956 resultados para Operative procedures
We reviewed our surgery registry, to identify predictive risk factors for operative results, and to analyse the long-term survival outcome in octogenarians operated for primary isolated aortic valve replacement (AVR). A total of 124 consecutive octogenarians underwent open AVR from January 1990 to December 2005. Combined procedures and redo surgery were excluded. Selected variables were studied as risk factors for hospital mortality and early neurological events. A follow-up (FU; mean FU time: 77 months) was obtained (90% complete), and Kaplan-Meier plots were used to determine survival rates. The mean age was 82+/-2.2 (range: 80-90 years; 63% females). Of the group, four patients (3%) required urgent procedures, 10 (8%) had a previous myocardial infarction, six (5%) had a previous coronary angioplasty and stenting, 13 patients (10%) suffered from angina and 59 (48%) were in the New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III-IV. We identified 114 (92%) degenerative stenosis, six (5%) post-rheumatic stenosis and four (3%) active endocarditis. The predicted mortality calculated by logistic European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (EuroSCORE) was 12.6+/-5.7%, and the observed hospital mortality was 5.6%. Causes of death included severe cardiac failure (four patients), multi-organ failure (two) and sepsis (one). Complications were transitory neurological events in three patients (2%), short-term haemodialysis in three (2%), atrial fibrillation in 60 (48%) and six patients were re-operated for bleeding. Atrio-ventricular block, myocardial infarction or permanent stroke was not detected. The age at surgery and the postoperative renal failure were predictors for hospital mortality (p value <0.05), whereas we did not find predictors for neurological events. The mean FU time was 77 months (6.5 years) and the mean age of surviving patients was 87+/-4 years (81-95 years). The actuarial survival estimates at 5 and 10 years were 88% and 50%, respectively. Our experience shows good short-term results after primary isolated standard AVR in patients more than 80 years of age. The FU suggests that aortic valve surgery in octogenarians guarantees satisfactory long-term survival rates and a good quality of life, free from cardiac re-operations. In the era of catheter-based aortic valve implantation, open-heart surgery for AVR remains the standard of care for healthy octogenarians.
Operative treatment of coronoid fracture often requires a large dissection of soft tissue, resulting in elbow stiffness and functional limitation. The authors present a minimal invasive, safe technique, useful in the case of isolated coronoid fracture associated with elbow dislocation. This technique does not require soft tissue dissection and allows an early unlimited resumption of sports activities.
2007 was marked by a growing trend towards minimal invasive surgery and enhanced recovery, especially in visceral surgery. In comparison to the laparoscopic revolution in the eighties, Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) must be watched on closely, and will probably have to be taken into account in a near future. Minimal invasive procedures in oesophageal cancer surgery have proved both efficient and oncologically safe. Implementation of Fast track protocols now permits a much faster patient's return to normal daily activity. In hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, multidisciplinary efforts have been done to better select patients, widen the indications and increase efficiency.
This paper compares the forecasting performance of different models which have been proposed for forecasting in the presence of structural breaks. These models differ in their treatment of the break process, the parameters defining the model which applies in each regime and the out-of-sample probability of a break occurring. In an extensive empirical evaluation involving many important macroeconomic time series, we demonstrate the presence of structural breaks and their importance for forecasting in the vast majority of cases. However, we find no single forecasting model consistently works best in the presence of structural breaks. In many cases, the formal modeling of the break process is important in achieving good forecast performance. However, there are also many cases where simple, rolling OLS forecasts perform well.
This paper compares the forecasting performance of different models which have been proposed for forecasting in the presence of structural breaks. These models differ in their treatment of the break process, the parameters defining the model which applies in each regime and the out-of-sample probability of a break occurring. In an extensive empirical evaluation involving many important macroeconomic time series, we demonstrate the presence of structural breaks and their importance for forecasting in the vast majority of cases. However, we find no single forecasting model consistently works best in the presence of structural breaks. In many cases, the formal modeling of the break process is important in achieving good forecast performance. However, there are also many cases where simple, rolling OLS forecasts perform well.
