997 resultados para Pensamento Comunicacional Latino-Americano


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Este estudo focaliza, sob os aspectos históricos e analíticos, a ‘Sonatina n° 2’ de Héctor Tosar (1923-2002). Trata-se de uma obra representativa do neoclassicismo musical da década de 1950, escrita por um compositor latino-americano com formação em seu país, o Uruguai e no exterior. A análise tem como referencial teórico os pressupostos do próprio Tosar (1992) e de Joseph Straus (1990). Através da análise dos conjuntos, mostram-se a recorrência de um grupo de sons e a resultante fixação da sonoridade característica da obra.


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Esta tese visa estudar um procedimento obstétrico clínico rotineiro, recomendado por várias sociedades obstétricas no mundo, inclusive a Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia e o Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, a medida de altura uterina. A recomendação é medir a distância entre o bordo superior da sínfise púbica e o fundo do útero (com fita inextensível, marcada em centímetros) a cada consulta pré-natal, e cotejar o valor obtido a valores de referência, determinados por uma curva padrão definida por percentis de altura uterina obtidos ao longo da gravidez. O objetivo desse procedimento é detectar anormalidades no crescimento fetal, seja crescimento excessivo ou insuficiente. O crescimento fetal excessivo está associado a aumento na morbidade perinatal, por aumento dos casos de hipóxia e de traumatismo secundários a parto distócico, além de maior risco de obesidade e diabetes tipo 2 na vida adulta. Também eleva a morbidade materna, por aumento no número de cesáreas e partos instrumentados. A importância da detecção de gestações com crescimento fetal insuficiente reside nos índices aumentados de mortalidade e de morbidade nesses recém-nascidos, no período perinatal, neonatal e pós-natal, até à vida adulta. Método de baixos custo e complexidade, não invasivo e aplicável durante a consulta pré-natal usual, a medida da altura uterina ao longo da gestação tem algumas das características desejáveis em um teste de rastreamento. Entretanto, seu desempenho na identificação das anormalidades do crescimento fetal intra-uterino tem achados bastante desiguais na literatura. Assim como grande parte das características fetais, a altura uterina é diretamente dependente do tempo de gestação e, portanto, erros na datação da gestação podem interferir no desempenho do método como indicador de anormalidade de crescimento intra-uterino Esta tese, baseada em dados do Estudo Brasileiro do Diabetes Gestacional (EBDG), avalia o impacto clínico da medição rotineira da altura uterina em gestantes que fazem acompanhamento pré-natal no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). No primeiro artigo, descrevemos a distribuição das medidas de altura uterina a cada semana de gestação obtidas no EBDG e a confrontamos com a distribuição descrita no estudo do Centro Latino-Americano de Perinatologia (CLAP). Determinamos também o desempenho diagnóstico das duas distribuições na identificação de recém-nascidos pequenos e grandes para a idade da gestação nas gestantes do estudo brasileiro. No segundo artigo, derivam-se e testam-se regras clínicas para a detecção pré-natal de recém-nascidos pequenos para a idade gestacional, agregando à medida da altura uterina outras características clínicas associadas a esse desfecho da gravidez. Utiliza-se a divisão randômica da população estudada em duas coortes, uma para derivação das regras clínicas de predição e a outra para a testagem e validação dessas regras.


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Busca-se, no presente estudo descrever e discutir a experiência mineira de aplicação do modelo de sistemas na administração pública do Estado iniciado em 1971, orientado pelo Instituto Latino-Americano de Planificação Econômica e Social, ILPES, que recomendou, dentre inúmeras proposições ao Governo do Estado, que se adotasse na administração mineira tal forma de organização.


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A presente tese intitulada Traduzindo a Alteridade: a questão da identidade nacional em Eduardo Acevedo Díaz e Euclides da Cunha tem como objetivo analisar a construção dos arquétipos nos textos Ismael e Os Sertões e de como tais tipos colaboraram para a construção do conceito de nação nas obras em questão, bem como analisar a utilização da imagem do outro nessa mesma construção. Com base na Literatura Comparada, nos Estudos de Tradução, na Teoria da Literatura e em outras áreas do conhecimento, foi possível constatar que os autores uruguaio e brasileiro se valeram da obra Facundo: civilização e barbárie no pampa argentino, de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, para comporem suas obras, ainda que distantes temporalmente e com visões diferentes. Esse movimento mostra que as produções literárias latino-americanas possuem uma ligação porque igualmente registraram os tipos presentes no lugar e o próprio lugar em que habitavam, colaborando, assim, para a construção do sistema literário latino-americano, visto que, em alguns casos, esses arquétipos eram comuns entre os diferentes países. A convergência desses arquétipos, como o gaúcho/gaucho do pampa do Rio Grande do Sul do Brasil, do Uruguai e da Argentina, demonstra que a cultura ultrapassa fronteiras políticas, e corrobora a idéia de Ángel Rama acerca da existência da comarca cultural. No caso do arquétipo do sertanejo, fundamentado por Euclides da Cunha, não há um correspondente nas demais produções em questão, principalmente porque sua identidade está impregnada de cor local, cujas particularidades não são compartilhadas pelos demais países. A convergência ou divergência das características de cada tipo local interfere na produção das traduções, uma vez que, quando dessemelhantes, a visibilidade do tradutor é necessária e sua interferência acontece no sentido de aproximar o diferente da cultura alvo. Também os Estudos de Tradução e as análises tradutórias colaboraram igualmente para que as investigações acerca das obras evoluíssem no sentido de estudarmos como se deu, na escrita dos autores e dos tradutores, a consciência do outro no processo de construção do eu nacional.


