158 resultados para Paleoecology.


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In this study, we investigated the relationship between vegetation and modern-pollen rain along the elevational gradient of Mount Paggeo. We apply multivariate data analysis to assess the relationship between vegetation and modern-pollen rain and quantify the representativeness of forest zones. This study represents the first statistical analysis of pollen-vegetation relationship along an elevational gradient in Greece. Hence, this paper improves confidence in interpretation of palynological records from north-eastern Greece and may refine past climate reconstructions for a more accurate comparison of data and modelling. Numerical classification and ordination were performed on pollen data to assess differences among plant communities that beech (Fagus sylvatica) dominates or co-dominates. The results show a strong relationship between altitude, arboreal cover, human impact and variations in pollen and nonpollen palynomorph taxa percentages.


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During the Sedimentation of the platform carbonate deposits of the Korallenoolith Formation (middle Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian) small buildups ofcorals formed in the Lower Saxony Basin. These bioconstructions are restricted to particular horizons (Untere Korallenbank,ßorigenuna-Bank Member etc.) and represent patch reefs and biostromes. In this study, the development of facies, fossil assemblages, spatial distribution of fossils, and reefs of the ßorigenuna-Bank Member (upper Middle Oxfordian) in the Süntel Mts and the eastern Wesergebirge Mts is described; the formation of reefs is discussed in detail. Twelve facies types are described and interpreted. They vary between high-energy deposits as well winnowed oolites and quiet-water lagoonal mudstones. Owing to the significance of biota, micro- and macrofossils are systematically described. The reefs are preserved in growth position, are characterized by numerous corresponding features and belong to a certain reef type. According to their size, shape and framework, they represent patch reefs, coral knobs (sensu James, 1983), coral thrombolite reefs (sensu Leinfelder et al., 1994) or “Klein- and Mitteldickichte” (sensu Laternser, 2001). Their growth fabric corresponds to the superstratal (dense) pillarstone (sensu Insalaco, 1998). As the top of the ßorigenuna-Bank displays an erosional unconformity (so-called Hauptdiskontinuität), the top of the reefs are erosionally capped. Their maximum height amounts to at least the maximum thickness of the ßorigenuna-Bank which does not exceed 4 metres. The diversity of coral fauna of the reefs is relatively low; a total of 13 species is recorded. The coral community is over- whelmingly dominated by the thin-branched ramose Thamnasteria dendroidea (Lamouroux) that forms aggregations of colonies (77?. dendroidea thickets). Leafy to platy Fungiastrea arachnoides (Parkinson) and Thamnasteria concinna (Goldfuss) occur subordinately, other species are only of minor importance. In a few cases, the reef-core consisting of Th. dendroidea thickets is laterally encrusted by platy F. arachnoides and Th. concinna colonies, and microbial carbonates. This zonation reflects probably a succession of different reef builders as a result of changing environmental conditions (allogenic succession). Moreover, some reefs are overlain by a biostrome made of large Solenopora jurassica nodules passing laterally in a nerinean bed. Mikrobial carbonates promoted reef growth and favoured the preservation of reef organismn in their growth position or in situ. They exhibit a platy, dendroid, or reticulate growth form or occur as downward-facing hemispheroids. According to their microstructure, they consist of a peloidal, clotted, or unstructured fabric (predominately layered and poorly structured thrombolite as well as clotted leiolite) (sensu Schmid, 1996). Abundant endo- and epibiontic organisms (bivalves, gastropods, echinoids, asteroids, ophiuroids, crabs etc) are linked to the reefs. With regard to their guild structure, the reefs represent occurrences at which only a few coral species serve as builder. Moreover, microbial carbonates contribute to both building and binding of the reefs. Additional binder as well as baffler are present, but not abundant. According to the species diversity, the dweller guild comprises by far the highest number of invertebrate taxa. The destroyer guild chiefly encompasses bivalves. The composition of the reef community was influenced by the habitat structure of the Th. dendroidea thickets. Owing to the increase in encrusting organisms and other inhabitants of the thickets, the locational factors changed, since light intensity and hydrodynamic energy level and combined parameters as oxygen supply declined in the crowded habitat. Therefore a characteristic succession of organisms is developed that depends on and responds to changing environmental conditions („community replacement sequence“). The succession allows the differentiation of different stages. It started after the cessation of the polyps with boring organisms and photoautotrophic micro-encrusters (calcareous algae, Lithocodium aggregatum). Following the death of these pioneer