864 resultados para Pipes, Wooden
O tratamento de esgotos de pequenas cidades por lagoas de estabilização é uma maneira simples, eficiente e de baixo custo. Os esgotos são uma fonte de contaminação das águas e solos e, conseqüentemente, contribuem para a transmissão de doenças, além de serem uma ameaça à preservação do meio ambiente. Surge a necessidade de investigar as condições dos efluentes lançados nos cursos d´água. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma investigação da qualidade das águas residuárias tratadas por lagoas de estabilização de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto localizadas no município de São Lourenço da Serra no Vale da Ribeira no Estado de São Paulo e verificar os riscos sanitários e a comunidade aquática no Rio São Lourenço da Serra. Foram realizadas amostragens para avaliar o conjunto de lagoas anaeróbia e facultativa da estação de tratamento de esgoto do Município de São Lourenço da Serra. Os parâmetros utilizados foram pH, temperatura do ar e da água, condições climáticas, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio e nitrogênio amoniacal, bactérias termotolerantes, pigmentos fotossintéticos e comunidade zooplanctônica. Verificou-se que s sistemas de lagoa anaeróbia e facultativa foram eficientes na produção de efluente e apresentou alguns valores de acordo com a Resolução Conama nº 357, que estabelecem os valores limites para lançamento em corpos d´água. O rio São Lourenço está localizado em uma área de proteção ambiental. Os dados são comparados aos limites estabelecidos na Classe 1 e 2 e demonstram processo de eutrofização, colocando em risco à biodiversidade aquática e a saúde da população
The design of a lateral line for drip irrigation requires accurate evaluation of head losses in not only the pipe but in the emitters as well. A procedure was developed to determine localized head losses within the emitters by the formulation of a mathematical model that accounts for the obstruction caused by the insertion point. These localized losses can be significant when compared with tire total head losses within the system due to the large number of emitters typically installed along the lateral line. Air experiment was carried out by altering flow characteristics to create Reynolds numbers (R) from 7,480 to 32,597 to provide turbulent flow and a maximum velocity of 2.0 m s(-1). The geometry of the emitter was determined by an optical projector and sensor An equation was formulated to facilitate the localized head loss calculation using the geometric characteristics of the emitter (emitter length, obstruction ratio, and contraction coefficient). The mathematical model was tested using laboratory measurements on four emitters. The local head loss was accurately estimated for the Uniram (difference of +13.6%) and Drip Net (difference of +7.7%) emitters, while appreciable deviations were found for the Twin Plus (-21.8%) and Tiran (+50%) emitters. The head loss estimated by the model was sensitive to the variations in the obstruction area of the emitter However, the variations in the local head loss did not result in significant variations in the maximum length of the lateral lines. In general, for all the analyzed emitters, a 50% increase in the local head loss for the emitters resulted in less than an 8% reduction in the maximum lateral length.
In order to analyze the pollen resources used by the orchid bee Euglossa annectans, samples of larval provisions from cells under construction were taken from 12 different trap nests (wooden boxes) on Santa Catarina Island, southern Brazil. The 43 samples collected between 2002 and 2005 represented all months except December. Overall, 74 pollen types from 24 families were distinguished. Among the 26 pollen types that reached more than 10% in monthly means, the families Melastomataceae, Bromeliaceae, Ochnaceae, Fabaceae, and Myrtaceae were most frequently represented. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index H' for the 43 brood cells varied from 0.10-1.65 and the annual diversity was 0.98. Similarity indices ranged from 0 to 0.87 and were highest during spring and summer. The results characterize E. annectans as a polylectic species. Based on these data, we can conclude that Euglossa females may act as pollinators of many forest species.
