963 resultados para PERITONEAL DIALYSIS


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Die Nierenersatztherapie ist eine der erfolgreichsten Geschichten eines künstlichen Organersatzes. Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt die wichtigsten Schritte in der Evolution zur modernen Therapie mit Peritonealdialyse und Hämodialyse. Aktuelle Fragen im Bereich der Nierenersatztherapie werden diskutiert und zukünftige Entwicklungen aufgezeigt. Dem Patienten stehen heute diverse Therapiemöglichkeiten offen. Allerdings nur, wenn er mindestens ein halbes Jahr vor der Notwendigkeit eines Therapiebeginns die für ihn ideale Therapieform auswählen kann. Verspätete Zuweisungen und die Notwendigkeit eines akuten Dialysebeginns führen nicht nur zu einer erhöhten Mortalität, sondern auch dazu, dass eine präemptive Lebendnierentransplantation verunmöglicht wird. Zudem bleiben diese Patienten in der Regel im Dialysezentrum und können für eine Heimbehandlung, sei es nun in Form einer Peritonealdialyse oder Heimhämodialyse, nicht mehr motiviert werden.


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Introdução: A expectativa de vida dos brasileiros cresce a cada ano; com isso, os idosos vivem mais, e fatores como, Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica, Diabetes mellitus e o próprio processo de envelhecimento os tornam suscetíveis à doença renal crônica (DRC). Com a DRC, esses idosos têm maiores chances de desenvolverem a fragilidade e terem consequências desfavoráveis na Qualidade de Vida (QV). Objetivo geral: Analisar a relação entre as variáveis independentes (fragilidade, características sociodemográficas e clínicas) e a variável desfecho (QV) de idosos com DRC em tratamento conservador, hemodiálise (HD) e diálise peritoneal (DP). Material e método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e transversal. Participaram idosos com 60 anos ou mais, com DRC em tratamento conservador, HD ou DP, que estavam, no mínimo, há seis meses em tratamento e em acompanhamento em um hospital público de Ribeirão Preto-SP. A coleta de dados ocorreu de outubro/14 a março/15, utilizando-se os seguintes instrumentos: de caracterização sociodemográfica, econômica e clínica adaptado; para avaliar a fragilidade, a Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS); para avaliar a QV, o WHOQOL-BREF e WHOQOL-OLD; para avaliar a cognição, o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, teste de correlação de Spearman e análise de variância multivariada (MANOVA) para as variáveis de interesse. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. O projeto foi aprovado por um Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com seres humanos com CAAE número 34923214.0.0000.5393; seguiu-se as recomendações da Resolução CNS 466/2012. Resultados: Participaram 77 idosos, sendo 35 em tratamento conservador, 14 em DP e 28 em HD. A maioria era homem (41; 53,2%) e tinha companheiro(a) (51; 66,2%). A média dos escores de fragilidade entre os tratamentos foi: tratamento conservador (7,71±3,10); DP (6,79±2,72) e HD (7,36±2,92). No WHOQOL-BREF, os domínios relações sociais e físico obtiveram maior e menor escores médios, respectivamente, (68,93±17,48) e (55,44±14,11). O WHOQOL-OLD apresentou a maior média na faceta Intimidade (68,67±16,45) e menor média na faceta Morte e morrer (37,66±22,76). Foram encontradas correlações inversas entre a idade e o escore do MEEM (p=0,001) e entre anos de estudo e fragilidade (p=0,016); por outro lado, houve correlações positivas entre os escores do MEEM e anos de estudo (p<0,001), entre número de complicações da DRC e fragilidade (p<0,001) e número de comorbidades e fragilidade (p<0,001). Em relação à QV, houve correlação positiva entre o escore global do WHOQOL-BREF e o escore da faceta global do WHOQOL-OLD, bem como correlação inversa entre os escores globais desses instrumentos com os escores de fragilidade (p<0,00; p=0,023). Na MANOVA, o tipo de tratamento e o número de complicações não influenciaram a QV, porém a fragilidade apresentou relação com o constructo, sendo que, para o aumento de um ponto na escala da fragilidade, a QV apresentou redução média de 1,38 no escore global do WHOQOL-BREF e 0,82 no escore global do WHOQOL-OLD, considerando pertencer ao mesmo tipo de tratamento. Conclusão: os pacientes com DRC apresentaram piores escores médios de QV mediante a maiores escores de fragilidade, independentemente do tipo de tratamento e considerando-se a mesma média de complicações


