999 resultados para Peptide hydrolysis


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A detailed investigation of the hydrolysis of nickel in the lower concentration range has been made. The results have been analysed on the basis of 'Core + links' theory and on the assumption of the formation of one predominant complex. Evidence is obtained for the formation of Ni2 (OH)62- and its stability constant is calculated to be 1038.78


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A partially purified sheep liver enzyme that hydrolyzed dinucleotides at the pyrophosphate bond was obtained by solubilizing the 18,000g sediment with n-butanol and fractionating the solubilized enzyme with acetone. The enzyme activity when measured using FAD as substrate, (FAD → FMN + AMP), was optimal at pH 9.7 and temperatures between 30 °–36 ° and at 60 °. The rate of release of FMN with time occurred with an initial lag of 30 sec, a linear increase for 1 min, and a subsequent irregular rate. In the presence of orthophosphate (Pi; 10 μImage ), FMN was released at an uniformly continuous and enhanced rate. 32Pi was not incorporated into the substrate or products. Sodium arsenate counteracted the effects of Pi. The apparent Km and Vmax were 0.133 mImage and 100 units; and 0.133 mImage and 200 units, in the absence and presence of Pi, respectively. The temperature optimum was 42 ° in the presence of Pi.Negative cooperative interactions observed at low concentrations of FAD were abolished by the addition of Pi. The inhibition by AMP was sigmoid and Pi abolished this sigmoidal response. The enzyme hydrolyzed in addition to FAD, NAD+ and NADP+. Nucleoside triphosphates were potent inhibitors of the enzyme activity. The partial inhibition of the enzyme by o-phenanthroline and by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate could be reversed by Fe2+ ions and by reduced glutathione, respectively.


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The alpha-aminoisobutyric acid-D-proline (Aib-(D)Pro) dipeptide is an obligatory Type I' beta-turn forming segment that nucleates hairpin formation.


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An unusual C-terminal conformation has been detected in a synthetic decapeptide designed to analyze the stereochemistry of helix termination in polypeptides. The crystal structure of the decapeptide Boc-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-(D)Ala-(D)Leu-Aib-OMe reveals a helical segment spanning residues 1-7 and helix termination by formation of a Schellman motif, generated by (D)Ala(8) adopting the left-handed helical (alpha(L)) conformation. The extended conformation at (D)Leu(9) results in a compact folded structure, stabilized by a potentially strong C-H ... O hydrogen bond between Ala(4) (CH)-H-alpha and (D)Leu(9)CO. The parameters for C-H ... O interaction are Ala(4) (CH)-H-alpha .. O=C (D)Leu(9) distance 3.27 Angstrom C-alpha-H .. O angle 176 degrees, and O .. H-alpha distance 2.29 Angstrom. This structure suggests that insertion of contiguous D-residues may provide a handle for the generation of designed structures containing more than one helical segment folded in a compact manner. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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The phosphotriesterase (PTE) activity of a series of binuclear and mononuclear zinc(II) complexes and metallo-beta-lactamase (m beta 1) from Bacillus cereus was studied. The binuclear complex 1, which exhibits good m beta 1 activity, shows poor PTE activity. In contrast,complex 2, a poor mimic of m beta 1, exhibits much higher activity than 1 The replacement of Cl- ligands by OH- is important for the high PTE activity of complex 2 because this complex does not show any catalytic activity in methanol. The natural enzyme m beta 1 from B. cereus is also found to be an inefficient catalyst in the hydrolysis of phosphotriesters. These observations indicate that the binding of beta-lactam substrates at the binuclear zinc(II) center is different from that of phosphotriesters. Furthermore, phosphodiesters, the products from the hydrolysis of triesters, significantly inhibit the PTE activity of m beta 1 and its functional mimics. Although the mononuclear complexes 3 and 4 exhibited significant m beta 1 activity, these complexes are found to be almost inactive in the hydrolysis of phosphotriesters. These observations indicate that the elimination of phosphodiesters from the reaction site is important for the PTE activity of zinc(II) complexes.


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The activation of functional responses in rabbit peritoneal neutrophils by gramicidin and the chemotactic peptide, N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine methyl ester, was studied. Gramicidin activated superoxide generation, lysosomal enzyme release and a decrease in fluorescence of chlortetracycline-loaded cells, as for the chemotactic peptide. The maximum intensities of the responses by gramicidin were lower than that by chemotactic peptide. Responses by both these peptides could be inhibited by t-butyloxycarbonyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, a chemotactic peptide receptor antagonist. Gramicidin gave responses at low doses comparable to that of the chemotactic peptide.


