994 resultados para Orthodontic anchorage
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
OBJETIVO: avaliar as alterações de cor ocorridas em elastômeros estéticos de quatro marcas comerciais, quando expostos ao meio bucal. MÉTODOS: foram examinadas as quatro marcas comerciais mais citadas por ortodontistas — Morelli, Uniden, American Orthodontics (AO) e TP —, em 25 pacientes consecutivos. Os elastômeros foram distribuídos de forma aleatória e ordenados nas quatro hemiarcadas de cada paciente, permanecendo no meio bucal por 30 dias. Após esse período, duas unidades de cada marca em todos os pacientes foram fotografadas de forma padronizada para, posteriormente, serem analisadas através de avaliação visual quanto à variação de cor, por escores (0, 1, 2, 3), por um painel de quatro examinadores. Os escores médios dos examinadores foram analisados estatisticamente por meio da ANOVA e teste de Tukey, com p<0,05. RESULTADOS: os escores médios de pigmentação, após 30 dias no meio intrabucal, obtidos para os elastômeros Morelli (1,80±0,78) e Uniden (1,92±0,66) não foram estatisticamente diferentes entre si. Entretanto, essas marcas estavam significativamente mais pigmentadas após 30 dias no meio intrabucal (p<0,01) quando comparadas às marcas importadas, American Orthodontics (0,97±0,6) e TP (0,83±0,79). CONCLUSÃO: apesar de todas as quatro marcas apresentarem uma indesejável pigmentação após 30 dias no meio intrabucal, as marcas American Orthodontics e TP apresentaram alterações de cor menos significativas do que as marcas Morelli e Uniden.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
INTRODUÇÃO: o tratamento ortodôntico de pacientes adultos apresenta grande variabilidade no tempo necessário para sua realização. OBJETIVO: o objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a influência de diversas variáveis sobre o tempo de tratamento. MÉTODOS: foram examinados 70 casos clínicos, de pacientes adultos, com bom resultado final, coletados em clínicas de três ortodontistas experientes, cujo acervo total inicial era de 4.723 prontuários. A influência das variáveis idade, sexo, padrão facial, severidade inicial da má oclusão (medida por meio do índice PAR), relação sagital de caninos, tipo de braquetes (estético ou metálico), exodontias, faltas às consultas e "quebras" de aparelho, sobre o tempo de tratamento (variável dependente), foram avaliadas por meio da análise de regressão linear múltipla, seguida do método Stepwise, com p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: a quantidade de faltas (R2 = 14,04%, p < 0,0001) e o número de "quebras" do aparelho (R2 = 29,71%, p = 0,0037) tiveram influência significativa na variação do tempo de tratamento, sendo essas duas variáveis juntas capazes de prever 43,75% (R2 total) da variação no tempo de tratamento. Outros fatores, como a relação de caninos ao início do tratamento, o tipo de braquete usado (metálico ou cerâmico), exodontias, a idade ao início do tratamento, a severidade inicial da má oclusão, o sexo do paciente e o padrão facial não tiveram influência significativa sobre o tempo de tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: a duração do tratamento ortodôntico em adultos, quando realizado por ortodontistas experientes, sofre influência, principalmente, de fatores associados à colaboração do próprio paciente. Entretanto, diversos fatores não incluídos nesse estudo podem contribuir para a variação na duração do tratamento ortodôntico.
OBJETIVO: verificar se o mini-implante no palato é eficaz como ancoragem direta para distalização dos molares superiores. MÉTODOS: foi utilizado um modelo em acrílico da arcada superior. Após a confecção da canaleta na região correspondente aos alvéolos dentários, os dentes em acrílico foram fixados com cera #7, montado aparelho ortodôntico com a técnica Edgewise e inserido um mini-implante (SIN, São Paulo) no local correspondente à rafe palatina. Foram colocados arco 0,19" x 0,25" e barra transpalatina, soldados na barra dois ganchos para retenção de dois elásticos em cadeia de dois elos, a uma carga de 150g/f de cada lado (Unitek), que se estenderam dos ganchos até o mini-implante. O modelo da maxila foi mergulhado 40 vezes em banheira e fotografado após cada mergulho para observação da movimentação dentária. Os dados foram analisados pela análise da variânçia (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey. RESULTADOS: os molares deslocaram-se distalmente 3,1mm, em média, com inclinação distal entre 3 e 5mm. CONCLUÕES: a movimentação dos molares ocorreu pela inclinação distal, com leve rotação, mas sem efeito extrusivo.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of mesiodens in deciduous and mixed dentitions and its association with other dental anomalies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Panoramic radiographs of 1,995 orthodontic patients were analyzed retrospectively, obtaining a final sample of 30 patients with mesiodens. The following aspects were analyzed: gender ; number of mesiodens; proportion between erupted and non-erupted mesiodens; initial position of the supernumerary tooth; related complications; treatment plan accomplished; and associated dental anomalies. The frequency of dental anomalies in the sample was compared to reference values for the general population using the chi-square test (c²), with a significance level set at 5%. RESULTS: The prevalence of mesiodens was 1.5% more common among males (1.5:1). Most of the mesiodens were non-erupted (75%) and in a vertical position, facing the oral cavity. Extraction of the mesiodens was the most common treatment. The main complications associated with mesiodens were: delayed eruption of permanent incisors (34.28%) and midline diastema (28.57%). From all the dental anomalies analyzed, only the prevalence of maxillary lateral incisor agenesis was higher in comparison to the general population. CONCLUSION: There was a low prevalence of mesiodens (1.5%) in deciduous and mixed dentition and the condition was not associated with other dental anomalies, except for the maxillary lateral incisor agenesis.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare by means of McNamara as well as Legan and Burstone's cephalometric analyses, both manual and digitized (by Dentofacial Planner Plus and Dolphin Image software) prediction tracings to post-surgical results. METHODS: Pre and post-surgical teleradiographs (6 months) of 25 long face patients subjected to combined orthognathic surgery were selected. Manual and computerized prediction tracings of each patient were performed and cephalometrically compared to post-surgical outcomes. This protocol was repeated in order to evaluate the method error and statistical evaluation was conducted by means of analysis of variance and Tukey's test. RESULTS: A higher frequency of cephalometric variables, which were not statistically different from the actual post-surgical results for the manual method, was observed. It was followed by DFPlus and Dolphin software; in which similar cephalometric values for most variables were observed. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the manual method seemed more reliable, although the predictability of the evaluated methods (computerized and manual) proved to be reasonably satisfactory and similar.
