931 resultados para Photoacoustic signal
Purpose: Pulmonary hypoplasia is a determinant parameter for extra-uterine life. In the last years, MRI appears as a complement to US in order to evaluate the degree of pulmonary hypoplasia in foetuses with congenital anomalies, by using different methods - fetal lung volumetry (FLV), lung-to-liver signal intensity ratio (LLSIR)-. But until now, information about the correlation between the MRI prediction and the real postnatal outcome is limited. Methods and materials: We retrospectively reviewed the fetal MRI performed at our Institution in the last 8 years and selected the cases with suspicion of fetal pulmonary hypoplasia (n = 30). The pulmonary volumetry data of these foetuses were collected and the lung-to-liver signal intensity ratio (LLSIR) measures performed. These data were compared with those obtained from a control group of 25 foetuses considered as normal at MRI. The data of the study group were also correlated with the autopsy records or the post-natal clinical information of the patients. Results: As expected, the control group showed higher FLV and LLSIR values than the problem group at all gestational ages. Higher values of FLV and LLSIR were associated with a better post-natal outcome. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and accuracy for the relative LLSIR and the relative FLV showed no significant differences. Conclusion: Our data show that not only the FLV but also the relative LLSIR inform about the degree of fetal lung development. This information may help to predict the fetal outcome and to evaluate the need for neonatal intensive care.
Maturation of the arenavirus GP precursor (GPC) involves proteolytic processing by cellular signal peptidase and the proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin isozyme 1 (SKI-1)/site 1 protease (S1P), yielding a tripartite complex comprised of a stable signal peptide (SSP), the receptor-binding GP1, and the fusion-active transmembrane GP2. Here we investigated the roles of SKI-1/S1P processing and SSP in the biosynthesis of the recombinant GP ectodomains of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and Lassa virus (LASV). When expressed in mammalian cells, the LCMV and LASV GP ectodomains underwent processing by SKI-1/S1P, followed by dissociation of GP1 from GP2. The GP2 ectodomain spontaneously formed trimers as revealed by chemical cross-linking. The endogenous SSP, known to be crucial for maturation and transport of full-length arenavirus GPC was dispensable for processing and secretion of the soluble GP ectodomain, suggesting a specific role of SSP in the stable prefusion conformation and transport of full-length GPC.
Ney is an end-blown flute which is mainly used for Makam music. Although from the beginning of 20th century a score representation based on extending the Western musicis used, because of its rich articulation repertoire, actualNey music can not be totally represented by written score.Ney is still taught and transmitted orally in Turkey. Becauseof that the performance has a distinct and importantrole in Ney music. Therefore signal analysis of ney performancesis crucial for understanding the actual music.Another important aspect which is also a part of the performanceis the articulations that performers apply. In Makam music in Turkey none of the articulations are taught evennamed by teachers. Articulations in Ney are valuable for understanding the real performance. Since articulations are not taught and their places are not marked in the score, the choice and character of the articulation is unique for eachperformer which also makes each performance unique.Our method analyzes audio files of well known Turkish Ney players. In order to obtain our analysis data, we analyzed audio files of 8 different performers vary from 1920to 2000.
Generating a diverse T cell memory population through vaccination is a promising strategy to overcome pathogen epitope variability and tolerance to tumor Ags. The effector and memory pool becomes broad in TCR diversity by recruiting high- and low-affinity T cells. We wanted to determine which factors dictate whether a memory T cell pool has a broad versus focused repertoire. We find that inflammation increases the magnitude of low- and high-affinity T cell responses equally well, arguing against a synergistic effect of TCR and inflammatory signals on T cell expansion. We dissect the differential effects of TCR signal strength and inflammation and demonstrate that they control effector T cell survival in a bim-dependent manner. Importantly, bim-dependent cell death is overcome with a high Ag dose in the context of an inflammatory environment. Our data define the framework for the generation of a broad T cell memory pool to inform future vaccine design.
Although chemokines and their receptors were initially identified as regulators of cell trafficking during inflammation and immune response, they have emerged as crucial players in all stages of tumor development, primary growth, migration, angiogenesis, and establishment as metastases in distant target organs. Neuroectodermal tumors regroup neoplasms originating from the embryonic neural crest cells, which display clinical and biological similarities. These tumors are highly malignant and rapidly progressing diseases that disseminate to similar target organs such as bone marrow, bone, liver and lungs. There is increasing evidence that interaction of several chemokine receptors with corresponding chemokine ligands are implicated in the growth and invasive characteristics of these tumors. In this review we summarize the current knowledge on the role of CXCL12 chemokine and its CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors in the progression and survival of neuroectodermal tumors, with particular emphasis on neuroblastoma, the most typical and enigmatic neuroectodermal childhood tumor.
