249 resultados para PLE


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo observar, descrever e analisar aspectos (inter)culturais em livros didáticos (LDs) de português para estrangeiros a fim de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de procedimentos didáticos-metodológicos suscetíveis de otimizar a aprendizagem da língua portuguesa. Foram analisados cinco livros didáticos de ensino do português para estrangeiros produzidos no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada é a análise de livros didáticos usando os parâmetros culturais propostos por Byram (1993) e os princípios interculturais propostos por Kramsch (1993). Os dados foram analisados tanto qualitativa como quantitativamente. Com relação à análise qualitativa, os referenciais (inter)culturais foram identificados e analisados tendo por base a adequação a uma abordagem de ensino que leve em conta a formação do aprendente em uma dimensão (inter)cultural. Existem várias atividades que podem levar os alunos a desenvolverem uma competência (inter)cultural. Com relação à análise quantitativa, existe certo desequilíbrio entre os livros didáticos, enquanto uns possuem considerável frequência de atividade com enfoque cultural, outros possuem fraca frequência. Conclui-se que os elementos (inter)culturais podem enriquecer o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira – neste caso do português do Brasil – e colaborar para que o aprendente amplie sua percepção da realidade cultural de origem e estrangeira. Quanto mais diversificadas e relevantes forem as atividades em manuais de PLE, mais instrumentos os professores e alunos poderão ter a sua disposição para desenvolver a dimensão (inter)cultural no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.


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O ensino de Português como Língua Estrangeira (PLE) tem apresentado um crescimento significativo no Brasil e mundo. Acordos internacionais, de caráter tanto acadêmico quanto comercial, colocam a língua Portuguesa em evidência. Motivados por esse novo cenário, muitos profissionais e estudantes estrangeiros têm procurado por cursos de PLE. Alguns desses se submeterão ao exame CELPE-Bras – iniciativa do Ministério da Educação do Brasil para consolidar o ensino de PLE no mundo. Os professores que atuam na preparação de candidatos estrangeiros a esse exame se deparam com dificuldades para encontrar materiais possibilitem o desenvolvimento da compreensão oral de seus alunos. Neste trabalho procuramos apontar um caminho para o ensino-aprendizagem da compreensão oral em PLE partindo dos gêneros textuais orais como insumo. Para tanto, buscamos suporte teórico fundamentado no Interacionismo sociodiscursivo (Teoria dos Gêneros e modelo de Sequência Didática) e tentamos aproximar a Abordagem Comunicativa da Abordagem por Gêneros no ensino de Língua Estrangeira. Partindo desses pressupostos teóricos propomos várias Sequências Didáticas para o ensinoaprendizagem da compreensão oral em PLE, elaboramos e aplicamos atividades de compreensão oral. Descrevemos e analisamos tais atividades e tentamos mostrar em que medida o ensino-aprendizagem de PLE utilizando o gênero textual como insumo e aplicado a luz da abordagem comunicativa pode facilitar o desenvolvimento da compreensão oral de alunos estrangeiros candidatos ao exame CELPE-Bras.


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Impulsionados pelo expressivo aumento da visibilidade do Brasil no exterior, muitos profissionais e estudantes estrangeiros têm procurado por cursos de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE). Os professores que atuam na área de PLE deparam-se com turmas que são heterogêneas não só quanto às nacionalidades, mas também quanto às línguas‐culturas. Eles encontram dificuldades para achar materiais que possibilitem o trabalho com este público heterogêneo. Nesta dissertação, visamos contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das práticas de sala de aula, notadamente as que concernem à produção oral em turmas heterogêneas do ponto de vista linguístico- cultural. Procuramos mostrar como se pode desenvolver o trabalho da produção oral em contexto heterogêneo. Para isso, apoiamo-nos nos pressupostos teóricos do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (Teoria dos Gêneros, modelo de Sequência Didática) e do ensino-aprendizagem de línguas baseado em Tarefas. Metodologicamente, adotamos a pesquisa-ação, descrevemos os sujeitos, o locus, os instrumentos de coleta, de seleção e o foco de análise dos dados da pesquisa. Analisamos a primeira parte da tarefa e da sequência didática elaboradas para mostrar em que medida colocar em foco a heterogeneidade linguístico-cultural pode favorecer a interação visando à compreensão das diferentes línguas culturas. Os resultados mostram que esse tipo de intervenção didática favorece tanto o desenvolvimento da produção oral, quanto a compreensão dos aprendentes e os leva a aceitarem as diferenças linguístico-culturais.