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The clinical usefulness of hemodialysis catheters is limited by increased infectious morbidity and mortality. Topical antiseptic agents, such as mupirocin, are effective at reducing this risk but have been reported to select for antibiotic-resistant strains. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy and the safety of exit-site application of a standardized antibacterial honey versus mupirocin in preventing catheter-associated infections. A randomized, controlled trial was performed comparing the effect of thrice-weekly exit-site application of Medihoney versus mupirocin on infection rates in patients who were receiving hemodialysis via tunneled, cuffed central venous catheters. A total of 101 patients were enrolled. The incidences of catheter-associated bacteremias in honey-treated (n = 51) and mupirocin-treated (n = 50) patients were comparable (0.97 versus 0.85 episodes per 1000 catheter-days, respectively; NS). On Cox proportional hazards model analysis, the use of honey was not significantly associated with bacteremia-free survival (unadjusted hazard ratio, 0.94; 95% confidence interval, 0.27 to 3.24; P = 0.92). No exit-site infections occurred. During the study period, 2% of staphylococcal isolates within the hospital were mupirocin resistant. Thrice-weekly application of standardized antibacterial honey to hemodialysis catheter exit sites was safe, cheap, and effective and resulted in a comparable rate of catheter-associated infection to that obtained with mupirocin (although the study was not adequately powered to assess therapeutic equivalence). The effectiveness of honey against antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and its low likelihood of selecting for further resistant strains suggest that this agent may represent a satisfactory alternative means of chemoprophylaxis in patients with central venous catheters.


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Gram-positive microorganisms, specifically coagulase-negative staphylococci are the most common species recovered from clinical culture specimens of patients with end-stage renal disease. The propensity of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) to cause infection in this patient group has been widely debated. However, it is still unclear how this usually avirulent commensal microorganism produces infection that contributes to high rates of morbidity and mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the rate, geographical distribution, molecular and phenotypic mechanisms of Gram-positive microorganisms associated with infection in renal dialysis patients. In addition, it sought to assess the value of early serological diagnosis of dialysis catheter-associated infection and the effect of antimicrobial treatment regimens on the faecal carriage of enteric microorganisms. In this study, the incidence of haemodialysis catheter-associated infection was established with the Meditrend audit tool. This tool was used to assess the infection outcomes of catheter insertion and management procedures until the catheter was explanted. Introduction of a catheter management protocol decreased the incidence of catheter-related infection. Staphylococcal species recovered from episodes of haemodialysis catheter-associated infection and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)-associated peritonitis were genotyped by determination of macrorestriction profiles with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This highlighted horizontal transfer of microorganisms between different patients and the environment. The phenotypic characteristics of these strains were also investigated to determine characteristics that could be used as markers for dialysis catheter-associated infection. The expression of elastase, lipase and esterase by CNS was significantly associated with infection. A rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay incorporating a novel staphylococcal antigen (lipid S) was used to evaluate the early detection of anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin gamma in patient sera. The comparison of culture positive and culture negative patients demonstrated a steady state of immune activation in both groups. However anti-lipid S serum antibody titres > 1000 were found to be a predictor of infection. The effect on faecal carriage of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) and Clostridium difficile toxins in patients treated with CAPD when empiric cephalosporin therapy was substituted for piperacillin/tazobactam was investigated. The introduction of piperacillin/tazobactam demonstrated a decrease in the faecal carriage of VRE.


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The aim of this study was to establish levels of the enzymes involved in tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) metabolism in human and rat brain preparations; to determine whether BH4 metabolism is altered in dementia, particularly in relation to senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT); and to examine the effect of aluminium on BH4 metabolism. Overall BH4 synthesis and dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) activity were greater in the locus coeruleus than in the neocortex of elderly subjects. Sepiapterin reductase and DHPR activity showed a linear correlation with age in the temporal cortex. DHPR activity in the frontal cortex was relatively constant until the mid 60s and then fell with age. Overall BH4 synthesis showed a non-significant decline in temporal cortex and was significantly reduced in locus coeruleus preparations from SDAT subjects compared to control subjects. As DHPR, sepiapterin reductase and GTP cyclohydrolase activity were unaltered in SDAT we suggested that there is a lesion on the biosynthetic pathway between dihydroneopterin in triphosphate and BH4 in SDAT, possibly at the level of 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase. DHPR activity and BH4 synthesis capacity were unaltered in temporal cortex preparations from Huntingdon's disease subjects indicating that the defect in BH4 metabolism in SDAT is specific to the disease process and not a secondary consequence of dementia. The implications of altered BH4 metabolism in ageing and dementia are discussed. BH4 metabolism was examined in temporal and frontal cortex preparations from 4 subjects who had received peritoneal dialysis treatment. All patients had elevated serum aluminium levels. The data suggests that aluminium may inhibit DHPR activity in the frontal cortex resulting in diminished BH4 levels in the cells which leads to a compensatory increase in the activity of the biosynthetic pathway. Aluminium reversibly inhibited sepiapterin reductase activity in rat brain preparations but did not alter sepiapterin reductase activity in vivo. Overall BH4 synthesis and OTP cyclohydrolase activity were not affected by aluminium in vitro. The biosynthetic pathway was unaltered in rat brain preparations from animals receiving aluminium orally compared to control animals. DHPR activity was unaltered or increased in rat brain preparations from aluminium treated rats compared to the control group.


