846 resultados para Partners and partnerships


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The aim of this study was to analyze the reasons for missed appointments in dental Family Health Units (FHU) and implement strategies to reduce same through action research. This is a study conducted in 12 FHUs in Piracicaba in the State of São Paulo from January, 1 to December, 31 2010. The sample was composed of 385 users of these health units who were interviewed over the phone and asked about the reasons for missing dental appointments, as well as 12 dentists and 12 nurses. Two workshops were staged with professionals: the first to assess the data collected in interviews and develop strategy, and the second for evaluation after 4 months. The primary cause for missed appointments was the opening hours of the units coinciding with the work schedule of the users. Among the strategies suggested were lectures on oral health, ongoing education in team meetings, training of Community Health Agents, participation in therapeutic groups and partnerships between Oral Health Teams and the social infrastructure of the community. The adoption of the single medical record was the strategy proposed by professionals. The strategies implemented led to a 66.6% reduction in missed appointments by the units and the motivating nature of the workshops elicited critical reflection to redirect health practices.


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O presente estudo pretende discorrer a respeito do ciúme romântico heterossexual, na tentativa de compreender um dos sentimentos mais presentes na vida do ser humano. Mesmo que para muitos o ciúme possa representar uma manifestação de amor, ele é, na verdade, um sentimento que produz angústia em muitos parceiros e pode atingir formas doentias, e abalar a saúde mental. Mas também é inevitável, porque em maior ou menor grau, todos estão sujeitos a ele, o que nos obriga a ficar atentos para saber elaborá-lo em favor de nossa vida amorosa. É preciso conhecer profundamente esse sentimento para que se possa compreendê-lo, e elaborarmos estratégias profícuas de enfrentamento para lidarmos com esse fenômeno.


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Background: This study used household survey data on the prevalence of child, parent and family variables to establish potential targets for a population-level intervention to strengthen parenting skills in the community. The goals of the intervention include decreasing child conduct problems, increasing parental self-efficacy, use of positive parenting strategies, decreasing coercive parenting and increasing help-seeking, social support and participation in positive parenting programmes. Methods: A total of 4010 parents with a child under the age of 12 years completed a statewide telephone survey on parenting. Results: One in three parents reported that their child had a behavioural or emotional problem in the previous 6 months. Furthermore, 9% of children aged 2–12 years meet criteria for oppositional defiant disorder. Parents who reported their child's behaviour to be difficult were more likely to perceive parenting as a negative experience (i.e. demanding, stressful and depressing). Parents with greatest difficulties were mothers without partners and who had low levels of confidence in their parenting roles. About 20% of parents reported being stressed and 5% reported being depressed in the 2 weeks prior to the survey. Parents with personal adjustment problems had lower levels of parenting confidence and their child was more difficult to manage. Only one in four parents had participated in a parent education programme. Conclusions: Implications for the setting of population-level goals and targets for strengthening parenting skills are discussed.


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Background: Increasingly there is a call from clinicians and researchers for measures that document the impact of aphasia on a person's everyday communication. Do existing assessments of communication disability adequately sample communication activities relevant to our clients? Communication skills and networks change with age. A need exists to determine the everyday communication activities of older people and in particular those with aphasia. Aims: The primary aim of this study was to describe and compare the everyday communication activities of older people with aphasia and healthy older people who are living in the community. A secondary aim was to investigate the content validity of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA FACS, 1997) for older Australians. Methods & Procedures: Naturalistic observation was the method of choice for detailing the everyday communication of 15 older people with chronic aphasia following stroke and a matched group of 15 healthy older people who were living in the community. Researchers, in the role of participant observer, took field notes for 8 hours, over three occasions within a week. A total of 240 hours of observation have been coded in terms of communication activity, topic, communication partners, and place of communication. A brief 5-day diary served to check the representativeness of the observational data. After each hour of observation, the researcher checked which ASHA FACS items had been observed. Outcomes & Results: Naturalistic observation provided a rich, rigorous, and systematic methodology for detailing the dynamics and complexities of authentic communication. The most common communication activities for both groups were conversations at home and in social groups. Real-life communication was revealed to serve the dual purposes of transaction and interaction. Results indicate that older people with aphasia engage in similar communication activities to healthy older people although differences were evident in the frequency of communication and in specific activities such as story telling, writing, commenting, and acknowledging. ASHA FACS items were generally relevant to older Australians living in the community. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that communication activity is multifaceted in terms of the type of communication and contextual factors. The observational data describe the effects of aphasia on a person's everyday communication activity and reveal the impact of aphasia on the social functions of communication including sharing information, maintaining and establishing relationships, and telling one's story. Functional communication assessment requires a greater focus on the interactional and uniquely interpersonal aspects of social communication.


