964 resultados para Oxidative DNA-Schäden, Krebsentstehung, OGG1, CSB, Peroxisomenproliferator WY-14,643


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DNA repair systems play a critical role in protecting the human genome from damage caused by carcinogens present in the environment. Mutations in DNA repair genes may be responsible for tumor development and resistance of malignant cells to chemotherapeutic agents. The major pathway for oxidative DNA damage repair is the base excision repair pathway. The objective of this study was to investigate the immunoexpression of APE-1 and XRCC-1, which are proteins involved in DNA base excision repair and its association with clinical and histopathological parameters in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC), in order to investigate a possible prognostic value for those proteins. The expression of APE-1 and XRCC-1 was evaluated semi-quantitatively by immunohistochemistry in 50 OTSCC cases. Clinical data was collected from patients’ medical charts and histopathological grading was performed for each case. Statistical analysis (Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests; significance of 5%) was performed to determine the association between protein expressions and clinico-pathological characteristics. APE-1 was highly expressed in nucleus and cytoplasm in 56% of cases. XRCC-1 showed overexpression only in nucleus in 60% of cases. High expression of XRCC-1 was significantly associated to clinical stages I and II (P=0.02). Both proteins were not associated to other clinical parameters or histopathological grading. Our findings demonstrate that DNA base excision repair proteins APE-1 and XRCC-1 are upregulated in OTSCC, however, they are not related to clinical and histologic parameters, except for XRCC-1 association to better clinical staging. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemical expression of these proteins has no association with prognostic parameters in this tumor.


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Currently, there is increasing use of nanomaterials in the food industry thanks to the many advantages offered and make the products that contain them more competitive in the market. Their physicochemical properties often differ from those of bulk materials, which require specialized risk assessment. This should cover the risks to the health of workers and consumers as well as possible environmental risks. The risk assessment methods must go updating due to more widespread use of nanomaterials, especially now that are making their way down to consumer products. Today there is no specific legislation for nanomaterials, but there are several european dispositions and regulations that include them. This review gives an overview of the risk assessment and the existing current legislation regarding the use of nanotechnology in the food industry.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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In the past decades the growing application of nanomaterials (NMs) in diverse consumer products has raised various concerns in the field of toxicology. They have been extensively used in a broad range of applications and cover most of the industrial sectors as well as the medicine and the environmental areas. The most common scenarios for human exposure to NMs are occupational, environmental and as consumers and inhalation is the most frequent route of exposure, especially in occupational settings. Cerium dioxide NMs (nano-CeO2) are widely used in a number of applications such as in cosmetics, outdoor paints, wood care products as well as fuel catalysts. For such reason, nano-CeO2 is one of the selected NMs for priority testing within the sponsorship program of the Working Party of Manufactured Nanomaterials of the OECD. In this context, the aim of this study is to assess the safety of nano-CeO2 (NM-212, Joint Research Center Repository) through the characterization of its cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in a human alveolar epithelial cell line. A dispersion of the NM in water plus 0.05% BSA was prepared and sonicated during 16 minutes, according to a standardized protocol. DLS analysis was used to characterize the quality of the NM dispersion in the culture medium. To evaluate the cytotoxicity of nano-CeO2 in the A549 cell line, the colorimetric MTT assay was performed; the capacity of cells to proliferate when exposed to CeO2 was also assessed with the Clonogenic assay. The genotoxicity of this NM was evaluated by the Comet Assay (3 and 24h of exposure) to quantify DNA breaks and the FPG-modified comet assay to assess oxidative DNA damage. The Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus (CBMN) assay was used to further detect chromosome breaks or loss. The nano-CeO2 particles are spherical, displaying a diameter of 33 nm and 28 m2/g of surface area. The results of the MTT assay did not show any decreased in cells viability following treatment with a dose-range of nano-CeO2 during 24h. Nevertheless, the highest concentrations of this NM were able to significantly reduce the colony forming ability of A549 cells, suggesting that a prolonged exposure may be cytotoxic to these cells. Data from both genotoxicity assays revealed that nano-CeO2 was neither able to induce DNA breaks nor oxidative DNA damage. Likewise, no significant micronucleus induction was observed. Taken together, the present results indicate that this nano-CeO2 is not genotoxic in this alveolar cell line under the tested conditions, although further studies should be performed, e.g., gene mutation in somatic cells and in vivo chromosome damage (rodent micronucleus assay) to ensure its safety to human health.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced by aerobic metabolism and react with biomolecules, such as lipids, proteins and DNA. In high concentration, they lead to oxidative stress. Among ROS, singlet oxygen (1O2) is one of the main ROS involved in oxidative stress and is one of the most reactive forms of molecular oxygen. The exposure of some dyes, such as methylene blue (MB) to light (MB+VL), is able to generate 1O2 and it is the principle involved in photodynamic therapy (PDT). 1O2 e other ROS have caused toxic and carcinogenic effects and have been associated with ageing, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Oxidative DNA damage is mainly repaired by base excision repair (BER) pathway. However, recent studies have observed the involvement of nucleotide excision repair (NER) factors in the repair of this type of injury. One of these factors is the Xeroderma Pigmentosum Complementation Group A (XPA) protein, which acts with other proteins in DNA damage recognition and in the recruitment of other repair factors. Moreover, oxidative agents such as 1O2 can induce gene expression. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the response of XPA-deficient cells after treatment with photosensitized MB. For this purpose, we analyzed the cell viability and occurrence of oxidative DNA damage in cells lines proficient and deficient in XPA after treatment with MB+VL, and evaluated the expression of this enzyme in proficient and complemented cells. Our results indicate an increased resistance to treatment of complemented cells and a higher level of oxidative damage in the deficient cell lines. Furthermore, the treatment was able to modulate the XPA expression up to 24 hours later. These results indicate a direct evidence for the involvement of NER enzymes in the repair of oxidative damage. Besides, a better understanding of the effects of PDT on the induction of gene expression could be provided


