291 resultados para PREMATURITY
Objective The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in a cohort of pregnant women with a wide range of glucose tolerance, pre-pregnancy risk factors for MS during pregnancy and the effects of MS in the occurrence of adverse perinatal outcomes.Research Design and Methods One hundred and thirty six women with positive screening for gestational diabetes (GDM) were classified by two diagnostic methods: glycaemic profile and 100 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) as normoglycaemic, mild gestational hyperglycaemic, GDM, and overt GDM. Markers of insulin resistance were measured between 24-28 and 36th week of gestation, and 6 weeks after delivery.Results The prevalence of MS was 0; 20.0; 23.5 and 36.4% in normoglycaemic, mild hyperglycaemic, GDM and overt GDM groups, respectively. Previous history of GDM with or without insulin use, body mass index (BMI) >= 25, hypertension, family history of diabetes in first-degree relatives, non-Caucasian ethnicity, history of prematurity and polyhydramnios were statistically significant pre-pregnancy predictors for MS in the index pregnancy, that by its turn increased the occurrence of adverse perinatal outcomes (p = 0.01).Conclusions The prevalence of MS increases with the worsening of glucose tolerance and is an independent predictor of adverse perinatal outcomes; impaired glycaemic profile identifies pregnancies with important metabolic abnormalities that are linked to the occurrence of adverse perinatal outcomes even in the presence of a normal OGTT, in patients that are not currently classified as having GDM. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background: In this study, we sought to evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in a cohort of pregnant women with a wide range of glucose tolerance, prepregnancy risk factors for MS during pregnancy, and the effects of MS in the outcomes in the mother and in the newborn.Methods: One hundred and thirty six women with positive screening for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) were classified by two diagnostic methods: glycemic profile and 100 g OGTT as normoglycemic, mild gestational hyperglycemic, GDM, and overt GDM. Markers of MS were measured between 2428(th) during the screening.Results: The prevalence of MS was: 0%; 20.0%; 23.5% and 36.4% in normoglycemic, mild hyperglycemic, GDM, and overt GDM groups, respectively. Previous history of GDM with or without insulin use, BMI >= 25, hypertension, family history of diabetes in first degree relatives, non-Caucasian ethnicity, history of prematurity and polihydramnios were statistically significant prepregnancy predictors for MS in the index pregnancy, that by its turn increased the adverse outcomes in the mother and in the newborn.Conclusion: The prevalence of MS increases with the worsening of glucose tolerance; impaired glycemic profile identifies pregnancies with important metabolic abnormalities even in the presence of a normal OGTT, in patients that are not classified as having GDM.
A revisão da história do desenvolvimento da educação brasileira ao longo do séc. XX permite-nos observar que grande parte das alternativas implantadas com o intuito de resolver os problemas de democratização, acesso e permanência do aluno em uma escola de qualidade foram suplantadas por políticas de caráter econômico e financeiro que acabavam preterindo os aspectos pedagógicos. Com base nesta constatação, entendemos que a atual proposição de ampliação do Ensino Fundamental de 8 para 9 anos representa uma nova oportunidade para a revisão deste procedimento histórico no âmbito da sociedade brasileira. Tendo em vista que o prazo proposto para adequação de todas as escolas à lei é 2010, realizou-se uma investigação junto a 2 (dois) Núcleos Regionais de Ensino, 8 (oito) Secretarias Municipais de Educação e 12 (doze) escolas vinculadas a estes órgãos, localizadas em diferentes cidades e regiões do estado do Paraná-Brasil, com o objetivo de investigar como a referida proposta chegou às escolas, bem como de que forma as mesmas estão se preparando para este processo. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas junto a representantes dos núcleos e secretarias e também, junto aos diretores e professores das escolas. Pode-se constatar que muito pouco se sabe acerca da proposta de Implantação do Ensino Fundamental de 9 anos e que pairam muitas dúvidas e preocupações sobre se a proposta não consiste somente em mais uma mudança política e estrutural, se não significa, apenas, uma antecipação da alfabetização que poderá prejudicar as crianças. Assim sendo, parece ficar evidente a precocidade da implantação de forma ampla e generalizada, antes que sejam garantidas as condições de preparação das respectivas escolas e professores.