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?? crescente o envolvimento de organiza????es p??blicas e privadas com alian??as e parcerias. No novo cen??rio colaborativo, uma nova abordagem para o planejamento das organiza????es precisa ser desenvolvida, com especial aten????o para o setor p??blico, em cujo ambiente a escassez de recursos pode ser total ou parcialmente suprida pela cria????o ou incremento de redes entre organiza????es e sistemas. A nova abordagem para a coordena????o interorganizacional no ??mbito do planejamento governamental pode resultar em algum tipo de ???organiza????o virtual??? para o setor p??blico, ?? semelhan??a do que j?? ocorre no setor privado. O artigo destaca a import??ncia da reflex??o sobre as implica????es e possibilidades que os conceitos relativos a organiza????es virtuais podem trazer para a coordena????o interorganizacional no ??mbito do planejamento governamental, de forma a contribuir para incrementar a efetividade da a????o de governo, por meio de ambiente informacional cooperativo. Aspectos como cultura organizacional, poder e controle, fronteiras e estruturas organizacionais, confian??a e gest??o cooperativa da informa????o dever??o ser observados no contexto do planejamento governamental, caso se pretenda evoluir na aplica????o do conceito de organiza????es virtuais no setor p??blico


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Neste trabalho, explora-se o modo como a compreensão e o desempenho dos papéis de gênero se relacionam às ocorrências de violência (física, psicológica e sexual) dos maridos contra as esposas. Quatro mulheres que apresentaram queixa na Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher contra as agressões físicas perpetradas por seus parceiros e que conviviam com eles foram entrevistadas utilizando-se um roteiro de entrevista, que recolheu dados pessoais e informações a respeito das concepções sobre homem, mulher e relacionamento conjugal/afetivo. As entrevistas foram processadas pelo software Alceste, sendo a Análise de Conteúdo utilizada para complementar a análise. Os dados revelam a coexistência de concepções tradicionais de gênero com ações de insubordinação dessas mulheres (trabalho assalariado, amizades, questionamento da vida sexual). Esses aspectos, sinalizadores do empoderamento das mulheres, relacionam-se à agressividade dos parceiros que, excluídos dos debates feministas e buscando proteger sua masculinidade, usam a violência para suprimir as manifestações femininas de poder.


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Este estudo analisa a evolução das parcerias na implementação da Politica de Assistência Social no município de Serra, Espírito Santo (ES), contribuindo para a discussão sobre a complementariedade das ações previstas na Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS). Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, referenciado no método crítico-dialético. A estratégia metodológica baseou-se na pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Os dados empíricos resultam do levantamento e análise dos Relatórios das Conferências Nacionais de Assistência Social; dos Planos e Relatórios Municipais de Gestão na área da Assistência Social; dos termos de convênio estabelecidos com as entidades em 2013. O crescimento das parcerias para execução da PNAS tem relação com a tendência nacional de focalização, descentralização e privatização das políticas sociais. Isso ajuda-nos a compreender essa tendência a nível municipal. As ideias que justificam a realização das parcerias relacionam-se com o neoliberalismo e a reforma do Estado e, também, com a perspectiva de fortalecimento da participação social a partir do contexto do debate que antecede a conformação da Constituição de 1988. O próprio histórico da assistência no Brasil revela que muitas das entidades já executavam ações antes da Lei Orgânica da Assistência Social (LOAS) e apenas se adaptaram à nova legislação. No caso do município pesquisado, o crescimento registrado no número de entidades entre 2001 e 2012 foi de 133,3%. Observamos, ainda, que as entidades não governamentais tem se constituído como a forma primeira de prestação dos serviços socioassistenciais. A maior parte das entidades é de cunho religioso e atua em apenas um âmbito da proteção social. A pesquisa reforça a importância do monitoramento e avaliação das parcerias realizadas e a necessidade da garantia da transparência e publicização das informações na área da assistência, de modo a contribuir com o controle social.


