1000 resultados para Oxygen.


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Oxygen is shown to adsorb molecularly on a clean Cu(110) surface at 80 K and dissociate around 150 K forming atomic oxygen. Adsorption of oxygen on an HCl covered surface at low temperatures results in the formation of adsorbed hydroxyl groups and water in addition to adsorbed molecular oxygen. The molecular oxygen species is stable up to 190 K on the HCl covered surface.


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Oxidation of NADH by decavanadate, a polymeric form vanadate with a cage-like structure, in presence of rat liver microsomes followed a biphasic pattern. An initial slow phase involved a small rate of oxygen uptake and reduction of 3 of the 10 vanadium atoms. This was followed by a second rapid phase in which the rates of NADH oxidation and oxygen uptake increased several-fold with a stoichiometry of NADH: O2 of 1ratio1. The burst of NADH oxidation and oxygen uptake which occurs in phosphate, but not in Tris buffer, was prevented by SOD, catalase, histidine, EDTA, MnCl2 and CuSO4, but not by the hydroxyl radical quenchers, ethanol, methanol, formate and mannitol. The burst reaction is of a novel type that requires the polymeric structure of decavanadate for reduction of vanadium which, in presence of traces of H2O2, provides a reactive intermediate that promotes transfer of electrons from NADH to oxygen.


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Catalytic activities of some transition metal-phthalocyanine complexes towards electroreduction of molecular oxygen are examined on Nafion®-bound and bare porous carbon electrodes in 2.5 M H2SO4 electrolyte. It is found that these metal complexes exhibit better catalytic activities towards oxygen reduction with the Nafion®-bound electrodes.


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Reaction of 2-bromomethyl-1-(2′-tetrahydropyranyloxy) benzene 3a with tetrachlorocatechol(TCC) in acetone in presence of anhydrous K2CO3 resulted in the formation of diastereomeric products to which cis- & trans- 6-chloro-8-hydroxy-8-(2-oxopropyl)spiro[9H-benzo[a]xanthen- 9,2′(1′H) benzofuran]-7(8H)-one (7a & 8a) structures were assigned, along with tetrachlorocatechol ethers (5a & 6a). Similar reaction of 3a with tetrabromocatechol(TBC) gave the expected monobromo compounds 7d & 8d along with the ethers 5d & 6d. When the reaction was repeated with substrates 3b–c with TCC/TBC in ketonic solvents(acetone/methyl ethyl ketone), the corresponding compounds 5b–c to 8b–c, 5e–f to 6e–f, 7e–g & 8e–h were obtained. A suitable explanation has been given for the formation of acetonyl compound 6 in this reaction.


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This paper reports the first study of the microstructure of a copolyperoxide by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The copolyperoxides of styrene and methyl methacrylate (MMA) of various compositions have been synthesized. An analysis of the resonance signal of the backbone methylene protons gave the diad sequence probabilities which led to the calculation of the oxidative copolymerization reactivity ratios for styrene and MMA and the microstructural parameters like average chain length of the repeat unit sequences, run number, etc. The results point to the tendency of the SO1 and MO:! units to alternate in the chain. Compared to poly(styrene peroxide), the aromatic C1 seems to be stereosensitive in the terpolymers.


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The isothermal sections of the phase diagram for the system Ca-Cu-0 at 1073 and 1223 K have been determined. Several compositions in the ternary system were quenched after equilibration, and the phases present were identified by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron probe microanalysis. Two ternary compounds Ca2CuO3 and Cao.8&uO1.9s were identified at 1073 K. However, only Ca2CuO3 was found to be stable at 1223 K. The thermodynamic properties of the two ternary compounds were determined using solid-state cells incorporating either an oxide or a fluoride solid electrolyte. The results for both types of cells were internally consistent. The compound C ~ O . ~ & U Ow~h.i~ch~ c, a n also be represented as Ca15Cu18035h, as been identified in an earlier investigation as Cao.828CuOz. Using a novel variation of the galvanic cell technique, in which the emf of a cell incorporating a fluoride electrolyte is measured as a function of the oxygen potential of the gas phase in equilibrium with the condensed phase electrodes, it has been confirmed that the compound Cao.828CuO1.93 (Ca15Cu18035d) oes not have significant oxygen nonstoichiometry. Phase relations have been deduced from the thermodynamic data as a function of the partial pressure of oxygen for the system Ca-Cu-0 at 873, 1073, and 1223 K.


