992 resultados para Porous carbon


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In der Erdöl– und Gasindustrie sind bildgebende Verfahren und Simulationen auf der Porenskala im Begriff Routineanwendungen zu werden. Ihr weiteres Potential lässt sich im Umweltbereich anwenden, wie z.B. für den Transport und Verbleib von Schadstoffen im Untergrund, die Speicherung von Kohlendioxid und dem natürlichen Abbau von Schadstoffen in Böden. Mit der Röntgen-Computertomografie (XCT) steht ein zerstörungsfreies 3D bildgebendes Verfahren zur Verfügung, das auch häufig für die Untersuchung der internen Struktur geologischer Proben herangezogen wird. Das erste Ziel dieser Dissertation war die Implementierung einer Bildverarbeitungstechnik, die die Strahlenaufhärtung der Röntgen-Computertomografie beseitigt und den Segmentierungsprozess dessen Daten vereinfacht. Das zweite Ziel dieser Arbeit untersuchte die kombinierten Effekte von Porenraumcharakteristika, Porentortuosität, sowie die Strömungssimulation und Transportmodellierung in Porenräumen mit der Gitter-Boltzmann-Methode. In einer zylindrischen geologischen Probe war die Position jeder Phase auf Grundlage der Beobachtung durch das Vorhandensein der Strahlenaufhärtung in den rekonstruierten Bildern, das eine radiale Funktion vom Probenrand zum Zentrum darstellt, extrahierbar und die unterschiedlichen Phasen ließen sich automatisch segmentieren. Weiterhin wurden Strahlungsaufhärtungeffekte von beliebig geformten Objekten durch einen Oberflächenanpassungsalgorithmus korrigiert. Die Methode der „least square support vector machine” (LSSVM) ist durch einen modularen Aufbau charakterisiert und ist sehr gut für die Erkennung und Klassifizierung von Mustern geeignet. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Methode der LSSVM als pixelbasierte Klassifikationsmethode implementiert. Dieser Algorithmus ist in der Lage komplexe geologische Proben korrekt zu klassifizieren, benötigt für den Fall aber längere Rechenzeiten, so dass mehrdimensionale Trainingsdatensätze verwendet werden müssen. Die Dynamik von den unmischbaren Phasen Luft und Wasser wird durch eine Kombination von Porenmorphologie und Gitter Boltzmann Methode für Drainage und Imbibition Prozessen in 3D Datensätzen von Böden, die durch synchrotron-basierte XCT gewonnen wurden, untersucht. Obwohl die Porenmorphologie eine einfache Methode ist Kugeln in den verfügbaren Porenraum einzupassen, kann sie dennoch die komplexe kapillare Hysterese als eine Funktion der Wassersättigung erklären. Eine Hysterese ist für den Kapillardruck und die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit beobachtet worden, welche durch die hauptsächlich verbundenen Porennetzwerke und der verfügbaren Porenraumgrößenverteilung verursacht sind. Die hydraulische Konduktivität ist eine Funktion des Wassersättigungslevels und wird mit einer makroskopischen Berechnung empirischer Modelle verglichen. Die Daten stimmen vor allem für hohe Wassersättigungen gut überein. Um die Gegenwart von Krankheitserregern im Grundwasser und Abwässern vorhersagen zu können, wurde in einem Bodenaggregat der Einfluss von Korngröße, Porengeometrie und Fluidflussgeschwindigkeit z.B. mit dem Mikroorganismus Escherichia coli studiert. Die asymmetrischen und langschweifigen Durchbruchskurven, besonders bei höheren Wassersättigungen, wurden durch dispersiven Transport aufgrund des verbundenen Porennetzwerks und durch die Heterogenität des Strömungsfeldes verursacht. Es wurde beobachtet, dass die biokolloidale Verweilzeit eine Funktion des Druckgradienten als auch der Kolloidgröße ist. Unsere Modellierungsergebnisse stimmen sehr gut mit den bereits veröffentlichten Daten überein.


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Porous seep-carbonates are exposed at mud volcanoes in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The 13C-depleted aragonitic carbonates formed as a consequence of the anaerobic oxidation of methane in a shallow sub-surface environment. Besides the macroscopically visible cavernous fabric, extensive carbonate corrosion was revealed by detailed analysis. After erosion of the background sediments, the carbonates became exposed to oxygenated bottom waters that are periodically influenced by the release of methane and upward diffusion of hydrogen sulphide. We suggest that carbonate corrosion resulted from acidity locally produced by aerobic oxidation of methane and hydrogen sulphide in the otherwise, with respect to aragonite, oversaturated bottom waters. Although it remains to be tested whether the mechanisms of carbonate dissolution suggested herein are valid, this study reveals that a better estimate of the significance of corrosion is required to assess the amount of methane-derived carbon that is permanently fixed in seep-carbonates.


