939 resultados para Personal Hygiene
L’objectiu del present estudi és comparar els vectors de paràmetres de l’aigua, producció de fangs, costos i personal entre 2 tipus d’instal·lacions EDAR al municipi de Begues; una ja existent amb tractament secundari i terciari mitjançant un reactor biològic i una potencial amb tractament secundari i terciari mitjançant aiguamolls construïts. La finalitat del projecte és determinar, gràcies a l’estudi dels principals vectors ambientals de la infraestructura i a altres estudiats per na Susana Forero Sánchez, quina de les 2 tipologies d’instal·lació s’ajusta més al territori i a les necessitats de tractament de les aigües del mateix. Els resultats de la investigació indiquen que tant els costos d’explotació com la producció de fangs i el personal donen avantatge als aiguamolls construïts, però els costos capitals i el tractament de nutrients són favorables per a la depuradora actual. Amb el projecte de Susana Forero Sánchez, les conclusions que es poden establir en referència a la decisió d’instal·lar una depuradora o una altra segons els vectors estudiats indiquen que l’EDAR sense aiguamolls té més probabilitat de ser escollida com la més adient per les necessitats del territori d’estudi.
Actualment és difícil no veure a gent de totes les edats amb algun tipus de Gadget electrònic. En forma de telèfons mòvils, GPS, agendes electròniques, reproductors de música, tablets o qualsevol altre dispositiu, el món digital ens aborda, la informació i les dades es digitalitzen i arriben fins a les nostres butxaques per ser accessibles en qualsevol moment. Es fa indispensable familiaritzar-se amb aquestes eines i per això s’introdueixen en els centres educatius de tot el món. En aquest projecte es combinen tots aquests fets per desenvolupar un herbari digital sobre un dispositiu mòbil, amb finalitat educativa i ús privat.
PURPOSE: To quantify the prevalence of accidental blood exposure (ABE) among interventional radiologists and contrast that with the prevalence of patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) undergoing interventional radiology procedures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A multicenter epidemiologic study was conducted in radiology wards in France. The risk of ABE to radiologists was assessed based on personal interviews that determined the frequency and type of ABE and the use of standard protective barriers. Patients who underwent invasive procedures underwent prospective sampling for HCV serologic analysis. HCV viremia was measured in patients who tested positive for HCV. RESULTS: Of the 77 radiologists who participated in 11 interventional radiology wards, 44% reported at least one incident of mucous membrane blood exposure and 52% reported at least one percutaneous injury since the beginning of their occupational activity. Compliance with standard precautions was poor, especially for the use of protective clothes and safety material. Overall, 91 of 944 treated patients (9.7%) tested positive for HCV during the study period, of whom 90.1% had positive viremia results, demonstrating a high potential for contamination through blood contacts. CONCLUSIONS: The probability of HCV transmission from contact with contaminated blood after percutaneous injury ranged from 0.013 to 0.030; the high frequency of accidental blood exposure and high percentage of patients with HCV could generate a risk of exposure to HCV for radiologists who perform invasive procedures with frequent blood contact. The need to reinforce compliance with standard hygiene precautions is becoming crucial for medical and technical personnel working in these wards.
The trypanosome evolution workshop, a joint meeting of the University of Exeter and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, focused on topics relating to trypanosomatid and vector evolution. The meeting, sponsored by The Wellcome Trust, The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Disease of World Health Organization and the British Section of the Society of Protozoologists, brought together an international group of experts who presented papers on a wide range of topics including parasite and vector phylogenies, molecular methodology and relevant biogeographical data.
The global malaria situation has scarcely improved in the last 100 years, despite major advances in our knowledge of the basic biology, epidemiology and clinical basis of the disease. Effective malaria control, leading to a significant decrease in the morbidity and mortality attributable to malaria, will require a multidisciplinary approach. New tools - drugs, vaccine and insecticides - are needed but there is also much to be gained by better use of existing tools: using drugs in combination in order to slow the development of drug resistance; targeting resources to areas of greatest need; using geographic information systems to map the populations at risk and more sophisticated marketing techniques to distribute bed nets and insecticides. Sustainable malaria control may require the deployment of a highly effective vaccine, but there is much that can be done in the meantime to reduce the burden of disease.
Letter issued by Department containing the recommendations approved by Minister on protecting personal information in the HPSS
Letter issued by the Department to consultees containing recommendations approved by Minister on protecting personal information in the HPSS
Social Services expenditure and provision in NI
Social Services expenditure and provision in NI
Final Report