963 resultados para Petroleum reserves


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Model development for selection of location for refinery in India and identification of characteristics to be looked into when configuring it and to develop models for integrated supply chain planning for a refinery. Locating and removing inbound, internal and outbound logistic problems in an existing refinery and overall design of a logistic information system for a refinery are the main objectives of the study. A brief description of supply chain management (SCM), elements of SCM and their significance, logistics cost in petroleum industry and its impacts, and dynamics of petroleum its logistic practices are also to be presented. Scope of application of SCM in petroleum refinery will also be discussed. A review of the investigations carried out by earlier researches in the area of supply chain management in general and with specific reference to petroleum refining.


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The thesis deals with different aspects connected with the distribution and toxicity of PHC in crude oils in the aquatic environment and marine molluscs. Information has been gathered and presented on the present status of research in the field based on a thorough review of recent literature. It is seen from the literature that the resident time of PHC becomes lesser and lesser when crude oil is discharged in large quantities into the coastal waters where excess oxygenation light penetration, temperature availability and strong tidal currents persist. This results in the reduction of the onslaught of oil pollution. This probably shows that taxic insult of crude oil in tropical shores will be relatively lesser than that occurring in temperate and boreal waters. However, there is no record of major episodal oil pollution comparable in quantum and extent to that of Torrey Canyon or Amoco Cadiz which prevents a more reliable analysis on the issue. Considerable controversy exists on the method of estimation of PHC in seawater. However, Ultra-violet fluorescence spectroscopy has been widely recommended as an analytical tool for the determination of total hydrocarbons. Similarly representation of values as chrysene equivalents has been recognised as the most reliable method of Quantum representation.


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The present investigation has addressed the effects of PHC contaminated culture medium on the morphology, physiology and behaviour of shrimps. The shrimp Metapenaeus dobsoni is an important member of the crustacean animal community abounding the oil contaminated benthic regions of Cochin backwater system. Since it is known that true pollutants can disrupt the sustainability of ecosystems by its effect on species, populations and communities,a representative species was used for the study. The results discussed in this work is bound to help in understanding the ecotoxicant resistance that the animal may display under toxic conditions compared to dynamic steady-state systems in nature.


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The objective of this research is to study the feasibility of bioremediating the oily sludge from a refinery site. Three different methods of waste treatment were tried i.e. phytoremediation, land farming and microbial enhanced oil separation in laboratory scale treatment systems. A multiprocess approach by combination of phytoremediation, biostimulation and microbial enhanced oil separation is also presented. The methods of analysis, experimental procedure, and results are incorporated into five chapters of this thesis entitled "Bioremediation of petroleum sludge through phytoremediation, land farming and microbial enhanced oil separation.


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The present work is a base—|ine attempt to investigate and assess the toxicity of water-accommodated fractions (WAF) of Bombay High crude oil. The experimental animal selected for the present study is a euryhaline teleost, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), adapted to fresh water. The fish has been selected on account of its economic valve, abundant availability, experimental feasibility, ease of rearing and maintenance and also because it is one of the commonly cultured species in the South-East Asian countries.


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The present investigation has addressed the eflects of PHC contaminated culture medium on the morphology, physiology and behaviour of shrimps] The shrimp Metapenaeus dobsoni is an important member of the crustacean animal community abounding the oil contaminated benthic regions of Cochin backwater system. Since it is known that true pollutants can disrupt the sustainability of ecosystems by its eflect on species, populations and communities, a representative species was used for the study. The results discussed in this work is bound to help in understanding the ecotoxicant resistance that the animal may display under toxic conditions compared to aynamic steaay-state systems in nature


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Professor Irma Glicman Adelman, an Irish Economist working in California University at Berkely, in her research work on ‘Development Over Two Centuries’, which is published in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 1995, has identified that India, along with China, would be one of the largest economies in this 21st Century. She has stated that the period 1700 - 1820 is the period of Netherlands, the period 1820 - 1890 is the period of England the period 1890 - 2000 is the period of America and this 21st Century is the century of China and India. World Bank has also identified India as one of the leading players of this century after China. India will be third largest economy after USA and China. India will challenge the Global Economic Order in the next 15 years. India will overtake Italian economy in 2015, England economy in 2020, Japan economy in 2025 and USA economy in 2050 (China will overtake Japan economy in 2016 and USA economy in 2027). India has the following advantages compared with other economies. India is 4th largest GDP in the world in terms of Purchasing Power. India is third fastest growing economy in the world after China and Vietnam. Service sector contributes around 57% of GDP. The share of agriculture is around 17% and Manufacture is 16% in 2005 - 2006. This is a character of a developed country. Expected GDP growth rate is 10% shortly (It has come down from 9.2% in 2006 - 2007 to 6.2% during 2008 - 2009 due to recession. It is only a temporary phenomenon). India has $284 billion as Foreign Exchange Reserve as on today. India had just $1 billion as Foreign Exchange Reserve when it opened its economy in the year 1991. In this research paper an attempt has been made to study the two booming economies of the globe with respect to their foreign exchange reserves. This study mainly based on secondary data published by respective governments and various studies done on this area