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While much of the study of molecular biology inevitably focuses on the parts of the genome that contain active genes, there are also non-coding regions that nonetheless play an essential role in maintaining genome integrity. One such region are telomeres, which cap the ends of all eukaryotic chromosomes and play an important role in chromosome protection. Telomere loss occurs at each cell division as a result of the ‘end replication problem’ and a relatively short telomere length is indicative of poor biological state. Thus far, the majority of studies on the dynamics and role of telomeres have been biased towards certain taxa. Research to date has mostly focussed on humans, other mammals and birds. There has been far less research on the telomere dynamics of ectotherms. It is important that we do so, especially since ectothermic vertebrates do not seem to down-regulate telomerase expression in the same way as endotherms, suggesting that their telomere dynamics may be less predictable in the later life stages. The main objective of this thesis was therefore to investigate how life history and environmental effects may influence telomere dynamics in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. I carried out carefully designed experiments, both in the laboratory and in the wild, using a longitudinal approach where possible, in order to address a number of specific questions that are connected to this central theme. In chapter 2, I demonstrate that there can be significant links between parental life history and offspring telomere dynamics. Maternal life history traits, in particular egg size, were most strongly related to offspring telomere length at the embryonic stages. Paternal life history traits, such as early life growth rate, had a greater association with offspring telomere dynamics in the later stages of development. In chapter 3, using a wild Atlantic salmon population, I found that most individuals experienced a reduction in telomere length during the migratory phase of their life cycle; however the relative rate of telomere loss was dependent on sex, with males experiencing a relatively greater loss. Unexpectedly, I also found that juvenile salmon that had the shortest telomeres at the time of outward migration, had the greatest probability of surviving through to the return migration. In chapter 4, again using a wild system involving experimental manipulations of juvenile Atlantic salmon in Scottish streams, I found that telomere length in juvenile fish was influenced by parental traits and by direct environmental effects. Faster-growing fish had shorter telomeres and there was a greater cost (in terms of reduced telomere length) if the growth occurred in a harsher environment. I also found a positive association between offspring telomere length and the growth history of their fathers (but not mothers), represented by the number of years that fathers had spent at sea. Chapter 5 explored the hypotheses that oxidative DNA damage, catalase (CAT) antioxidant activity and cell proliferation rate are underlying mechanisms linking incubation temperature and telomere dynamics in salmon embryos. No evidence was found for any such effects, but telomere lengths in salmon embryos were found to be significantly affected by the temperature of the water in which they were living. There is also evidence that telomere length significantly increases during embryonic development. In summary, this thesis has shown that a complex mix of environmental and parental effects appear to influence telomere dynamics in Atlantic salmon, with parental effects especially evident during early life stages. It also demonstrated that telomeres lengthen through the embryo stages of development before reducing once the fry begin feeding, indicating that the patterns of telomere loss commonly found in endotherms may differ in ectotherms. Reasons for this variation in telomere dynamics are presented in the final Discussion chapter of the thesis.