organisms, encrusting and adherent organisms (serpulids, „Terebella“ species, bryozoans, foraminifers, thecideidinids, sklerospongid and pharetronid sponges, terebratulids), small mobile organisms (limpets), and microbial induced carbonates developed. The final stage in the community replacement sequence gave rise to small cryptic habitats and organisms that belong to these caves (cryptobionts, coelobites). The habitat conditions especially favoured small non-rigid demosponges (“soft sponges”) that tolerate reduced water circulation. Reef rubble is negligible, so that the reefs are bordered by fossiliferous micritic limestone passing laterally in micritic limestone. Approximately 10% of the study area (outcropping florigemma-Bank) corresponds to reefal deposits whereas the remaining 90% encompass lagoonal inter-reefal deposits. The reef development is a good example for the interaction between reef growth, facies development and sea-level changes. It was initiated by a sea-level rise (transgression) and corresponding decrease in the hydrodynamic energy level. Colonization and reef growth took place on a coarse-grained Substrate composed of oncoids, larger foraminifers and bioclasts. Reef growth took place in a calm marine lagoonal setting. Increasing abundance of spherical coral morphs towards the Northeast (section Kessiehausen, northwestem Süntel Mts) reflects higher turbidity and a facies transition to coral occurrences of the ßorigenuna-Bank Member in the adjacent Deister Mts. The reef growth was neither influenced by stonns nor by input of siliciclastic deposits, and took place in short time - probably in only a thousand years under most probably mesotrophic conditions. The mass appearance of solenoporids and nerineids in the upper part of the ßorigenuna-Bank Member point to enhanced nutrient level as a result of regression. In addition, this scenario of fluctuations in nutrient availability seems to be responsible for the cessation of reef corals. The sea level fall reached its climax in the subaerial exposure and palaeokarst development of the florigemma-Bank. The reef building corals are typical pioneer species. The blade-like, flattened F. amchnoides colonies are characterized by their light porous calcium carbonate skeleton, which is a distinct advantage in soft bottom environment. Thus, they settled on soft bottom exposing the large parts of its surface to the incoming light. On the other hand, in response to their light requirements they were also able to settle shaded canopy structures or reef caves. Th. dendroidea is an opportunistic coral species in very shallow, well illuminated marine environment. Their thin and densely spaced branches led to a very high surface/volume ratio of the colonies that were capable to exploit incoming light due to their small thamasterioid calices characterized by “highly integrated polyps”. In addition, sideward coalescence of branches during colony growth led to a wave-resistant framework and favoured the authochthonous preservation of the reefs. Asexual reproduction by fragmented colonies promoted reef development as Th. dendroidea thickets laterally extend over the sea floor or new reefs have developed from broken fragments of parent colonies. Similar build ups with Th. dendroidea as a dominant or frequent reef building coral species are known from the Paris Basin and elsewhere from the Lower Saxony Basin (Kleiner Deister Mts). These buildups developed in well-illuminated shallow water and encompass coral reefs or coral thrombolite reefs. Intra- and inter-reef deposits vary between well-winnowed reef debris limestone and mudstones representing considerably calmer conditions. Solenoporid, nerineids and diceratides belong to the characteristic fossils of these occurrences. However, diceratides are missing in theflorigemma-Bank Member. Th. dendroidea differs in its colonization of low- to high-energy environment from recent ramose scleractinian corals (e.g., Acropora and Porites sp.). The latter are restricted to agitated water habitats creating coral thickets and carpets. According to the morphologic plasticity of Th. dendroidea, thick-branched colonies developed in a milieu of high water energy, whereas fragile, wide- and thin-branched colonies prevail in low-energy settings. Due to its relatively rapid growth, Th. dendroidea was able to keep pace with increased Sedimentation rates. 68 benthonic foraminiferan species/taxa have been recognized in thin sections. Agglutinated foraminifers (textulariids) predominate when compared with rotaliids and milioliids. Numerous species are restricted to a certain facies type or occur in higher population densities, in particular Everticyclammina sp., a larger agglutinated foraminifer that occurs in rock building amounts. Among the 25 reef dwelling foraminiferal species, a few were so far only known from Late Jurassic sponge reefs. Another striking feature is the frequency of adherent foraminiferal species. Fauna and flora, in particular dasycladaleans and agglutinated foraminifers, document palaeobiogeographic relationships to the Tethys and point to (sub)tropical conditions. Moreover, in Germany this foraminiferan assemblage is yet uncompared. In Southern Germany similar tethyan type assemblages are not present in strata as young as Middle Tithonian.