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Refiners today operate their equipment for prolonged periods without shutdown. This is primarily due to the increased pressures of the market resulting in extended shutdown-to-shutdown intervals. This places extreme demands on the reliability of the plant equipment. The traditional methods of reliability assurance, like Preventive Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance and Condition Based Maintenance become inadequate in the face of such demands. The alternate approaches to reliability improvement, being adopted the world over are implementation of RCFA programs and Reliability Centered Maintenance. However refiners and process plants find it difficult to adopt this standardized methodology of RCM mainly due to the complexity and the large amount of analysis that needs to be done, resulting in a long drawn out implementation, requiring the services of a number of skilled people. These results in either an implementation restricted to only few equipment or alternately, one that is non-standard. The paper presents the current models in use, the core requirements of a standard RCM model, the alternatives to classical RCM, limitations in the existing model, classical RCM and available alternatives to RCM and will then go on to present an ‗Accelerated‘ approach to RCM implementation, that, while ensuring close conformance to the standard, does not place a large burden on the implementers


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El perfil logístico del sector hidrocarburos parte de una caracterización mundial y nacional del mismo en el que se resalta la posición del país respecto a la región en cuanto a la participación en consumo y producción de petróleo, además de contar con un análisis del comportamiento de los principales indicadores como lo son los históricos del precio del barril de petróleo, producción diaria, participación en el PIB, Inversión Extranjera Directa o IED y Balanza Comercial. Luego se presentan las principales problemáticas del sector en cuanto a medio ambiente, infraestructura, conflicto armado, disminución de reservas, alternativas energéticas, etc., que presentan un obstáculo para el desarrollo y competitividad del sector. A continuación se encuentra la información asociada con la cadena de suministro de los hidrocarburos, se caracteriza el producto y se trata eslabón por eslabón comenzando por los proveedores, pasando por producción, almacenamiento, distribución, transporte clientes, logística inversa y finalizando con un mapa de agregación de valor o VSM por sus siglas en inglés. A partir de esto se analiza el estado de productividad y competitividad del sector; se dan a conocer las principales asociaciones y agremiaciones del mismo, se realiza un análisis especial a la situación de fletes y transporte. Todo con el fin de dar a conocer una fotografía del estado actual de los hidrocarburos en Colombia.


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El presente Estudio de Caso tiene como objetivo analizar en qué medida las dinámicas comerciales de la Diplomacia Petrolera China han convertido a Ecuador en un socio estratégico para la RPCh. El petróleo como fuente de energía es primordial para llevar a cabo los procesos de industrialización y mantener el crecimiento económico del león Asiático. Por eso su búsqueda se ha convertido en un tema principal dentro de la agenda de política exterior. Ecuador, el tercer país de Suramérica con más reservas de petróleo, después de Venezuela y Brasil, se ha convertido en zona de influencia de la RPCh y a través de las empresas petroleras estatales se han firmado contratos por la venta de petróleo. A pesar de que las relaciones bilaterales son asimétricas, se buscar establecer si Ecuador es un socio estratégico en la región.


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L’origen d’aquest projecte neix en la necessitat de crear un sistema de reserves hoteleres on-line integral i amb connectivitat amb altres sistemes de reserves. S'ha optat pel protocol de comunicació OTA(Open Travel Alliance), es tracta d'un protocol de comunicació XML ideat per empreses del sector turístic dels Estats Units per la necessitat comuna d’unes especificacions tècniques que permetessin la comunicació electrònica de la informació


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El presente estudio está enfocado en evaluar el plan de ahorro de los empleados de la compañía Andes Petroleum Ecuador Ltd. como un beneficio de retención y capacidad de ahorro de los empleados mediante aportaciones mensuales personales y de la compañía.Se prevé analizar los resultados obtenidos por este plan de ahorros como un beneficio que apalanca la retención de personal en la compañía Andes Petroleum Ecuador Ltd. En vista de que siendo un beneficio adicional al salario de los empleados además otorga un premio por la permanencia de aquellos empleados que cumplan con un período de ahorro determinado. Para este estudio se realizará una investigación bibliográfica de autores que hayan abordado temas de incentivos y control de gestión1a sus ejecutivoscomo bonos, participación de acciones de la empresa, pago de impuestos, así como otro tipo de incentivos propuestos en las organizaciones con el objetivo de generar un apalancamiento positivo para la consecución de los objetivos estratégicos a mediano y largo plazo. Por otro lado se observarán las condiciones más utilizadas en la administración de fondos de inversión, lo que permitirá al lector conocer con mayor profundidad los diferentes instrumentos financieros con los que se puede diversificar un portafolio de inversión para lograr una mayor rentabilidad. Como conclusión la presente tesis busca conocer si un plan de ahorros de estas características ha logrado aumentar el compromiso y ha sido una herramienta eficaz de retención del personal y el grado de satisfacción que este pueda tener entre sus miembros en el espacio organizacional.