159 resultados para PLL
A variety of islet microencapsulation techniques have been investigated to establish which method provides the least occlusive barrier to net insulin release in vitro, and optimum biocompatibility for islet implantation in vivo. NMRI mouse islets have been microencapsulated with Na+ -alginate-poly-L-lysine (PLL)/poly-L-ornithine (PLO)-alginate, Ba2+ -alginate and agarose gels. Both free and microencapsulated islets responded to glucose challenge in static incubation and perifusion by significantly increasing their rate of insulin release and theophylline significantly potentiated the insulin response to glucose. While little insulin was released from microencapsulated islets after short term (2 hours) static incubation, significantly greater amounts were released in response to glucose challenge after extended (8-24 hours) incubation. However, insulin release from all types of microencapsulated islets was significantly reduced compared with free islets. Na+ -alginate-PLO-alginate microencapsulated islets were significantly more responsive to elevated glucose than Na+ -alginate-PLL-alginate microencapsulated islets, due to the enhanced porosity of PLO membranes. The outer alginate layer created a significant barrier to glucose/insulin exchange and reduced the insulin responsiveness of microencapsulated islets to glucose. Ba2+ -alginate membrane coated islets, generated by the density gradient method, were the most responsive to glucose challenge. Low concentrations of NG-monomethyl L-arginine (L-NMMA) had no significant effect on glucose stimulated insulin release from either free or microencapsulated islets. However, 1.0 mmol/1 L-NMMA significantly inhibited the insulin response of both free and microencapsulated islets to glucose challenge. In vivo work designed to evaluate the extent of pericapsular fibrosis after 28 days ip. and sc. implantation of microencapsulated islets into STZ-diabetic recipients, revealed that the inclusion of islets within microcapsules increased their immunogenicity and markedly increased the extent of pericapsular fibrosis. When the outer alginate layer was omitted from microcapsules, little or no pericapsular mononuclear cell deposition was observed. The subcutaneous site was not suitable for microencapsulated islet transplantation in NMRI recipient mice. Systemic immunosuppression using cyclosporin A was effective in preventing pericapsular mononuclear cell deposition, while L-NMMA loading into microcapsules had no significant effect on pericapsular fibrosis, although it did maintain the integrity of microencapsulated islets.
Preparation and property testing of compatibilized poly(l-lactide)/thermoplastic polyurethane blends
Poly(l-lactide) (PLL) has been blended with a polycaprolactone-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) elastomer as a toughening agent and a poly(l-lactide-co-caprolactone) (PLLCL) copolymer as a compatibilizer. Both 2-component (PLL/TPU) and 3-component (PLL/TPU/PLLCL) blends were prepared by melt mixing, characterized, hot-pressed into thin sheets and their tensile properties tested. The results showed that, although the TPU could toughen the PLL, the blends were largely immiscible leading to phase separation. However, addition of the PLLCL copolymer improved blend compatibility. The best all-round properties were found for the 3-component blend of composition PLL/TPU/PLLCL = 90/10/10 parts by weight.
Generation systems, using renewable sources, are becoming increasingly popular due to the need for increased use of electricity. Currently, renewables sources have a role to cooperate with conventional generation, due to the system limitation in delivering the required power, the need for reduction of unwanted effects from sources that use fossil fuels (pollution) and the difficulty of building new transmission and/or distribution lines. This cooperation takes place through distributed generation. Therefore, this work proposes a control strategy for the interconnection of a PV (Photovoltaic) system generation distributed with a three-phase power grid through a connection filter the type LCL. The compensation of power quality at point of common coupling (PCC) is performed ensuring that the mains supply or consume only active power and that his currents have low distorcion. Unlike traditional techniques which require schemes for harmonic detection, the technique performs the harmonic compensation without the use of this schemes, controlling the output currents of the system in an indirect way. So that there is effective control of the DC (Direct Current) bus voltage is used the robust controller mode dual DSMPI (Dual-Sliding Mode-Proportional Integral), that behaves as a sliding mode controller SM-PI (Sliding Mode-Proportional Integral) during the transition and like a conventional PI (Proportional Integral) in the steady-state. For control of current is used to repetitive control strategy, which are used double sequence controllers (DSC) tuned to the fundamental component, the fifth and seventh harmonic. The output phase current are aligned with the phase angle of the utility voltage vector obtained from the use of a SRF-PLL (Synchronous Reference Frame Phase-Locked-Loop). In order to obtain the maximum power from the PV array is used a MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm without the need for adding sensors. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control system.