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An area of massive barite precipitations was studied at a tectonic horst in 1500 m water depth in the Derugin Basin, Sea of Okhotsk. Seafloor observations and dredge samples showed irregular, block- to column-shaped barite build-ups up to 10 m high which were scattered over the seafloor along an observation track 3.5 km long. High methane concentrations in the water column show that methane expulsion and probably carbonate precipitation is a recently active process. Small fields of chemoautotrophic clams (Calyptogena sp., Acharax sp.) at the seafloor provide additional evidence for active fluid venting. The white to yellow barites show a very porous and often layered internal fabric, and are typically covered by dark-brown Mn-rich sediment; electron microprobe spectroscopy measurements of barite sub-samples show a Ba substitution of up to 10.5 mol% of Sr. Rare idiomorphic pyrite crystals (1%) in the barite fabric imply the presence of H2S. This was confirmed by clusters of living chemoautotrophic tube worms (1 mm in diameter) found in pores and channels within the barite. Microscopic examination showed that micritic aragonite and Mg-calcite aggregates or crusts are common authigenic precipitations within the barite fabric. Equivalent micritic carbonates and barite carbonate cemented worm tubes were recovered from sediment cores taken in the vicinity of the barite build-up area. Negative ?13C values of these carbonates (>?43.5? PDB) indicate methane as major carbon source; ?18O values between 4.04 and 5.88? PDB correspond to formation temperatures, which are certainly below 5°C. One core also contained shells of Calyptogena sp. at different core depths with 14C-ages ranging from 20 680 to >49 080 yr. Pore water analyses revealed that fluids also contain high amounts of Ba; they also show decreasing SO42- concentrations and a parallel increase of H2S with depth. Additionally, S and O isotope data of barite sulfate (?34S: 21.0-38.6? CDT; ?18O: 9.0-17.6? SMOW) strongly point to biological sulfate reduction processes. The isotope ranges of both S and O can be exclusively explained as the result of a mixture of residual sulfate after a biological sulfate reduction and isotopic fractionation with 'normal' seawater sulfate. While massive barite deposits are commonly assumed to be of hydrothermal origin, the assemblage of cheomautotrophic clams, methane-derived carbonates, and non-thermally equilibrated barite sulfate strongly implies that these barites have formed at ambient bottom water temperatures and form the features of a Giant Cold Seep setting that has been active for at least 49 000 yr.


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In relation to the current interest on gas storage demand for environmental applications (e.g., gas transportation, and carbon dioxide capture) and for energy purposes (e.g., methane and hydrogen), high pressure adsorption (physisorption) on highly porous sorbents has become an attractive option. Considering that for high pressure adsorption, the sorbent requires both, high porosity and high density, the present paper investigates gas storage enhancement on selected carbon adsorbents, both on a gravimetric and on a volumetric basis. Results on carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen adsorption at room temperature (i.e., supercritical and subcritical gases) are reported. From the obtained results, the importance of both parameters (porosity and density) of the adsorbents is confirmed. Hence, the densest of the different carbon materials used is selected to study a scale-up gas storage system, with a 2.5 l cylinder tank containing 2.64 kg of adsorbent. The scale-up results are in agreement with the laboratory scale ones and highlight the importance of the adsorbent density for volumetric storage performances, reaching, at 20 bar and at RT, 376 g l-1, 104 g l-1, and 2.4 g l-1 for CO2, CH4,and H2, respectively.


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A commercially available dense carbon monolith (CM) and four carbon monoliths obtained from it have been studied as electrochemical capacitor electrodes in a two-electrode cell. CM has: (i) very high density (1.17 g cm−3), (ii) high electrical conductivity (9.3 S cm−1), (iii) well-compacted and interconnected carbon spheres, (iv) homogeneous microporous structure and (v) apparent BET surface area of 957 m2g−1. It presents interesting electrochemical behaviors (e.g., excellent gravimetric capacitance and outstanding volumetric capacitance). The textural characteristics of CM (porosity and surface chemistry) have been modified by means of different treatments. The electrochemical performances of the starting and treated monoliths have been analyzed as a function of their porous textures and surface chemistry, both on gravimetric and volumetric basis. The monoliths present high specific and volumetric capacitances (292 F g−1 and 342 F cm−3), high energy densities (38 Wh kg−1 and 44 Wh L−1), and high power densities (176 W kg−1 and 183 W L−1). The specific and volumetric capacitances, especially the volumetric capacitance, are the highest ever reported for carbon monoliths. The high values are achieved due to a suitable combination of density, electrical conductivity, porosity and oxygen surface content.


