978 resultados para Peanut Cultivars
Papaya is among the currently most important tropical fruits grown in Brazil and in the world. The fruit is mainly consumed fresh although it offers many industrial products. The processing of this fruit, as well as its fresh consumption, results in large amounts of waste, such as peels and seeds. Papaya consumption is one of the causes of significant loss of food value; therefore, new aspects on the use of its waste as by-products, or in the production of food additives, or even the incorporation of its flour in food have aroused great interest because these are products of high nutritional value, and their use may be economically viable. The objective of this study was to produce and characterize peel and seed flours from two papaya cultivars (Havai and Calimosa) for their chemical constituents focusing on possible use in foods. The proximate and mineral composition, titratable acidity, soluble solids, pH, contents of vitamin C, and phenolic compounds were determined. According to the results obtained, the papaya peel and seed flours had high contents of protein and fiber and therefore can be used as alternative sources of nutrients and can also be added in foods avoiding waste and adding value to the fruit.
The objective of this paper was to determine the chemical composition of the avocado fruit of cultivars Fortuna, Collinson, and Barker and to carry out a detailed analysis of the fatty acid composition of the pulp, seed, and peel oils. The saturated fatty acid (SFA) of the pulp oils accounted for around 22.3, 29.4, and 41.3% of the total fatty acids in the Fortuna, Collinson and Barker cultivars, respectively, and these values indicate better quality of pulp oil of Fortuna and Collinson cultivars than that of the Barker cultivar. There was very little variation in the content monounsaturated fatty acids of the peel oils between the cultivars. However, the seed oil of the Collinson cultivar was the best since it contained the lowest (30.8% of total fatty acids) content of SFA, but it had very high concentrations of 9,12-octadecadienoic (23.9 to 29.4% of total fatty acids) and 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic (9.9 to 18.3% of total fatty acids) acids.
This research aimed at evaluating the suitability of five different garlic cultivars for the processing of unsalted garlic paste, chopped fried garlic, and fried sliced garlic. The concentration of allicin in the products was evaluated immediately after processing and at 45-day intervals during 180 days of storage. Allicin concentrations in raw garlic of the varieties under study differed (20.73 a 24.31mg of allicin g- 1 garlic). Stability exhibited a similar between the varieties according to the type of processing utilized. Processing into paste was more favorable to the preservation of allicin than the other processes. The amount of allicin lost during the process to obtain paste for the different varieties was less than 9.5%, and it reached a maximum loss of 22% for the commercial varieties during storage (180 days). All fried garlic samples showed a decrease by 99% in the content of allicin right after processing. The processing of garlic in the form of acidified paste preserved its bioactive characteristics during storage.
Sweet potato is an important staple, and it is mainly known for its contribution of β-carotene in human diet. The effects of cultivar and habitat on this pigment and other nutritional characteristics of the crop still require investigation. In this study, three locally bred cultivars of sweet potato, two of which are orange-fleshed, were grown in three different agro-ecological areas to determine soluble sugar content, β-carotene, and total antioxidants of roots. In addition antioxidant activity, total carotenoids, and chlorophyll content were determined in edible leaves. Reducing sugars, β-carotene, total antioxidants capacity, total carotenoids, and chlorophyll content were significantly affected by environmental conditions. The location at lower altitude and closer to the coastline showed high evapotranspiration, thus reducing sugar content, antioxidant activity, and phytonutrients in both storage roots and leaves. Absence of water stress in agro-ecological locations further inland and at higher altitudes was associated with an increase in these compounds. Free radical scavenging activity of DPPH was higher in the storage roots (610.49 µmoles TE/100g) than in the leaves (426.06 µmoles TE/100g); nevertheless, opposite results were found for the ferric ion reducing activity (FRAP). The deep orange-fleshed cultivar A45 contained high β-carotene (15 mg/100g), which is enough to meet RDA for vitamin A. There is evidence of agro-ecological effect on sweet potato nutritional value.
