979 resultados para Orbital resonances


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A semiclassical complex angular momentum theory, used to analyze atom-diatom reactive angular distributions, is applied to several well-known potential (one-particle) problems. Examples include resonance scattering, rainbow scattering, and the Eckart threshold model. Pade reconstruction of the corresponding matrix elements from the values at physical (integral) angular momenta and properties of the Pade approximants are discussed in detail.


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The measured angular differential cross section (DCS) for the elastic scattering of electrons from Ar+(3s2 3p5 2P) at the collision energy of 16 eV is presented. By solving the Hartree-Fock equations, we calculate the corresponding theoretical DCS including the coupling between the orbital angular momenta and spin of the incident electron and those of the target ion and also relaxation effects. Since the collision energy is above one inelastic threshold for the transition 3s2 3p5 2P–3s 3p6 2S, we consider the effects on the DCS of inelastic absorption processes and elastic resonances. The measurements deviate significantly from the Rutherford cross section over the full angular range observed, especially in the region of a deep minimum centered at approximately 75°. Our theory and an uncoupled, unrelaxed method using a local, spherically symmetric potential by Manson [Phys. Rev. 182, 97 (1969)] both reproduce the overall shape of the measured DCS, although the coupled Hartree-Fock approach describes the depth of the minimum more accurately. The minimum is shallower in the present theory owing to our lower average value for the d-wave non-Coulomb phase shift s2, which is due to the high sensitivity of s2 to the different scattering potentials used in the two models. The present measurements and calculations therefore show the importance of including coupling and relaxation effects when accurately modeling electron-ion collisions. The phase shifts obtained by fitting to the measurements are compared with the values of Manson and the present method.


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We study a family of chaotic maps with limit cases-the tent map and the cusp map (the cusp family). We discuss the spectral properties of the corresponding Frobenius-Perron operator in different function spaces including spaces of analytical functions and study numerically the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.


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We present results of wavepacket simulations for multiphoton ionization in argon. A single active electron model is applied to estimate the single-electron ionization rates and photoelectron energy distributions for lambda = 390 nm light with intensities up to I = 2 x 10(14) W cm(-2). The multiphoton ionization rates are compared with R-matrix Floquet calculations and found to be in very good agreement. The photoelectron energy distribution is used to study the nature of ionization at the higher intensities. Our results are consistent with recent calculations and experiments which show the imprint of the tunnelling process in the multiphoton regime. For few-cycle intense pulses, we find that the strong modulation of intensity and increased bandwidth leads to dynamic mixing of the 3d and 5s resonances.


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The properties and characteristics of a recently proposed anisotropic metamaterial based upon layered arrays of tightly coupled pairs of "dogbone" shaped stripe conductors have been explored in detail. It has been found that a metamaterial composed of such stacked layers exhibits artificial magnetism and may support backward wave propagation. The equivalent network models of the constitutive conductor pairs arranged in the periodic array have been devised and applied to the identification of the specific types of resonances, and to the analysis of their contribution into the effective dielectric and magnetic properties of the artificial medium. The proposed "dogbone" configuration of conductor pairs has the advantage of being entirely realizable and assemblable in planar technology. It also appears more prospective than simple cut-wire or metal-plate pairs because the additional geometrical parameters provide an efficient control of separation between the electric and magnetic resonances that, in turn, makes it possible to obtain a fairly broadband left-handed behaviour of the structure at low frequencies.


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The `hot Jupiters' that abound in lists of known extrasolar planets are thought to have formed far from their host stars, but migrate inwards through interactions with the proto-planetary disk from which they were born, or by an alternative mechanism such as planet-planet scattering. The hot Jupiters closest to their parent stars, at orbital distances of only ~0.02 astronomical units, have strong tidal interactions, and systems such as OGLE-TR-56 have been suggested as tests of tidal dissipation theory. Here we report the discovery of planet WASP-18b with an orbital period of 0.94days and a mass of ten Jupiter masses (10MJup), resulting in a tidal interaction an order of magnitude stronger than that of planet OGLE-TR-56b. Under the assumption that the tidal-dissipation parameter Q of the host star is of the order of 106, as measured for Solar System bodies and binary stars and as often applied to extrasolar planets, WASP-18b will be spiralling inwards on a timescale less than a thousandth that of the lifetime of its host star. Therefore either WASP-18 is in a rare, exceptionally short-lived state, or the tidal dissipation in this system (and possibly other hot-Jupiter systems) must be much weaker than in the Solar System.


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We analyse the process of rapid positron annihilation in large polyatomic molecules due to positron capture into vibrational Feshbach resonances. Resonant annihilation occurs in molecules which can bind positrons, and we analyse positron binding to alkanes using zero-range potentials. Related questions of spectra of annihilation gamma quanta and molecular fragmentation following annihilation, are discussed briefly.


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We report calculations of double ionization energy spectra and momentum distributions of laser-driven helium due to few-cycle pulses of wavelength 195 nm. The results are obtained from full-dimensional numerical integration of the two electron time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation. A momentum-space analysis of doubly ionizing wavepackets shows that the concentric-ring structure of above-threshold double ionization, together with the associated structure of peaks in the total kinetic energy spectrum, may be attributed to wavepacket interference effects, where at least two doubly-ionizing wavepackets from different recollision events populate the same spatial hemisphere.


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Several authors have shown that precise measurements of transit time variations of exoplanets can be sensitive to other planetary bodies, such as exo-moons. In addition, the transit timing variations of the exoplanets closest to their host stars can provide tests of tidal dissipation theory. These studies, however, have not considered the effect of the host star. There is a large body of observational evidence that eclipse times of binary stars can vary dramatically due to variations in the quadrupole moment of the stars driven by stellar activity. In this paper, we investigate and estimate the likely impact such variations have on the transit times of exoplanets. We find in several cases that such variations should be detectable. In particular, the estimated period changes for WASP-18b are of the same order as those expected for tidal dissipation, even for relatively low values of the tidal dissipation parameter. The transit time variations caused by the Applegate mechanism are also of the correct magnitude and occur on time-scales such that they may be confused with variations caused by light-travel time effects due to the presence of a Jupiter-like second planet. Finally, we suggest that transiting exoplanet systems may provide a clean route (compared to binaries) to constraining the type of dynamo operating in the host star.


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We discuss the properties of the lifetime or the time-delay matrix Q(E) for multichannel scattering, which is related to the scattering matrix S(E) by Q = i?S(dS†/dE). For two overlapping resonances occurring at energies E with widths G(? = 1, 2), with an energy-independent background, only two eigenvalues of Q(E) are proved to be different from zero and to show typical avoided-crossing behaviour. These eigenvalues are expressible in terms of the four resonance parameters (E , G) and a parameter representing the strength of the interaction of the resonances. An example of the strong and weak interaction in an overlapping double resonance is presented for the positronium negative ion. When more than two resonances overlap (? = 1, ..., N), no simple representation of each eigenvalue has been found. However, the formula for the trace of the Q-matrix leads to the expression d(E) = -?arctan[(G/2)/(E - E)] + d(E) for the eigenphase sum d(E) and the background eigenphase sum d(E), in agreement with the known form of the state density. The formulae presented in this paper are useful in a parameter fitting of overlapping resonances. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.