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青藏高原为冷杉属(Abies)的多度中心,共分布有10种,9变种和4亚种。其中苍山冷杉复合体(Abies delavayi complex)包括3种,5变种和2亚种。它们的形态性状变异较小,且分布区重叠。迄今对该复合体的遗传多样性水平、分化程度以及进化历史仍缺乏了解。 本研究对苍山冷杉复合体的14个居群、302个个体进行取样,并对193个个体的母系遗传线粒体DNA nad1 intron2区和276个个体的父系遗传的叶绿体DNA trnS-trnG区进行了序列分析。该复合体的线粒体DNA nad1 intron2区的序列为675bp,其中有4个单碱基变异和1个插入/缺失,可分为6种线粒体单倍型。这14个居群的线粒体总核苷酸多态性(π)为0.00114,单倍型多态性(Hd)为0.627,居群间的遗传变异(FST)高达84.034%。叶绿体DNA trnS-trnG区的序列排列后为718bp,共有8个单碱基变异和4个插入/缺失,可分为12种叶绿体单倍型。这14个居群的总核苷酸多态性(π)为0.00116,单倍型多态性(Hd)为0.590,居群间的遗传变异(FST)为65.830%。以上结果显示苍山冷杉复合体居群间已经产生了强烈的遗传分化。叶绿体的3种主导单倍型(H1、H2和 H3)在YLXS、SKXS、GS和WX 4个居群中都有分布;而其它居群则只有主导单倍型(除SJLS外)中的1种或2种。造成边缘居群(如JZS)多样性较低的主要原因是冰期后群体在迁移过程中的遗传漂变和奠基者效应。根据谱系关系线粒体H1型和叶绿体H3型均为较古老的单倍型,线粒体和叶绿体的谱系关系均支持上述分析。 本研究初步推测青藏高原的东南部—横断山区(包括YLXS、SKXS、GS、WX、BMXS、ELS和EMS)可能为苍山冷杉复合体的冰期避难所,群体存在冰期后向西和向南扩张的过程。间冰期群体隔离和扩张过程中的奠基者效应是形成目前居群分化和遗传多样性分布格局的重要因素。


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以Tn5 10 87b诱变鱼腥藻PCC712 0 ,筛选不能利用氮气生长、异形胞图式发生变化的突变株。突变株 # 180 1经缺氮诱导 2 4h后无异形胞形成 ,48h后沿藻丝形成少量成熟异形胞 ,占藻细胞总数比例为 2 .8% ,其异形胞发育速度和形成频率均与野生型有显著区别。以ClaⅠ酶切该突变株总DNA、自环化后以电泳冲法转化大肠杆菌 ,回收带有插入位点两侧DNA片段的转座子Tn5 10 87b。经测序确定转座子位于未知功能基因alr0 0 99第 14 8和 14 9碱基之间。为证明突变性状确由a


