999 resultados para Philosophie du XVIIe siècle
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Origeniana Septima, herausgegeben von Wolfgang A. Bienert und Uwe Kühneweg, enthält die Beiträge des 7. internationalen Origenes-Kolloquiums, das unter dem Thema : «Origenes in den Auseinandersetzungen des 4. Jahrhunderts» vom 25. - 29. August 1997 in Hofgeismar und Marburg stattfand. An diesem Kolloquium, das erstmals in Deutschland zusammenkam, nahmen mehr als 100 Wissenschaftler aus 18 Länder teil. Das nächste Kolloquium dieser Art fand im Jahre 2001 unter der Leitung von Prof. Lorenzo Perrone in Pisa (Italien) statt. Die Beitrage der beiden letzten Treffen, in Boston (1989) und Chantilly (1993), wurden bereits in der Reihe Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium publiziert.
During the past 20 years, therapeutic and rehabilitative modalities in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation have been diversified in becoming more specific. We have the possibility to offer individualized rehabilitation programs as well as in the general field of socio-professional goals as in the clinical field according to the patients' needs and personal assets. The content of these programs associates various forms of specialized medical and paramedical services. The indications are established trough a careful assessment. The rehabilitation unit of the University Department of Psychiatry in Lausanne has developed a multidisciplinary assessment method based on the bio-psychosocial integrative model and the vulnerability-stress model in integrating the level of experience of Wood for the analysis of the psychosocial functioning. This results in a structured assessment program, which leads to a multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment (difficulties versus adaptative resources)
Mères entre amour familial et "individualisme moderne?" Une mise en perspective (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles)
The main goal of psychosocial rehabilitation is to compensate the vulnerability underlying psychiatric disorders through intermediate institutions when the persistence and recurrence of these disorders have led to social and professional exclusion. Intermediate institutions refer to services which allow transition between the state of dependence on the hospital to the state of relative autonomy in social community. Psychosocial rehabilitation is a comprehensive approach which link the type of interventions: treatment, rehabilitation and support integrated in multimodal and individualized programs. A study of the out-patients followed by the rehabilitation unit of the psychiatric department in Lausanne has shown that provision of services is divided into 60% for rehabilitation, 20% for treatment and 20% for support independently of the psychiatric disorders. The implementation of these programs necessitates institutional support from psychiatric hospital to outpatient clinics through different types of facilities in order to offer a medical and psychosocial device of rehabilitation into the community
Nombreux blasons coloriés de personnages et officiers de la cour de Lorraine.
Nombreux blasons coloriés de personnages et officiers de la cour de Lorraine.