One component that contribute to the flavor and aroma of chocolate are the polyphenols, which have received much attention due to their beneficial implications to human health. Besides bioactive action, polyphenols and methylxantines are responsible for astringency and bitterness in cocoa beans. Another important point is its drastic reduction during cocoa processing for chocolate production and the difference between cultivars. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the modifications in monomeric phenolic compounds and methylxanthines during fermentation of three cocoa cultivars grown in southern Bahia. Cocoa beans from three cultivars were fermented and sun dried and monomeric phenolic compounds and methylxantines were determinated. The results showed that each cultivar have different amounts of phenolic compounds and the behaviour of them is different during fermentation. The amount of methylxantines varied but there was not a pattern for methylxantines behavior during process. In addition a huge reduction in phenolic compounds could be observed after drying. Differently of phenolic compounds, methylxantines did not have great modification after sun drying. So, the differences observed in this study between cultivars, take to the conclusion that the compounds studied in those cocoa cultivars have different behavior during fermentation and drying, which consequently, give to these cultivars differences in sensory characteristics.
Antioxidant activities and total phenolic content (TPC) were analyzed in ethanol extracts of 11 marigold cultivars grown in Thailand. Antioxidant activity assays performed in this study were the 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) radical cation scavenging activity, ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, oxygen radical absorbance activity (ORAC), and superoxide anion radical scavenging activity (SRSA) assays. ‘Optiva Orange’ showed the best activity in the ORAC assay and in % SRSA, as well as the highest content of lutein (20.59 mg), gallic acid (25.77 mg), and quercetin (12.61 mg) per gram dry marigold petal among the 11 cultivars. Furthermore, ‘Optiva Orange’ showed the highest lutein yield per plant, as compared to other cultivars. In contrast, ‘Rodeo Gold’ showed the highest activity by ABTS testing (0.92 mmol of trolox/g dry sample), as well as an 89.90% inhibition of DPPH. Lutein content showed a positive correlation with TPC and all antioxidant activity assays. In conclusion, ‘Optiva Orange’ and ‘Rodeo Gold’ could be utilized as a good lutein source for functional food products and cosmetics.
Abstract The reactions leading to the formation of precursors of chocolate flavor are performed by endogenous enzymes present in the cocoa seed. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) presence and activity during fermentation of cocoa beans is responsible for the development of flavor precursors and is also implicated in the reduction of bitterness and astringency. However, the reliability of cocoa enzyme activities is complicated due to variations in different genotypes, geographical origins and methods of fermentation. In addition, there is still a lack of systematic studies comparing different cocoa cultivars. So, the present study was designed to characterize the activity of PPO in the pulp and seeds of two cocoa cultivars, PH 16 and TSH 1188. The PPO activity was determined spectrophotometrically and characterized as the optimal substrate concentration, pH and temperature and the results were correlated with the conditions during the fermentation process. The results showed the specificity and differences between the two cocoa cultivars and between the pulp and seeds of each cultivar. It is suggested that specific criteria must be adopted for each cultivar, based on the optimal PPO parameters, to prolong the period of maximum PPO activity during fermentation, contributing to the improvement of the quality of cocoa beans.
The moisture content of peanut kernel (Arachis hypogaea L.) at digging ranges from 30 to 50% on a wet basis (w.b.). The seed moisture content must be reduced to 10.5% or below before seeds can be graded and marketed. After digging, peanuts are cured on a window sill for two to five days then mechanically separated from the vine. Heated air is used to further dry the peanuts from approximately 18 to 10% moisture content w.b. Drying is required to maintain peanut seed and grain quality. Traditional dryers pass a high temperature and high humidity air stream through the seed mass. The drying time is long because the system is inefficient and the high temperature increases the risk of thermal damage to the kernels. New technology identified as heat pipe technology (HPT) is available and has the unique feature of removing the moisture from the air stream before it is heated and passed through the seed. A study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the HPT system in drying peanut seed. The seeds inside the shells were dried from 17.4 to 7.3% in 14 hours and 11 minutes, with a rate of moisture removal of 0.71% mc per hour. This drying process caused no reduction in seed quality as measured by the standard germination, accelerated ageing and field emergence tests. It was concluded that the HPT system is a promising technology for drying peanut seed when efficiency and maintenance of physiological quality are desired.