An experimental testing program was undertaken to investigate failure mechanisms induced by the active movement of a deep rectangular trapdoor underlying a granular soil. Reduced-scale models were tested under normal gravity as well as under an increased gravitational field using a centrifuge facility. Some models were used to evaluate the performance of both flexible and rigid pipes undergoing a localized loss of support. Failure mechanisms in the longitudinal direction of the models were characterized by a single, well-defined failure surface that developed within the limits of the trapdoor. However, failure mechanisms in the transverse direction of the models were characterized by multiple failure surfaces extending outside the limits of the trapdoor. Significant dilation of the soil located immediately above the trapdoor was identified in the failure of the models. The pattern of the failure mechanisms was found to be affected by the stress level and backfill density. Higher stress levels were found to lead to well-developed failure zones. The influence of backfill density was found to be more relevant in models involving flexible pipes. Pipes embedded within loose backfill were severely damaged after loss of support, while pipes embedded in dense backfill experienced negligible deformations. These results indicate that damage to pipelines caused by ground loss of support can be significantly minimized by controlling the compaction of the fill.
Leakage reduction in water supply systems and distribution networks has been an increasingly important issue in the water industry since leaks and ruptures result in major physical and economic losses. Hydraulic transient solvers can be used in the system operational diagnosis, namely for leak detection purposes, due to their capability to describe the dynamic behaviour of the systems and to provide substantial amounts of data. In this research work, the association of hydraulic transient analysis with an optimisation model, through inverse transient analysis (ITA), has been used for leak detection and its location in an experimental facility containing PVC pipes. Observed transient pressure data have been used for testing ITA. A key factor for the success of the leak detection technique used is the accurate calibration of the transient solver, namely adequate boundary conditions and the description of energy dissipation effects since PVC pipes are characterised by a viscoelastic mechanical response. Results have shown that leaks were located with an accuracy between 4-15% of the total length of the pipeline, depending on the discretisation of the system model.
This research work focuses on the analysis of hydraulic transients in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes, which are characterized by a viscoelastic rheological behavior. Transient pressure data were collected in a pipe rig consisting of a set of PVC pipes. The creep function of the PVC pipes was determined by using an inverse transient model based on collected transient pressure data and compared with that obtained by carrying out mechanical tensile tests of PVC pipe specimens. The numerical results obtained from the transient solver have shown that the attenuation, dispersion, and shape of transient pressures were well described. The incorporation of the viscoelastic mechanical behavior in the hydraulic transient model has provided an excellent fitting between numerical results and observed data. Calibrated creep function based on inverse analysis fit the one determined by mechanical tests well, which emphasized the importance of pipe-wall viscoelasticity in hydraulic transients in PVC pipes.
A mathematical model, numerical simulations and stability and flow regime maps corresponding to severe slugging in pipeline riser systems, are presented. In the simulations air and water were used as flowing fluids. The mathematical model considers continuity equations for liquid and gas phases, with a simplified momentum equation for the mixture, neglecting inertia. A drift-flux model, evaluated for the local conditions in the riser, is used as a closure law. The developed model predicts the location of the liquid accumulation front in the pipeline and the liquid level in the riser, so it is possible to determine which type of severe slugging occurs in the system. The numerical procedure is convergent for different nodalizations. A comparison is made with experimental results corresponding to a catenary riser, showing very good results for slugging cycle and stability and flow regime maps. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of different precracking methods on the results of linear elastic K(Ic) fracture toughness testing with medium-density polyethylene (MDPE) was investigated. Cryogenic conditions were imposed in order to obtain valid K(Ic) values from specimens of suitable size. Most conservative K(Ic) values were obtained by slow pressing a fresh razor blade at the notch root of the specimen. Due to the low deformation level imposed on the crack tip region, the slow pressing razor blade technique also produced less scatter in fracture toughness results. It has been shown that the slow stable crack growth preceding catastrophic brittle failure during K(Ic) tests in MOPE under cryogenic conditions should not be disregarded as it has relevant physical meaning and may affect the fracture toughness results. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The evaporators of sugar plants in Brazil have used carbon steel intensively because of it is, a low priced material, which possesses inferior corrosion resistance. The materials more indicated for the substitution of carbon steel are stainless steels, however they are considered expensive. The environmental and financial performances of evaporator pipes constructed with carbon steel and with types AISI 304 444 and 439 stainless steel were evaluated. For the environmental evaluation, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology Was used and it, revealed that stainless steel is more environmentally efficient than carbon steel. The life cycle costing (LCC) technique was the tool chosen for the financial evaluation and it showed that stainless steel is a better investment option compared to carbon steel. The results also indicate that LCA and LCC methodologies must be used together Therefore, it can he seen that safer environmental products can come to be the most profitable investment options.