I circuti di tipo charge-pump trovano vasto impiego nell'elettronica moderna in quanto offrono un metodo semplice e totalmente integrato per elevare le basse tensioni di alimentazione tipiche dei circuiti digitali e trasformarle nelle alimentazioni adatte al pilotaggio di circuti di programmazione delle memorie, al pilotaggio dei mos di potenza, alla generazione della tensione di riferimento dei VCO nei PLL e in numerose altre applicazioni. Questa tesi studia il circuito charge-pump di Dickson nel suo comportamento sia a regime stazionario sia a regime dinamico. Al fine di aumentare l'efficienza è infatti importante attivare il circuito solo all'occorrenza, prestando attenzione al transitorio di accensione. Ogni aspetto teorico viene verificato per mezzo di simulazioni su LTSpice. Si è quindi potuto constatare che un dimensionamento corretto del numero di stadi ottimizza le prestazioni sia statiche che dinamiche sotto il vincolo di una massima occupazione d'area. L'impiego dei circuiti charge-pump si prevede possa essere sempre più diffuso in futuro, visto il trend verso un maggiore livello di integrazione dei sistemi elettronici e la tendenza ad utilizzare tensioni di alimentazione sempre più basse.
A 21.6 Gbit/s 1.78 bit/s/Hz OFDM signal is transmitted over 50 Km of fiber without using DSP in the transmitter or the receiver. The synchronization scheme only requires one PLL to synchronize all the subcarriers.
The electric vehicle (EV) market has seen a rapid growth in the recent past. With an increase in the number of electric vehicles on road, there is an increase in the number of high capacity battery banks interfacing the grid. The battery bank of an EV, besides being the fuel tank, is also a huge energy storage unit. Presently, it is used only when the vehicle is being driven and remains idle for rest of the time, rendering it underutilized. Whereas on the other hand, there is a need of large energy storage units in the grid to filter out the fluctuations of supply and demand during a day. EVs can help bridge this gap. The EV battery bank can be used to store the excess energy from the grid to vehicle (G2V) or supply stored energy from the vehicle to grid (V2G ), when required. To let power flow happen, in both directions, a bidirectional AC-DC converter is required. This thesis concentrates on the bidirectional AC-DC converters which have a control on power flow in all four quadrants for the application of EV battery interfacing with the grid. This thesis presents a bidirectional interleaved full bridge converter topology. This helps in increasing the power processing and current handling capability of the converter which makes it suitable for the purpose of EVs. Further, the benefit of using the interleaved topology is that it increases the power density of the converter. This ensures optimization of space usage with the same power handling capacity. The proposed interleaved converter consists of two full bridges. The corresponding gate pulses of each switch, in one cell, are phase shifted by 180 degrees from those of the other cell. The proposed converter control is based on the one-cycle controller. To meet the challenge of new requirements of reactive power handling capabilities for grid connected converters, posed by the utilities, the controller is modified to make it suitable to process the reactive power. A fictitious current derived from the grid voltage is introduced in the controller, which controls the converter performance. The current references are generated using the second order generalized integrators (SOGI) and phase locked loop (PLL). A digital implementation of the proposed control ii scheme is developed and implemented using DSP hardware. The simulated and experimental results, based on the converter topology and control technique discussed here, are presented to show the performance of the proposed theory.
A novel retrodirective array (RDA) architecture is proposed which utilises a special case spectral signature embedded within the data payload as pilot signals. With the help of a pair of phase-locked-loop (PLL) based phase conjugators (PCs) the RDA’s response to other unwanted and/or unfriendly interrogating signals can be disabled, leading to enhanced secrecy performance directly in the wireless physical layer. The effectiveness of the proposed RDA system is experimentally demonstrated.