FUNDAMENTO: Anestesia para cirurgia cardíaca pediátrica é sistematicamente realizada em pacientes graves sob condições fisiológicas anormais. No intraoperatório, existem variações significativas da volemia, temperatura corporal, composição plasmática e fluxo sanguíneo tecidual, além de ativação da inflamação, com consequências importantes. Medidas seriadas da glicemia podem indicar estados de exacerbação da resposta neuroendocrinometabólica ao trauma servindo como marcadores prognóstico de morbidade nessa população. OBJETIVO: Correlacionar os níveis de glicemia do período perioperatório de crianças submetidas a cirurgia cardíaca com a ocorrência de complicações no pós-operatório e comparar os níveis intraoperatórios de glicemia de acordo com as condições perioperatórias. MÉTODOS: Informações referentes ao procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico e condições perioperatórias dos pacientes foram coletadas em prontuário. Comparações das médias dos valores perioperatórios da glicemia nos grupos de pacientes que apresentaram, ou não, complicações pós-operatórias e as frequências referentes às condições perioperatórias foram estabelecidas conforme cálculo da razão de chances e em análises univariáveis não paramétricas. RESULTADOS: Valores mais elevados de glicemia intraoperatória foram observados nos indivíduos que apresentaram complicações pós-operatórias. Prematuridade, faixa etária, tipo de anestesia e caráter do procedimento não apresentaram influência na média glicêmica do intraoperatório. O emprego de Circulação Extracorpórea (CEC) esteve associado a maiores valores de glicemia durante a cirurgia. Nos procedimentos com CEC, maiores níveis glicêmicos foram observados nos indivíduos que evoluíram com infecção e complicações cardiovasculares, nas cirurgias sem CEC essa mesma associação ocorreu com complicações infecciosas e hematológicas. CONCLUSÃO: Níveis intraoperatórios mais elevados de glicemia estão associados com maior morbidade no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca pediátrica.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sobrevida e complicações associadas à prematuridade em recém-nascidos com menos de 32 semanas. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo do tipo coorte. Foram incluídos os nascidos vivos, com idade gestacional entre 25 semanas e 31 semanas e 6 dias, sem anomalias congênitas admitidos em UTI Neonatal, entre 1º de agosto de 2009 e 31 de outubro de 2010. Os recém-nascidos foram estratificados em três grupos: G25, 25 a 27 semanas e 6 dias; G28, 28 a 29 semanas e 6 dias; G30, 30 a 31 semanas e 6 dias, e acompanhados até 28 dias. Foram avaliadas a sobrevida aos 28 dias e a morbidade associadas à prematuridade. Para análise dos resultados, utilizou-se o teste do c², análise de variância, teste de Kruskal-Wallis, razão de risco com intervalo de confiança (IC) e regressão logística múltipla, com significância em 5%. RESULTADOS: A coorte compreendeu 198 prematuros, sendo G25=59, G28=43 e G30=96. O risco de óbito foi significativamente maior em G25 e G28, em relação ao G30 (RR=4,1; IC95% 2,2-7,6 e RR=2,8; IC95% 1,4-5,7). A sobrevida encontrada foi, respectivamente, 52,5, 67,4 e 88,5%. A partir da 26ª semana e peso >700 g, a sobrevida foi superior a 50%. A morbidade foi inversamente proporcional à idade gestacional, exceto para enterocolite necrosante e leucomalácia, que não diferiram entre os grupos. A análise de regressão logística mostrou que a hemorragia pulmonar (OR=3,3; IC95% 1,4-7,9) e a síndrome do desconforto respiratório (OR=2,5; IC95% 1,1-6,1) foram fatores independentes de risco para óbito. Houve predomínio das lesões cerebrais hemorrágicas graves em G25. CONCLUSÕES: Sobrevivência superior a 50% ocorreu a partir da 26ª semana de gravidez e peso >700 g. A hemorragia pulmonar e a síndrome do desconforto respiratório foram preditores independentes de óbito. Há necessidade de identificar e instituir práticas para melhorar a sobrevida de prematuros extremos.