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Studies on soils of forest islands within the savanna domain are key for understanding processes of landscape formation and evolution. We characterized the morphological, physical and chemical properties of soils at four different forest fragments that occur in the savanna-forest mosaic of northeastern Roraima, north Amazonia. The methodology was based on transects crossing the entire island, from east-west and northsouth direction, digging up five soil profiles for sampling and classification. In addition, the neighboring savannas were also sampled following the same strategy, at 100 m long transects departing from the border, allowing comparisons to be made. Latosols were the dominant soil class in all four islands, followed by Ultisols and Plinthosols. All soils were dystric, with low CEC and acid. Better chemical and physical conditions were observed in forested soils compared with surrounding savannas, in a given soil class. Thus, in spite of no variation on soil class at different phytophysionomies at a given gradient, specific chemical and physical attributes were significantly varied, exerting a positive effect for the establishment of forest vegetation. Despite their occurrence side-by-side in the savanna-forest mosaic, the present-day climate agrees with the existence of savanna in the flat landforms, whereas forest islands are conditioned by subtle, yet significant, soil physico-chemical variations, with no need to invoke any paleoclimate for explaining this relationship. Further in depth studies may contribute for testing the hypothesis that Quaternary shifts of the expansion and contraction of forest may represent paleoclimate relicts isolated within the savanna domain.


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Le climat continental et froid de la Béringie lors de la glaciation du Wisconsinien a conduit à la formation d’une forme relique de pergélisol syngénétique nommé yedoma. Ces dépôts ont permis la préservation d’indicateurs environnementaux très diversifiés qui peuvent être employés pour reconstituer la dynamique climatique et écologique de la Béringie avant le dernier maximum glaciaire. À ce jour, peu d’études ont été réalisées au nord de la chaîne de montagnes Brooks (Alaska) et l’hétérogénéité écologique régionale de la Béringie Est lors de la glaciation du Wisonsinien reste mal définie. Ce mémoire porte sur une reconstitution paléoenvironnementale de plus de 39 ka du nord de l’Alaska réalisée à partir de sédiments provenant du Yedoma de la rivière Itkillik. Les objectifs sont (1) de reconstituer l’histoire de la végétation avec l’analyse pollinique; (2) de reconstituer les températures de juillet, le contraste de température saisonnier et l’ensoleillement de juillet avec la technique des analogues modernes et (3) de mettre les données biogéochimiques et glaciologiques du site en lien avec le climat reconstitué. L’étude montre que vers 35 ka BP (Interstade du Wisconsinien Moyen), des conditions climatiques semblables à l’actuel ont favorisé l’accumulation de tourbe riche en carbone organique. À partir de 29,7 ka BP, les températures de juillet reconstituées diminuent, alors que la continentalité du climat semble augmenter. Le contenu en glace des sédiments est plus alors plus faible et la pluie pollinique devient dominée par Poaceae, Artemisia et autres herbacés non graminoïdes. Ces indicateurs suggèrent des conditions environnementales plus xériques qu’aujourd’hui. Les anomalies isotopiques de 18O, 2H et l’excès de deutérium confirment un épisode d’avancée glaciaire (Wisconsinien Tardif). Après 17,9 ka BP (Tardiglaciaire), les températures de juillet et le contraste saisonnier augmentent. Les valeurs de contenu en carbone organique des sédiments sont plus élevées et la plus grande disponibilité en eau favorise l’établissement d’un couvert herbacé moderne dominé par les Cyperaceae.


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ICHNOFOSSILS (PALEO-BURROWS and CROTOVINES) ATTRIBUTED TO EXTINCT MAMMALS IN SOUTHEASTERN and SOUTH BRAZIL. This work presents information regarding tunnels which are attributed to large extinct mammals. These structures can be found in several places in southeastern and southern Brazil, in different types of substrate, occurring as hollow structures (paleo-burrows) or those filled with sediments (crotovines). The dimensions and osteoderm and claw imprints found along the internal walls of the paleo-burrow found on aluvial fan deposits near the town of Cristal (Rio Grande do Sul State) suggest that a dasypodid xenarthran might have dug this structure. Comparison with similar structures found in Argentina can provide more detailed information regarding the paleoecology and biostratigraphy of the organisms that made these burrows.