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No início de março, a Fundação Getulio Vargas esteve presente no Seminário Internacional Cooperação Ibero-Americana e Desenvolvimento, co-patrocinado pela DAPP-FGV, que aconteceu em Madri e abordou o tema da cooperação e integração econômica entre o subcontinente latino-americano e a Península Ibérica, considerando as questões políticas comuns e o papel de organismos multilaterais.


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High carotid artery resistance indices in the elderly arise mainly as a result of harmful daily lifestyle behavior and poor eating habits. The aim of this multidisciplinary study was to assess and correlate carotid artery resistance and functional autonomy in elderly women. A descriptive, exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample comprising 27 women, enrolled in pastoral programs in the city of Teresina, Brazil. Carotid artery resistance was assessed by a high-resolution Doppler ultrasound device and functional autonomy was evaluated through five protocol tests of the Latin American Development Group for the Elderly (GDLAM), simulating activities of daily life. The data were analyzed by the Shapiro-Wilk test and the correlation by Spearman s test, considering a p-value of <0.05. The sample consisted of women with mean age and standard deviation of (68.67 ± 4.52) years, respectively and carotid resistance index of (0.71 ± 0.07). The general index value of functional autonomy classified the elderly of the study group as weak in the performance of activities of daily living (30.46 ± 6.31). The general index of functional autonomy showed a high level of sedentary behavior in the group studied (p < 0.01). The sample was classified as weak in the performance of activities of daily life. The correlation coefficient between the carotid resistance index and the general GDLAM index was r = 0.998 and p = 0.000, showing a significant correlation. The elderly women assessed had a high carotid artery resistance index and low functional autonomy; a positive correlation was found between the dependent variables studied. To perform this study we formed a team composed of a nurse, who helped in organizing the sample and performing the examinations; a radiologist, who conducted the Doppler examinations; an angiologist, who collaborated in interpreting examination data; in addition to two physical education professors and two physical therapists, who applied the functional autonomy tests and conducted the 34 research along elderly health lines, contributing thus to the multidisciplinary character, fundamental for carrying out the study


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The main objective of the present research is to reflect on the affinities between post-colonial theories - analytical perspectives directed toward the discussion of colonialism and its effects on the contemporary social fabric - and Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire‟s (1921-1997) Pedagogy of the Oppressed, written at the end of the 1960‟s. The study aims to make the argument that the present reflections on the featured work is an example of a post-colonial theoretical framework, delineating a critical modus operandi of colonialism, particularly in its cultural and epistemic dimensions, delineating a problematization of the processes of cognitive domination set, above all, by the European colonization of the Latin American continent, with the formation of the modern-world-system (WALLERSTEIN, 2007), dated from the 16TH Century forward. From this stand point, and especially supported by the contributions of Boaventura de Sousa Santos on the sociology of absence, the present work accentuates Pedagogy of the Oppressed as a set of reflections that bring the possibility of a pedagogy of absence (SANTOS, 1996), having in mind that, this book deals with, the presuppositions of an educational action, which considers the plurality of knowledge and social practices by way of the establishment of a pedagogical practice of collective construction, emancipator and dialogic that arises from the encounter to the indolent reason (SANTOS, 2009) in which the silencing of the voices of the oppressed, construct their conditions of invisibility, promoting also the absence of the social questions inherent to the processes of teaching and learning. It is with this perspective, however, that post colonialism is considered a theoretical site for the affirmation and the reinvention of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, an obligatory reference in the construction of a prudent knowledge for a decent life (SANTOS, 2006)


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The present work is an exercise of analysis of cultural practices related to movie consume by the clients of video rental stores in Natal city (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). With sociology of practice as support, especially that one which develops from the seminal works of Anthony Giddens and Pierre Bourdieu, we have searched, from the apprehension of the narratives build up by these actors from the movies they attend, to point the way they build exercises of reflexivity and creativity in the reception of works commonly identified as products of the so called mass culture . This path allows us, in the steps of Nestor Garcia Canclini, researcher in reception within Latin-American context, create and, somehow confirm the hypothesis that consume is also useful for thinking . In order to get to this result, we have carried out a camp research that used instruments and techniques both quantitative and qualitative. After the data analysis we came to the conclusion that consume of movies taken as commercial type and as not very noble in the environment of cultural production, also impels exercises of creativity and social reflexivity