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Ensinar a produzir textos escritos em Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE) com turmas heterogêneas do ponto de vista linguístico-cultural é uma tarefa complexa que requer do professor (e do aprendente) um desempenho direcionado para a ação. Partindo desse fato, propõe-se aos alunos do Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Graduação (PEC-G) do MEC um trabalho com orientações metodológicas baseadas em uma Perspectiva Acional que considera o estudante como ator social que cumpre tarefas em situações específicas, o que também nos direciona para uma concepção de língua-linguagem focada no interacionismo e para os gêneros textuais. O objetivo é analisar o desenvolvimento das habilidades de produção escrita dos alunos, em Português, e o impacto da heterogeneidade linguístico-cultural da turma nesse ensino. O corpus do trabalho foi composto por produções textuais de gêneros da modalidade escrita da língua portuguesa como carta, artigo de opinião, e-mail etc., escritos pelos alunos do PEC-G. A hipótese aqui levantada é a de que o ensino-aprendizagem da produção escrita a públicos heterogêneos do ponto de vista linguístico-cultural é otimizado quando, nas práticas de sala de aula, se leva em conta – concretamente – o impacto dessa heterogeneidade e se insere os aprendentes em contextos significativos, com tarefas que têm um propósito e que os levam a agir em situação real e/ou simulada.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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In the first decades of the last century, Brazilian intellectuals played an im- portant role in the new configuration to the country reached. Brazil had then passed by rapid process of moderniza- tion. The educational field was place of contention between different currents of intellectuals. The idea was to create a new society through what is called the New School. In Brazil, unlike in Europe, most of the population had no access to school. Therefore, the New School was not privileged to critique existing school system, but the actual construction of the large Brazilian childhood schooling. Thus, we crea- ted libraries in teaching urban school groups, with the aim of improving the training of primary school teachers in the pedagogical ideas of the New School. This work has for objective to understand the conflicts among Brazi- lian intellectuals on the list of recommended readings for teacher training schools in the first half of the twentieth century. This paper presents an exam- ple of this intellectual dispute through the analysis of a Brazilian school li- brary copy of the 1930s.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The anthropogenic pressures on coastal areas represent important factors affecting local, regional, and even global patterns of distribution and abundance of benthic organisms. This report undertakes a comparative analysis of the community structure of rocky shore intertidal phytobenthos in both pristine like environments (PLE) and urbanized environments (UBE) in southern Brazil, characterizing variations on different spatial scales. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that the PLE is characterized by a larger number of taxa and an increased occurrence of Rhodophyta species in relation to UBE. In contrast, UBE were dominated by opportunistic algae, such as Cladophora and Ulva spp. Significance tests further indicated higher species richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity on the PLE in relation to UBE. Here we provide data showing the magnitude of seaweed biodiversity loss and discuss direct and indirect consequences of unplanned urbanization on these communities. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Quasars and AGN play an important role in many aspects of the modern cosmology. Of particular interest is the issue of the interplay between AGN activity and formation and evolution of galaxies and structures. Studies on nearby galaxies revealed that most (and possibly all) galaxy nuclei contain a super-massive black hole (SMBH) and that between a third and half of them are showing some evidence of activity (Kormendy and Richstone, 1995). The discovery of a tight relation between black holes mass and velocity dispersion of their host galaxy suggests that the evolution of the growth of SMBH and their host galaxy are linked together. In this context, studying the evolution of AGN, through the luminosity function (LF), is fundamental to constrain the theories of galaxy and SMBH formation and evolution. Recently, many theories have been developed to describe physical processes possibly responsible of a common formation scenario for galaxies and their central black hole (Volonteri et al., 2003; Springel et al., 2005a; Vittorini et al., 2005; Hopkins et al., 2006a) and an increasing number of observations in different bands are focused on collecting larger and larger quasar samples. Many issues remain however not yet fully understood. In the context of the VVDS (VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey), we collected and studied an unbiased sample of spectroscopically selected faint type-1 AGN with a unique and straightforward selection function. Indeed, the VVDS is a large, purely magnitude limited spectroscopic survey of faint objects, free of any morphological and/or color preselection. We studied the statistical properties of this sample and its evolution up to redshift z 4. Because of the contamination of the AGN light by their host galaxies at the faint magnitudes explored by our sample, we observed that a significant fraction of AGN in our sample would be missed by the UV excess and morphological criteria usually adopted for the pre-selection of optical QSO candidates. If not properly taken into account, this failure in selecting particular sub-classes of AGN could, in principle, affect some of the conclusions drawn from samples of AGN based on these selection criteria. The absence of any pre-selection in the VVDS leads us to have a very complete sample of AGN, including also objects with unusual colors and continuum shape. The VVDS AGN sample shows in fact redder colors than those expected by comparing it, for example, with the color track derived from the SDSS composite spectrum. In particular, the faintest objects have on average redder colors than the brightest ones. This can be attributed to both a large fraction of dust-reddened objects and a significant contamination from the host galaxy. We have tested these possibilities by examining the global spectral energy distribution of each object using, in addition to the U, B, V, R and I-band magnitudes, also the UV-Galex and the IR-Spitzer bands, and fitting it with a combination of AGN and galaxy emission, allowing also for the possibility of extinction of the AGN flux. We found that for 44% of our objects the contamination from the host galaxy is not negligible and this fraction decreases to 21% if we restrict the analysis to a bright subsample (M1450 <-22.15). Our estimated integral surface density at IAB < 24.0 is 500 AGN per square degree, which represents the highest surface density of a spectroscopically confirmed sample of optically selected AGN. We derived the luminosity function in B-band for 1.0 < z < 3.6 using the 1/Vmax estimator. Our data, more than one magnitude fainter than previous optical surveys, allow us to constrain the faint part of the luminosity function up to high redshift. A comparison of our data with the 2dF sample at low redshift (1 < z < 2.1) shows that the VDDS data can not be well fitted with the pure luminosity evolution (PLE) models derived by previous optically selected samples. Qualitatively, this appears to be due to the fact that our data suggest the presence of an excess of faint objects at low redshift (1.0 < z < 1.5) with respect to these models. By combining our faint VVDS sample with the large sample of bright AGN extracted from the SDSS DR3 (Richards et al., 2006b) and testing a number of different evolutionary models, we find that the model which better represents the combined luminosity functions, over a wide range of redshift and luminosity, is a luminosity dependent density evolution (LDDE) model, similar to those derived from the major Xsurveys. Such a parameterization allows the redshift of the AGN density peak to change as a function of luminosity, thus fitting the excess of faint AGN that we find at 1.0 < z < 1.5. On the basis of this model we find, for the first time from the analysis of optically selected samples, that the peak of the AGN space density shifts significantly towards lower redshift going to lower luminosity objects. The position of this peak moves from z 2.0 for MB <-26.0 to z 0.65 for -22< MB <-20. This result, already found in a number of X-ray selected samples of AGN, is consistent with a scenario of “AGN cosmic downsizing”, in which the density of more luminous AGN, possibly associated to more massive black holes, peaks earlier in the history of the Universe (i.e. at higher redshift), than that of low luminosity ones, which reaches its maximum later (i.e. at lower redshift). This behavior has since long been claimed to be present in elliptical galaxies and it is not easy to reproduce it in the hierarchical cosmogonic scenario, where more massive Dark Matter Halos (DMH) form on average later by merging of less massive halos.