Excess salts in the root zone inhibit water uptake by plants, affect nutrient uptake and may result in toxicities due to individual salts in the soil solution. Excess exchangeable sodium in the soil may destroy the soil structure to a point where water penetration and root aeration become impossible. Sodium is also toxic to many plants. Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are consumed as protein source in northeastern Brazil, although little is known about common bean cultivar tolerance to salinity. The germination of bean cultivars under salt stress was studied. The cultivars 'Carioca' and 'Mulatinho' were submitted to germination test in a germinator at 25ºC, at the Seed Analysis Laboratory of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation unit in the Semi- Arid region (Embrapa Semi Árido), Petrolina, Pernambuco State. These seeds were germinated on "germitest" papers imbibed in distilled water or in 10, 50, 100 e 200 mol.m-3sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions. At the first and second counts of the germination test, normal seedlings were counted, measured, weighed and dried, supplying data for vigor, total germination, fresh matter weight and dry matter weight and seedlings length. Total protein was quantified in cotyledons at 3, 6 and 9 days after sowing. The results indicated that the NaCl content influenced seed germination and concentrations above 50 mol.m-3 decreased germination and seedling growth.
Brachiaria species normally show a double seed dormancy mechanism, mainly on fresh-harvested seeds, leading to germination percentages lower than those of viability detected by tetrazolium test (TZ) and causing problems as to storage, trading and seed inspection activities. The adoption of the methodology to detect the constants of the viability equation (high storage temperatures and fixed moisture contents) made feasible in this research to isolate the effects of 40, 50 and 65°C on B. brizantha cultivars Marandu, Mulato 1 and Mulato 2 seed dormancy releasing, after storage with moisture contents ranging from 1.9 and 17.8%. Seed samples presented high dormancy levels, detected by TZ and it was complete and partially released by chemical scarification and accelerated ageing test, respectively. No statistical differences were observed as to the speed of germination (T50); however, differences among cultivars were detected as to number of seed per gram. Sorption and desorption isotherm curves were similar for the cultivars. Seed dormancy releasing was better achieved at 40 and 50°C with mc ranging from 7.6 to 10.8%. The temperature of 50°C appears to be adequate for seed dormancy releasing in all mc analyzed. No significant seed dormancy releasing result was observed at 65°C. The cultivar Marandu presented the highest storability throughout the experiment.