Adhesion and colonization of the oral cavity by Candida albicans is an initial step in candidosis. Orthodontic and other oral appliances seem to favor candidal presence. The aim of this work was to compare the presence of Candida species in saliva, their adherence to oral epithelial cells, and the levels of anti-C. albicans IgA in children with or without orthodontic appliances. This study included 30 children 5 to 12 years old (9.1 ± 1.7 years old) who were users of removable orthodontic devices for at least 6 months and 30 control children of similar ages (7.7 ± 1.5 years old). The presence of yeast species in the saliva was evaluated by microbiological methods. Candida species were identified using phenotypic methods. Anti-C. albicans IgA levels in saliva were analyzed by ELISA. The yeasts adhering to oral epithelial cells were assessed by exfoliative cytology. No statistically significant differences were observed for saliva yeast counts and anti-C. albicans IgA levels between the studied groups. Children with orthodontic devices exhibited more yeast cells adhering to oral epithelial cells and a higher percentage of non-albicans species relative to the control group. In conclusion, orthodontic appliances may favor the adherence of Candida to epithelial cells but do not influence the presence of these yeasts in saliva, and the levels of anti-C. albicans IgA do not correlate with yeast adherence or presence of Candida in the oral cavity
Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of curing time and power on the degree of conversion and surface microhardness of 3 orthodontic composites. Methods: One hundred eighty discs, 6 mm in diameter, were divided into 3 groups of 60 samples according to the composite used-Transbond XT (3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif), Opal Bond MV (Ultradent, South Jordan, Utah), and Transbond Plus Color Change (3M Unitek)-and each group was further divided into 3 subgroups (n = 20). Five samples were used to measure conversion, and 15 were used to measure microhardness. A light-emitting diode curing unit with multiwavelength emission of broad light was used for curing at 3 power levels (530, 760, and 1520 mW) and 3 times (8.5, 6, and 3 seconds), always totaling 4.56 joules. Five specimens from each subgroup were ground and mixed with potassium bromide to produce 8-mm tablets to be compared with 5 others made similarly with the respective noncured composite. These were placed into a spectrometer, and software was used for analysis. A microhardness tester was used to take Knoop hardness (KHN) measurements in 15 discs of each subgroup. The data were analyzed with 2 analysis of variance tests at 2 levels. Results: Differences were found in the conversion degree of the composites cured at different times and powers (P < 0.01). The composites showed similar degrees of conversion when light cured at 8.5 seconds (80.7%) and 6 seconds (79.0%), but not at 3 seconds (75.0%). The conversion degrees of the composites were different, with group 3 (87.2%) higher than group 2 (83.5%), which was higher than group 1 (64.0%). Differences in microhardness were also found (P < 0.01), with lower microhardness at 8.5 seconds (35.2 KHN), but no difference was observed between 6 seconds (41.6 KHN) and 3 seconds (42.8 KHN). Group 3 had the highest surface microhardness (35.9 KHN) compared with group 2 (33.7 KHN) and group 1 (30.0 KHN). Conclusions: Curing time can be reduced up to 6 seconds by increasing the power, with a slight decrease in the degree of conversion at 3 seconds; the decrease has a positive effect on the surface microhardness.
As an innovative transitory anchorage device, the mini-implants deserve to be described with details regarding its use and action during orthodontic treatment. Therefore, this paper intents to present some biomechanic criteria adopted to for a better use of mini-implants as anchorage in anterior retraction (space closure), molar distalization, mesial movement of the molars, intrusion of molars and as support to provisional implant.
Objective: To evaluate the velocity of canine retraction, anchorage loss and changes on canine and first molar inclinations using self-ligating and conventional brackets.Materials and Methods: Twenty-five adults with Class I malocclusion and a treatment plan involving extractions of four first premolars were selected for this randomized split-mouth control trial. Patients had either conventional or self-ligating brackets bonded to maxillary canines randomly. Retraction was accomplished using 100-g nickel-titanium closed coil springs, which were reactivated every 4 weeks. Oblique radiographs were taken before and after canine retraction was completed, and the cephalograms were superimposed on stable structures of the maxilla. Cephalometric points were digitized twice by a blinded operator for error control, and the following landmarks were collected: canine cusp and apex horizontal changes, molar cusp and apex horizontal changes, and angulation changes in canines and molars. The blinded data, which were normally distributed, were analyzed through paired t-tests for group differences.Results: No differences were found between the two groups for all variables tested.Conclusions: Both brackets showed the same velocity of canine retraction and loss of anteroposterior anchorage of the molars. No changes were found between brackets regarding the inclination of canines and first molars.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)