169 resultados para Pavonia varian
"Work Performed Under Contract No. AC02-77CH00178."
Frontispiece and plates facing p. 46, 110 and 212.
"The frontispiece is a reproduction of a drawing by George Varian from a photograph of the miniature in the Codex Riccardianus, 1040."
Top Row: equip mngr Henry Hatch asst. equip. mngr. Helmar Dollwet, asst. coach Elmer Swanson, asst. coach Fred Potter.
3rd Row: Don Matheson, Jim Pace, Eeles Landstrom, Brendon O'Reilly, Robin Varian, Geert Keilstrup.
2nd Row: George Scott, George Gluppe, Robert Rudesill, Stanley Menees, Ken Bottoms, Laird Sloan, Charles Merton, Ralph Gray.
Front Row: Mark Booth, Robert Appleman, Dave Owen Coach, Don Canham, Ron Wallingford, Tom Hendricks, Robert Brown
Top Row: asst. coach Elmer Swanson, Ron Book, Charles Belknap, Ermin Crownlee, William Guinness.
3rd Row: Jack Green, Lawrence Levy, Lou Wi11iams, John Magnuson, Mamon Gibson, Milt Robinson, Ernie Simms.
2nd Row: st. mngr Al Warshawsky, George Stathopoulos, asst. equip. mngr Helmar Dollwet, James Pace, Robin Varian, Geert Keilstrup, Donald Matheson, Robert DiCarlo.
Front Row: Charles Morton, Richard Flodin, Brendan O'Reilly, coach Don Canham, captain Dave Owen, Laird Sloan, George Gluppe
Top Row: st. mngr. Al Warshawsky, Eugene J. Christie, Charles. Proudfit, Jackson Steffes, Richard Schwartz, Charles Belknap, Ron Trowbridge, asst. coach Elmer Swanson
3rd Row: Don Truex, Jim Simpson, John Twomey, Freeman Watkins, Jared Bushong, Don Deskins, Quinton Sterling.
2nd Row: Ermin Crownley, J. Cameron Gray, Bruce Fischer, Earl Deardorff, Lou Williams, Peter Parker, Ernie Simms, Joel Boyden.
Front Row: Pete Stanger, Geert Keilstrup, Mamon Gibson, Coach Don Canham, captain Brendan O'Reilly, Robin Varian, Don Matheson
We use the Fleissig and Whitney [Fleissig, A.R., Whitney, G.A., 2003. A new PC-based test for Varian's weak separability conditions. Journal of Business and Economics Statistics 21 (1), 133–144] weak separability test to determine admissible levels of monetary aggregation for the Euro area. We find that the Euro area monetary assets in M2 and M3 are weakly separable and construct admissible Divisia monetary aggregates for these assets. We show that real growth of the admissible Divisia aggregates enters the Euro area IS curve positively and significantly for the period from 1980 to 2005. Out of sample, we show that Divisia M2 and M3 appear to contain useful information for forecasting Euro area inflation.
Purpose. We investigated structural differences in the fatty acid profiles of lipids extracted from ex vivo contact lenses by using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS). Two lens materials (balafilcon A or lotrafilcon A) were worn on a daily or continuous wear schedule for 30 and 7 days. Methods. Lipids from subject-worn lenses were extracted using 1:1 chloroform: methanol and transmethylated using 5% sulfuric acid in methanol. Fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were collected using hexane and water, and analyzed by GCMS (Varian 3800 GC, Saturn 2000 MS). Results. The gas chromatograms of lens extracts that were worn on a continuous wear schedule showed two predominant peaks, C16:0 and C18:0, both of which are saturated fatty acids. This was the case for balafilcon A and lotrafilcon A lenses. However, the gas chromatograms of lens extracts that were worn on a daily wear schedule showed saturated (C16:0, C18:0) and unsaturated (C16:1 and C18:1) fatty acids. Conclusions. Unsaturated fatty acids are degraded during sleep in contact lenses. Degradation occurred independently of lens material or subject-to-subject variability in lipid deposition. The consequences of lipid degradation are the production of oxidative products, which may be linked to contact lens discomfort. © 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
This study aims to analyze the relationship between average price with the concentration in the markets (municipalities) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, is using a little tool applied to the Brazilian market is the spatial econometric model. A data base contains all the stations of the major cities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and includes 142 observations on stations was used. Theoretical models predict the relationship between the number of competitors in a market and the average price; these theoretical models include: the monopolistic competition of Perloff and Salop (1985), and the search-theoretic, of Carlson and McAfee (1983) and Varian (1980). The empirical results showed that a higher density within a geographic area is associated with a lower average price, thus converging with the monopolistic competition model and with the search-theoretic of Carlson and McAfee (1983). The parameters varied little with the inclusion / exclusion of control variables, showing the robustness of them.
Radiotherapy is commonly used to treat lung cancer. However, radiation induced damage to lung tissue is a major limiting factor to its use. To minimize normal tissue lung toxicity from conformal radiotherapy treatment planning, we investigated the use of Perfluoropropane(PFP)-enhanced MR imaging to assess and guide the sparing of functioning lung. Fluorine Enhanced MRI using Perfluoropropane(PFP) is a dynamic multi-breath steady state technique enabling quantitative and qualitative assessments of lung function(1).