PURPOSE: Transanal endoscopic microsurgery provides a minimally invasive alternative to radical surgery for excision of benign and malignant rectal tumors. The purpose of this study was to review our experience with transanal endoscopic microsurgery to clarify its role in the treatment of different types of rectal pathology. METHODS: A prospective database documented all patients undergoing transanal endoscopic microsurgery from October 1996 through June 2008. We analyzed patient and operative factors, complications, and tumor recurrence. For recurrence analysis, we excluded patients with fewer than 6 months of follow-up, previous excisions, known metastases at initial presentation, and those who underwent immediate radical resection following transanal endoscopic microsurgery. RESULTS: Two hundred sixty-nine patients underwent transanal endoscopic microsurgery for benign (n = 158) and malignant (n = 111) tumors. Procedure-related complications (21%) included urinary retention (10.8%), fecal incontinence (4.1%), fever (3.8%), suture line dehiscence (1.5%), and bleeding (1.5%). Local recurrence rates for 121 benign and 83 malignant tumors were 5% for adenomas, 9.8% for T1 adenocarcinoma, 23.5% for T2 adenocarcinoma, 100% for T3 adenocarcinoma, and 0% for carcinoid tumors. All 6 (100%) recurrent adenomas were retreated with endoscopic techniques, and 8 of 17 (47%) recurrent adenocarcinomas underwent salvage procedures with curative intent. CONCLUSIONS: Transanal endoscopic microsurgery is a safe and effective method for excision of benign and malignant rectal tumors. Transanal endoscopic microsurgery can be offered for (1) curative resection of benign tumors, carcinoid tumors, and select T1 adenocarcinomas, (2) histopathologic staging in indeterminate cases, and (3) palliative resection in patients medically unfit or unwilling to undergo radical resection.
In this paper we make three contributions to the literature on optimal Competition Law enforcement procedures. The first (which is of general interest beyond competition policy) is to clarify the concept of “legal uncertainty”, relating it to ideas in the literature on Law and Economics, but formalising the concept through various information structures which specify the probability that each firm attaches – at the time it takes an action – to the possibility of its being deemed anti-competitive were it to be investigated by a Competition Authority. We show that the existence of Type I and Type II decision errors by competition authorities is neither necessary nor sufficient for the existence of legal uncertainty, and that information structures with legal uncertainty can generate higher welfare than information structures with legal certainty – a result echoing a similar finding obtained in a completely different context and under different assumptions in earlier Law and Economics literature (Kaplow and Shavell, 1992). Our second contribution is to revisit and significantly generalise the analysis in our previous paper, Katsoulacos and Ulph (2009), involving a welfare comparison of Per Se and Effects- Based legal standards. In that analysis we considered just a single information structure under an Effects-Based standard and also penalties were exogenously fixed. Here we allow for (a) different information structures under an Effects-Based standard and (b) endogenous penalties. We obtain two main results: (i) considering all information structures a Per Se standard is never better than an Effects-Based standard; (ii) optimal penalties may be higher when there is legal uncertainty than when there is no legal uncertainty.
In some patients with refractory epilepsy, no resective surgery of the epileptogenic zone can be offered. This is the case when for instance the epileptogenic zone is located in an eloquent region (motor, language or visual) or when there are several epileptogenic zones. When disabling seizures persist despite the medical treatment, several surgical procedures can be proposed with the aim of decreasing the seizure frequency. Among these procedures, we review briefly here vagus nerve stimulation, the various brain stimulations procedures, multiples subpial transsections, and the corpus callosotomy. For each procedure, we will discuss its indication and outcome.
Travaux effectués dans le cadre de l'étude "Case Mix" menée par l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive de Lausanne et le Service de la santé publique et de la planification sanitaire du canton de Vaud, en collaboration avec les cantons de Berne, Fribourg, Genève, Jura, Neuchâtel, Soleure, Tessin et Valais.
Introduction: Compressive epidural haematomas occurring following spine surgery are very rare but can potentially lead to irreversible damage. The evacuation of the haematoma as an emergency procedure remains the only effective treatment providing though alerting signs are detected on time. Few studies exist on this subject probably due to its rarity. The etiological factors as well as the place of imaging studies prior to urgent haematoma evacuation remain controversial. Two cases of delayed post-operative compressive epidural haematomas following lumbar-spine surgery were detected in our unit between April 2003 and January 2009. In both cases new onset of pain, aggravation of existing neurological deficit or development of new deficit along with worsening of pre-existing walking difficulties were noted. Emergency computer tomography (CT) could not exclude compression in both cases due to important artefacts. Emergency surgery was performed confirming the presence of haematoma in both cases and leading to a complete neurological recovery following its evacuation. As only risk factors common to both cases we identified drain removal and resuming of thromboprophylaxis. Conclusion: Obstacles in early detection of post-operative compressive epidural haematomas occurring following spine surgery are patients presenting with multiple complaints as well as shift work pattern of staff who might not always be trained in detecting early changes in neurological status. We therefore established a checklist for post-operative neurological observations to be carried out on spine surgery patients during the postoperative period. We describe our adopted attitude considering the etiological factors observed in our unit. Further studies including in a multi centre setting would be necessary in order to ascertain our observations.