Procurou-se relacionar as informações disponíveis sobre os organoclorados e os efeitos crônicos provocados pela exposição. Os compostos organoclorados são os praguicidas mais persistentes já fabricados. Embora sejam geralmente eficientes no controle das pragas, são importantes poluentes ambientais e potenciais causas de problemas de saúde para o homem, tendo sido proibidos ou controlados na maioria dos países. Com poucas exceções, os efeitos tardios desses compostos sobre a saúde humana são difíceis de detectar, em função de dificuldades metodológicas e da extrapolação dos resultados. A genotoxicidade está entre os mais sérios dos possíveis danos causados por esses compostos e merece atenção especial, devido à natureza irreversível do processo. Outro ponto a ser considerado é o aumento na incidência de alterações no desenvolvimento do trato reprodutivo e na fertilidade masculina observada nas últimas décadas provavelmente decorrente do aumento da exposição intra-uterina a compostos estrogênicos e anti-androgênicos, como os organoclorados.
Birth weight and placental weight of 566 newborns were determined. The newborns were classified by birth weight and gestational age in seven groups: term, preterm and postterm newborns with weight appropriate for gestational age; term and postterm newborns small for gestational age; term and preterm newborns large for gestational age. The differences in the mean placental weight in the preterm, term and postterm newborns with weight appropriate for gestational age were not significant. After 34 weeks of gestation there was little increase in placental weight. The mean placental weight of newborns large for gestational age was significantly different from that of term newborns appropriate for gestational age. In the term and postterm newborns small for gestational age the mean placental weight was significantly different from term and postterm newborns appropriate for gestational age. These findings suggest that newborns with an appropriate intrauterine growth have little increase in placental weight in the gestational period. Gestational age is not an important factor in determining placental weight in this period. Nutrition is important for placental growth-retarded infants have small placentas and large-for-date infants have large placental weight.
The present study was undertaken to determine the importance of socioeconomic factors (family income), urban or rural family location, parity, maternal age, the presence of maternal and fetal pathologies as well as placental abnormalities on the weight and gestational age of 566 newborns. The highest incidence of newborns with low birth weight for gestational age was significantly more frequent in urban populations when the mothers were from low socio-economic levels. In mothers from low socioeconomic levels infants with low birth weight for gestational age were seen in greater proportion among primaparas and had a tendency to be higher in mothers aged less than 20 years; prematurity was highest in mothers ≥ 30 years old and significantly higher from the 8th gestation on. Maternal and fetal pathologies emphasized these characteristics and placental pathologies were not correlated with the distribution of weight and length of gestation. In mothers of high socioeconomic levels age and parity were not correlated with weight and gestational age of the newborns.
We have studied the alkaline ribonuclease (RNase) activity in maternal serum and serum of full-term small- (T-SGA), full-term appropriate- (T-AGA) and preterm appropriate-for-gestational age (PT-AGA) newborns. A significantly lower level of RNase was observed in T-AGA and T-SGA newborns on the 30th day of age and in PT-AGA newborns on the 15th and 30th days of age, as compared to other T-AGA, T-SGA and PT-AGA groups of infants at birth. RNase activity was significantly higher in cord blood than in the maternal blood in all categories studied. Moreover, in preterm newborns, RNase activity in cord blood was significantly higher in those presenting a lower gestational age. We did not observe any significant difference in RNase levels in the cord blood of newborns from the 3 categories studied. The same results were observed concerning maternal blood. We, therefore, conclude that RNase activity in cord blood or in maternal blood is not a very statisfactory indicator of fetal malnutrition.
Neonatal high risk children present high incidence for communication disorders and delay development of language. The present study aimed to evaluate the incidence of communication disorders and long term follow up of neonatal high risk children. Twenty-one children were followed up to age of four years old and were evaluated for the development of linguistics aspects. The main high risk neonatal factors were: prematurity, mechanical ventilation, long time in the incubator and severe hypoxia. In 47,62% of the cases, the following communication disorder were found: articulation disorders (9,52%), simple (9,52%) and small and (14,29%) with delay development of language. The incidence of these disorders was greater among male children (57,14%).
