159 resultados para Payroll deductions


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Correct specification of the simple location quotients in regionalizing the national direct requirements table is essential to the accuracy of regional input-output multipliers. The purpose of this research is to examine the relative accuracy of these multipliers when earnings, employment, number of establishments, and payroll data specify the simple location quotients. For each specification type, I derive a column of total output multipliers and a column of total income multipliers. These multipliers are based on the 1987 benchmark input-output accounts of the U.S. economy and 1988-1992 state of Florida data. Error sign tests, and Standardized Mean Absolute Deviation (SMAD) statistics indicate that the output multiplier estimates overestimate the output multipliers published by the Department of Commerce-Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) for the state of Florida. In contrast, the income multiplier estimates underestimate the BEA's income multipliers. For a given multiplier type, the Spearman-rank correlation analysis shows that the multiplier estimates and the BEA multipliers have statistically different rank ordering of row elements. The above tests also find no significant different differences, both in size and ranking distributions, among the vectors of multiplier estimates.


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Using a matching and a difference in differences approach we analyzed the impact of a payroll costs reduction implemented through a tax reform in Colombia on worked hours and hourly income -- Existing studies have found mixed results, while increases in wages are commonly found, the results for employment and worked hours effects are a source of debate with no consensus on sight -- However, in line with earlier revisions of literature, we concluded that the effect of payroll costs reductions is positive and significant on both, worked hours and income -- In this paper, using socioeconomic data from Colombia we found that those individuals a effected by a payroll cost reduction between 2012-2014 exhibited significant increases in both hours and income compared to similar individuals una effected by this framework


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Many farms across Maryland use interns to lighten the overall farm workload and help young people gain practical farming knowledge. Although interns can be a welcome addition to a farm’s workforce, farm employers need to be aware of how to properly compensate interns and the legal consequences of adding them to the payroll.


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El concepto de precios de transferencia es un referente universal donde los países se han visto afectados por las malas prácticas comerciales que tiene las diferentes organizaciones en concentrar sus utilidades en aquellos lugares donde las cargas impositivas sean menores o tiendan a cero. Lo anterior implica que lo que dejo de pagar en una región por las bases tributarias determinadas lo estoy recibiendo como utilidad en otro país, generando índices de pobreza y de inequidad tributaria en los países de origen y riqueza a los países destino. Dentro de las directrices que tiene el Gobierno para evitar que se trasladen cargas tributarias entre países es definir unos criterios normativos vinculantes u obligatorios, que eviten que se tipifiquen estos focos de evasión y por el contrario generar una cultura empresarial donde se respete el principio de la plena competencia. Dentro de los criterios normativos están los criterios de vinculación, la información que se debe evidenciar como la comprobatoria y la informativa y las sanciones por incumplir los requisitos vinculantes antes mencionados lo cual nos obliga a profundizar en el mecanismo de control que ejerce el gobierno. De igual forma se establecieron destinos donde se tipifican los precios de transferencia como son los paraísos fiscales, las zonas francas y los vinculados del exterior, donde el destino más relevante donde el Gobierno ejerce control son los paraísos fiscales por sus características que las identifican como son las mínimas cargas tributarias y de igual forma la ausencia de información. Los contribuyentes del impuesto sobre la renta y complementarios que celebren operaciones con vinculados y/o estén obligados a la aplicación de las normas que regulen el régimen de precios de transferencia, deberán llevar acabo tales operaciones en cumplimiento del Principio de Plena Competencia, entendido como aquel en el cual las operaciones entre vinculados cumplen con las condiciones que se hubiesen observado en operaciones comparables con o entre partes independientes, lo anterior, a efectos de determinar sus ingresos ordinarios y extraordinarios, costos, deducciones, activos y pasivos para los fines del impuesto sobre la renta y complementarios. En el siguiente contenido el lector encontrara una metodología ilustrativa que le permita interpretar la normatividad contenida en el Estatuto Tributario (Ley 1607 de 2012 y Decreto 3030 de 2013 el cual reglamenta la norma la ley 1607) y su respectiva aplicación para dar cumplimiento a los requerimientos de la Administración de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales. Lo anterior significa que el contenido del texto es el contenido normativo el cual es detallado en su contenido en algunos aspectos gráfico, en otros casos numéricos y en los demás casos narrativos.