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The susceptibility of a monodeamidated RNAaseA (RNAaseAa1) towards carboxypeptidaseA , alpha-chymotrypsin and pepsin has been studied. Similar to RNAaseA, the C-terminal of RNAaseAa1 is not available for carboxypeptidaseA hydrolysis. The thermal stability of RNAaseAa1 as probed through chymotryptic digestion is found to be less than that of RNAaseA. Preliminary chromatographic analysis of the digested material, however, suggests that the nature of thermal transition might be the same in the two proteins. Pepsin inactivates RNAaseAa1 more slowly than does RNAaseA. Accordingly, less peptide bonds, almost half that of RNAaseA, are cleaved by pepsin in RNAaseAa1. The accumulation of RNAase-P type intermediates is not evident during peptic digestion of RNAaseAa1. Reaction with O-benzoquinone at low pH shows that methionines of the deamidated protein seem to have higher reactivities. These observations indicate a different structure for RNAaseAa1 at elevated temperature and low pH.


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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation plays an important role in cell growth, development and oncogenesis. No classical protein tyrosine kinase has hitherto been cloned from plants. Does protein tyrosine kinase exist in plants? To address this, we have performed a genomic survey of protein tyrosine kinase motifs in plants using the delineated tyrosine phosphorylation motifs from the animal system. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes 57 different protein kinases that have tyrosine kinase motifs. Animal non-receptor tyrosine kinases, SRC, ABL, LYN, FES, SEK, KIN and RAS have structural relationship with putative plant tyrosine kinases. In an extended analysis, animal receptor and non-receptor kinases, Raf and Ras kinases, mixed lineage kinases and plant serine/threonine/tyrosine (STY) protein kinases, form a well-supported group sharing a common origin within the superfamily of STY kinases. We report that plants lack bona fide tyrosine kinases, which raise an intriguing possibility that tyrosine phosphorylation is carried out by dual-specificity STY protein kinases in plants. The distribution pattern of STY protein kinase families on Arabidopsis chromosomes indicates that this gene family is partly a consequence of duplication and reshuffling of the Arabidopsis genome and of the generation of tandem repeats. Genome-wide analysis is supported by the functional expression and characterization of At2g24360 and phosphoproteomics of Arabidopsis. Evidence for tyrosine phosphorylated proteins is provided by alkaline hydrolysis, anti-phosphotyrosine immunoblotting, phosphoamino acid analysis and peptide mass fingerprinting. These results report the first comprehensive survey of genome-wide and tyrosine phosphoproteome analysis of plant STY protein kinases.


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Two cyclic peptide disulfides Boc-Cys-Pro-X-Cys-NHMe (X = L-Tyr or L-Phe) have been synthesized as models for the 14-membered redox-active disulfide loop of glutaredoxin. 'H NMR studies at 270 MHz in chloroform solutions establish a type I 0-turn conformation for the Pro-X segment in both peptides, stabilized by a 4-1 hydrogen bond between the Cys(1) CO and Cys(4) NH groups. Nuclear Overhauser effects establish that the aromatic ring in the X = Phe peptide is oriented over the central peptide unit. In dimethyl sulfoxide solutions two conformational species are observed in slow exchange on the NMR time scale, for both peptides. These are assigned to type I and type I1 p-turn structures with -Pro-Tyr(Phe)-as the corner residues. The structural assignments are based on correlation of NMR parameters with model 14-membered cyclic cystine peptides with Pro-X spacers. Circular dichroism studies based on the -S-Sn- u* transition suggest a structural change in the disulfide bridge with changing solvent polarity, establishing conformational coupling between the peptide backbone and the disulfide linkage in these systems.


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Interaction of the antileukemic drugs, cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C) and adenosine-arabinoside (Ara-A) and a structural analogue, cytidine, with aromatic dipeptides has been studied by fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy. Ara-C and cytidine bind tryptophanyl and histidyl dipeptides but not tyrosyl dipeptides, while Ara-A does not bind to any of them. Both studies indicate association involving stacking of aromatic moieties. NMR spectra also indicate a protonation of the histidine moiety by Ara-C. In case of cytidine, the chemical shifts observed on binding to His-Phe imply that the backbone protons of the dipeptide participate in the binding. The conformation of the sugar and the base seem to play a very important role in the binding phenomenon as three similar molecules, Ara-C, Ara-A and cytidine bind in totally different ways.