Catharanthlls rosellS (L.) G Don is a commercially significant flower species and in addition is the only source of the monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIA) vinblastine and vincristine, which are key pharmaceutical compounds that are used to combat a number of different cancers. Therefore, procurement of the antineoplastic agents is difficult but essential procedure. Alternatively, CatharanthllS tissue cultures have been investigated as a source of these agents; however they do not produce vindoline, which is an obligate precursor to vinblastine and vincristine. The interest in developing high MIA cultivars of Catharantlws rosellS has prompted metabolic profiling studies to determine the variability of MIA accumulation of existing flowering cultivars, with particular focus on the vindoline component ofthe pathway. Metabolic profiling studies that used high performance liquid chromatography of MIAs from seedlings and young leaf extracts from 50 different flowering cultivars showed that, except for a single low vindoline cultivar (Vinca Mediterranean DP Orchid), they all accumulate similar levels of MIAs. Further enzymatic studies with extracts from young leaves and from developing seedlings showed that the low vindoline cultivar has a IO-fold lower tabersonine-16-hydroxylase activity than those of CatharanthllS rosellS cv Little Delicata. Additionally, studies aimed at metabolic engineering ofvindoline bios}l1thesis in Catharanthus rosellS hairy root cultures have been performed by expressing the last step in vindoline biosynthesis [Dcacetylvindoline-4-0- acetyltransferase (DAT)]. Enzymatic profiling studies with transformed hairy roots have confirmed that over-expressing DAT leads to lines with high levels of O-acetyltransferase activity when compared to non-expressing hairy roots. One particular DA T over111 expressing hairy root culture (line 7) contained 200 times the OAT activity than leaves of control lines. Additional MIA analyses revealed that DAT over-expressing hairy roots have an altered alkaloid profile with significant variation in the accumulation of h6rhammericine. Further analysis of transformed hairy root line 7 suggests a correlation between the expression of OAT activity and h6rhammericine accumulation with root maturation. These studies show that metabolic and selective enzymatic profiling can enhance our ability to search for relevant MIA pathway mutants and that genetic engineering with appropriate pathway genes shows promise as a tool to modify the MIA profile of Catharanthus roseus.
Niagara Peninsula of Ontario is the largest viticultural area in Canada. Although it is considered to be a cool and wet region, in the last decade many water stress events occurred during the growing seasons with negative effects on grape and wine quality. This study was initiated to understand and develop the best strategies for water management in vineyards and those that might contribute to grape maturity advancement. The irrigation trials investigated the impact of time of initiation (fruit set, lag phase and veraison), water replacement level based on theoretical loss through crop evapotranspiration (ETc; 100,50 and 25%) and different irrigation strategies [partial root zone drying (PRD) versus regulated deficit irrigation (RD!)] on grape composition and wine sensory profiles. The irrigation experiments were conducted in a commercial vineyard (Lambert Vineyards Inc.) located in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, from 2005 through 2009. The two experiments that tested the combination of different water regimes and irrigation time initiation were set up in a randomized block design as follows: Baco noir - three replicates x 10 treatments [(25%, 50% and 100% of ETc) x (initiation at fruit set, lag phase and veraison) + control]; Chardonnay - three replicates x seven treatments [(25%, 50% and 100% of ETc) x (initiation at fruit set and veraison) + control]. The experiments that tested different irrigation strategies were set up on two cultivars as follows: Sauvignon blanc - four replicates x four treatments [control, fully irrigated (100% ETc), PRD (100% ETc) and RDI (25% ETc)]; Cabemet Sauvignon - four replicates x five treatments [control, fully irrigated (100% ETc), PRD (100% ETc), RDI (50% ETc) and RDI (25% ETc)]. The controls in each experiment were nonirrigated. The irrigation treatments were compared for many variables related to soil water status, vine physiology, berry composition, wine sensory profile, and hormone composition [(abscisic acid (ABA) and its catabolites]. Soil moisture profile was mostly affected by irrigation treatments between 20 and 60 em depth depending on the grapevine cultivar and the regime of water applied. Overall soil moisture was consistently higher throughout the season in 100 and 50% ETc compare to the control. Transpiration rates and leaf temperature as well as shoot growth rate were the most sensitive variables to soil water