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This thesis seeks to research patterns of economic growth and development from a number of perspectives often resonated in the growth literature. By addressing themes about history, geography, institutions and culture the thesis is able to bring to bear a wide range of inter-related literatures and methodologies within a single content. Additionally, by targeting different administrative levels in its research design and approach, this thesis is also able to provide a comprehensive treatment of the economic growth dilemma from both cross-national and sub-national perspectives. The three chapters herein discuss economic development from two broad dimensions. The first of these chapters takes on the economic growth inquiry by attempting to incorporate cultural geography within a cross-country formal spatial econometric growth framework. By introducing the global cultural dynamics of languages and ethnic groups as spatial network mechanisms, this chapter is able to distinguish economic growth effects accruing from own-country productive efforts from those accruing from interconnections within a global productive network chain. From this, discussions and deductions about the implications for both developed and developing countries are made as regards potentials for gains and losses from such types and levels of productive integration. The second and third chapters take a different spin to the economic development inquiry. They both focus on economic activity in Africa, tackling the relevant issues from a geo-intersected dimension involving historic regional tribal homelands and modern national and subnational administrative territories. The second chapter specifically focuses on attempting to adopt historical channels to investigate the connection between national institutional quality and economic development in demarcated tribal homelands at the fringes of national African borders. The third chapter on the other hand focuses on looking closer at the effects of demarcations on economic activity. It particularly probes how different kinds of demarcation warranted by two different but very relevant classes of politico-economic players have affected economic activity quite distinguishably within the resulting subnational regions in Africa.


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El trabajo de graduación describe el desarrollo de una Aplicación web desarrollada para la Asociación cooperativa de producción pesquera y servicios múltiples “Bocana Lempa - Jaltepec de R.L”, en el Cantón las Mesas del municipio de Tecoluca del departamento de San Vicente, con dicha aplicación se automatizaron los procesos de las áreas de comercialización y administración de la cooperativa, los cuales son, Activo fijo, Recursos Humanos, Facturación, Inventario y el desarrollo de una página web a la que accesan los clientes para la realización de pedidos. Con el desarrollo de dicha aplicación se ha obtenido una mayor agilización en los procesos, los cuales conllevan a adquirir mayores logros entre los cuales podemos mencionar: información detallada de los movimientos de inventario, presentación de informes, mejoras en el control de activo fijo, salarios, vacaciones, permisos de los empleados, registro de pedidos realizados desde la página web, impresión de facturas y la reducción del tiempo en el desarrollo de los procesos. SUMMARY The graduation work describes the development of a web application developed for the cooperative association of fish production and multiple services "Bocana Lempa - Jaltepec RL" in the Canton Tables Township Tecoluca the department of San Vicente, with such application they automated processes as the marketing and administration of the cooperative, which are, fixed Assets, Human Resources, Billing, Inventory and development of a website that access to customers for ordering. With the development of this application has gained greater streamlining processes, which lead to acquire greater achievements among which include: detailed information on inventory movements, reporting, improved control of fixed assets, wages holidays, permits employees record orders made from the website, print invoices and time reduction in development processes. Keywords : Online ordering , fixed assets, payroll employees , billing, control fishing. The graduation work describes the development of a web application developed for the cooperative association of fish production and multiple services "Bocana Lempa - Jaltepec RL" in the Canton Tables Township Tecoluca the department of San Vicente, with such application they automated processes as the marketing and administration of the cooperative, which are, fixed Assets, Human Resources, Billing, Inventory and development of a website that access to customers for ordering. With the development of this application has gained greater streamlining processes, which lead to acquire greater achievements among which include: detailed information on inventory movements, reporting, improved control of fixed assets, wages holidays, permits employees record orders made from the website, print invoices and time reduction in development processes.