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A violência está presente a nível nacional e mundial no cotidiano de muitas famílias e se configura como um fenômeno de múltiplas determinações, podendo estar presente no cenário público e privado. Diante dos diversos tipos de violência presentes no espaço social, encontra-se a violência praticada pelo homem contra sua companheira. O presente estudo, com enfoque qualitativo, objetivou de maneira geral investigar de que forma o Centro de Referência Especializado da Assistência Social – Proteção e Atendimento Especializado a Famílias e Indivíduos (CREAS PAEFI “Adulto”) do município de Colatina, compõe a rede de apoio social e afetiva de mulheres/mães vítimas de violência física e/ou psicológica por parte de seus maridos/companheiros na percepção dos profissionais atuantes no serviço e, também, na percepção das próprias mulheres vítimas de violência usuárias do serviço. Para tanto, participaram da pesquisa 10 mulheres/mães usuárias do CREAS PAEFI “Adulto” do município de Colatina/ES, com faixa etária variando de 34 a 45 anos, que sofreram violência física e/ou psicológica por parte de seus maridos/companheiros e que possuíam pelo menos um filho. Também participaram da pesquisa 6 profissionais, com faixa etária variando de 25 a 38 anos, que faziam parte da equipe técnica do serviço. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi estruturadas realizadas individualmente em sala cedida pelo CREAS PAEFI “Adulto”. Para a organização dos dados utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo, sendo estes organizados em eixos temáticos e discutidos com base na Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano de Urie Bronfenbrenner. Como resultados principais, pode-se notar que as interações estabelecidas entre os profissionais e as mulheres vítimas de violência usuárias do CREAS favoreceram processos proximais que promoveram mudanças positivas nas características pessoais das mulheres e reforçaram as relações que elas possuíam com suas famílias, principalmente com os filhos. Também foi verificado no macrossistema, que os papéis sociais estabelecidos pela sociedade para o homem e para a mulher estavam presentes nos discursos das usuárias do serviço, os quais naturalizavam a mulher como responsável pelos filhos, casa e marido, e o homem como o provedor da casa. A maternidade foi considerada por todas as usuárias como um fator importante em suas vidas e causou mudanças na dinâmica familiar com o companheiro.Verificou-se o comprometimento e envolvimento dos profissionais no atendimento às mulheres que se mostraram interessadas e engajadas com o atendimento e que tinham o objetivo de reconstruir suas vidas. A articulação do CREAS com a rede de atendimento à mulher vítima de violência no município de Colatina foi considerada satisfatória, principalmente levando em consideração o fato de que a cidade é pequena, o que facilita o contato entre os serviços. Algumas mulheres expuseram outras fontes de apoio que atuaram concomitantemente ao CREAS como, os amigos e a religião (Deus). Conclui-se que o CREAS PAEFI foi um serviço integrante da rede de apoio sócio afetiva das mulheres vítimas de violência que participaram do estudo, atuando como um microssistema significativo que favoreceu o desenvolvimento das mulheres frente à situação de violência vivenciada


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RESUMO: Este trabalho descreve pormenorizadamente as valências do projecto «XL» da Associação Solidariedade e Desenvolvimento do Laranjeiro direccionado para a população jovem, multiétnica e multicultural, bem como as diversas actividades e parcerias. Em forma de conclusão apresentamos o caso de sucesso de um jovem entrevistado por um dos técnicos do «XL». ABSTRACT:This work describes on details about the «XL» project of the Associação Solidariedade e Desenvolvimento do Laranjeiro, directed for multiethnic and multicultural teenagers. It’s about their activities and partnerships, followed with the interview conducted by a «XL» worker of a young man, a successful case of this project.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare HIV seronegative (HIV-) and HIV seropositive (HIV+) males in terms of sexual behavior with female and male partners of different types. METHOD: Cross-sectional study. From August 1994 to February 1995, a sample of 236 respondents (150 HIV- and 86 HIV+) recruited from public health centers in the State of S. Paulo (Brazil), answered a questionnaire, including questions on demographic aspects, HIV and AIDS related knowledge, sexual orientation, use of alcohol and other drugs, sexual behavior with regular and casual female and male partners, and perceived risk of HIV infection. Sexual behavior with regular and casual female and male partners within the previous three months, was investigated. RESULTS: A lower proportion of HIV+ engaged in sexual contact with regular female partners (p < .01) and in vaginal intercourse with this type of partner (p < .01). A lower proportion of HIV+ engaged in overall sexual activity (p < .001) and reported lower frequency of penetrative sexual practices (p < .05). A high level of condom use with female and male partners was identified with no significant differences being found between the two serostatus groups. Some risky sexual behavior was identified, however, especially with regular partners, suggesting that some men were continuing to practice unsafe sex. CONCLUSIONS: The high level of condom use identified suggests that safer sex advice has been taken up. Condom use was not universal, however, and some men continue to place themselves at risk, especially with regular partners. Prevention programs should strive not only to encourage HIV- to practice safer sex, but also to encourage HIV+ to do so in order to prevent further transmission of the virus.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientação pela Professora Doutora: Ana Azevedo Manuela Patrício