Objective: the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of prone positioning on cardiorespiratory stability and weaning outcome of preterm infants during weaning from mechanical ventilation. Methods: from January to December 1999, a sample of 42 preterm infants, with birthweight < 2,000 g, mechanically ventilated in the first week of life, were randomly divided, in the beginning of the weaning process, in two groups according to the position: supine position (n = 21) or prone position (n = 21). Heart rate, respiratory rate, transcutaneous oxygen saturation and ventilatory parameters were recorded every one hour. Length of the weaning process and complications were also assessed. Results: in both groups the mean gestational age was 29 weeks, most of the patients presented very low birthweight and respiratory distress syndrome. The mean length of the weaning process was 2 days. There were no differences between the groups regarding respiratory rate, heart rate and transcutaneous oxygen saturation, however, oxygen desaturation episodes were more frequent in supine position (p = 0.009). Ventilatory parameters decreased faster and reintubation was less frequent in the prone group (4% versus 33%). No adverse effects of prone positioning were observed. Conclusion: these results suggest that prone position is a safe and beneficial procedure during the weaning from mechanical ventilation and may contribute to weaning success in preterm infants.
Objectives: To describe the use of antenatal corticosteroid and clinical evolution of preterm babies. Methods: An observational prospective cohort study was carried out. All 463 pregnant women and their 514 newborn babies with gestational age ranging from 23 to 34 weeks, born at the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network units, were evaluated from August 1 to December 31, 2001. The data were obtained through maternal interview, analysis of medical records, and follow-up of the newborn infants. Data analysis was performed with the use of chi-square, t Student, Mann-Whitney, and ANOVA tests and multiple logistic regression, with level of significance set at 5%. Results: Treatment was directly associated with the number of prenatal visits, with maternal hypertension and with the antenatal use of tocolytic agents. Babies from treated pregnant women presented better Apgar scores at the 1st and 5th minute, reduced need for intervention in the delivery room and lower SNAPPE II. They were born with higher birth weight, longer gestational age and needed less surfactant use, ventilation, and oxygenation time. After multiple logistic regression, the use of antenatal corticosteroid independently improved birth conditions, decreased ventilation time, being related to increased occurrence of neonatal sepsis. Conclusions: The use of corticosteroid was associated with better prenatal care and birth conditions, better preterm evolution but higher risk of infection. Copyright © 2004 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
Objective: To review the literature on the role of calcium, phosphorus and trace elements in the nutrition of extremely low birth weight infants, considering their importance for metabolism, bone mineralization and as dietary components. Sources of data: MEDLINE, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and books on nutrition were searched between 1994 and 2004. Original research studies and reviews were selected. Summary of the findings: Extremely preterm infants are frequently growth-restricted at hospital discharge as a consequence of difficulties in the provision of adequate nutrition. The long-term effects of this growth restriction need to be determined. There is a paucity of studies about the role of minerals, especially micronutrients, in the nutrition of extremely preterm infants. The principal focus of this review was on calcium and phosphorus metabolism, bone mineralization and parenteral and enteral supplementation. A critical evaluation of post-discharge nutrition and its influence upon growth and bone mineralization was presented. Selenium and zinc requirements and the role of selenium as an antioxidant with possible effects on free radical diseases of the preterm infant were discussed. Conclusions: Extremely preterm infants have low mineral reserves and, as a consequence, may have deficiencies in the postnatal period if they do not receive parenteral or enteral supplementation. More studies are needed to elucidate the actual requirements and the appropriate supplementation of micronutrients. There are controversies about the outcome and the influence of post-discharge nutrition on bone disease of prematurity. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
Objetive: To provide information for pediatricians and neonatologists to create realistic outcome expectations and thus help plan their actions. Sources of data: Searches were made of the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, and Lilacs databases. Summary of the findings: The assessment of growth and development over the first 2-3 years must adjust chronological age with respect of the degree of prematurity. There is special concern regarding the prognoses of small for gestational age preterm infants, and for those with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Attention must be directed towards improving the nutrition of extremely low birth weight infants during their first years of life; these infants have high prevalence levels of failure to catch-up on growth, diseases and rehospitalizations during their first 2 years. They are frequently underweight and shorter than expected during early childhood, but delayed catch-up growth may occur between 8 and 14 years. Extremely low birth weight infants are at increased risk of neurological abnormalities and developmental delays during their first years of life. Educational, psychological, and behavioral problems are frequent during school years. Teenage and adult outcomes show that although some performance differences persist, social integration is not impaired. Conclusions: The growth and neurodevelopment of all ELBW infants must be carefully monitored after discharge, to ensure that children and their families receive adequate support and intervention to optimize prognoses. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.