OBJECTIVE: Chronic activation of the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) in white adipose tissue leads to increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are involved in the development of insulin resistance. It is presently unknown whether peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) beta/delta activation prevents inflammation in adipocytes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS AND RESULTS: First, we examined whether the PPARbeta/delta agonist GW501516 prevents lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytokine production in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Treatment with GW501516 blocked LPS-induced IL-6 expression and secretion by adipocytes and the subsequent activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3)-Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) pathway. This effect was associated with the capacity of GW501516 to impede LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation. Second, in in vivo studies, white adipose tissue from Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats, compared with that of lean rats, showed reduced PPARbeta/delta expression and PPAR DNA-binding activity, which was accompanied by enhanced IL-6 expression and NF-kappaB DNA-binding activity. Furthermore, IL-6 expression and NF-kappaB DNA-binding activity was higher in white adipose tissue from PPARbeta/delta-null mice than in wild-type mice. Because mitogen-activated protein kinase-extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK)1/2 (MEK1/2) is involved in LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation in adipocytes, we explored whether PPARbeta/delta prevented NF-kappaB activation by inhibiting this pathway. Interestingly, GW501516 prevented ERK1/2 phosphorylation by LPS. Furthermore, white adipose tissue from animal showing constitutively increased NF-kappaB activity, such as ZDF rats and PPARbeta/delta-null mice, also showed enhanced phospho-ERK1/2 levels. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that activation of PPARbeta/delta inhibits enhanced cytokine production in adipocytes by preventing NF-kappaB activation via ERK1/2, an effect that may help prevent insulin resistance.
Two mutually exclusive hypotheses have been put forward to explain the evolution and adaptive function of melanin-based color traits. According to sexual selection theory melanism is a directionally selected signal of individual quality, whereas theory on the maintenance of genetic polymorphism proposes that alternative melanin-based variants achieve equal fitness. Alpine swift (Apus melba) males and females have a conspicuous patch of white feathers on the breast with their rachis varying continuously from white to black, and hence the breast varies from white to striated. If this trait is a sexually selected signal of quality, its expression should be condition dependent and the degree of melanism directionally selected. If variation in melanism is a polymorphism, its expression should be genetically determined and fitness of melanin-based variants equal. We experimentally tested these predictions by exchanging eggs or hatchlings between randomly chosen nests and by estimating survival and reproduction in relation to melanism. We found that breast melanism is heritable and that the environment and body condition do not significantly influence its expression. Between 5 and 50 days of age nestlings were heavier and their wings longer when breast feathers of their biological father were blacker, and they also fledged at a younger age. This shows that aspects of offspring quality covary positively with the degree of melanism. However, this did not result in directional selection because nestling survival and recruitment in the local breeding population were not associated with father breast melanism. Furthermore, adult survival, age at first reproduction and probability of skipping reproduction did not covary with the degree of melanism. Genetic variation in breast melanism is therefore maintained either because nonmelanic males achieve fitness similar to melanic males via a different route than producing fast-growing offspring, or because the advantage of producing fast-growing offspring is not sufficiently pronounced to result in directional selection.
This paper presents a new method and circuit for the conversion of binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) signals into amplitude shift keying signals. The basic principles of the conversion method are the superharmonic injection and locking of oscillator circuits, and interference phenomena. The first one is used to synchronize the oscillators, while the second is used to generate an amplitude interference pattern that reproduces the original phase modulation. When combined with an envelope detector, the proposed converter circuit allows the coherent demodulation of BPSK signals without need of any explicit carrier recovery system. The time response of the converter circuit to phase changes of the input signal, as well as the conversion limits, are discussed in detail.
This paper demonstrates the feasibility of a new circuit for the conversion of binary phase-shift keying signals into amplitude-shift keying signals. In its simplest form, the converter circuit is composed by a power divider, a couple of second harmonic injection-locked oscillators, and a power combiner. The operation of the converter circuit relies on the frequency synchronization of both oscillators and the generation of an interference pattern by combining their outputs, which reproduces the original phase modulation. Two prototypes of the converter have been implemented. The first one is a hybrid version working in the 400-530-MHz frequency range. The second one has been implemented using multichip-module technology, and is intended to work in the 1.8-2.2-GHz frequency range.
