931 resultados para Philodemus, approximately 110 B.C.-approximately 40 B.C.
The reaction γ + p p + π+ + π- has been studied for photon energies between 800 and 1500 MeV and for dipion masses between 510 and 900 MeV. The bremsstrahlung beam from the Caltech synchrotron was passed through a liquid hydrogen target and spark chambers were used to detect the three final particles. In addition, the proton energy was determined by a range measurement. Approximately 40,000 photographs were taken, yielding 3018 acceptable events. The results were fit to an incoherent combination of the N*(1238) resonance, the po (750) resonance, and three-body phase space, with various models being tried for po production. The total cross section for po production is consistent with previous experiments. However, the angular dependence of the cross section is slightly more peaked in the forward direction, and the ratio of po production to phase space production is larger than previously observed.
However, since this experiment was only sensitive to the production angles cos θ cm ≥ .75, statistical fluctuations and/or an anisotropic distribution of background production have a severe influence on the po to background ratio. Of the po models tested, the results prefer po production by the one pion exchange mechanism with a very steep form factor dependence. The values of the mass and width of the po found here are consistent with previous experiments.
Como as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) constituem a principal causa de morte na maioria dos países e as tendências de mortalidade não se apresentam totalmente elucidadas nos países em desenvolvimento, torna-se adequado explorar a evolução da mortalidade das DCV, dando ênfase ao acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) no Brasil. Devido à prevalência de AVC e também devido à associação causal entre sobrepeso ou obesidade e AVC não ser clara, é importante avaliar o efeito da perda de peso na prevenção primária de AVC. Baseado no fato do rimonabant ser a primeira droga de uma nova classe de medicamentos promissora não apenas na redução de peso, mas por sua influência sobre os fatores de risco cardiovascular, torna-se pertinente estabelecer sua eficácia e segurança. Inicialmente, para traçar um panorama sobre a epidemiologia das DCV no Brasil, com ênfase em AVC, foram realizados dois estudos com as tendências temporais de mortalidade por DCV ao longo das três últimas décadas, investigando as diferenças entre as regiões do país e entre indivíduos de diversas faixas etárias e de ambos os sexos, (artigo I e II). Além disso, duas revisões sistemáticas foram realizadas: uma para avaliar o efeito da perda de peso na prevenção primária de AVC; a segunda para investigar o uso do medicamento rimonabant no tratamento da obesidade (artigo III e IV). As taxas de mortalidade de AVC diminuíram substancialmente nas últimas três décadas, de 68,2 a 40,9 por 100 000 habitantes. Essa redução foi detectada em ambos os sexos de todas as faixas etárias, e nas diferentes regiões do país, sendo mais acentuadas nas regiões mais ricas (artigo I). A mesma tendência foi observada nas demais DCV, que em geral apresentaram uma redução anual média de 3,9%. As maiores reduções foram encontradas para AVC (média de 4,0% ao ano) seguido por doença coronariana (média de 3,6% ao ano) (artigo II). Não existem estudos avaliando o efeito da redução de peso na prevenção primária de AVC (artigo III). Houve um efeito doseresposta com o uso do rimonabant: comparado com placebo, 20 mg da droga produziu uma redução de peso maior (4,9 kg) em 4 ensaios clínicos com duração de 1 ano. Foram observadas melhoras nos marcadores de risco cardiovascular. Porém 5 mg comparado com placebo mostrou apenas uma redução de 1,3 kg a mais do peso. A maior dose também provocou maiores efeitos adversos. Perdas no seguimento foram de aproximadamente 40% (artigo IV). Durante as últimas décadas, a mortalidade por DCV em geral e AVC diminiu consistentemente no Brasil, porém a magnitude do declínio variou de acordo com as diferenças socioeconômicas. Amplas intervenções poderiam ter mais êxito se planejadas de acordo com as desigualdades sociais e diferenças culturais. Os achados apontam para a necessidade da realização de ensaios clínicos randomizados controlados avaliando a perda de peso na prevenção primária do AVC, devido à alta relevância dessa condição. Como intervenções não são totamente eficazes no tratamento da obesidade, a prevenção, englobando um conjunto articulado de ações, permanece a forma mais eficiente de controlá-la. O medicamento rimonabant apresentou modesta perda de peso, porém os resultados obtidos devem ser interpretados com cautela de acordo com as deficiências na qualidade metodológica apresentadas por todos os estudos. São necessárias pesquisas de alta qualidade para avaliar a eficácia e a segurança do rimonabant em períodos mais longos.
No Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a atividade de transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos foi responsável por aproximadamente 40% dos atendimentos a emergências realizados pela FEEMA (hoje INEA) nos últimos anos. Dentre as diversas rotas de tráfego desses produtos, destaca-se a rodovia Presidente Dutra que percorre as imediações dos rios Paraíba do Sul e Guandu, e seus principais afluentes. A exposição a riscos ambientais da ETA Guandu é, portanto, bastante alta, pois compreende a Bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul, a montante da transposição, bem como a Bacia do rio Guandu, a montante do ponto de captação da Cedae (área de influência da ETA Guandu). Este trabalho identifica riscos de acidentes ambientais associados ao transporte terrestre de produtos perigosos em parte da área territorial de influência da ETA Guandu, buscando fornecer subsídios para a elaboração de um plano de contingência das Bacias dos rios Paraíba do sul e Guandu. A ETA Guandu, que abastece cerca de 9 milhões de habitantes da RMRJ, capta águas do rio Guandu que, por sua vez, depende principalmente das águas transpostas do rio Paraíba do Sul e do rio Piraí, situados em outra bacia hidrográfica. Além de um mapeamento de pontos de alta e média gravidade das principais rodovias e ferrovias na área de influência da ETA Guandu, a principal contribuição deste estudo foi a identificação de vários trechos de alto risco de acidentes ambientais ao longo da rodovia Presidente Dutra, em território fluminense, que podem efetivamente comprometer a qualidade das águas dos rios Paraíba do Sul e Guandu.
Approximately 40% of annual demand for steel worldwide is used to replace products that have failed. With this percentage set to rise, extending the lifespan of steel in products presents a significant opportunity to reduce demand and thus decrease carbon dioxide emissions from steel production. This article presents a new, simplified framework with which to analyse product failure. When applied to the products that dominate steel use, this framework reveals that they are often replaced because a component/sub-assembly becomes degraded, inferior, unsuitable or worthless. In light of this, four products, which are representative of high steel content products in general, are analysed at the component level, determining steel mass and cost profiles over the lifespan of each product. The results show that the majority of the steel components are underexploited - still functioning when the product is discarded; in particular, the potential lifespan of the steel-rich structure is typically much greater than its actual lifespan. Twelve case studies, in which product or component life has been increased, are then presented. The resulting evidence is used to tailor life-extension strategies to each reason for product failure and to identify the economic motivations for implementing these strategies. The results suggest that a product template in which the long-lived structure accounts for a relatively high share of costs while short-lived components can be easily replaced (offering profit to the producer and enhanced utility to owners) encourages product life extension. © 2013 The Author.
