977 resultados para PHAGE DISPLAY


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This thesis consists of two parts; in the first part we performed a single-molecule force extension measurement with 10kb long DNA-molecules from phage-λ to validate the calibration and single-molecule capability of our optical tweezers instrument. Fitting the worm-like chain interpolation formula to the data revealed that ca. 71% of the DNA tethers featured a contour length within ±15% of the expected value (3.38 µm). Only 25% of the found DNA had a persistence length between 30 and 60 nm. The correct value should be within 40 to 60 nm. In the second part we designed and built a precise temperature controller to remove thermal fluctuations that cause drifting of the optical trap. The controller uses feed-forward and PID (proportional-integral-derivative) feedback to achieve 1.58 mK precision and 0.3 K absolute accuracy. During a 5 min test run it reduced drifting of the trap from 1.4 nm/min in open-loop to 0.6 nm/min in closed-loop.


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Viruses of prokaryotes (phages) are obligate microbial pathogens that can, in the lytic phase of development, infect and lyse their respective bacterial or archaeal hosts. As such, these viruses can reduce the population density of their hosts rapidly, and have been viewed as possible agents of biological control (phage therapy). Phage therapy is becoming increasingly important as a means of eradicating or controlling microbial populations as the use of antibiotics and chemical treatments becomes both less effective and less publicly acceptable. Phage therapy has therefore been raised as a potential strategy to reduce methane (CH 4) emissions from ruminants, providing an innovative biological approach, harnessing the potent, yet targeted, biocidal attributes of these naturally occurring microbial predators.


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Viruses of prokaryotes (phages) are obligate microbial pathogens that can, in the lytic phase of development, infect and lyse their respective bacterial or archaeal hosts. As such, these viruses can reduce the population density of their hosts rapidly, and have been viewed as possible agents of biological control (phage therapy). Phage therapy is becoming increasingly important as a means of eradicating or controlling microbial populations as the use of antibiotics and chemical treatments becomes both less effective and less publicly acceptable. Phage therapy has therefore been raised as a potential strategy to reduce methane (CH4) emissions from ruminants, providing an innovative biological approach, harnessing the potent, yet targeted, biocidal attributes of these naturally occurring microbial predators.


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Digital fluidic and pneumatic systems incorporate displays for the presentation of information to the operator. Displays reported so far for such systems use moving pistons, tapes, and other mechanisms leading to lower reliability. This paper describes a nonmoving part fluidic display employing the photoelastic effect. The display is pressure actuated and has a long life. When fabricated from compatible materials, this device can withstand hostile environments like nuclear radiation, vibrations, etc. The display is compact, economical and is virtually maintenance free. The display unit has been tested in the laboratory for reliability and speed of response.


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The object of this study is a tailless internal membrane-containing bacteriophage PRD1. It has a dsDNA genome with covalently bound terminal proteins required for replication. The uniqueness of the structure makes this phage a desirable object of research. PRD1 has been studied for some 30 years during which time a lot of information has accumulated on its structure and life-cycle. The two least characterised steps of the PRD1 life-cycle, the genome packaging and virus release are investigated here. PRD1 shares the main principles of virion assembly (DNA packaging in particular) and host cell lysis with other dsDNA bacteriophages. However, this phage has some fascinating individual peculiarities, such as DNA packaging into a membrane vesicle inside the capsid, absence of apparent portal protein, holin inhibitor and procapsid expansion. In the course of this study we have identified the components of the DNA packaging vertex of the capsid, and determined the function of protein P6 in packaging. We managed to purify the procapsids for an in vitro packaging system, optimise the reaction and significantly increase its efficiency. We developed a new method to determine DNA translocation and were able to quantify the efficiency and the rate of packaging. A model for PRD1 DNA packaging was also proposed. Another part of this study covers the lysis of the host cell. As other dsDNA bacteriophages PRD1 has been proposed to utilise a two-component lysis system. The existence of this lysis system in PRD1 has been proven by experiments using recombinant proteins and the multi-step nature of the lysis process has been established.


