229 resultados para Plaguicidas-Toxicología
El proyecto de consolidación se enfocó en completar y fortalecer las evidencias científicas de la primera fase de investigación realizada por el CEAS sobre los impactos de la agroindustria floricultora en la Cuenca del Río Granobles (Cayambe, Ecuador) en la salud y los ecosistemas.
Analisar sobre o processo de cuidar da equipe de enfermagem na visão dos usuários intoxicados por tentativa de suicídio. Metodologia: estudo descritivo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada em um centro de assistência ao intoxicado da Paraíba/Brasil, com nove usuários. Como critérios de inclusão, participaram as pessoas que tentaram o suicídio por intoxicação, nos meses de abril e maio de 2010, período de coleta de dados do estudo, e que tivessem condições de responder as questões formuladas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com uso de formulário, cujos dados foram tratados pela Análise Temática. A pesquisa foi aprovada conforme avaliação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UEPB e mediante CAAE nº 0003.0.349.133-10. Resultados: os participantes concentraram-se na faixa etária de 14 a 26 anos, predominando o gênero feminino e o consumo de agrotóxicos na tentativa de suicídio. A análise dos discursos permitiu identificar que todos os integrantes demonstraram-se satisfeitos com a assistência de enfermagem, entretanto, apontaram ausência de comunicação com os profissionais cuidadores e atraso para a realização dos procedimentos. Conclusão: a ética na assistência de enfermagem supõe o estabelecimento da valorização do humano durante as atribuições profissionais, proporcionando o bem-estar daqueles que não enxergam a dádiva maior, que é nesse plano, a vida
Programa de doctorado: Biomedicina aplicada a la práctica clínica.
[EN] Global pollution has become one of the most important problems of the modern societies and pesticides play a major role among the chemical contaminants that are released to the environment every year. Organochlorine compounds have been widely used in the past all over the world as pesticides and some of them are still used for the control of vectors of infectious diseases. Due to their high lipophilicity, stability and resistance to degradation, most of them have been banned or strictly regulated but their levels remain high in the environment as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Their presence in the environment leads to their introduction into the food chain, especially affecting food of animal origin with higher fat content. Due to their liposolubility, these substances tend to be bioaccumulated into the fat tissues of living beings along their entire lives, and to be biomagnificated across trophic levels in the food chain. Thus, the main human source of these pesticides comes from the daily intake of contaminated food from environmental sources. It has been established the role of many of the POPs as endocrine disruptors and even as carcinogenic agents, being thus considered as important risk factors for health. Moreover, chronic exposure to pesticides, even at very low levels, has been related with cancer, fertility problems, immunosuppression and other diseases. For this reason, it is important to know the level of POPs contamination and to identify the main sources contributing to it. Fish, meat and dairy products are the food groups with the highest levels of pollution. However, the residue levels vary by geographic area, and are influenced by several factors as food security policies, local pesticide use patterns, environmental practices, or the time when the study is conducted. Food habits, conditioned by different social and economic factors, as well as several biological factors (i.e. gender, sex and age), determine the levels of POPs exposure in the population. The purpose of this chapter is to give an overview of the dietary intake of environmentally persistent pesticides by the European population, and the potential adverse consequences of this exposure on human health.
Programa de doctorado: Clínica e investigación terapéutica.
[EN] Background: All the relevant risk factors contributing to breast cancer etiology are not fully known. Exposure to organochlorine pesticides has been linked to an increased incidence of the disease, although not all data have been consistent. Most published studies evaluated the exposure to organochlorines individually, ignoring the potential effects exerted by the mixtures of chemicals. Methods: This population-based study was designed to evaluate the profile of mixtures of organochlorines detected in 103 healthy women and 121 women diagnosed with breast cancer from Gran Canaria Island, and the relation between the exposure to these compounds and breast cancer risk.Results: The most prevalent mixture of organochlorines among healthy women was the combination of lindane and endrin, and this mixture was not detected in any affected women. Breast cancer patients presented more frequently a combination of aldrin, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD), and this mixture was not found in any healthy woman. After adjusting for covariables, the risk of breast cancer was moderately associated with DDD (OR = 1.008, confidence interval 95% 1.001-1.015, p = 0.024).Conclusions: This study indicates that healthy women show a very different profile of organochlorine pesticide mixtures than breast cancer patients, suggesting that organochlorine pesticide mixtures could play a relevant role in breast cancer risk.
[ES] Antecedentes: La exposición a sustancias químicas es uno de los factores de riesgo más conocidos y relevantes del cáncer vesical (CaV). Asimismo los factores reguladores de la proliferación celular (como los Insulin-like growth factors- IGF) y la expresión de genes involucrados en la transformación de xenobióticos y en la angiogénesis y proliferación celular, parecen ser factores relevantes en la etiología del CaV. Objetivo: Evaluar la relevancia de los hábitos de vida, la exposición a contaminantes ambientales (y factores de crecimiento celular relacionados) y las características genéticas de la población canaria como factores de riesgo de cáncer vesical en un estudio de casos y controles hospitalarios desarrollado en el Complejo Hospitalario Insular Materno Infantil de Gran Canaria.