928 resultados para POWER OUTPUT


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Mitochondrial free radical formation has been implicated as a potential mechanism underlying degenerative senescence, although human data are lacking. Therefore, the present study was designed to examine if resting and exercise-induced intramuscular free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation is indeed increased across the spectrum of sedentary aging. Biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis in six young (26 ± 6 yr) and six aged (71 ± 6 yr) sedentary males at rest and after maximal knee extensor exercise. Aged tissue exhibited greater (P < 0.05 vs. the young group) electron paramagnetic resonance signal intensity of the mitochondrial ubisemiquinone radical both at rest (+138 ± 62%) and during exercise (+143 ± 40%), and this was further complemented by a greater increase in a-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone adducts identified as a combination of lipid-derived alkoxyl-alkyl radicals (+295 ± 96% and +298 ± 120%). Lipid hydroperoxides were also elevated at rest (0.190 ± 0.169 vs. 0.148 ± 0.071 nmol/mg total protein) and during exercise (0.567 ± 0.259 vs. 0.320 ± 0.263 nmol/mg total protein) despite a more marked depletion of ascorbate and uptake of a/ß-carotene, retinol, and lycopene (P < 0.05 vs. the young group). The impact of senescence was especially apparent when oxidative stress biomarkers were expressed relative to the age-related decline in mitochondrial volume density and absolute power output at maximal exercise. In conclusion, these findings confirm that intramuscular free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation is elevated at rest and during acute exercise in aged humans.


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This paper proposes a coordinated control of the rotor and grid side converters (RSC & GSC) of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind generation systems under unbalanced voltage conditions. System behaviors and operations of the RSC and GSC under unbalanced voltage are illustrated. To provide enhanced operation, the RSC is controlled to eliminate the torque oscillations at double supply frequency under unbalanced stator supply. The oscillation of the stator output active power is then cancelled by the active power output from the GSC, to ensure constant active power output from the overall DFIG generation system. To provide the required positive and negative sequence currents control for the RSC and GSC, a current control strategy containing a main controller and an auxiliary controller is analyzed. The main controller is implemented in the positive (dq)+ frame without involving positive/negative sequence decomposition whereas the auxiliary controller is implemented in the negative sequence (dq)? frame with negative sequence current extracted. Simulation results using EMTDC/PSCAD are presented for a 2MW DFIG wind generation system to validate the proposed control scheme and to show the enhanced system operation during unbalanced voltage supply.


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Turbocompounding is the process of recovering a proportion of an engine’s fuel energy that would otherwise be lost in the exhaust process and adding it to the output power. This was first seen in the 1930s and is carried out by coupling an exhaust gas turbine to the crankshaft of a reciprocating engine. It has since been recognised that coupling the power turbine to an electrical generator instead of the crankshaft has the potential to reduce the fuel consumption further with the added flexibility of being able to decide how this recovered energy is used. The electricity generated can be used in automotive applications to assist the crankshaft using a flywheel motor generator or to power ancillaries that would otherwise have run off the crankshaft. In the case of stationary power plants, it can assist the electrical power output. Decoupling the power turbine from the crankshaft and coupling it to a generator allows the power electronics to control the turbine speed independently in order to optimise the specific fuel consumption for different engine operating conditions. This method of energy recapture is termed ‘turbogenerating’.

This paper gives a brief history of turbocompounding and its thermodynamic merits. It then moves on to give an account of the validation of a turbogenerated engine model. The model is then used to investigate what needs to be done to an engine when a turbogenerator is installed. The engine being modelled is used for stationary power generation and is fuelled by an induced biogas with a small portion of palm oil being injected into the cylinder to initiate combustion by compression ignition. From these investigations, optimum settings were found that result in a 10.90% improvement in overall efficiency. These savings relate to the same engine without a turbogenerator installed operating with fixed fuelling.