Conventional procedures used to assess the integrity of corroded piping systems with axial defects generally employ simplified failure criteria based upon a plastic collapse failure mechanism incorporating the tensile properties of the pipe material. These methods establish acceptance criteria for defects based on limited experimental data for low strength structural steels which do not necessarily address specific requirements for the high grade steels currently used. For these cases, failure assessments may be overly conservative or provide significant scatter in their predictions, which lead to unnecessary repair or replacement of in-service pipelines. Motivated by these observations, this study examines the applicability of a stress-based criterion based upon plastic instability analysis to predict the failure pressure of corroded pipelines with axial defects. A central focus is to gain additional insight into effects of defect geometry and material properties on the attainment of a local limit load to support the development of stress-based burst strength criteria. The work provides an extensive body of results which lend further support to adopt failure criteria for corroded pipelines based upon ligament instability analyses. A verification study conducted on burst testing of large-diameter pipe specimens with different defect length shows the effectiveness of a stress-based criterion using local ligament instability in burst pressure predictions, even though the adopted burst criterion exhibits a potential dependence on defect geometry and possibly on material`s strain hardening capacity. Overall, the results presented here suggests that use of stress-based criteria based upon plastic instability analysis of the defect ligament is a valid engineering tool for integrity assessments of pipelines with axial corroded defects. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study examines the applicability of a micromechanics approach based upon the computational cell methodology incorporating the Gurson-Tvergaard (GT) model and the CTOA criterion to describe ductile crack extension of longitudinal crack-like defects in high pressure pipeline steels. A central focus is to gain additional insight into the effectiveness and limitations of both approaches to describe crack growth response and to predict the burst pressure for the tested cracked pipes. A verification study conducted on burst testing of large-diameter, precracked pipe specimens with varying crack depth to thickness ratio (a/t) shows the potential predictive capability of the cell approach even though both the CT model and the CTOA criterion appear to depend on defect geometry. Overall, the results presented here lend additional support for further developments in the cell methodology as a valid engineering tool for integrity assessments of pipelines with axial defects. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,
Captive breeding of peccaries is on the increase in neotropical countries. Few studies, however, have reported behavioural responses of wild animals under farmed conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of space allowance on the occurrence of social behaviour patterns on farmed collared peccary (Pecan tajacu). We observed three herds of collared peccaries each containing eight acquainted individuals. Using a 3 x 3 Latin square design, herds were allocated, in a random order, to one of the three experimental enclosures, each with a different size. 375, 750 and 1,500 m(2) of total available area, each with three wooden shelters. We recorded all the occurrences of selected positive and agonistic behavioural patterns that occurred 90 min before and during feeding Enclosure size had a significant effect on agonistic patterns of peccaries during feeding, in that more agonistic behaviour was observed in smaller spaces We also found that shelter usage increased as space decreased Differing space allowances, however, did not have an effect on the occurrence of positive interactions that were more frequent before compared to during feeding. We concluded that enclosure size had an effect on the expression of agonistic be and the use of shelters by collared peccaries Thus, animal welfare can be improved by adopting at least 187 5 m(2) per peccary. In addition, our study also confirmed the importance of shelter areas in collared peccary husbandry.
The microtube is a simple and cheap emitter that was widely used throughout the world in the early days of drip irrigation. Its length can be adjusted according to the pressure distribution along the lateral line and the discharge from the microtube can be adjusted by its length. This not only counters the pressure loss due to pipe friction but also makes it suitable for undulating and hilly conditions, where pressure in the lateral line varies considerably according to the differences in elevation. This is the major problem facing the designer, i.e., emitter flow changes as the acting pressure head changes. In this study, a novel micro-sprinkler system is proposed that uses microtube as the emitter and where the length of the microtube can be varied in response to pressure changes along the lateral to give uniformity of emitter discharges. The objective of this work is to develop and validate empirical and semi-theoretical equations for the emitter hydraulics. Laboratory testing of two microtube emitters of different diameter over a range of pressures and discharges was used in the development of the equations relating pressure and discharge, and pressure and length for these emitters. The equations proposed will be used in the design of the micro-sprinkler system, to determine the length of microtube required to give the nominal discharge for any given pressure. The semi-theoretical approach underlined the importance of accurate measurements of the microtube diameter and the uncertainty in the estimation of the friction factor for these tubes.