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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has a high mortality in East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, two regions where the main etiologic factors are chronic infections with hepatitis B vir-us and dietary exposure to aflatoxin. A single base substitution at the third nucleotide of codon 249 of TP53 (R249S) is common in HCC in these regions and has been associated with aflatoxin-DNA adducts. To determine whether R249S may be detected in plasma DNA before HCC diagnosis, we conducted a case-control study nested in a cohort of adult chronic hepatitis B virus carriers from Qidong County, People's Republic of China. Of the 234 plasma specimens that yielded adequate DNA, only 2 (0.9%) were positive for R249S by restriction fragment length polymorphisms, and both of them were controls. Of the 249 subjects tested for aflatoxin-albumin adducts, 168 (67%) were positive, with equal distribution between cases and controls. Aflatoxin-albumin adduct levels were low in the study, suggesting an overall low ongoing exposure to aflatoxin in this cohort. The R249S mutation was detected in 11 of 18 (61%) available tumor tissues. To assess whether low levels of mutant DNA were detectable in pre-diagnosis plasma, 14 plasma specimens from these patients were analyzed by short oligonucleotide mass analysis. Nine of them (64%) were found to be positive. Overall, these results suggest that HCC containing R249S can occur in the absence of significant recent exposure to aflatoxins. The use of short oligonucleotide mass analysis in the context of low ongoing aflatoxin exposure may allow the detection of R249S in plasma several months ahead of clinical diagnosis. (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(5):1638-43)


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The apxIVA gene, a recently discovered RTX determinant of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, was shown to be species-specific. DNA hybridization experiments using probes for various regions of apxIVA revealed that the 3'-terminus of this gene was present in all 14 serotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae but absent from phylogenetically related species. A primer pair spanning this region specifically amplified a 422bp fragment in PCR experiments with DNA from the reference strains of the 14 serotypes and 194 field strains isolated from various geographic locations worldwide. DNA sequence analysis of PCR products derived from all serotypes were identical except in serotypes 3, 8, and 10, which showed minor differences. The PCR did not amplify any product when DNA from 17 different bacterial species closely related to A. pleuropneumoniae was used as template. In addition, the PCR was negative with DNA of several Actinobacillus sp. which were initially characterized as A. pleuropneumoniae using routine phenotypic and serological analyses but which were subsequently shown by 16S rRNA sequence analysis to belong to yet undefined Actinobacillus species. The sensitivity of the PCR was determined to be 10pg of A. pleuropneumoniae DNA. A set of nested primers amplified a 377bp fragment specifically with A. pleuropneumoniae DNA. DNA titration experiments using the flanking and nested primer pairs showed an improved level of sensitivity to approximately 10fg of genomic DNA. The nested PCR was used to monitor the spread of A. pleuropneumoniae in pigs experimentally infected with a virulent serotype 1 strain and housed in a controlled environment facility. A. pleuropneumoniae DNA could be detected by nested PCR in nasal swab samples of infected pigs receiving either a high dose (5x10(5)) or a low dose (1x10(4)) challenge and in unchallenged cohorts that were contact-infected by the inoculated animals. Furthermore, PCR confirmed the presence of A. pleuropneumoniae in 16/17 homogenates from necrotic lung lesions, while the bacterium was successfully recovered from 13 of these lesions by culture.