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Wernicke syndrome is a rare neurological pathology due to a deficit in vitamin B1. The syndrome is common among alcohol abusers, patients with malignant tumor or gastrointestinal diseases, those who undergo hemodialysis or long-term peritoneal dialysis, pregnant women with hyperemesis, women who breast-feed, patients with hyperthyroidism or anorexia nervosa or gastric or jejunal-ileal bypass surgery for obesity, patients submitted to gastric surgery or prolonged total parenteral nutrition or prolonged intravenous therapy. We report a case of Wernicke syndrome due to afferent loop syndrome characterized by incoercible vomiting.


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Background Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common but under-recognised disease process, which carries a high risk of mortality or chronic complications, such as chronic kidney disease and other organ dysfunction. Management of AKI, however, is suboptimal, both in developed settings and in Malawi. This is partly because of deficiencies in AKI education and training. Aim To establish current levels of AKI education in a range of healthcare workers in Malawi. Methods An AKI symposium was held in Blantyre in March 2015. Delegates were asked to complete a survey at the start of the symposium to assess their clinical experience and education in the management of AKI. Results From 100 delegates, 89 nurses, clinical officers, and physicians, originating from 11 different districts, responded to the survey. Twenty-two percent of healthcare workers (including 28% of district workers of the various cadres and 31% of nurses) had never received teaching on any aspect of renal disease, and 50% (including 63% of district workers and 61% of nurses) had never received teaching specifically on AKI. Forty-four percent did not feel confident managing AKI, and 98% wanted more support managing patients with renal disease. Thirty-four percent (including 55% of district workers) were unaware that haemodialysis was available at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) for the treatment of AKI and 53% (74% of district workers) were unaware that peritoneal dialysis was available for the treatment of AKI in children. Only 33% had ever referred a patient with AKI to QECH. Conclusions There are deficiencies in education about, and clinical experience in, the management of AKI among Malawian healthcare workers, in addition to limited awareness of the renal service available at QECH. Urgent action is required to address these issues in order to prevent morbidity and mortality from AKI in Malawi.


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Les modalités de dialyse à domicile, soit la dialyse péritonéale (DP) et l’hémodialyse à domicile (HDD), offrent plusieurs avantages aux patients avec insuffisance rénale terminale (IRT), que ce soit par rapport à la qualité de vie ou à une diminution des complications liées à l’IRT. Peu de données sont toutefois disponibles quant aux répercussions cliniques de l’initiation de la thérapie de suppléance rénale via la DP ou l’HDD et de l’optimisation subséquente du traitement à domicile. Le présent mémoire visait donc à répondre aux trois questions suivantes soit (1) la comparaison entre la survie des patients débutant la thérapie de suppléance rénale par une ou l’autre des modalités à domicile, (2) l’évaluation du modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée (c’est la dire l’initiation de la suppléance rénale en DP avec un transfert subséquent en HDD) et (3) l’évaluation des prédicteurs dudit modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée. L’évaluation de 11 416 patients ayant débuté la suppléance rénale en Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande entre 2000 et 2012 a montré une association entre une mortalité globale inférieure chez les patients traités par HDD comparativement à ceux traités par DP (rapport des risques [hazard ratio - HR] 0.47, intervalle de confiance [IC] de 95%, 0.38-0.59). Par contre, les patients ayant débuté la suppléance rénale en DP et ayant ensuite été transférés en HDD (modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée) avaintt une survie en dialyse à domicile similaire à ceux directement traités par l’HDD (HR 0.92, IC de 95%, 0.52-1.62). Finalement, les caractéristiques démographiques de base (jeune âge, sexe masculin, ethnie), les comorbidités, la cause de l’insuffisance rénale terminale, la durée du traitement et la raison de l’arrêt de la DP étaient des prédicteurs du modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée.