Inductive-based devices integrated with Si technology for biodetection applications are characterized, using simple resonant differential filter configurations. This has allowed the corroboration of the viability of the proposed circuits, which are characterized by their very high simplicity, for microinductive signal conditioning in high-sensitivity sensor devices. The simulation of these simple circuits predicts sensitivities of the differential output voltage which can achieve values in the range of 0.1-1 V/nH, depending on the coil parameters. These very high-sensitivity values open the possibility for the experimental detection of extremely small inductance changes in the devices. For real microinductive devices, both series resistance and parasitic capacitive components contribute to the decrease of the differential circuit sensitivity. Nevertheless, measurements performed using micro-coils fabricated with relatively high series resistance and coupling parasitic effects have allowed detection of changes in the range of 2 nH. which are compatible with biodetection applications with estimated detection limits below the picomolarity range.
Drift is an important issue that impairs the reliability of gas sensing systems. Sensor aging, memory effects and environmental disturbances produce shifts in sensor responses that make initial statistical models for gas or odor recognition useless after a relatively short period (typically few weeks). Frequent recalibrations are needed to preserve system accuracy. However, when recalibrations involve numerous samples they become expensive and laborious. An interesting and lower cost alternative is drift counteraction by signal processing techniques. Orthogonal Signal Correction (OSC) is proposed for drift compensation in chemical sensor arrays. The performance of OSC is also compared with Component Correction (CC). A simple classification algorithm has been employed for assessing the performance of the algorithms on a dataset composed by measurements of three analytes using an array of seventeen conductive polymer gas sensors over a ten month period.
The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activated by stress-signals and involved in many different diseases. Previous results proved the powerful effect of the cell permeable peptide inhibitor d-JNKI1 (d-retro-inverso form of c-Jun N-terminal kinase-inhibitor) against neuronal death in CNS diseases, but the precise features of this neuroprotection remain unclear. We here performed cell-free and in vitro experiments for a deeper characterization of d-JNKI1 features in physiological conditions. This peptide works by preventing JNK interaction with its c-Jun N-terminal kinase-binding domain (JBD) dependent targets. We here focused on the two JNK upstream MAPKKs, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4) and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 (MKK7), because they contain a JBD homology domain. We proved that d-JNKI1 prevents MKK4 and MKK7 activity in cell-free and in vitro experiments: these MAPKK could be considered not only activators but also substrates of JNK. This means that d-JNKI1 can interrupt downstream but also upstream events along the JNK cascade, highlighting a new remarkable feature of this peptide. We also showed the lack of any direct effect of the peptide on p38, MEK1, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in cell free, while in rat primary cortical neurons JNK inhibition activates the MEK1-ERK-Ets1/c-Fos cascade. JNK inhibition induces a compensatory effect and leads to ERK activation via MEK1, resulting in an activation of the survival pathway-(MEK1/ERK) as a consequence of the death pathway-(JNK) inhibition. This study should hold as an important step to clarify the strong neuroprotective effect of d-JNKI1.
Quorum sensing, a cell-to-cell communication system based on small signal molecules, is employed by the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa to regulate virulence and biofilm development. Moreover, regulation by small trans-encoded RNAs has become a focal issue in studies of virulence gene expression of bacterial pathogens. In this study, we have identified the small RNA PhrS as an activator of PqsR synthesis, one of the key quorum-sensing regulators in P. aeruginosa. Genetic studies revealed a novel mode of regulation by a sRNA, whereby PhrS uses a base-pairing mechanism to activate a short upstream open reading frame to which the pqsR gene is translationally coupled. Expression of phrS requires the oxygen-responsive regulator ANR. Thus, PhrS is the first bacterial sRNA that provides a regulatory link between oxygen availability and quorum sensing, which may impact on oxygen-limited growth in P. aeruginosa biofilms.
Peroxynitrite is a potent oxidant and nitrating species formed from the reaction between the free radicals nitric oxide and superoxide. An excessive formation of peroxynitrite represents an important mechanism contributing to cell death and dysfunction in multiple cardiovascular pathologies, such as myocardial infarction, heart failure and atherosclerosis. Whereas initial works focused on direct oxidative biomolecular damage as the main route of peroxynitrite toxicity, more recent evidence, mainly obtained in vitro, indicates that peroxynitrite also behaves as a potent modulator of various cell signal transduction pathways. Due to its ability to nitrate tyrosine residues, peroxynitrite affects cellular processes dependent on tyrosine phosphorylation. Peroxynitrite also exerts complex effects on the activity of various kinases and phosphatases, resulting in the up- or downregulation of signalling cascades, in a concentration- and cell-dependent manner. Such roles of peroxynitrite in the redox regulation of key signalling pathways for cardiovascular homeostasis, including protein kinase B and C, the MAP kinases, Nuclear Factor Kappa B, as well as signalling dependent on insulin and the sympatho-adrenergic system are presented in detail in this review.