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Viruses are biological entities able to replicate only within their host cells. Accordingly, entry into the host is a crucial step of the virus life-cycle. The focus of this study was the entry of bacterial membrane-containing viruses into their host cells. In order to reach the site of replication, the cytoplasm of the host, bacterial viruses have to traverse the host cell envelope, which consists of several distinct layers. Lipid membrane is a common feature among animal viruses but not so frequently observed in bacteriophages. There are three families of icosahedral bacteriophages that contain lipid membranes. These viruses belong to families Cystoviridae, Tectiviridae, and Corticoviridae. During the course of this study the entry mechanisms of phages representing the three viral families were investigated. We employed a range of microbiological, biochemical, molecular biology and microscopy techniques that allowed us to dissect phage entry into discrete steps: receptor binding, penetration through the outer membrane, crossing the peptidoglycan layer and interaction with the cytoplasmic membrane. We determined that bacteriophages belonging to the Cystoviridae, Tectiviridae, and Corticoviridae viral families use completely different strategies to penetrate into their host cells.


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In this thesis three icosahedral lipid-containing double-stranded (ds) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) bacteriophages have been studied: PRD1, Bam35 and P23-77. The work focuses on the entry, exit and structure of the viruses. PRD1 is the type member of the Tectiviridae family, infecting a variety of Gram-negative bacteria. The PRD1 receptor binding complex, consisting of the penton protein P31, the spike protein P5 and the receptor binding protein P2 recognizes a specific receptor on the host surface. In this study we found that the transmembrane protein P16 has an important stabilization function as the fourth member of the receptor binding complex and protein P16 may have a role in the formation of a tubular membrane structure, which is needed in the ejection of the genome into the cell. Phage Bam35 (Tectiviridae), which infects Gram-positive hosts, has been earlier found to resemble PRD1 in morphology and genome organization The uncharacterized early and late events in the Bam35 life cycle were studied by electrochemical methods. Physiological changes in the beginning of the infection were found to be similar in both lysogenic and nonlysogenic cell lines, Bam35 inducing a temporal decrease of membrane voltage and K+ efflux. At the end of the infection cycle physiological changes were observed only in the nonlysogenic cell line. The strong K+ efflux 40 min after infection and the induced premature cell lysis propose that Bam35 has a similar holin-endolysin lysis system to that of PRD1. Thermophilic icosahedral dsDNA Thermus phages P23-65H, P23-72 and P23-77 have been proposed to belong to the Tectiviridae family. In this study these phages were compared to each other. Analysis of structural protein patterns and stability revealed these phages to be very similar but not identical. The most stable of the studied viruses, P23-77, was further analyzed in more detail. Cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction was used to determine the structure of virus to 14 Å resolution. Results of thin layer chromatography for neutral lipids together with analysis of the three dimensional reconstruction of P23-77 virus particle revealed the presence of an internal lipid membrane. The overall capsid architecture of P23-77 is similar to PRD1 and Bam35, but most closely it resembles the structure of the capsid of archaeal virus SH1. This complicates the classification of dsDNA, internal lipid-containing icosahedral viruses.


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In this study we used electro-spray ionization mass-spectrometry to determine phospholipid class and molecular species compositions in bacteriophages PM2, PRD1, Bam35 and phi6 as well as their hosts. To obtain compositional data of the individual leaflets, phospholipid transbilayer distribution in the viral membranes was studied. We found that 1) the membranes of all studied bacteriophage are enriched in PG as compared to the host membranes, 2) molecular species compositions in the phage and host membranes are similar, and 3) phospholipids in the viral membranes are distributed asymmetrically with phosphatidylglycerol enriched in the outer leaflet and phosphatidylethanolamine in the inner one (except Bam35). Alternative models for selective incorporation of phospholipids to phages and for the origins of the asymmetric phospholipid transbilayer distribution are discussed. Notably, the present data are also useful when constructing high resolution structural models of bacteriophages, since diffraction methods cannot provide a detailed structure of the membrane due to high motility of the lipids and lack of symmetric organization of membrane proteins.


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The NUVIEW software package allows skeletal models of any double helical nucleic acid molecule to be displayed out a graphics monitor and to apply various rotations, translations and scaling transformations interactively, through the keyboard. The skeletal model is generated by connecting any pair of representative points, one from each of the bases in the basepair. In addition to the above mentioned manipulations, the base residues can be identified by using a locator and the distance between any pair of residues can be obtained. A sequence based color coded display allows easy identification of sequence repeats, such as runs of Adenines. The real time interactive manipulation of such skeletal models for large DNA/RNA double helices, can be used to trace the path of the nucleic acid chain in three dimensions and hence get a better idea of its topology, location of linear or curved regions, distances between far off regions in the sequence etc. A physical picture of these features will assist in understanding the relationship between base sequence, structure and biological function in nucleic acids.