Imaging data was obtained from studies previously acquired in the Duke Image Analysis Laboratory. All studies were approved by the Duke IRB. The data was de-identified for this project, which was also approved by the Duke IRB. Subjects performed several breath-holds at total lung capacity(TLC) interspersed with multiple tidal breaths(TB) of Perfluoropropane(PFP)/oxygen mixture. Additive wash-in intensity images were created through the summation of the wash-in phase breath-holds. Additionally, model based fitting was utilized to create parametric images of lung function(1).
Varian Eclipse treatment planning software was used for putative treatment planning. For each subject two plans were made, a standard plan, with no regional functional lung information considered other than current standard models. Another was created using functional information to spare functional lung while maintaining dose to the target lesion. Plans were optimized to a prescription dose of 60 Gy to the target over the course of 30 fractions.
A decrease in dose to functioning lung was observed when utilizing this functional information compared to the standard plan for all five subjects. PFP-enhanced MR imaging is a feasible method to assess ventilatory lung function and we have shown how this can be incorporated into treatment planning to potentially decrease the dose to normal tissue.
Cuttings of Lower and Middle Keuper sediments of the INFLUINS-drilling in the central Thuringian Syncline were geochemically analysed. Indications about shifting depositional environments are interpreted from ratios of whole-rock element contents. For the middle part of sandstone cycle S 2 high heavy metal contents imply precipitation of sufidic ores during a short marine interval. Element contents are compared with potential source rocks in the southern part of the Baltic Shield, in the Lausitz Anticline Zone, in the Erzgebirge, in the moldanubian part, in the broad sense, of the Bohemian Massif, in the Münchberg Gneiss Massif and the Fichtelgebirge. The geochemical coincidence of investigated Keuper sediments is highest with grantioid and gabbroic rocks of southern Scandinavia. Granodiorite rocks of the Lausitz are also possible sources, whereas granites of the Fichtelgebirge and the Bohemian Massif are less probable.
The geochemical cycling of barium was investigated in sediments of pockmarks of the northern Congo Fan, characterized by surface and subsurface gas hydrates, chemosynthetic fauna, and authigenic carbonates. Two gravity cores retrieved from the so-called Hydrate Hole and Worm Hole pockmarks were examined using high-resolution pore-water and solid-phase analyses. The results indicate that, although gas hydrates in the study area are stable with respect to pressure and temperature, they are and have been subject to dissolution due to methane-undersaturated pore waters. The process significantly driving dissolution is the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) above the shallowest hydrate-bearing sediment layer. It is suggested that episodic seep events temporarily increase the upward flux of methane, and induce hydrate formation close to the sediment surface. AOM establishes at a sediment depth where the upward flux of methane from the uppermost hydrate layer counterbalances the downward flux of seawater sulfate. After seepage ceases, AOM continues to consume methane at the sulfate/methane transition (SMT) above the hydrates, thereby driving the progressive dissolution of the hydrates "from above". As a result the SMT migrates downward, leaving behind enrichments of authigenic barite and carbonates that typically precipitate at this biogeochemical reaction front. Calculation of the time needed to produce the observed solid-phase barium enrichments above the present-day depths of the SMT served to track the net downward migration of the SMT and to estimate the total time of hydrate dissolution in the recovered sediments. Methane fluxes were higher, and the SMT was located closer to the sediment surface in the past at both sites. Active seepage and hydrate formation are inferred to have occurred only a few thousands of years ago at the Hydrate Hole site. By contrast, AOM-driven hydrate dissolution as a consequence of an overall net decrease in upward methane flux seems to have persisted for a considerably longer time at the Worm Hole site, amounting to a few tens of thousands of years.
Increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing greater dissolution of CO2 into seawater, and are ultimately responsible for today's ongoing ocean acidification. We manipulated seawater acidity by addition of HCl and by increasing CO2 concentration and observed that two coastal harpacticoid copepods, Amphiascoides atopus and Schizopera knabeni were both more sensitive to increased acidity when generated by CO2. The present study indicates that copepods living in environments more prone to hypercapnia, such as mudflats where S. knabeni lives, may be less sensitive to future acidification. Ocean acidification is also expected to alter the toxicity of waterborne metals by influencing their speciation in seawater. CO2 enrichment did not affect the free-ion concentration of Cd but did increase the free-ion concentration of Cu. Antagonistic toxicities were observed between CO2 with Cd, Cu and Cu free-ion in A. atopus. This interaction could be due to a competition for H+ and metals for binding sites.
It is predicted that surface ocean pH will reach 7.9, possibly 7.8 by the end of this century due to increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and in the surface ocean. While aragonite-rich sediments don't begin to dissolve until a threshold pH of ~ 7.8 is reached, dissolution from high-Mg calcites is evident with any drop in pH. Indeed, it is high-Mg calcite that dominates the reaction of carbonate sediments with increased CO2, which undergoes a rapid neomorphism process to a more stable, low-Mg calcite. This has major implications for the future of the high-Mg calcite producing organisms within coral reef ecosystems. In order to understand any potential buffering system offered by the dissolution of carbonate sediments under a lower oceanic pH, this process of high-Mg calcite dissolution in the reef environment must be further elucidated.