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One of the most critical gas turbine engine components, the rotor blade tip and casing, is exposed to high thermal load. It becomes a significant design challenge to protect the turbine materials from this severe situation. The purpose of this paper is to study numerically the effect of turbine inlet temperature on the tip leakage flow structure and heat transfer. In this paper, the effect of turbine inlet temperature on the tip leakage flow structure and heat transfer has been studied numerically. Uniform low (LTIT: 444 K) and high (HTIT: 800 K) turbine inlet temperature, as well as non-uniform inlet temperature have been considered. The results showed the higher turbine inlet temperature yields the higher velocity and temperature variations in the leakage flow aerodynamics and heat transfer. For a given turbine geometry and on-design operating conditions, the turbine power output can be increased by 1.33 times, when the turbine inlet temperature increases 1.80 times. Whereas the averaged heat fluxes on the casing and the blade tip become 2.71 and 2.82 times larger, respectively. Therefore, about 2.8 times larger cooling capacity is required to keep the same turbine material temperature. Furthermore, the maximum heat flux on the blade tip of high turbine inlet temperature case reaches up to 3.348 times larger than that of LTIT case. The effect of the interaction of stator and rotor on heat transfer features is also explored using unsteady simulations. The non-uniform turbine inlet temperature enhances the heat flux fluctuation on the blade tip and casing.


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Cooling techniques play a key role in improving efficiency and power output of modern gas turbines. The conjugate technique of film and impingement cooling schemes is considered in this study. The Multi-Stage Cooling Scheme (MSCS) involves coolant passing from inside to outside turbine blade through two stages. The first stage; the coolant passes through first hole to internal gap where the impinging jet cools the external layer of the blade. Finally, the coolant passes through the internal gap to the second hole which has specific designed geometry for external film cooling. The effect of design parameters, such as, offset distance between two-stage holes, gap height, and inclination angle of the first hole, on upstream conjugate heat transfer rate and downstream film cooling effectiveness performance are investigated computationally. An Inconel 617 alloy with variable properties is selected for the solid material. The conjugate heat transfer and film cooling characteristics of MSCS are analyzed across blowing ratios of Br = 1 and 2 for density ratio, 2. This study presents upstream wall temperature distributions due to conjugate heat transfer for different gap design parameters. The maximum film cooling effectiveness with upstream conjugate heat transfer is less than adiabatic film cooling effectiveness by 24–34%. However, the full coverage of cooling effectiveness in spanwise direction can be obtained using internal cooling with conjugate heat transfer, whereas adiabatic film cooling effectiveness has narrow distribution.


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This paper studies the impact of tower shadow effect on the power output of a fixed-speed wind farm. A data acquisition unit was placed at a wind farm in Northern Ireland which consists of ten fixed-speed wind turbines. The recording equipment logged the wind farmpsilas electrical data, which was time stamped using the global positioning network. Video footage of the wind farm was recorded and from it the blade angle of each turbine was determined with respect to time. Using the blade angle data and the wind farmpsilas power output, studies where performed to ascertain the extent of tower shadow effect on power fluctuation. This paper presents evidence that suggests that tower shadow effect has a significant impact on power fluctuation and that this effect is increased due to the synchronising of turbine blades around the tower region.


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The power output from a wave energy converter is typically predicted using experimental and/or numerical modelling techniques. In order to yield meaningful results the relevant characteristics of the device, together with those of the wave climate must be modelled with sufficient accuracy.

The wave climate is commonly described using a scatter table of sea states defined according to parameters related to wave height and period. These sea states are traditionally modelled with the spectral distribution of energy defined according to some empirical formulation. Since the response of most wave energy converters vary at different frequencies of excitation, their performance in a particular sea state may be expected to depend on the choice of spectral shape employed rather than simply the spectral parameters. Estimates of energy production may therefore be affected if the spectral distribution of wave energy at the deployment site is not well modelled. Furthermore, validation of the model may be affected by differences between the observed full scale spectral energy distribution and the spectrum used to model it.

This paper investigates the sensitivity of the performance of a bottom hinged flap type wave energy converter to the spectral energy distribution of the incident waves. This is investigated experimentally using a 1:20 scale model of Aquamarine Power’s Oyster wave energy converter, a bottom hinged flap type device situated at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in approximately 13m water depth. The performance of the model is tested in sea states defined according to the same wave height and period parameters but adhering to different spectral energy distributions.