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The characteristics of the high pressure oxygen-sputtering plasma in the pressure range 0.8–2.4 mbar have been studied using the Langmuir probe technique. The variation in plasma parameters such as positive ion density, electron density, mean electron energy and floating potential with pressure and temperature has been investigated. It has been observed that the positive ion density increases at high substrate temperatures whereas the negative ion density decreases. The study of the variation in mean electron energy and floating potential also indicated the possibility that the number of negative ions is less when the substrates are at elevated temperatures. Since the negative ions are supposed to cause re-sputtering and make the films off-stoichiometric, the reduction in the negative ion density as observed at elevated substrate temperatures is better suited for depositing stoichiometric YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconducting thin films.


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The absorption spectrum in the visible range and the, ESR spectrum of vanadyl sulfate were lost on addition of diperoxovanadate. The V-51-NMR spectra revealed that diperoxovanadate was reduced to vanadate and its oligomers. With excess vanadyl, tetrameric vanadate was found to be the major product, During this reaction oxygen was released into the medium. The oxygen-release reaction was inhibited by a variety of organic ligands-imidazole, benzoate, formate, mannitol, ethanol, Tris, DMPO, malate, and asparagine. An oxygen-consuming reaction emerged at high concentrations of some of these compounds, e.g. benzoate and ethanol. Using DMPO as the spin-trap, an oxygen-radical species with a 1:2:2:1 type of ESR spectrum was detected in the reaction mixtures resulting from vanadyl oxidation by diperoxovanadate which was unaffected by addition of catalase or ethanol. The results showed that secondary oxygen-exchange reactions occur which depend on and utilize the intermediates in the primary reaction during diperoxovanadate-dependent oxidation of vanadyl sulfate.


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The effect of fourteen minor elements (Al, As, B, Bi, C, Ga, Ge, In, N, P, Pb, S, Sb and Sn) on the solubility of oxygen in silicon melt has been estimated using a recently developed theoretical equation, with only fundamental physical parameters such as hard sphere diameter, atomic volume and molar heat of solution at infinite dilution as inputs. The results are expressed in the form of interaction parameters. Although only limited experimental data are available for comparison, the theoretical approach appears to predict the correct sign, but underestimates the magnitude of the interaction between oxygen and alloying elements. The present theoretical approach is useful in making qualitative predications on the effect of minor elements on the solubility of oxygen in silicon melt, when direct measurements are not available.


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Evidence is presented for the strong interaction of nitrogen and oxygen with buckminsterfullerene.


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Sequential addition of vanadyl sulfate to a phosphate-buffered solution of H2O2 released oxygen only after the second batch of vanadyl. Ethanol added to such reaction mixtures progressively decreased oxygen release and increased oxygen consumption during oxidation of vanadyl by H2O2. Inclusion of ethanol after any of the three batches of vanadyl resulted in varying amounts of oxygen consumption, a property also shared by other alcohols (methanol, propanol and octanol). On increasing the concentration of ethanol, vanadyl sulfate or H2O2, both oxygen consumption and acetaldehyde formation increased progressively. Formation of acetaldehyde decreased with increase in the ratio of vanadyl:H2O2 above 2:1 and was undetectable with ethanol at 0.1 mM. The reaction mixture which was acidic in the absence of phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), released oxygen immediately after the first addition of vanadyl and also in presence of ethanol soon after initial rapid consumption of oxygen, with no accompanying acetaldehyde formation. The results underscore the importance of some vanadium complexes formed during vanadyl oxidation in the accompanying oxygen-transfer reactions.


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We have studied resistivity, magnetization, and magnetoresistance in polycrystalline La0.67Ba0.33MnOz by reducing the oxygen stoichiometry from z=2.99 to 2.80. As the oxygen content decreases, the resistivity of La0.67Ba0.33 MnOz increases and the magnetic transition temperature shifts to lower temperature. A large magnetoresistance effect was observed over a wide temperature range for all samples except the insulating z=2.80 sample. The similarity between our results on oxygen-deficient polycrystalline La0.67 Ba0.33MnOz and films previously reported to have a very large intrinsic magnetoresistance is discussed. At low temperature the magnetoresistance was observed to be strongly dependent on the magnetization. A possible mechanism for this effect is discussed.


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This paper presents the first report on a terpolyperoxide (TPPE) synthesized by the oxidative terpolymerization of styrene, methyl methacrylate, and a-methylstyrene. TPPEs of different compositions were synthesized by varying the vinyl monomers feed, and they were then characterized by spectroscopic and thermal studies. The conventional terpolymer equation has been used to predict the composition of TPPEs. The H-1 NMR chemical shift values of TPPEs were found to vary with the composition. The shape of the backbone methylene protons (4.00-4.50 ppm) was found to be sensitive to the sequence distribution of vinyl monomers in the polymer chain. Formaldehyde, benzaldehyde, acetophenone, and methyl pyruvate were identified as the primary degradation products. The overall thermal stability and the average enthalpy of degradation (Delta H-d), as obtained by thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry, respectively, do not vary much with the composition of TPPEs.