The conceptualization of “depression” as a heterogenous disease has been widely accepted by most researchers. However, controlled experiments are rather sparse. To date, most studies demonstrated that animals with helplessness, a widely recognized behavioral index of “depression” also show varied comobidity expressions of other emotional behaviors, such as hightened or lightened anxiety level compared with controls. This means that distinct subtypes of “depression” may exist, in which different neural mechanisms may play roles. The present study aims to explore the possibility of behaviorally categorizing two depressive subtypes, referred as anxious helplessness and non-anxious helplessness, respectively. Then, by using RT-PCR, the dopamine D1, D2, D3 receptors mRNA expressions in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and nucleus accubems (NAc) were quantified. The main findings are described as belows: 1. Uncontrollable shock could readily induce helpless behavior in shocked animals as a whole but with salient individual differences. Prior inescaoable shock induces subsuquent helplessness in approximately 40% shocked animals, while the other animals showed no sign of helpless expression, and were classified as non-helplessness. 2. Among helpless animals, the “subtype” of anxious helpless and non-anxious helpless could be identified according to the anxiety level evaluated by elevated plus maze. 3. D3 receptors mRNA expressions in the mPFC and NAc were increased in stressed animals after uncontrollable shock treatment. At the meanwhile, significant lower expressions of D2 receptors in the mPFC and NAc, and much lower expressions of D1 receptors in the mPFC were found in rats that did not become helpless after stress. In contrast, no significant difference between helpless and control animals was found in D1/D2 receptors mRNA expressions. 4. Based on above mentioned results, the up-regulation of D3 receptors in the mPFC and NAc may reflect a generalized effect of exposure to uncontrollalbe shock. While the down-regulation of D1\D2 receptors in the mPFC and decreased expression of D2 receptors in the NAc may be associated with adaptive or protective mechnisms which protecting animals from helplessness after uncontrollable shock treatment. 5. Futhermore, a significant negative relationship was found between anxiety level and D1 receptors expressions in the mPFC in helpless animals. Compared to the non-anxious helpless and control rats, the D1 receptors mRNA of anxious helpless rats were down-regulation in the mPFC. The present study indicated that the D1 dopamine receptor gene is associated with co-morbid depression and anxiety.
Attempts were made to measure the fraction of elemental carbon (EC) in ultrafine aerosol by modifying an Ambient Carbonaceous Particulate Monitor (ACPM, R&P 5400). The main modification consisted in placing a quartz filter in one of the sampling lines of this dual-channel instrument. With the filter all aerosol and EC contained in it is collected, while in the other line of the instrument the standard impactor samples only particles larger than 0.14 μm. The fraction of EC in particles smaller than 0.14 μm is derived from the difference in concentration as measured via the two sampling lines. Measurements with the modified instrument were made at a suburban site in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. An apparent adsorption artefact, which could not be eliminated by the use of denuders, precluded meaningful evaluation of the data for total carbon. Blanks in the measurements of EC were negligible and the EC data were hence further evaluated. We found that the concentration of EC obtained via the channel with the impactor was systematically lower than that in the filter-line. The average ratio of the concentrations was close to 0.6, which indicates that approximately 40% of the EC was in particles smaller than 0.14 μm. Alternative explanations for the difference in the concentration in the two sampling lines could be excluded, such as a difference in the extent of oxidation. This should be a function of loading, which is not the case. Another reason for the difference could be that less material is collected by the impactor due to rebound, but such bounce of aerosol is very unlikely in The Netherlands due to co-deposition of abundant deliquesced and thus viscous ammonium compounds. The conclusion is that a further modification to assess the true fraction of ultrafine EC, by installing an impactor with cut-off diameter at 0.1 μm, would be worth pursuing. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selenium (Se) is a micronutrient necessary for the function of a variety of important enzymes; Se also exhibits a narrow range in concentrations between essentiality and toxicity. Oviparous vertebrates such as birds and fish are especially sensitive to Se toxicity, which causes reproductive impairment and defects in embryo development. Selenium occurs naturally in the Earth's crust, but it can be mobilized by a variety of anthropogenic activities, including agricultural practices, coal burning, and mining.
Mountaintop removal/valley fill (MTR/VF) coal mining is a form of surface mining found throughout central Appalachia in the United States that involves blasting off the tops of mountains to access underlying coal seams. Spoil rock from the mountain is placed into adjacent valleys, forming valley fills, which bury stream headwaters and negatively impact surface water quality. This research focused on the biological impacts of Se leached from MTR/VF coal mining operations located around the Mud River, West Virginia.
In order to assess the status of Se in a lotic (flowing) system such as the Mud River, surface water, insects, and fish samples including creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) and green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) were collected from a mining impacted site as well as from a reference site not impacted by mining. Analysis of samples from the mined site showed increased conductivity and Se in the surface waters compared to the reference site in addition to increased concentrations of Se in insects and fish. Histological analysis of mined site fish gills showed a lack of normal parasites, suggesting parasite populations may be disrupted due to poor water quality. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy techniques were used to determine the speciation of Se in insect and creek chub samples. Insects contained approximately 40-50% inorganic Se (selenate and selenite) and 50-60% organic Se (Se-methionine and Se-cystine) while fish tissues contained lower proportions of inorganic Se than insects, instead having higher proportions of organic Se in the forms of methyl-Se-cysteine, Se-cystine, and Se-methionine.