The abundance and species richness of mollusc and crab assemblages were examined in a subtropical mangrove forest in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, which has been disturbed and damaged by the construction of a wooden boardwalk and a path. Sections of the forest immediately adjacent to the boardwalk and path were compared with reference areas to determine whether changes to the small-scale structural complexity within the forest affected the benthic fauna. The disturbed area was characterised by having 65-80% fewer pneumatophores, significantly fewer species and individuals of molluscs, but significantly more species and individuals of crabs than the reference areas. The abundance of mangrove pneumatophores and the attached epiphytic algae were manipulated at two sites to determine whether observed differences in these features could account for the differences in the assemblage of molluscs in the disturbed area of the forest compared with reference areas. Five experimental treatments were used: undisturbed controls, pneumatophore removals (abundance reduced by ca. 65%), epiphytic algal removals (algae removed from ca. 65% of pneumatophores), pneumatophore disturbance controls and algal disturbance controls. The experimental reduction of the abundance of mangrove pneumatophores and the associated epiphytic algae led to significant declines (by as much as 83%) in the number of molluscs utilising the substratum in the modified plots. There was no significant difference in the abundance of molluscs in the pneumatophore and algal removal plots suggesting any effect was primarily related to removal of the epiphytic algae from the surface of the pneumatophores. The responses by the biota to the changes in the physical environment demonstrate that even relatively small-scale modifications to the physical structure of subtropical mangrove forests can lead to significant effects on the diversity and abundance of macrobenthic organisms in these habitats. Such modifications have the potential to cause cascading effects at higher trophic levels with a deterioration in the value of these habitats as nursery and feeding grounds. Future efforts at conservation of these estuarine environments must focus on the prevention or reduction of modifications to the physical structure and integrity of the system, rather than just on the prevention of loss of entire patches of habitat. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Concern about the neurotoxicity of lead, particularly in infants and young children, has led to a revision of blood lead levels which are considered to involve an acceptable level of human exposure. Drinking water guidelines have also been reviewed in order to reduce this source of population exposure to lead. In the last 20 years, guidelines have been reduced from 100 to 50 to 10 mu g/litre. Lead in tap water used to be a major public health problem in Glasgow because of the high prevalence of houses with lead service pipes, the low pH of the public water supply and the resulting high levels of lead in water used for public consumption. Following two separate programmes of water treatment, involving the addition of lime and, a decade later, lime supplemented with orthophosphate, it is considered that maximal measures have been taken to reduce lead exposure by chemical treatment of the water supply. Any residual problem of public exposure would require large scale replacement of lead service pipes. In anticipation of the more stringent limits for lead in drinking water, we set out to measure current lead exposure From tap water in the population of Glasgow served by the Loch Katrine water supply. to compare the current situation with 12 years previously and to assess the public health implications of different limits. The study was based on mothers of young children since maternal blood lead concentrations and the domestic water that mothers use to prepare bottle feeds are the principal sources of foetal and infant lead exposure. An estimated 17% of mothers lived in households with tap water lead concentrations of 10 mu g/litre (the WHO guideline) or above in 1993 compared with 49% in 1981. Mean maternal blood lead concentrations fell by 69% in 12 years. For a given water lead concentration, maternal blood lead concentrations were 67% lower. The mean maternal blood lead concentration was 3.7 mu g/litre in the population at large, compared with 3.3 mu g/litre in households with negligible or absent tap water lead. Nevertheless, between 63% and 76% of cases of mothers with blood lead concentrations of 10 mu g/dl or above were attributable to tap water lead. The study found that maternal blood lead concentrations were well within limits currently considered safe for human health. About 15% of infants may be exposed via bottle feeds to tap water lead concentrations that exceed the WHO guideline of 10 mu g/litre. In the context of the health and social problems which affect the well-being and development of infants and children in Glasgow, however, current levels of lend exposure are considered to present a relatively minor health problem. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.