status. Drip irrigation associated with RDI treatments (50% ETc and 25% ETc) had the most beneficial effects on vine physiology, fruit composition and wine varietal typicity, mainly by maintaining a balance between vegetative and reproductive parts of the vine. Neither the control nor the 100 ETc had overall a positive effect on grape composition and wine sensory typicity. The time of irrigation initiation affected the vine physiology and grape quality, the most positive effect was found in treatments initiated at lag phase and veraison. RDI treatments were overall more consistent in their positive effect on grape composition and wine varietal typicity comparing to PRD treatment. The greatest difference between non-irrigated and irrigated vines in most of the variables studied was found in 2007, the driest and hottest season of the experimental period. Soil water status had a greater and more consistent effect on red grapevine cultivars rather than on white winegrape cultivars. To understand the relationships among soil and plant water status, plant physiology and the hormonal profiles associated with it, abscisic acid (ABA) and its catabolites [phaseic acid (PA), dihydrophaseic acid (DPA), 7-hydroxy-ABA (TOH-ABA), 8' -hydroxy-ABA, neophaseic acid and abscisic acid glucose ester (ABA-GE)] were analyzed in leaves and berries from the Baco noir and Chardonnay irrigation trials over two growing seasons. ABA and some of its catabolites accurately described the water status in the vines. Endogenous ABA and some of its catabolites were strongly affected in Baco noir and Chardonnay by both the water regime (i.e. ET level) and timing of irrigation initiation. Chardonnay grapevines produced less ABA in both leaves and berries compared to Baco noir, which indicated that ABA synthesis is also cultivar dependant. ABA-GE was the main catabolite in treatments with high water deficits, while PA and DPA were higher in treatments with high water status, suggesting that the vine produced more ABA-GE under water deficits to maintain rapid control of the stomata. These differences between irrigation treatments with respect to ABA and catabolites were particularly noticeable in the dry 2007 season. Two trials using exogenous ABA investigated the effect of different concentrations of ABA and organs targeted for spraying, on grape maturation and berry composition of Cabemet Sauvignon grapevines, in two cool and wet seasons (2008-2009). The fIrst experiment consisted of three replicates x three treatments [(150 and 300 mg/L, both applications only on clusters) + untreated control] while the second experiment consisted in three replicates x four treatments [(full canopy, only clusters, and only leaves sprayed with 300 ppm ABA) + untreated control]. Exogenous ABA was effective in hastening veraison, and improving the composition of Cabemet Sauvignon. Ability of ABA to control the timing of grape berry maturation was dependant on both solution concentration and the target organ. ABA affected not only fruit composition but also yield components. Berries treated with ABA had lower weight and higher skin dry mass, which constitutes qualitative aspects desired in the wine grapes. Temporal advancement of ripening through hormonal control can lead to earlier fruit maturation, which is a distinct advantage in cooler areas or areas with a high risk of early frost occurrence. Exogenous ABA could provide considerable benefits to wine industry in terms of grape composition, wine style and schedule activities in the winery, particularly in wet and cool years. These trials provide the ftrst comprehensive data in eastern North America on the response of important hybrid and Vitis vinifera winegrape cultivars to irrigation management. Results from this study additionally might be a forward step in understanding the ABA metabolism, and its relationship with water status. Future research should be focused on ftnding the ABA threshold required to trigger the ripening process, and how this process could be controlled in cool climates.
This study analyzed the use of two viticultural practices: “crop level” (half crop; HC, and full crop; FC) and “hang times”, and their impact on the composition of four grape cultivars; Pinot gris, Riesling, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon from the Niagara Region and wine volatile composition by GC-MS. It was hypothesized that keeping a full crop with a longer hang time would have a greater impact on wine quality than reducing the crop level. In all cultivars, a reduction of crop level induced reductions in yield, clusters per vine and crop load, with increases in Brix. Extended hang time also increased Brix related to desiccation. The climatic conditions at harvest had an impact on hang time effects. The GC-MS analysis detected the presence of 30 volatile components in the wine, with different odour activity values. Harvest time had a positive impact than crop reduction in almost all compounds.