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Very different carbon materials have been used as support in the preparation of supported ionic liquid phase samples (SILP). Some of them have been oxidized, either strongly (with ammonium persulfate solution) or weakly (with air at 300 °C, 2 h). The purpose is to establish which properties of the supports (e.g., porosity -volume and type-, surface area, oxygen surface chemistry and morphology) determine the IL adsorption capacity and the stability (immobilization) of the supported IL phase. The ionic liquid used in this work is 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([bmim][PF6]). For each support, samples with different amounts of ionic liquid have been prepared. The maximum IL that can be loaded depends mainly on the total pore volume of the supports. For comparable pore volumes, the porosity type and the oxygen surface content have no influence on the IL loading. The supported IL fills most of the pores, leaving some blocked porosity. The stability of the supported IL phase (especially important for its subsequent use in catalysis) has been tested in water under general hydrogenation conditions (60 °C and 10 bar H2). In general, leaching is low but it increases with the amount of IL loaded and with the oxidation treatments of the supports.


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In situ high pressure 129Xe NMR spectroscopy in combination with volumetric adsorption measurements were used for the textural characterization of different carbon materials with well-defined porosity including microporous carbide-derived carbons, ordered mesoporous carbide-derived carbon, and ordered mesoporous CMK-3. Adsorption/desorption isotherms were measured also by NMR up to relative pressures close to p/p0 = 1 at 237 K. The 129Xe NMR chemical shift of xenon adsorbed in porous carbons is found to be correlated with the pore size in analogy to other materials such as zeolites. In addition, these measurements were performed loading the samples with n-nonane. Nonane molecules preferentially block the micropores. However, 129Xe NMR spectroscopy proves that the nonane also influences the mesopores, thus providing information about the pore system in hierarchically structured materials.


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Porous adsorbents are currently investigated for hydrogen storage application. From a practical point of view, in addition to high porosity developments, high material densities are required, in order to confine as much material as possible in a tank device. In this study, we use different measured sample densities (tap, packing, compacted and monolith) for analyzing the hydrogen adsorption behavior of activated carbon fibres (ACFs) and activated carbon nanofibres (ACNFs) which were prepared by KOH and CO2 activations, respectively. Hydrogen adsorption isotherms are measured for all of the adsorbents at room temperature and under high pressures (up to 20 MPa). The obtained results confirm that (i) gravimetric H2 adsorption is directly related to the porosity of the adsorbent, (ii) volumetric H2 adsorption depends on the adsorbent porosity and importantly also on the material density, (iii) the density of the adsorbent can be improved by packing the original adsorbents under mechanical pressure or synthesizing monoliths from them, (iv) both ways (packing under pressure or preparing monoliths) considerably improve the storage capacity of the starting adsorbents, and (v) the preparation of monoliths, in addition to avoid engineering constrains of packing under mechanical pressure, has the advantage of providing high mechanical resistance and easy handling of the adsorbent.


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The process of liquid silicon infiltration is investigated for channels with radii from 0.25 to 0.75 [mm] drilled in compact carbon preforms. The advantage of this setup is that the study of the phenomenon results to be simplified. For comparison purposes, attempts are made in order to work out a framework for evaluating the accuracy of simulations. The approach relies on dimensionless numbers involving the properties of the surface reaction. It turns out that complex hydrodynamic behavior derived from second Newton law can be made consistent with Lattice-Boltzmann simulations. The experiments give clear evidence that the growth of silicon carbide proceeds in two different stages and basic mechanisms are highlighted. Lattice-Boltzmann simulations prove to be an effective tool for the description of the growing phase. Namely, essential experimental constraints can be implemented. As a result, the existing models are useful to gain more insight on the process of reactive infiltration into porous media in the first stage of penetration, i.e. up to pore closure because of surface growth. A way allowing to implement the resistance from chemical reaction in Darcy law is also proposed.


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Resorcinol-Formaldehyde xerogels are organic polymers that can be easily tailored to have specific properties. These materials are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and have a surface that is very rich in oxygen functionalities, and is therefore very hydrophilic. Their most interesting feature is that they may have the same chemical composition but a different porous texture. Consequently, the influence of porous characteristics, such as pore volume, surface area or pore size can be easily assessed. In this work, a commonly used desiccant, silica gel, is compared with organic xerogels to determine their rate and capacity of water adsorption, and to evaluate the role of surface chemistry versus porous texture. It was found that organic xerogels showed a higher rate of moisture adsorption than silica gel. Pore structure also seems to play an important role in water adsorption capacity. The OX-10 sample, whose porosity was mainly composed of micro-mesoporosity displayed a water adsorption capacity two times greater than that of the silica gel, and three times higher than that of the totally macroporous xerogel OX-2100. The presence of feeder pores (mesopores) that facilitate the access to the hydrophilic surface was observed to be the key factor for a good desiccant behaviour. Neither the total pore volume nor the high surface area (i.e. high microporosity) of the desiccant sample, is as important as the mesopore structure.