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Ausgehend von der typischen IT‐Infrastruktur für E‐Learning an Hochschulen auf der einen Seite sowie vom bisherigen Stand der Forschung zu Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) auf der anderen Seite zeigt dieser Beitrag auf, wie bestehende Werkzeuge bzw. Dienste zusammengeführt und für die Anforderungen der modernen, rechnergestützten Präsenzlehre aufbereitet werden können. Für diesen interdisziplinären Entwicklungsprozess bieten sowohl klassische Softwareentwicklungsverfahren als auch bestehende PLE‐Modelle wenig Hilfestellung an. Der Beitrag beschreibt die in einem campusweiten Projekt an der Universität Potsdam verfolgten Ansätze und die damit erzielten Ergebnisse. Dafür werden zunächst typische Lehr‐/Lern‐bzw. Kommunikations‐Szenarien identifiziert, aus denen Anforderungen an eine unterstützende Plattform abgeleitet werden. Dies führt zu einer umfassenden Sammlung zu berücksichtigender Dienste und deren Funktionen, die gemäß den Spezifika ihrer Nutzung in ein Gesamtsystem zu integrieren sind. Auf dieser Basis werden grundsätzliche Integrationsansätze und technische Details dieses Mash‐Ups in einer Gesamtschau aller relevanten Dienste betrachtet und in eine integrierende Systemarchitektur überführt. Deren konkrete Realisierung mit Hilfe der Portal‐Technologie Liferay wird dargestellt, wobei die eingangs definierten Szenarien aufgegriffen und exemplarisch vorgestellt werden. Ergänzende Anpassungen im Sinne einer personalisierbaren bzw. adaptiven Lern‐(und Arbeits‐)Umgebung werden ebenfalls unterstützt und kurz aufgezeigt.