La phytoextraction représente une solution environnementale prometteuse face au problème de contamination des sols en éléments traces (É.T). La présente étude s’intéresse aux différences intra et interspécifiques (S. purpurea, S. dasyclados, S. miyabeana) de trois cultivars de saule lorsqu’ils sont utilisés pour la phytoextration de six É.T. (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb et Zn). Les objectifs sont (i) décrire les variations intrapécifiques du cultivar FISH CREEK (S. purpurea) lorsqu’il est utilisé pour la phytoextraction sur deux sites d’étude; et (ii) décrire les variations intra et interspécifiques des cultivars FISH CREEK (S. purpurea), SV1 (S. dasyclados) et SX67 (S. miyabeana) lorsqu’ils sont utilisés pour la phytoextraction d’un site d’étude. Les indicateurs de variations intra et interspécifiques sélectionnés sont les suivants : la biomasse totale, les concentrations en É.T. extraits et les facteurs de translocation (x ̅ pondérée des conc. É.T. dans les parties aériennes / conc. É.T. dans les racines). La contribution des propriétés du sol (degré de contamination, caractéristiques physicochimiques) à la phytoextraction a été évaluée. Les cultivars ont présenté des variations interspécifiques significatives. Cependant, les variations intraspécifiques sur un site d’étude étaient parfois plus importantes que celles mesurées entre les trois différents cultivars. L’amplitude des variations intraspécifiques que présentent le cultivar FISH CREEK sur deux sites d’étude est attribuée à l’influence du pH, de la minéralogie et au contenu en matière organique, lesquelles diffèrent entre les deux sites. Il a aussi été démontré que la phytoextraction des É.T. n’était pas systématiquement corrélée de façon positive avec le degré de contamination. Cela suggère que les concentrations en É.T. mesurées dans le sol ne peuvent pas expliquer à elles seules la variation des concentrations mesurées dans les tissus. L’implication des mécanismes de rétention dans le sol semblent être davantage responsable des variations observées. La compartimentation des É.T. suggère que le saule est efficace pour l’extraction du Cd et du Zn et qu’il est efficace pour la phytostabilisation de l’As, du Cu, du Ni, et du Pb. En ce qui concerne les quantités extraites, le cultivar FISH CREEK semble le plus performant dans la présente étude.
Mon mémoire de maîtrise a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet Génorem (www.genorem.ca), un projet multidisciplinaire qui réunit différents chercheurs de l'Université de Montréal et de l'Université McGill dans le but d'améliorer les techniques utilisées en bioremédiation. Dans le cadre de l'étude, des saules à croissance rapide (Salix sp.) ont été utilisés comme plantes modèles dans l'étude. Ainsi, 11 cultivars de saule ont été suivis afin de déterminer leur potentiel à produire un bon rendement de biomasse, à tolérer des conditions de stress sévère causé par la présence de HAPs (hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques) , BPCs (biphényles polychlorés) et d'hydrocarbures pétroliers C10-C50. L'expérimentation consistait en une plantation de saule à forte densité qui a été mise en place en 2011 sur le site d'une ancienne industrie de pétrochimie à Varennes, dans le sud du Québec. Les boutures des génotypes sélectionnés ont été plantées sur une superficie d'environ 5000 m2. Les plantes ont été suivies pendant les deux saisons de croissance suivant le recépage et une série de paramètres de croissance et de mesures physiologiques ont été récoltés (surface foliaire, taux de chlorophylle, conductance stomatique et statut nutritionnel) dans le but d'évaluer et de comparer les performances de chaque génotype sur un sol pollué. Les analyses statistiques ont démontré que le cultivar S. miyabeana (SX61) était le meilleur producteur de biomasse sur le site contaminé, tandis que S. nigra (S05) et S. acutifolia (S54) présentaient la meilleure capacité photosynthétique. S. dasyclados (SV1), S. purpurea (‘Fish Creek’) et S. caprea (S365) ont semblé particulièrement affectés par la présence de contaminants. La capacité d'établissement et la croissance de S. nigra (S05), S. eriocephala (S25) and S. purpurea x S. miyabeana (‘Millbrook’) indiquent une tolérance globale supérieure à la pollution . Cette analyse comparative des différentes réponses physiologiques des saules cultivés sur un sol contaminé pourra guider le processus de sélection de plantes et les techniques de bioremédiation dans les futurs projets de phytoremédiation.