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O presente relatório tem por base o estágio curricular realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças, da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. O estágio decorreu durante o período de 1 de Dezembro de 2013 a 13 de junho de 2014, na empresa UNUS – Contabilidade, Consultadoria Fiscal e Empresarias Lda., com sede em Bragança e cuja atividade principal é a prestação de serviços de contabilidade e consultoria. Foram efetuadas diversas atividades ao longo deste período, podendo as principais resumir-se em tarefas de classificação, lançamento e arquivo, conferências e encerramento de contas, processamento de salários e obrigações sociais, prestação de contas de natureza fiscal, preenchimento das demonstrações financeiras exigidas e elaboração de relatórios de gestão. Ao longo do relatório pôde observar-se em detalhe as funções desenvolvidas na empresa. Assim, a estrutura deste relatório divide-se em quatro capítulos: no primeiro capítulo é elaborada uma caraterização da entidade de acolhimento; no segundo apresentam-se as tarefas desenvolvidas, suportadas nas mais importantes referências legislativas e esclarecimentos pertinentes; no capítulo terceiro faz-se um breve enquadramento teórico relacionado com contabilidade nas autarquias locais e a utilidade da informação financeira nas mesmas; por fim, no capítulo quarto, apresenta-se um estudo relacionado com a utilidade da contabilidade financeira nas Juntas de Freguesias do Distrito de Bragança. Os resultados do estudo permitem, de entre outros aspetos, concluir que os responsáveis das Juntas de Freguesia do Distrito de Bragança consideram que informação contabilística não influencia a sua tomada de decisões; os responsáveis que atribuem maior grau de importância á contabilidade na tomada de decisões, são aqueles que consideram que a informação contabilística influencia as suas tomadas de decisões; o grau de utilidade dos diferentes documentos contabilísticos não diferem em função do responsável ser da área de economia e gestão ou outra.


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Repercussions of innovation adoption and diffusion studies have long been imperative to the success of novel introductions. However, perceptions and deductions of current innovation understandings have been changing over time. The paradigm shift from the goods-dominant (G-D) logic to the service-dominant (S-D) logic potentially makes the distinction between product (goods) innovation and service innovation redundant as the S-D logic lens views all innovations as service innovations (Vargo and Lusch, 2004; 2008; Lusch and Nambisan, 2015). From this perspective, product innovations are in essence service innovations, as goods serve as mere distribution mechanisms to deliver service. Nonetheless, the transition to such a broadened and transcending view of service innovation necessitates concurrently a change in the underlying models used to investigate innovation and its subsequent adoption. The present research addresses this gap by engendering a novel model for the most crucial period of service diffusion within the S-D logic context – the post-initial adoption phase, which demarcates an individual’s behavior after the initial adoption decision of a service. As a wellfounded understanding of service diffusion and the complementary innovation adoption still lingers in its infancy, the current study develops a model based on interdisciplinary domains mapping. Here fore, knowledge of the relatively established viral source domain is mapped to the comparatively undetermined target domain of service innovation adoption. To assess the model and test the importance of the explanatory variables, survey data from 750 respondents of a bank in Northern Germany is scrutinized by means of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings reveal that the continuance intention of a customer, actual usage of the service and the customer influencer value all constitute important postinitial adoption behavior that have meaningful implications for a successful service adoption. Second, the four constructs customer influencer value, organizational commitment, perceived usefulness and service customization are evidenced to have a differential impact on a iv customer’s post-initial adoption behavior. Third, this study indicates that post-initial adoption behavior further underlies the influence of a user’s age and besides that is also provoked by the internal and external environments of service adoption. Finally, this research amalgamates the broad view of service innovation by Nambisan and Lusch (2015) with the findings ensuing this enquiry’s model to arrive at a framework that it both, generalizable and practically applicable. Implications for academia and practitioners are captured along with avenues for future research.


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101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax–Legally! 2015–2016 sheds light on how you can increase your tax return by maximising your deductions. This practical guide explores how individual, family, property, education, employment, small business, investment property, shares, superannuation, medical expenses, levies, and other deductions can be leveraged to ensure that you receive the tax return you deserve—and that you do not overpay the government. You'll also get advice regarding tax-effective investments, tax planning, and the best way to go about finding a great accountant.Every year, you give a portion of your income to the government. While this money funds essentials like infrastructure, you certainly do not want to give more than you need to. This insightful guide provides you with the information necessary to ensure that you receive as much money back as possible on your tax return.Discover how you can maximise your deductions to increase your tax return—and get what you are entitled to back from the government each yearUnderstand the tax law changes from the May 2015 budgetAccess tips that assist you in planning and filing your taxes with your best interests in mindIdentify tax traps, and get answers to frequently asked questions101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax–Legally! 2015–2016 is an essential resource for every Australian who pays taxes.