Otoliths, calcified inner ear structures, were also collected from Mud River creek chubs and green sunfish and analyzed for Se content using laser ablation inductively couple mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Significant differences were found between the two species of fish, based on the concentrations of otolith Se. Green sunfish otoliths from all sites contained background or low concentrations of otolith Se (< 1 µg/g) that were not significantly different between mined and unmined sites. In contrast creek chub otoliths from the historically mined site contained much higher (≥ 5 µg/g, up to approximately 68 µg/g) concentrations of Se than for the same species in the unmined site or for the green sunfish. Otolith Se concentrations were related to muscle Se concentrations for creek chubs (R2 = 0.54, p = 0.0002 for the last 20% of the otolith Se versus muscle Se) while no relationship was observed for green sunfish.
Additional experiments using biofilms grown in the Mud River showed increased Se in mined site biofilms compared to the reference site. When we fed fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) on these biofilms in the laboratory they accumulated higher concentrations of Se in liver and ovary tissues compared to fathead minnows fed on reference site biofilms. No differences in Se accumulation were found in muscle from either treatment group. Biofilms were also centrifuged and separated into filamentous green algae and the remaining diatom fraction. The majority of Se was found in the diatom fraction with only about 1/3rd of total biofilm Se concentration present in the filamentous green algae fraction
Finally, zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos were exposed to aqueous Se in the form of selenate, selenite, and L-selenomethionine in an attempt to determine if oxidative stress plays a role in selenium embryo toxicity. Selenate and selenite exposure did not induce embryo deformities (lordosis and craniofacial malformation). L-selenomethionine, however, induced significantly higher deformity rates at 100 µg/L compared to controls. Antioxidant rescue of L-selenomethionime induced deformities was attempted in embryos using N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Pretreatment with NAC significantly reduced deformities in the zebrafish embryos secondarily treated with L-selenomethionine, suggesting that oxidative stress may play a role in Se toxicity. Selenite exposure also induced a 6.6-fold increase in glutathione-S-transferase pi class 2 gene expression, which is involved in xenobiotic transformation. No changes in gene expression were observed for selenate or L-selenomethionine-exposed embryos.
The findings in this dissertation contribute to the understanding of how Se bioaccumulates in a lotic system and is transferred through a simulated foodweb in addition to further exploring oxidative stress as a potential mechanism for Se-induced embryo toxicity. Future studies should continue to pursue the role of oxidative stress and other mechanisms in Se toxicity and the biotransformation of Se in aquatic ecosystems.
This Dissertation Project comprises recordings of Argentine art songs. The discs are approximately 40-60 minutes in length and consist of songs from the traditional art-song repertoire for voice and piano. This project is particularly appropriate because of the very limited number of recordings of Argentine songs, which are notable both not only for their high quality but for their accessibility of performance for voice teachers, students, and professional singers alike. Art songs in the Spanish language are a welcome resource, and the poetry included in this project is of an outstanding quality. Some of the poets set to music are Gabriela Mistral (a poet laureate of Chile and the first Latin American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature), Pablo Neruda (also a Nobel laureate), Luis Cernuda, and Leon Benar6s. The lyrics of some songs are based on traditional sources, and the melodies and rhythms of all are representative of South American-indigenous and European immigrant cultures. The composers represented here will be familiar to some listeners but more than likely unfamiliar to most. Yet Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) is considered to be the greatest of all Argentine composers. Alberto Williams (1862-1952) is known as the father of the Nationalist School of composition in Argentina, and Carlos Lopez Buchardo (1881-1963) is a most influential composer and pedagogue after whom the national Conservatory of Music in Buenos Aries is named. Two composers who remain relatively unknown outside of South America, Abraham Jurafsky (1906- 1993) and Julio Perceval (1903-1963) are also represented in this project. A complete compact disc is devoted to the works of Carlos Guastavino. Known as the "Argentine Schubert", Guastavino has over 250 songs to his credit. Chiefly a composer for piano and voice, his recent death (October 2000) makes a recording of his works especially appropriate. This project also includes a written component, a supportive dissertation briefly describing the history of the Argentine art song and the lives and influences of the composers and poets represented in the studio recordings. The CD recordings are held in the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland.
Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) protect marine teleosts from freezing in icy seawater by binding to nascent ice crystals and preventing their growth. It has been suggested that the gene dosage for AFPs in fish reflects the degree of exposure to harsh winter climates. The starry flounder, _Platichthys stellatus_, has been chosen to examine this relationship because it inhabits a range of the Pacific coast from California to the Arctic. This flatfish is presumed to produce type I AFP, which is an alanine-rich, amphipathic alpha-helix. Genomic DNA from four starry flounder was Southern blotted and probed with a cDNA of a winter flounder liver AFP. The hybridization signal was consistent with a gene family of approximately 40 copies. Blots of DNA from other starry flounder indicate that California fish have far fewer gene copies whereas Alaska fish have far more. This analysis is complicated by the fact that there are three different type I AFP isoforms. The first is expressed in the liver and secreted into circulation, the second is a larger hyperactive dimer also thought to be expressed in the liver, and the third is expressed in peripheral tissues. To evaluate the contribution of these latter two isoforms to the overall gene signal on Southern blots, hybridization probes for the three isoforms were isolated from starry flounder DNA by genomic cloning. Two clones revealed linkage of genes for different isoforms, and this was confirmed by genomic Southern blotting, where hybridization patterns indicated that the majority of genes were present in tandem repeats. The sequence and diversity of all three isoforms was sampled in the starry flounder genome by PCR. All coding sequences derived for the skin and liver isoforms were consistent with the proposed structure-function relationships for this AFP, where the flat hydrophobic side of the helix is conserved for ice binding. There was greater sequence diversity in the skin and hyperactive isoforms than in the liver isoform, suggesting that the latter evolved recently from one of the other two. The genomic PCR primers are currently being used to sample isoform diversity in related right-eyed flounders to test this hypothesis.
A silicon implementation of the Approximate Rotations algorithm capable of carrying the computational load of algorithms such as QRD and SVD, within the real-time realisation of applications such as Adaptive Beamforming, is described. A modification to the original Approximate Rotations algorithm to simplify the method of optimal angle selection is proposed. Analysis shows that fewer iterations of the Approximate Rotations algorithm are required compared with the conventional CORDIC algorithm to achieve similar degrees of accuracy. The silicon design studies undertaken provide direct practical evidence of superior performance with the Approximate Rotations algorithm, requiring approximately 40% of the total computation time of the conventional CORDIC algorithm, for a similar silicon area cost. © 2004 IEEE.
Diabetes is increasing at daunting rates worldwide, and approximately 40% of affected individuals will develop kidney complications. Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the leading cause of end-stage kidney disease, and there are significant healthcare costs providing appropriate renal replacement therapies to affected individuals. For several decades, investigators have sought to discover inherited risk factors and biomarkers for DKD. In recent years, advances in high-throughput laboratory techniques and computational analyses, coupled with the establishment of multicenter consortia, have helped to identify genetic loci that are replicated across multiple populations. Several genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been conducted for DKD with further meta-analysis of GWAS and comprehensive ”single gene” meta-analyses now published. Despite these efforts, much of the inherited predisposition to DKD remains unexplained. Meta-analyses and integrated–omics pathway studies are being used to help elucidate underlying genetic risks. Epigenetic phenomena are increasingly recognized as important drivers of disease risk, and several epigenome-wide association studies have now been completed. This review describes key findings and ongoing genetic and epigenetic initiatives for DKD.
Background: A previous review showed that high stress increases the risk of occupational injury by three- to five-fold. However, most of the prior studies have relied on short follow-ups. In this prospective cohort study we examined the effect of stress on recorded hospitalised injuries in an 8-year follow-up.