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Objective. Infective endocarditis (IE) is diagnosed by the Duke criteria, which can be inconclusive particularly when blood cultures are negative. This study investigated the application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify bacterial DNA in excised valvular tissue, and its role in establishing the diagnosis of IE. Methods. Ninety-eight patients undergoing valve replacement surgery were studied. Twenty-eight patients were confirmed as definite for endocarditis by the Duke criteria; nine were considered as possible and 61 had no known or previous microbial infection of the endocardium. A broad-range PCR technique was used to amplify prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes present within homogenised heart valve tissue. Subsequent DNA sequencing of the PCR amplicon allowed identification of the infecting microorganism. Results. PCR results demonstrated the presence of bacterial DNA in the heart valves obtained from 14 out of 20 (70%) definite IE patients with positive blood cultures preoperatively. The causative microorganism for one patient with definite culture negative endocarditis was identified by PCR. Two out of nine (22%) of the valves from possible endocarditis patients also had bacterial DNA present converting them into the definite criteria whereas in the valves of seven out of nine (78%) of these patients no bacterial DNA was detected. Conclusion. The application of PCR to the explanted valves in patients with possible or confirmed diagnosis can augment the Duke criteria thereby improving post-surgical antimicrobial therapeutic options. © 2003 The British Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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DNA damage generated by oxidant byproducts of cellular metabolism has been proposed as a key factor in cancer and aging. Oxygen free radicals cause predominantly base damage in DNA, and the most frequent mutagenic base lesion is 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG). This altered base can pair with A as well as C residues, leading to a greatly increased frequency of spontaneous G·C→T·A transversion mutations in repair-deficient bacterial and yeast cells. Eukaryotic cells use a specific DNA glycosylase, the product of the OGG1 gene, to excise 8-oxoG from DNA. To assess the role of the mammalian enzyme in repair of DNA damage and prevention of carcinogenesis, we have generated homozygous ogg1−/− null mice. These animals are viable but accumulate abnormal levels of 8-oxoG in their genomes. Despite this increase in potentially miscoding DNA lesions, OGG1-deficient mice exhibit only a moderately, but significantly, elevated spontaneous mutation rate in nonproliferative tissues, do not develop malignancies, and show no marked pathological changes. Extracts of ogg1 null mouse tissues cannot excise the damaged base, but there is significant slow removal in vivo from proliferating cells. These findings suggest that in the absence of the DNA glycosylase, and in apparent contrast to bacterial and yeast cells, an alternative repair pathway functions to minimize the effects of an increased load of 8-oxoG in the genome and maintain a low endogenous mutation frequency.


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The OGG1 gene encodes a highly conserved DNA glycosylase that repairs oxidized guanines in DNA. We have investigated the in vivo function of the Ogg1 protein in yeast mitochondria. We demonstrate that inactivation of ogg1 leads to at least a 2-fold increase in production of spontaneous mitochondrial mutants compared with wild-type. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) we show that a GFP–Ogg1 fusion protein is transported to mitochondria. However, deletion of the first 11 amino acids from the N-terminus abolishes the transport of the GFP–Ogg1 fusion protein into the mitochondria. This analysis indicates that the N-terminus of Ogg1 contains the mitochondrial localization signal. We provide evidence that both yeast and human Ogg1 proteins protect the mitochondrial genome from spontaneous, as well as induced, oxidative damage. Genetic analyses revealed that the combined inactivation of OGG1 and OGG2 [encoding an isoform of the Ogg1 protein, also known as endonuclease three-like glycosylase I (Ntg1)] leads to suppression of spontaneously arising mutations in the mitochondrial genome when compared with the ogg1 single mutant or the wild-type. Together, these studies provide in vivo evidence for the repair of oxidative lesions in the mitochondrial genome by human and yeast Ogg1 proteins. Our study also identifies Ogg2 as a suppressor of oxidative mutagenesis in mitochondria.


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Also physical exercise in general is accepted to be protective, acute and strenuous exercise has been shown to induce oxidative stress. Enhanced formation of free radicals leads to oxidation of macromolecules and to DNA damage. On the other hand ultra-endurance events which require strenuous exercise are very popular and the number of participants is continuously increasing worldwide. Since only few data exists on Ironman triathletes, who are prototypes of ultra-endurance athletes, this study was aimed at assessing the risk of oxidative stress and DNA damage after finishing a triathlon and to predict a possible health risk. Blood samples of 42 male athletes were taken 2 days before, within 20 min after the race, 1, 5 and 19 days post-race. Oxidative stress marker increased only moderately after the race and returned to baseline after 5 days. Marker of DNA damage measured by the SCGE assay with and without restriction enzymes as well as by the sister chromatid exchange assay did either show no change or deceased within the first day after the race. Due to intake during the race and the release by the cells plasma concentrations of vitamin C and α-tocopherol increased after the event and returned to baseline 1 day after. This study indicates that despite a temporary increase in some oxidative stress markers, there is no persistent oxidative stress and no DNA damage in response to an Ironman triathlon in trained athletes, mainly due to an appropriate antioxidant intake and general protective alterations in the antioxidant defence system.