The results of these tests show that power capture is reduced with increasing spectral bandwidth. This result is explored with consideration of the spectral response of the device in irregular wave conditions. The implications of this result are discussed in the context of validation of the model against particular prototype data sets and estimation of annual energy production.


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This paper presents the background rationale and key findings for a model-based study of supercritical waste heat recovery organic Rankine cycles. The paper’s objective is to cover the necessary groundwork to facilitate the future operation of a thermodynamic organic Rankine cycle model under realistic thermodynamic boundary conditions for performance optimisation of organic Rankine cycles. This involves determining the type of power cycle for organic Rankine cycles, the circuit configuration and suitable boundary conditions. The study focuses on multiple heat sources from vehicles but the findings are generally applicable, with careful consideration, to any waste heat recovery system. This paper introduces waste heat recovery and discusses the general merits of organic fluids versus water and supercritical operation versus subcritical operation from a theoretical perspective and, where possible, from a practical perspective. The benefits of regeneration are investigated from an efficiency perspective for selected subcritical and supercritical conditions. A simulation model is described with an introduction to some general Rankine cycle boundary conditions. The paper describes the analysis of real hybrid vehicle data from several driving cycles and its manipulation to represent the thermal inertia for model heat input boundary conditions. Basic theory suggests that selecting the operating pressures and temperatures to maximise the Rankine cycle performance is relatively straightforward. However, it was found that this may not be the case for an organic Rankine cycle operating in a vehicle. When operating in a driving cycle, the available heat and its quality can vary with the power output and between heat sources. For example, the available coolant heat does not vary much with the load, whereas the quantity and quality of the exhaust heat varies considerably. The key objective for operation in the vehicle is optimum utilisation of the available heat by delivering the maximum work out. The fluid selection process and the presentation and analysis of the final results of the simulation work on organic Rankine cycles are the subjects of two future publications.


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This paper is concerned with the voltage and reactive power issues surrounding the connection of Distributed Generation (DG) on the low-voltage (LV) distribution network. The presented system-wide voltage control algorithm consists of three stages. Firstly available reactive power reserves are utilized. Then, if required, DG active power output is curtailed. Finally, curtailment of non-critical site demand is considered. The control methodology is tested on a variant of the 13-bus IEEE Node Radial Distribution Test Feeder. The presented control algorithm demonstrated that the distribution system operator (DSO) can maintain voltage levels within a desired statutory range by dispatching reactive power from DG or network devices. The practical application of the control strategy is discussed.


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Photovoltaic (PV) solar power generation is proven to be effective and sustainable but is currently hampered by relatively high costs and low conversion efficiency. This paper addresses both issues by presenting a low-cost and efficient temperature distribution analysis for identifying PV module mismatch faults by thermography. Mismatch faults reduce the power output and cause potential damage to PV cells. This paper first defines three fault categories in terms of fault levels, which lead to different terminal characteristics of the PV modules. The investigation of three faults is also conducted analytically and experimentally, and maintenance suggestions are also provided for different fault types. The proposed methodology is developed to combine the electrical and thermal characteristics of PV cells subjected to different fault mechanisms through simulation and experimental tests. Furthermore, the fault diagnosis method can be incorporated into the maximum power point tracking schemes to shift the operating point of the PV string. The developed technology has improved over the existing ones in locating the faulty cell by a thermal camera, providing a remedial measure, and maximizing the power output under faulty conditions.