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We have purified phage lambda beta protein produced by a recombinant plasmid carrying bet gene and confirm that it forms a complex with a protein of relative molecular mass 70 kDa. Therefore, beta protein, a component of general genetic recombination, is associated with two functionally diverse complexes; one containing exonuclease and the other 70 kDa protein. Using a number of independent methods, we show that 70 kDa protein is the ribosomal S1 protein of E. coli. Further, the association of 70 kDa protein with beta protein is biologically significant, as the former inhibits joining of the terminal ends of lambda chromosome and renaturation of complementary single stranded DNA promoted by the latter. More importantly, these findings initiate an understanding of an important mode of host- virus interaction in general with specific implication(s) in homologous genetic recombination.


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We report here the formation of plasmid linear multimers promoted by the Red-system of phage lambda using a multicopy plasmid comprised of lambda red alpha and red beta genes, under the control of the lambda cI857 repressor. Our observations have revealed that the multimerization of plasmid DNA is dependent on the red beta and recA genes, suggesting a concerted role for these functions in the formation of plasmid multimers. The formation of multimers occurred in a recBCD+ sbcB+ xthA+ lon genetic background at a higher frequency than in the isogenic lon+ host cells. The multimers comprised tandem repeats of monomer plasmid DNA. Treatment of purified plasmid DNA with exonuclease III revealed the presence of free double-chain ends in the molecules. Determination of the size of multimeric DNA, by pulse field gel electrophoresis, revealed that the bulk of the DNA was in the range 50-240 kb, representing approximately 5-24 unit lengths of monomeric plasmid DNA. We provide a conceptual framework for Red-system-promoted formation and enhanced accumulation of plasmid linear multimers in lon mutants of E. coli.


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The red genes of phage lambda specify two proteins, exonuclease and beta protein, which are essential for its general genetic recombination in recA- cells. These proteins seem to occur in vivo as an equimolar complex. In addition, beta protein forms a complex with another polypeptide, probably of phage origin, of Mr 70,000. The 70-kDa protein appears to be neither a precursor nor an aggregated form of either exonuclease or beta protein, since antibodies directed against the latter two proteins failed to react with 70-kDa protein on Ouchterlony double diffusion analysis. beta protein promotes Mg2+-dependent renaturation of complementary strands (Kmiec, E., and Holloman, W. K. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 12636-12639). To look for other pairing activities of beta protein, we developed methods of purification to free it of associated exonuclease. Exonuclease-free beta protein appeared unable to cause the pairing of a single strand with duplex DNA; however, like Escherichia coli single strand binding protein (SSB), beta protein stimulated formation of joint molecules by recA protein from linear duplex DNA and homologous circular single strands. Like recA protein, but unlike SSB, beta protein promoted the joining of the complementary single-stranded ends of phage lambda DNA. beta protein specifically protected single-stranded DNA from digestion by pancreatic DNase. The half-time for renaturation catalyzed by beta protein was independent of DNA concentration, unlike renaturation promoted by SSB and spontaneous renaturation, which are second order reactions. Thus, beta protein resembles recA protein in its ability to bring single-stranded DNA molecules together and resembles SSB in its ability to reduce secondary structure in single-stranded DNA.


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The differentiation of cytotrophoblasts into syncytiotrophoblasts in the placenta has been employed as a model to investigate stage specific expression as well as regulation of genes during this process. While the cytotrophoblasts are highly invasive and proliferative with relatively less capacity to synthesize pregnancy related proteins, the multinucleated syncytiotrophoblasts are non-proliferative and non-invasive. However, syncytiotrophoblasts are the site of synthesis of a variety of protein, peptide and steroid hormones as well as several growth factors. Both the freshly isolated cytotrophoblasts from human placenta as well as the BeWo cell, a choriocarcinoma cell line model which retain several characteristic of cytotrophoblasts has been employed by us to study regulation of differentiation. In the present study, we have employed the differential display RT-PCR analysis (DD-RT-PCR) to evaluate gene expression changes during Forskolin induced in vitro differentiation of BeWo cells. We have identified several genes which are differentially expressed during differentiation and the differential expression of 10 transcripts was confirmed by Northern blot analysis. Based on the identity of the transcripts an attempt has been made to relate the known function of the gene products, to changes observed during differentiation. Of the several transcripts, one of the transcripts, namely Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor (SLPI) which is known to have multiple functions was found to increase 15-fold in the syntiotrophoblast.


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Salmonella typhimurium mutants affecting the plaque morphology of P22 and other phages have been isolated. Using one such bacterial mutant phage mutants making turbid plaques have been isolated.