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Study of Teacher Education Policy: a reading from the analysis of Programa Especial de Formação de Professores para a Educação Básica Proeb - aims to analyze the initial teacher training developed by the Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA. Proeb is a policy of in-service training of teachers, formulated and implemented in the context of current educational policies for basic education. This work assumes that the guidelines developed in the last decades of the twentieth century are linked to international organizations that spread in Latin America continent a homogeneous model of training which has as main features to be held in service through the mode the distance and the school as a leading locus. In Brazil, these guidelines are supported on the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education No. 9.394/96 and Report 09/2001, which deals with the Syllabus Guidelines for the formation of Basic Education Teachers. To carry out the study was taken as reference, the syllabus developed for the deployment of Proeb from 1998 to 2002, specifically the proposal operationalized in the Degree Course of Mathematics in the city of Vitória do Mearim in Maranhão. To conduct the study, it was used literature as a way to deepen understanding, clarify and aim the conceptual aspect of the object researched. The documental research was consisted in the analysis of legal documents concerning the reform of education policies, teacher training and pedagogical project Proeb/UFMA and, finally, the semi-structured interviews were used to allow a better understanding of the subjects involved with research. The data analysis has shown that the curriculum designed to operationalize the course of undergraduate mathematics Proeb/UFMA, despite having guidelines that point to the separation of theory/practice dichotomy and establish as a principle work as an educational principle, has an disciplinary curriculum organization that reinforces the instrumental view of the syllabus, not enabling in practice, the execution of their initial proposal. Concerning to the view of graduates on the course, they highlight the weaknesses of the course, but also evidence that it has allowed an improvement of initial training, through the disciplines of the common core syllabus of courses and special training. It is possible seeing in graduates words, that the course have had repercussions in their teaching and improving their integration into the labor market and in the community of Vitória do Mearim. Overall, these developments have indicated evidence of teacher professionalization, although they are incipient. The work has shown that for the professionalization of teachers is introduced, the syllabus of undergraduate teacher education must overcome the traditional view of syllabus and implement contextualized curricula in a multidisciplinary approach involving, in equal proportions, the general education and training specific course. Accordingly, it is believed in need to review the role of the University in the formative process, as well as recovering as part of educational policies, the omnilateral size of teacher education


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This work aims to examine the television social representation by mothers/educators as a TV viewers, to understand the meaning of this media in their quotidian and which relations occur between teachers and students in the classroom. The study purpose is the educational television rule, based on a social representation approach. It look for to reveal, through the discourses of five educators who are engaged in pedagogic activities in the Public Elementary School of the Natal city, a significant experience in the media education field progress. It’s also a way to understand which representations the educators have about the television can contribute to aid the idea and critic analysis about the media meaning in the teacher’s formation. Some questions were in the basis of the investigation as: What is the television for the educators who are also TV viewers? How it reaches the classroom? Their relation with the media interfere in the pedagogic practice? Assuming that the verbal technical is one of the formal ways to access the representations, the methodological strategy employed was the open interview, guided by a wide and flexible schedule, leaving the interviewees free to expose their ideas, a attitude adopted to avoid the imposition of interviwer’s points of view, that result in a rich material. Through this strategy it was possible to confirm or to reject presumptions raised in the beginning of the investigation and modify some planning direction lines. The study has as the theory presupposition the contribution of the Mexican researcher Guillermo Orozco Gómez, who, based on the Paulo Freire e Jesús Martín-Barbero ideas, establishes a dialogue between popular Education and the communication theories, mainly the television reception, when he develops an integral view focused on the audience or on the multiple mediations model. The school – and the family, as well – is an important mediator of the media information. The relationship which the teachers establish between the television and their representations about it in their lives reflects effectively and directly on their professional practice and on the media dialogue within the school, it can contribute to the critic reflection which students establish with the media trough the educators mediation


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The indexing automation has been discussed by researches in the area of Information Science however the discussions have not been so clear on the use of indexing software. Thus, it is necessary to know the indexing software, as well as its application in the analysis of documentary contents. To do so, it is proposed, here, to investigate both the consistency of indexing and the exhaustiveness and precision of the information retrieval, by means of comparative analysis between SISA (Sistema de Indizacion Semi-Automatico) automatic index and BIREME ( Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciencias da Saude) manual indexing. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the theoretical development of the indexing automation and the improvement of SISA. Thus, SISA application and evaluation was used based on the calculation of the consistency indexes between the two types of indexing, and the calculation of the exhaustiveness and precision indexes in information retrieval, by means of searching into BDSISA and BIREME databases, composed by descriptors taken from SISA and manual indexing respectively. The differences among the terms used in scientific papers comparing to the DeCS ones were the main difficult factor to achieve higher consistency indexes in the indexing. These differences influenced the exhaustiveness and precision indexes in the information retrieval, showing that it is necessary to improve the documentary language used by SISA software and to incorporate linguistic methods.


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The goal of this study was to describe the teaching of the nursing process at undergraduate nursing programs in the state of São Paulo. The sample was formed by 247 faculty members. With respect to the study methodology, authors elaborated a questionnaire that was sent to 899 faculty members from 32 public and private nursing schools in the state of São Paulo. Results showed regarding the teaching of the nursing process that, from the total of 147 faculty members who taught the content, 66 (44.9%) were from 19 private schools and 81 (55.1%) from 8 public schools.


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