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One of the most critical gas turbine engine components, rotor blade tip and casing, are exposed to high thermal load. It becomes a significant design challenge to protect the turbine materials from this severe situation. As a result of geometric complexity and experimental limitations, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools have been used to predict blade tip leakage flow aerodynamics and heat transfer at typical engine operating conditions. In this paper, the effect of turbine inlet temperature on the tip leakage flow structure and heat transfer has been studied numerically. Uniform low (LTIT: 444 K) and high (HTIT: 800 K) turbine inlet temperature have been considered. The results showed the higher turbine inlet temperature yields the higher velocity and temperature variations in the leakage flow aerodynamics and heat transfer. For a given turbine geometry and on-design operating conditions, the turbine power output can be increased by 1.48 times, when the turbine inlet temperature increases 1.80 times. Whereas the averaged heat fluxes on the casing and the blade tip become 2.71 and 2.82 times larger, respectively. Therefore, about 2.8 times larger cooling capacity is required to keep the same turbine material temperature. Furthermore, the maximum heat flux on the blade tip of high turbine inlet temperature case reaches up to 3.348 times larger than that of LTIT case. The effect of the interaction of stator and rotor on heat transfer features is also explored using unsteady simulations.


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The fuel consumption of automotive vehicles has become a prime consideration to manufacturers and operators as fuel prices continue to rise steadily, and legislation governing toxic emissions becomes ever more strict. This is particularly true for bus operators as government fuel subsidies are cut or removed.

In an effort to reduce the fuel consumption of a diesel-electric hybrid bus, an exhaust recovery turbogenerator has been selected from a wide ranging literature review as the most appropriate method of recovering some of the wasted heat in the exhaust line. This paper examines the effect on fuel consumption of a turbogenerator applied to a 2.4-litre diesel engine.

A validated one-dimensional engine model created using Ricardo WAVE was used as a baseline, and was modified in subsequent models to include a turbogenerator downstream, and in series with, the turbocharger turbine. A fuel consumption map of the modified engine was produced, and an in-house simulation tool was then used to examine the fuel economy benefit delivered by the turbogenerator on a bus operating on various drive-cycles.

A parametric study is presented which examined the performance of turbogenerators of various size and power output. The operating strategy of the turbogenerator was also discussed with a view to maximising turbine efficiency at each operating point.

The performance of the existing turbocharger on the hybrid bus was also investigated; both the compressor and turbine were optimised and the subsequent benefits to the fuel consumption of the vehicle were shown.

The final configuration is then presented and the overall improvement in fuel economy of the hybrid bus was determined over various drive-cycles.


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Purpose This study examined the determinants of pacing strategy and performance during self paced maximal exercise. Methods Eight well trained cyclists completed two 20 km time trials. Power output, RPE, positive and negative affect, and iEMG activity of the active musculature were recorded every 0.5km, confidence in achieving pre-exercise goals was assessed every 5 km, and blood lactate and pH were measured post-exercise. Differences in all parameters were assessed between fastest (FAST) and slowest (SLOW) trials performed. Results Mean power output was significantly higher during the initial 90% of FAST, but not the final 10%, and blood lactate concentration was significantly higher and pH significantly lower following FAST. Mean iEMG activity was significantly higher throughout SLOW. RPE was similar throughout both trials, but participants had significantly more positive affect and less negative affect throughout FAST. Participants grew less confident in their ability to achieve their goals throughout SLOW. Conclusions The results suggest that affect may be the primary psychological regulator of pacing strategy and that higher levels of positivity and lower levels of negativity may have been associated with a more aggressive strategy during FAST. Although the exact mechanisms through which affect acts to influence performance are unclear, it may determine the degree of physiological disruption that can be tolerated, or be reflective of peripheral physiological status in relation to the still to be completed exercise task.


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Objectives To investigate the contribution of direct electron transfer mechanisms to electricity production in microbial fuel cells by physically retaining Shewanella oneidensis cells close to or away from the anode electrode. Results A maximum power output of 114 ± 6 mWm−2 was obtained when cells were retained close to the anode using a dialysis membrane. This was 3.5 times more than when the cells were separated away from the anode. Without the membrane the maximum power output was 129 ± 6 mWm−2. The direct mechanisms of electron transfer contributed significantly to overall electron transfer from S. oneidensis to electrodes, a result that was corroborated by another experiment where S. oneidensis cells were entrapped in alginate gels. Conclusion S. oneidensis transfers electrons primarily by direct electron transfer as opposed to mediated electron transfer.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica /Energia