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Several motivations have prompted the scientific community towards the application of hybrid magnetic carbon nanocomposites in catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) processes. The most relevant literature on this topic is reviewed, with a special focus on the synergies that can arise from the combination of highly active and magnetically separable iron species with the easily tuned properties of carbon-based materials. These are mainly ascribed to increased adsorptive interactions, to good structural stability and low leaching levels of the metal species, and to increased regeneration and dispersion of the active sites, which are promoted by the presence of the carbon-based materials in the composites. The most significant features of carbon materials that may be further explored in the design of improved hybrid magnetic catalysts are also addressed, taking into consideration the experimental knowledge gathered by the authors in their studies and development of carbon-based catalysts for CWPO. The presence of stable metal impurities, basic active sites and sulphur-containing functionalities, as well as high specific surface area, adequate porous texture, adsorptive interactions and structural defects, are shown to increase the activity of carbon materials when applied in CWPO, while the presence of acidic oxygen-containing functionalities has the opposite effect.


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The comparative analysis of the most widely used methods of mesoporosity characterization of two activated carbon fibers is presented. Not only the older methods are used, i.e. Barrett, Joyner and Halenda (BJH), Dubinin (the so-called first variant-D-1ST and the so-called second variant-D-2ND), Dollimore and Heal (DH), and Pierce (P) but the recently developed ones, i.e. the method of Nguyen and Do (ND) and that developed by Do (Do) are also applied. Additionally, the method of the characterization of fractality is put to use (fractal analog of FHH isotherm). The results are compared and discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All fights reserved.


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In our study on sub-critical hydrocarbon permeation in activated carbon, a minimum in the total permeability (B-T) at low pressure has been observed for only long-chain hydrocarbons such as n-hexane and n-heptane. Such an observation suggests that the minimum appearance depends on the properties of permeating vapors as well as the porous medium. In this paper a permeation model is presented to explain the minimum behavior with the allowance of the collision-reflection factor in the Knudsen diffusivity to be a function of surface loading. Surface diffusion was found to be very significant compared to other transport mechanisms such as Knudsen diffusion and gaseous viscous flow at low pressures. Since the gaseous viscous flow contributes negligibly to the B, at low pressures, the minimum appearance in the B, is mainly attributed to the interplay between Knudsen diffusion and surface diffusion. Also, the molecular structure of adsorbates plays an important role in the minimum appearance.


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Grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation was used for the systematic investigation of the supercritical methane adsorption at 273 K on an open graphite surface and in slitlike micropores of different sizes. For both considered adsorption systems the calculated excess adsorption isotherms exhibit a maximum. The effect of the pore size on the maximum surface excess and isosteric enthalpy of adsorption for methane storage at 273 K is discussed. The microscopic detailed picture of methane densification near the homogeneous graphite wall and in slitlike pores at 273 K is presented with selected local density profiles and snapshots. Finally, the reliable pore size distributions, obtained in the range of the microporosity, for two pitch-based microporous activated carbon fibers are calculated from the local excess adsorption isotherms obtained via the GCMC simulation. The current systematic study of supercritical methane adsorption both on an open graphite surface and in slitlike micropores performed by the GCMC summarizes recent investigations performed at slightly different temperatures and usually a lower pressure range by advanced methods based on the statistical thermodynamics.


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Diffusions of free and adsorbed molecules of subcritical hydrocarbons in activated carbon were investigated to study the influence of adsorbed molecules on both diffusion processes at low pressures. A collision reflection factor, defined as the fraction of molecules undergoing collision to the solid surface over reflection from the surface, is incorporated into Knudsen diffusivity and surface diffusivity in meso/macropores. Since the porous structure of activated carbon is bimodal in nature, the diffusion of adsorbed molecules is contributed by that of weakly adsorbed molecules on the meso/macropore surfaces and that of strongly adsorbed molecules in the small confinement of micropores. The mobility of adsorbed molecules on the meso/macropore surface is characterized by the surface diffusivity D-mu 2, while that in the micropore is characterized by D-mu 1. In our study with subcritical hydrocarbons, we have found that the former increases almost linearly with pressure, while the latter exhibits a sharp increase at a very low-pressure region and then decreases beyond a critical pressure. This critical pressure is identified as a pressure at which the micropores are saturated.