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In order to contribute to a better understanding of the forms of acquisition of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Brazil, with special emphasis on sexual transmission, we determined the presence of HCV infection in regular partners and in non-sexual home communicants of blood donors seen at Fundação Pró-Sangue Hemocentro de São Paulo from January 1992 to July 1996. Of 154 blood donors with HCV infection (index cases), 111 had had regular partners for at least 6 months. Sixty-eight of 111 partners were evaluated for HCV infection. Of these, 8 (11.76%) were considered to have current or previous HCV infection; a history of sexually transmissible diseases and index cases with a positive HCV-RNA test were more prevalent among partners with HCV infection. Of the 68 index cases whose partners were studied, 56 had non-sexual home communicants. Of the total of 81 home communicants, 66 accepted to be evaluated for HCV infection. None of them was HCV-positive, suggesting that the high prevalence of HCV infection among partners may be attributed at least partially to sexual transmission.


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Cross-sectional study analyzed as case-control to identify risk factors for non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy. We studied 412 out-clinics HIV infected subjects of three public hospitals of Recife, Pernambuco. The objective was to examine the association between non-adherence to the antiretroviral therapy and biological, social-behavior and demographics and economic factors, factors related to the disease and/or treatment, factors related to life habits and depression symptoms. Variables significantly associated with non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy were: time elapsed since HIV diagnosis (p = 0.002), daily dose (p = 0.046), use of alcohol (p = 0.030) and past drug use (p = 0.048), and borderline p-values were found for educational level (p = 0.093) and family monthly income (p = 0.08). In the multivariable analysis, the factors that remained in the final model were family monthly income, time period with HIV infection and use of alcohol. No association was observed between non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy and gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, educational level and place of residence. Based on our results and the local situation we suggest: assessment of social needs; training of partners and/or families on supporting adherence, creation of "adherence groups" to motivate and to reassure patients on the benefits of treatment; counseling and/or psychotherapy for alcohol drinkers.


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Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) present a major public health concern and a global cause of illness in both industrialized and developing countries. Portugal is no exception, with an increasing incidence of STIs, and one of the highest prevalences of HIV in Europe. Reduced risk perceptions among men who have sex with men (MSM) and a consequent high-risk sexual behaviour have been increasingly reported throughout the world. Objectives: To characterize the population of MSM attending a STI clinic in Lisbon, and to assess practice of condom use among these patients. Methods: Records of all MSM patients who attended the STI clinic from 2008 to 2011 were reviewed to study demographic characteristics, sexual behaviours, and leading diagnoses in this population. Results: Of a total of 389 patients, 108 MSM were identified (27.8%), mostly Portuguese men with high school or above education, aged 17 to 61 years (medium age of 32.4 years). More than half of the patients (52.8%) reported more than one sexual partner in the past 6 months (19.4% more than 5 partners), and only a third consistently used condom. A history of sex with sex workers was mentioned in 9.2%. The most prevalent diagnoses were syphilis (45.6%) and condylomata acuminata (38.9%). The prevalence of HIV infection in this subgroup of patients was significantly higher than in the rest of the population (47.2% vs. 14.9%). Inconsistent condom use increased over the years (36.4% in 2008, 66.7% in 2011), and these patients revealed a greater number of sexual partners than condom users (60.4% vs. 50%). However, 38.9% of condom users presented with early syphilis, suggesting inadequate use of this barrier method. Among HIV patients, almost half of them (49%) had sex with more than one partner in the previous six months, and 47.1% did not use the condom during all sexual practices. Of these, 45.8% were not on antiretroviral therapy. Conclusions: High-risk sexual behaviours (inconsistent use of condom and multiple partners) are increasingly prevalent in this MSM subpopulation, despite previous educational programmes. The high incidence of risk behaviours among HIV infected patients is particularly worrisome, and must be addressed with innovative interventions and population-based prevention strategies.


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A PhD Dissertation, presented as part of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the NOVA - School of Business and Economics