Turku sijaitsee Lounais-Suomessa ja sen maaperän kerrostuminen on tapahtunut pää-asiassa viimeisen Veiksel-jäätiköitymisen loppuvaiheessa ja sen jälkeen. Jäätikön pe-rääntymisen jälkeen Yoldiameren, Ancylusjärven ja Litorinameren aikana kerrostui pak-suja savikoita, jotka ovat tasoittaneet maisemaa. Kerrostumiseen vaikuttivat jäätikön sulamisvedet, maankohoaminen, veden pinnan korkeusvaihtelut ja suolapitoisuuden vaihtelut. Savinen maaperä tuo haasteita niin rakennusten, väylien kuin yhdyskuntatekniikankin rakentamiseen. Tähän mennessä Turun maaperää on tutkittu tapauskohtaisesti mm. tiettyjen suunnittelu- tai kaavoitushankkeiden yhteydessä. Laajamittaisempi maaperä-kerrosten ja niiden ominaisuuksien tutkimus tältä alueelta on puuttunut. Pohjatutkimus-tietoa löytyy valtavasti. Tutkimuksen keskeisimpinä tuloksina havaittiin, että saven paksuudet vaihtelevat erit-täin pienipiirteisesti, mikä saattaa johtua alla olevasta kallioperästä. Paksuimmat kohdat ovat nauhamaisia tai pistemäisiä. Savet ovat pääosin pehmeitä, vesipitoisia, humuspi-toisia ja sensitiivisiä. Suurin osa savesta on kerrostunut Yoldiameren ja Ancylusjärven aikana ja on rakeisuudeltaan lihavaa savea. Edellä mainittujen savien päällä esiintyy ohuempi humuspitoisemman saven kerros, joka on kerrostunut Litorinameren aikana. Sulfidisavien esiintyminen on myös todennäköistä. Yoldia/Ancylussavien sekä Litorina-savien välissä esiintyvä epäjatkuvuuspinta näyttää ulottuvan ainakin Myllysillalta Koroi-siiin saakka varsin samalla korkeudella ja on merkittävä tekijä savikerrostumien synty-historian määrittelyssä. Epäjatkuvuuspinnasta merkkinä ovat mm. samanlaiset ohuet hiekkakerrokset samoilla korkeuksilla. Maaperä on koostumukseltaan varsin kerroksel-lista, hienorakeiset ja karkeammat kerrokset vaihtelevat. Nämä edellä mainitut seikat ovat tärkeitä ottaa huomioon niin kaavoituksessa, suunnitteluvaiheessa kuin rakennet-taessa.
This study presents a proposal of speed servomechanisms without the use of mechanical sensors (sensorless) using induction motors. A comparison is performed and propose techniques for pet rotor speed, analyzing performance in different conditions of speed and load. For the determination of control technique, initially, is performed an analysis of the technical literature of the main control and speed estimation used, with their characteristics and limitations. The proposed technique for servo sensorless speed induction motor uses indirect field-oriented control (IFOC), composed of four controllers of the proportional-integral type (PI): rotor flux controller, speed controller and current controllers in the direct and quadrature shaft. As the main focus of the work is in the speed control loop was implemented in Matlab the recursive least squares algorithm (RLS) for identification of mechanical parameters, such as moment of inertia and friction coefficient. Thus, the speed of outer loop controller gains can be self adjusted to compensate for any changes in the mechanical parameters. For speed estimation techniques are analyzed: MRAS by rotóricos fluxes MRAS by counter EMF, MRAS by instantaneous reactive power, slip, locked loop phase (PLL) and sliding mode. A proposition of estimation in sliding mode based on speed, which is performed a change in rotor flux observer structure is displayed. To evaluate the techniques are performed theoretical analyzes in Matlab simulation environment and experimental platform in electrical machinery drives. The DSP TMS320F28069 was used for experimental implementation of speed estimation techniques and check the performance of the same in a wide speed range, including load insertion. From this analysis is carried out to implement closed-loop control of sensorless speed IFOC structure. The results demonstrated the real possibility of replacing mechanical sensors for estimation techniques proposed and analyzed. Among these, the estimator based on PLL demonstrated the best performance in various conditions, while the technique based on sliding mode has good capacity estimation in steady state and robustness to parametric variations.