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Les modalités de dialyse à domicile, soit la dialyse péritonéale (DP) et l’hémodialyse à domicile (HDD), offrent plusieurs avantages aux patients avec insuffisance rénale terminale (IRT), que ce soit par rapport à la qualité de vie ou à une diminution des complications liées à l’IRT. Peu de données sont toutefois disponibles quant aux répercussions cliniques de l’initiation de la thérapie de suppléance rénale via la DP ou l’HDD et de l’optimisation subséquente du traitement à domicile. Le présent mémoire visait donc à répondre aux trois questions suivantes soit (1) la comparaison entre la survie des patients débutant la thérapie de suppléance rénale par une ou l’autre des modalités à domicile, (2) l’évaluation du modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée (c’est la dire l’initiation de la suppléance rénale en DP avec un transfert subséquent en HDD) et (3) l’évaluation des prédicteurs dudit modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée. L’évaluation de 11 416 patients ayant débuté la suppléance rénale en Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande entre 2000 et 2012 a montré une association entre une mortalité globale inférieure chez les patients traités par HDD comparativement à ceux traités par DP (rapport des risques [hazard ratio - HR] 0.47, intervalle de confiance [IC] de 95%, 0.38-0.59). Par contre, les patients ayant débuté la suppléance rénale en DP et ayant ensuite été transférés en HDD (modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée) avaintt une survie en dialyse à domicile similaire à ceux directement traités par l’HDD (HR 0.92, IC de 95%, 0.52-1.62). Finalement, les caractéristiques démographiques de base (jeune âge, sexe masculin, ethnie), les comorbidités, la cause de l’insuffisance rénale terminale, la durée du traitement et la raison de l’arrêt de la DP étaient des prédicteurs du modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée.


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Four peer-reviewed nephrology nursing society journal publications from 2010 to 2015 were analysed. Journal articles (n=638) were categorised into type, treatment cohort, specific topic and research methods. Primary research (40%) were the most frequent types of publications, followed by systematic reviews (25%) and case studies (16%). Publication patient cohorts were dominated by haemodialysis (41%), followed by chronic kidney disease (15%), kidney transplantation (14%), peritoneal dialysis (12%) and end-of-life care (9%). The most frequent specific topics were vascular access (56 publications), nutrition (35), patient self-management (31), medications (26) and patient quality of life (24). The case study was the most popular method of publishing clinical experience, while cross-sectional survey was the most published research method, followed by qualitative research approaches. There were a low number of publications addressing cost and new therapies.


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En Colombia se ha podido establecer que la incidencia y mortalidad de la Enfermedad Renal Crónica Terminal continúan en aumento en los últimos 6 años a pesar de las estrategias de intervención para prevención y control de la enfermedad implementadas nivel nacional. Este trabajo busca establecer la línea de base para la población asegurada en Colombia, frente a la supervivencia de pacientes en terapia de remplazo renal (TRR).


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La atención hospitalaria en el costo global de la atención de los pacientes en diálisis es muy importante. Este estudio se realizó con el fin de evaluar resultados posteriores a la implementación de un modelo de gestión de la enfermedad y cuidado coordinado en una red de diálisis en Colombia, evaluando los cambios específicos en las tasas de hospitalización de una cohorte de pacientes renales con dos años de seguimiento. El modelo se enfoca básicamente en mejorar la atención de los pacientes en diálisis protocolizando en el manejo de comorbilidades (diabetes, riesgo cardiovascular, patologías infecciosas) y en el cuidado coordinado entre el tratamiento ambulatorio y hospitalario de los pacientes en diálisis asegurando la continuidad en el proceso de atención de los pacientes. El Estudio observacional analítico de cohortes compuesto por 2 fases una primera cohorte histórica retrospectiva y una segunda con dos cohortes prospectivas, incluyó pacientes mayores de 18 años, con más de 90 días en diálisis, con al menos tres meses de intervención con el modelo de gestión de enfermedad en la red Renal Therapy Services (RTS®). En conclusión, la realización de este estudio, se pudo asociar a la reducción en la atención hospitalaria de pacientes en diálisis y a una menor mortalidad, modelos como este y otras soluciones para mejorar los desenlaces en salud en los pacientes en diálisis deben seguir siendo implementados para aliviar la carga de la enfermedad y reducir los costos de la atención en salud de esta población.