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Bei den universell gültigen Prinzipien der klassischen Moderne, bei einer Architektur von innen nach außen und im International Style erwarten wir zunächst nicht eine sensible und kreative Auseinandersetzung mit dem Ort. Diese scheint eher in der „anderen“ Moderne beheimatet zu sein. Neben dem frühen Gunnar Asplund gehört insbesondere Jože Plečnik mit seiner ausgeprägten Unabhängigkeit von jeglichen Manifesten und Gruppenzwang der Ismen zu jenen Architekten der anderen Moderne, die ausgehend von einer persönlichen Empfindsamkeit ein intensives Zwiegespräch mit Orten gepflegt und differenzierte Strategien des Ortsbezugs entwickelt haben. Dies wird an drei Orten der südlichen Gärten der Prager Burg exemplarisch aufgezeigt. An dem Paradiesgarten, der zentralen Querachse mit halbrunder Aussichtsterrasse, Pyramide und Stiertreppe, sowie an der kleinen Mährischen Bastei kann illustriert werden, wie Plečnik aus den räumlichen Gegebenheiten, visueller Kommunikation mit der Stadt und geschichtlichen Erinnerungen des Ortes neue Konzepte seiner Eingriffe entwickelt.


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Background: One reason for the decision to delay the introduction of an Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome in the main text of the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was the concern that attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS) might in fact be common features in adolescents and young adults from the general population of no psychopathological significance in themselves. This concern was based on reports of high prevalence rates of psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) in the general population and the assumption that PLEs are a good estimate of APS. Although the criterion validity of self-reported PLEs had already been studied with respect to clinician-rated psychotic symptoms and found insufficient, it had been argued that PLEs might in fact be more comparable with mild, subclinical expressions of psychotic symptoms and, therefore, with APS. The present paper is the first to specifically study this assumption. Sampling and Methods: The sample consisted of 123 persons seeking help at a service for the early detection of psychosis, of whom 54 had an at-risk mental state or psychosis, 55 had a nonpsychotic mental disorder and 14 had no full-blown mental disorder. PLEs were assessed with the Peters Delusion Inventory and the revised Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale, and psychotic symptoms and APS were assessed with the Structured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes. Results: At a level of agreement between the presence of any PLE (in 98.4% of patients) and any APS (in 40.7%) just exceeding chance (κ = 0.022), the criterion validity of PLEs for APS was insufficient. Even if additional qualifiers (high agreement or distress, preoccupation and conviction) were considered, PLEs (in 52.8%) still tended to significantly overestimate APS, and agreement was only fair (κ = 0.340). Furthermore, the group effect on PLE prevalence was, at most, moderate (Cramer's V ≤ 0.382). Conclusions: The prevalence of APS cannot be deduced from studies of PLEs. Thus, the high population prevalence rate of PLEs does not allow the conclusion that APS are common features of no pathological significance and would lack clinical validity as an Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition. Rather, the population prevalence rate of APS has to be assumed to be largely unknown at present but is likely lower than indicated by epidemiological studies of PLEs. Therefore, dedicated studies are warranted, in which APS are assessed in a way that equates to their clinical evaluation.