Since 1895, when X-rays were discovered, ionizing radiation became part of our life. Its use in medicine has brought significant health benefits to the population globally. The benefit of any diagnostic procedure is to reduce the uncertainty about the patient's health. However, there are potential detrimental effects of radiation exposure. Therefore, radiation protection authorities have become strict regarding the control of radiation risks.¦There are various situations where the radiation risk needs to be evaluated. International authority bodies point to the increasing number of radiologic procedures and recommend population surveys. These surveys provide valuable data to public health authorities which helps them to prioritize and focus on patient groups in the population that are most highly exposed. On the other hand, physicians need to be aware of radiation risks from diagnostic procedures in order to justify and optimize the procedure and inform the patient.¦The aim of this work was to examine the different aspects of radiation protection and investigate a new method to estimate patient radiation risks.¦The first part of this work concerned radiation risk assessment from the regulatory authority point of view. To do so, a population dose survey was performed to evaluate the annual population exposure. This survey determined the contribution of different imaging modalities to the total collective dose as well as the annual effective dose per caput. It was revealed that although interventional procedures are not so frequent, they significantly contribute to the collective dose. Among the main results of this work, it was shown that interventional cardiological procedures are dose-intensive and therefore more attention should be paid to optimize the exposure.¦The second part of the project was related to the patient and physician oriented risk assessment. In this part, interventional cardiology procedures were studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The organ radiation doses as well as effective doses were estimated. Cancer incidence risks for different organs were calculated for different sex and age-at-exposure using the lifetime attributable risks provided by the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations Report VII. Advantages and disadvantages of the latter results were examined as an alternative method to estimate radiation risks. The results show that this method is the most accurate, currently available, to estimate radiation risks. The conclusions of this work may guide future studies in the field of radiation protection in medicine.¦-¦Depuis la découverte des rayons X en 1895, ce type de rayonnement a joué un rôle important dans de nombreux domaines. Son utilisation en médecine a bénéficié à la population mondiale puisque l'avantage d'un examen diagnostique est de réduire les incertitudes sur l'état de santé du patient. Cependant, leur utilisation peut conduire à l'apparition de cancers radio-induits. Par conséquent, les autorités sanitaires sont strictes quant au contrôle du risque radiologique.¦Le risque lié aux radiations doit être estimé dans différentes situations pratiques, dont l'utilisation médicale des rayons X. Les autorités internationales de radioprotection indiquent que le nombre d'examens et de procédures radiologiques augmente et elles recommandent des enquêtes visant à déterminer les doses de radiation délivrées à la population. Ces enquêtes assurent que les groupes de patients les plus à risque soient prioritaires. D'un autre côté, les médecins ont également besoin de connaître le risque lié aux radiations afin de justifier et optimiser les procédures et informer les patients.¦Le présent travail a pour objectif d'examiner les différents aspects de la radioprotection et de proposer une manière efficace pour estimer le risque radiologique au patient.¦Premièrement, le risque a été évalué du point de vue des autorités sanitaires. Une enquête nationale a été réalisée pour déterminer la contribution des différentes modalités radiologiques et des divers types d'examens à la dose efficace collective due à l'application médicale des rayons X. Bien que les procédures interventionnelles soient rares, elles contribuent de façon significative à la dose délivrée à la population. Parmi les principaux résultats de ce travail, il a été montré que les procédures de cardiologie interventionnelle délivrent des doses élevées et devraient donc être optimisées en priorité.¦La seconde approche concerne l'évaluation du risque du point de vue du patient et du médecin. Dans cette partie, des procédures interventionnelles cardiaques ont été étudiées au moyen de simulations Monte Carlo. La dose délivrée aux organes ainsi que la dose efficace ont été estimées. Les risques de développer des cancers dans plusieurs organes ont été calculés en fonction du sexe et de l'âge en utilisant la méthode établie dans Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations Report VII. Les avantages et inconvénients de cette nouvelle technique ont été examinés et comparés à ceux de la dose efficace. Les résultats ont montré que cette méthode est la plus précise actuellement disponible pour estimer le risque lié aux radiations. Les conclusions de ce travail pourront guider de futures études dans le domaine de la radioprotection en médicine.
