culprit lesion of the left anterior coronary descending artery (LAD) (67 vs. 29%, P=0.006) and ET-1 plasma levels (3.95+/-0.7 vs. 3.3+/-0.8 pg/mL, P=0.004). At multivariable logistic regression analysis, ET-1 was the only significant predictor of no-reflow (P=0.03) together with LAD as the culprit vessel (P=0.04). CONCLUSION: ET-1 plasma levels predict angiographic no-reflow after successful primary or rescue PCI. These findings suggest that ET-1 antagonists might be beneficial in the management of no-reflow.
Background Conflicting evidence exists on the efficacy and safety of bivalirudin administered as part of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with an acute coronary syndrome. Methods We randomly assigned 7213 patients with an acute coronary syndrome for whom PCI was anticipated to receive either bivalirudin or unfractionated heparin. Patients in the bivalirudin group were subsequently randomly assigned to receive or not to receive a post-PCI bivalirudin infusion. Primary outcomes for the comparison between bivalirudin and heparin were the occurrence of major adverse cardiovascular events (a composite of death, myocardial infarction, or stroke) and net adverse clinical events (a composite of major bleeding or a major adverse cardiovascular event). The primary outcome for the comparison of a post-PCI bivalirudin infusion with no post-PCI infusion was a composite of urgent target-vessel revascularization, definite stent thrombosis, or net adverse clinical events. Results The rate of major adverse cardiovascular events was not significantly lower with bivalirudin than with heparin (10.3% and 10.9%, respectively; relative risk, 0.94; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.81 to 1.09; P=0.44), nor was the rate of net adverse clinical events (11.2% and 12.4%, respectively; relative risk, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.78 to 1.03; P=0.12). Post-PCI bivalirudin infusion, as compared with no infusion, did not significantly decrease the rate of urgent target-vessel revascularization, definite stent thrombosis, or net adverse clinical events (11.0% and 11.9%, respectively; relative risk, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.74 to 1.11; P=0.34). Conclusions In patients with an acute coronary syndrome, the rates of major adverse cardiovascular events and net adverse clinical events were not significantly lower with bivalirudin than with unfractionated heparin. The rate of the composite of urgent target-vessel revascularization, definite stent thrombosis, or net adverse clinical events was not significantly lower with a post-PCI bivalirudin infusion than with no post-PCI infusion. (Funded by the Medicines Company and Terumo Medical; MATRIX ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01433627 .).
El artículo aborda el estudio del perfil socioeconómico de los Alcaldes de Hermandad de Chascomús entre 1808 y 1821. Ello comprende la identificación y el análisis de las actividades económicas que desempeñaban los mismos, así como la caracterización de sus vínculos en el entramado social local. Sobre la base del análisis de casos de renuncias al cargo y de conflictos en los nombramientos, se intentan establecer los criterios más importantes que se tuvieron en cuenta para la elección de Alcaldes en este partido, resaltando la importancia de los conflictos a escala local en la constitución y ejercicio de esta instancia de autoridad en la campaña rural
El artículo aborda el estudio del perfil socioeconómico de los Alcaldes de Hermandad de Chascomús entre 1808 y 1821. Ello comprende la identificación y el análisis de las actividades económicas que desempeñaban los mismos, así como la caracterización de sus vínculos en el entramado social local. Sobre la base del análisis de casos de renuncias al cargo y de conflictos en los nombramientos, se intentan establecer los criterios más importantes que se tuvieron en cuenta para la elección de Alcaldes en este partido, resaltando la importancia de los conflictos a escala local en la constitución y ejercicio de esta instancia de autoridad en la campaña rural
El artículo aborda el estudio del perfil socioeconómico de los Alcaldes de Hermandad de Chascomús entre 1808 y 1821. Ello comprende la identificación y el análisis de las actividades económicas que desempeñaban los mismos, así como la caracterización de sus vínculos en el entramado social local. Sobre la base del análisis de casos de renuncias al cargo y de conflictos en los nombramientos, se intentan establecer los criterios más importantes que se tuvieron en cuenta para la elección de Alcaldes en este partido, resaltando la importancia de los conflictos a escala local en la constitución y ejercicio de esta instancia de autoridad en la campaña rural
Sign.: []4, 2[calderón-3calderón]4, 4[calderón]2, A-Z4, 2A-2D4
Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) is a widely used technique to simulate the evolution of radiation damage inside solids. Despite de fact that this technique was developed several decades ago, there is not an established and easy to access simulating tool for researchers interested in this field, unlike in the case of molecular dynamics or density functional theory calculations. In fact, scientists must develop their own tools or use unmaintained ones in order to perform these types of simulations. To fulfil this need, we have developed MMonCa, the Modular Monte Carlo simulator. MMonCa has been developed using professional C++ programming techniques and has been built on top of an interpreted language to allow having a powerful yet flexible, robust but customizable and easy to access modern simulator. Both non lattice and Lattice KMC modules have been developed. We will present in this conference, for the first time, the MMonCa simulator. Along with other (more detailed) contributions in this meeting, the versatility of MMonCa to study a number of problems in different materials (particularly, Fe and W) subject to a wide range of conditions will be shown. Regarding KMC simulations, we have studied neutron-generated cascade evolution in Fe (as a model material). Starting with a Frenkel pair distribution we have followed the defect evolution up to 450 K. Comparison with previous simulations and experiments shows excellent agreement. Furthermore, we have studied a more complex system (He-irradiated W:C) using a previous parametrization [1]. He-irradiation at 4 K followed by isochronal annealing steps up to 500 K has been simulated with MMonCa. The He energy was 400 eV or 3 keV. In the first case, no damage is associated to the He implantation, whereas in the second one, a significant Frenkel pair concentration (evolving into complex clusters) is associated to the He ions. We have been able to explain He desorption both in the absence and in the presence of Frenkel pairs and we have also applied MMonCa to high He doses and fluxes at elevated temperatures. He migration and trapping dominate the kinetics of He desorption. These processes will be discussed and compared to experimental results. [1] C.S. Becquart et al. J. Nucl. Mater. 403 (2010) 75
Using the Monte Carlo method the behavior of a system of true hard cylinders has been studied. Values of the length-to-breadth ratio L/D and packing fraction η have been chosen similar to those of real nematic liquid crystals. Results include radial distribution function g(r), structure factor S(k), and orientational order parameter M. These results lead to the conclusion that the hard cylinder model may be a useful reference for real mesomorphic phases.
In this work, we introduce the Object Kinetic Monte Carlo (OKMC) simulator MMonCa and simulate the defect evolution in three different materials. We start by explaining the theory of OKMC and showing some details of how such theory is implemented by creating generic structures and algorithms in the objects that we want to simulate. Then we successfully reproduce simulated results for defect evolution in iron, silicon and tungsten using our simulator and compare with available experimental data and similar simulations. The comparisons validate MMonCa showing that it is powerful and flexible enough to be customized and used to study the damage evolution of defects in a wide range of solid materials.
Precede al tít.: "Jesus, Maria, Joseph y S. Antonio de Padua"
Abundante información toponímica.
El autor se cita a si mismo en los ultimos versos
This work analysed the feasibility of using a fast, customized Monte Carlo (MC) method to perform accurate computation of dose distributions during pre- and intraplanning of intraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT) procedures. The MC method that was implemented, which has been integrated into a specific innovative simulation and planning tool, is able to simulate the fate of thousands of particles per second, and it was the aim of this work to determine the level of interactivity that could be achieved. The planning workflow enabled calibration of the imaging and treatment equipment, as well as manipulation of the surgical frame and insertion of the protection shields around the organs at risk and other beam modifiers. In this way, the multidisciplinary team involved in IOERT has all the tools necessary to perform complex MC dosage simulations adapted to their equipment in an efficient and transparent way. To assess the accuracy and reliability of this MC technique, dose distributions for a monoenergetic source were compared with those obtained using a general-purpose software package used widely in medical physics applications. Once accuracy of the underlying simulator was confirmed, a clinical accelerator was modelled and experimental measurements in water were conducted. A comparison was made with the output from the simulator to identify the conditions under which accurate dose estimations could be obtained in less than 3 min, which is the threshold imposed to allow for interactive use of the tool in treatment planning. Finally, a clinically relevant scenario, namely early-stage breast cancer treatment, was simulated with pre- and intraoperative volumes to verify that it was feasible to use the MC tool intraoperatively and to adjust dose delivery based on the simulation output, without compromising accuracy. The workflow provided a satisfactory model of the treatment head and the imaging system, enabling proper configuration of the treatment planning system and providing good accuracy in the dosage simulation.