Methods: A total of 16,385 employees of a Finnish forest company responded to the questionnaire. Perceived stress was measured with a validated single-item measure, and analysed in relation recorded hospitalised injuries from 1986 to 2008. We used Cox proportional hazard regression models to examine the prospective associations between work stress, injuries and confounding factors.
Results: Highly stressed participants were approximately 40% more likely to be hospitalised due to injury over the follow-up period than participants with low stress. This association remained significant after adjustment for age, gender, marital status, occupational status, educational level, and physical work environment.
Conclusions: High stress is associated with an increased risk of severe injury.
Using a prism-air gap-sample (Otto) configuration we have optically excited surface plasmon polaritons at the Ag-air interface of passive Al-Al oxide-Ag tunnel junction structures at wavelength 632.8 nm. It is found that the internal damping of this excitation is more than a factor of 2 greater for samples with a very thin (approximately 15 nm) Ag electrode than for samples with a thicker (approximately 40 nm) Ag electrode. This observation is explained by the fact that the fields of the surface plasmon polariton penetrate more substantially into the lossy Al base electrode when the Ag top electrode is very thin.
Mitochondrial complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) is a key enzyme in cellular energy metabolism and provides approximately 40% of the proton-motive force that is utilized during mitochondrial ATP production. The dysregulation of complex I function – either genetically, pharmacologically, or metabolically induced – has severe pathophysiological consequences that often involve an imbalance in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Slow transition of the active (A) enzyme to the deactive, dormant (D) form takes place during ischemia in metabolically active organs such as the heart and brain. The reactivation of complex I occurs upon reoxygenation of ischemic tissue, a process that is usually accompanied by an increase in cellular ROS production. Complex I in the D-form serves as a protective mechanism preventing the oxidative burst upon reperfusion. Conversely, however, the D-form is more vulnerable to oxidative/nitrosative damage. Understanding the so-called active/deactive (A/D) transition may contribute to the development of new therapeutic interventions for conditions like stroke, cardiac infarction, and other ischemia-associated pathologies. In this review, we summarize current knowledge on the mechanism of A/D transition of mitochondrial complex I considering recently available structural data and site-specific labeling experiments. In addition, this review discusses in detail the impact of the A/D transition on ROS production by complex I and the S-nitrosation of a critical cysteine residue of subunit ND3 as a strategy to prevent oxidative damage and tissue damage during ischemia–reperfusion injury.
The rate of decrease in mean sediment size and weight per square metre along a 54 km reach of the Credit River was found to depend on variations in the channel geometry. The distribution of a specific sediment size consist of: (1) a transport zone; (2) an accumulation zone; and (3) a depletion zone. These zones shift downstream in response to downcurrent decreases in stream competence. Along a .285 km man-made pond, within the Credit River study area, the sediment is also characterized by downstream shifting accumulation zones for each finer clast size. The discharge required to initiate movement of 8 cm and 6 cm blocks in Cazenovia Creek is closely approximated by Baker and Ritter's equation. Incipient motion of blocks in Twenty Mile Creek is best predicted by Yalin's relation which is more efficient in deeper flows. The transport distance of blocks in both streams depends on channel roughness and geometry. Natural abrasion and distribution of clasts may depend on the size of the surrounding sediment and variations in flow competence. The cumulative percent weight loss with distance of laboratory abraded dolostone is defined by a power function. The decrease in weight of dolostone follows a negative exponential. In the abrasion mill, chipping causes the high initial weight loss of dolostone; crushing and grinding produce most of the subsequent weight loss. Clast size was found to have little effect on the abrasion of dolostone within the diameter range considered. Increasing the speed of the mill increased the initial amount of weight loss but decreased the rate of abrasion. The abrasion mill was found to produce more weight loss than stream action. The maximum percent weight loss determined from laboratory and field abrasion data is approximately 40 percent of the weight loss observed along the Credit River. Selective sorting of sediment explains the remaining percentage, not accounted for by abrasion.