Background: Gastric banding is currently one of the most performed procedures for morbid obesity. Results are related in part to the surgical technique and the quality of follow-up. Several bands are currently on the market, and it may bethat the type of band also plays a role in long-term results. The aim of this prospective randomized study was to compare the long-term results of the Lapband and the SAGB.Patients and methods: In three institutions with a common bariatric surgeon, consecutive patients undergoing laparoscopic gastric banding for morbid obesity were randomized to receive either a Lapband or a SAGB. The Lapband was placed using the perigastric and the SAGB with the pars flaccida technique. All data were collected prospectively. The median duration of follow-up was 131 months (103-147). Patients who lost their band were excluded from analysis as of band removal.Results: 180 patients were included between December 1998 and June 2002, 90 in each group. Except for age, which was lower in SAGB patients, the pre-operative characteristics were similar in the two patient groups. Early band-related morbidity was higher in the SAGB group (6,6 vs 0 %, p=0,03). Patients with a Lapband lost weight quicker than those with SAGB (EBMIL 50,8 vs 39,8 after 12 months, p<0,001), but the two weight loss curves joined after 24 months, and no difference could be observed later on up to 12 years after surgery (EBMIL 53,7 vs 58,1 % after 10 years, P=0,68). Long-term complications developed in 91 patients (50,5 %). Severe complications leading to band removal±conversion to another procedure developed in 30 and 40 patients in the Lapband and SAGB group respectively (33,3 vs 44,4 %, p=0,16).Conclusions: This prospective randomized study shows no significant difference in the long-term results of gastric banding between the Lapband and the SAGB. Both bands were associated with significant long-term complication and band removal/conversion rates. Patients who retain their band have acceptable long-term weight loss. It is likely that the concept of gastric banding rather than the device itself plays the most important role in longterm results.
Background: congenital and acquired airway anomalies represent a relatively common albeit challenging problem in a national tertiary care hospital. In the past, most of these patients were sent to foreign Centres because of the lack of local experience in reconstructive surgery of the paediatric airway. In 2009, a dedicated team was established at our Institute. Gaslini's Tracheal Team includes different professionals, namely anaesthetists, intensive care specialists, neonatologists, pulmonologists, radiologists, and ENT, paediatric, and cardiovascular surgeons. The aim of this project was to provide these multidisciplinary patients, at any time, with intensive care, radiological investigations, diagnostic and operative endoscopy, reconstructive surgery, ECMO or cardiopulmonary bypass. Aim of this study is to present the results of the first year of airway reconstructive surgery activity of the Tracheal Team.Methods: between September 2009 and December 2010, 97 patients were evaluated or treated by our Gaslini Tracheal Team. Most of them were evaluated by both rigid and flexible endoscopy. In this study we included 8 patients who underwent reconstructive surgery of the airways. Four of them were referred to our centre or previously treated surgically or endoscopically without success in other Centres.Results: Eight patients required 9 surgical procedures on the airway: 4 cricotracheal resections, 2 laryngotracheoplasties, 1 tracheal resection, 1 repair of laryngeal cleft and 1 foreign body removal with cardiopulmonary bypass through anterior tracheal opening. Moreover, in 1 case secondary aortopexy was performed. All patients achieved finally good results, but two of them required two surgeries and most required endoscopic manoeuvres after surgery. The most complex cases were the ones who had already been previously treated.Conclusions: The treatment of paediatric airway anomalies requires a dedicated multidisciplinary approach and a single tertiary care Centre providing rapid access to endoscopic and surgical manoeuvres on upper and lower airways and the possibility to start immediately cardiopulmonary bypass or ECMO.The preliminary experience of the Tracheal Team shows that good results can be obtained with this multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of complicated cases. The centralization of all the cases in one or few national Centres should be considered.