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This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Skull structure is intimately associated with feeding ability in vertebrates, both in terms of specific performance measures and general ecological characteristics. This study quantitatively assessed variation in the shape of the cranium and mandible in varanoid lizards, and its relationship to structural performance (von Mises strain) and interspecific differences in feeding ecology. Geometric morphometric and linear morphometric analyses were used to evaluate morphological differences, and finite element analysis was used to quantify variation in structural performance (strain during simulated biting, shaking and pulling). This data was then integrated with ecological classes compiled from relevant scientific literature on each species in order to establish structure-function relationships. Finite element modelling results showed that variation in cranial morphology resulted in large differences in the magnitudes and locations of strain in biting, shaking and pulling load cases. Gracile species such as Varanus salvadorii displayed high strain levels during shaking, especially in the areas between the orbits. All models exhibit less strain during pull back loading compared to shake loading, even though a larger force was applied (pull =30N, shake = 20N). Relationships were identified between the morphology, performance, and ecology. Species that did not feed on hard prey clustered in the gracile region of cranial morphospace and exhibited significantly higher levels of strain during biting (P = 0.0106). Species that fed on large prey clustered in the elongate area of mandible morphospace. This relationship differs from those that have been identified in other taxonomic groups such as crocodiles and mammals. This difference may be due to a combination of the open 'space-frame' structure of the varanoid lizard skull, and the 'pull back' behaviour that some species use for processing large prey.


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Les tourbières ont contribué à refroidir le climat terrestre pendant l’Holocène en accumulant un réservoir de carbone important. Dans la forêt boréale canadienne, les sols gelés en permanence (pergélisols) sont répandus et ceux-ci sont principalement localisés dans les tourbières où ils forment des plateaux surélevés. Le dégel du pergélisol, causé entre autres par le réchauffement atmosphérique ou d’autres perturbations, provoque l’effondrement des plateaux et la saturation en eau du sol ce qui modifie entre autres le couvert végétal et le cycle du carbone. Les modélisations suggèrent que les latitudes nordiques seront les plus affectées par le réchauffement climatique alors qu’on y observe déjà un recul du couvert du pergélisol. Il est primordial de comprendre comment le dégel du pergélisol affecte la fonction de puits de carbone des tourbières puisque des rétroactions sur le climat sont possibles si une grande quantité de gaz à effet de serre est émise ou séquestrée. J’utilise une chronoséquence représentant le temps depuis le dégel d’un plateau de pergélisol des Territoires du Nord-Ouest pour comprendre les facteurs influençant l’aggradation et la dégradation du pergélisol dans les tourbières et évaluer l’effet du dégel sur l’accumulation de carbone et la préservation du carbone déjà accumulé. Les taux d’accumulation de carbone associés à la présence de pergélisol dans le passé et au présent sont lents, et la tourbe est moins décomposée dans les secteurs ayant été affectés plus longtemps par le pergélisol. En somme, le pergélisol réduit l’accumulation de carbone en surface mais permet une meilleure préservation du carbone déjà accumulé.


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Les tourbières ont contribué à refroidir le climat terrestre pendant l’Holocène en accumulant un réservoir de carbone important. Dans la forêt boréale canadienne, les sols gelés en permanence (pergélisols) sont répandus et ceux-ci sont principalement localisés dans les tourbières où ils forment des plateaux surélevés. Le dégel du pergélisol, causé entre autres par le réchauffement atmosphérique ou d’autres perturbations, provoque l’effondrement des plateaux et la saturation en eau du sol ce qui modifie entre autres le couvert végétal et le cycle du carbone. Les modélisations suggèrent que les latitudes nordiques seront les plus affectées par le réchauffement climatique alors qu’on y observe déjà un recul du couvert du pergélisol. Il est primordial de comprendre comment le dégel du pergélisol affecte la fonction de puits de carbone des tourbières puisque des rétroactions sur le climat sont possibles si une grande quantité de gaz à effet de serre est émise ou séquestrée. J’utilise une chronoséquence représentant le temps depuis le dégel d’un plateau de pergélisol des Territoires du Nord-Ouest pour comprendre les facteurs influençant l’aggradation et la dégradation du pergélisol dans les tourbières et évaluer l’effet du dégel sur l’accumulation de carbone et la préservation du carbone déjà accumulé. Les taux d’accumulation de carbone associés à la présence de pergélisol dans le passé et au présent sont lents, et la tourbe est moins décomposée dans les secteurs ayant été affectés plus longtemps par le pergélisol. En somme, le pergélisol réduit l’accumulation de carbone en surface mais permet une meilleure préservation du carbone déjà accumulé.