926 resultados para Oil painting on copper


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do óleo de mamona sobre a broca-grande do tomateiro, Helicoverpa zea, e sobre o parasitoide de ovos Trichogramma pretiosum. Foi determinada a mortalidade larval da broca, que foi submetida ao óleo de mamona por ingestão e contato às concentrações 0,5, 1,0, 1,5, 2,0, 2,5 e 3,0% (v v-1). A ação do óleo de mamona sobre T. pretiosum foi determinada mediante testes de seletividade e suscetibilidade. As maiores mortalidades de larvas foram observadas no tratamento por contato com as menores concentrações (0,5 e 1,0%), enquanto com as concentrações intermediárias (1,5; 2,0 e 2,5%), não houve diferença entre as vias de aplicação. À maior concentração testada (3,0%), o tratamento por ingestão proporcionou mortalidade superior àquela obtida por contato. O número de ovos parasitados por T. pretiosum, no teste de seletividade, foi afetado negativamente pelo óleo de mamona, contudo, os demais parâmetros avaliados quanto à seletividade e à suscetibilidade não foram afetados. O óleo de mamona reduz a sobrevivência de larvas de H. zea tanto por ingestão quanto por contato. Além disso, não prejudica o desenvolvimento de T. pretiosum, desde que as pulverizações sejam realizadas após as liberações do parasitoide.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro, especialização em pintura sobre tela


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The aim of this study was to assess the antioxidant and anti-schistosomal activities of the garlic extract (AGE) and Nigella sativa oil (NSO) on normal and Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice. AGE (125 mg kg-1, i.p.) and NSO (0.2 mg kg-1, i.p.) were administrated separately or in combination for successive 28 days, starting from the 1st day post infection (pi). All mice were sacrificed at weeks 7 pi. Hematological and biochemical parameters including liver and kidney functions were measured to assess the progress of anemia, and the possibility of the tissue damage. Serum total protein level, albumin, globulin and cholesterol were also determined. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels were determined in the liver tissues as biomarkers for oxidative and reducing status, respectively. The possible effect of the treatment regimens on Schistosoma worms was evaluated by recording percentage of the recovered worms, tissue egg and oogram pattern. Result showed that, protection with AGE and NSO prevented most of the hematological and biochemical changes and markedly improved the antioxidant capacity of schistosomiasis mice compared to the infected-untreated ones. In addition, remarkable reduction in worms, tissue eggs and alteration in oogram pattern were recorded in all the treated groups. The antioxidant and antischistosomal action of AGE and NSO was greatly diverse according to treatment regimens. These data point to these compounds as promising agents to complement schistosomiasis specific treatment.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos da Criança - Especialidade Comunicação Visual e Expressão Plástica


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The State of Iowa currently has approximately 69,000 miles of unpaved secondary roads. Due to the low traffic count on these unpaved o nts as ng e two dust ed d roads, paving with asphalt or Portland cement concrete is not economical. Therefore to reduce dust production, the use of dust suppressants has been utilized for decades. This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of several widely used dust suppressants through quantitative field testing on two of Iowa’s most widely used secondary road surface treatments: crushed limestone rock and alluvial sand/gravel. These commercially available dust suppressants included: lignin sulfonate, calcium chloride, and soybean oil soapstock. These suppressants were applied to 1000 ft test sections on four unpaved roads in Story County, Iowa. Tduplicate field conditions, the suppressants were applied as a surface spray once in early June and again in late August or early September. The four unpaved roads included two with crushed limestone rock and two with alluvial sand/gravel surface treatmewell as high and low traffic counts. The effectiveness of the dust suppressants was evaluated by comparing the dust produced on treated and untreated test sections. Dust collection was scheduled for 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks after each application, for a total testiperiod of 16 weeks. Results of a cost analysis between annual dust suppressant application and biennial aggregate replacement indicated that the cost of the dust suppressant, its transportation, and application were relatively high when compared to that of thaggregate types. Therefore, the biennial aggregate replacement is considered more economical than annual dust suppressant application, although the application of annual dust suppressant reduced the cost of road maintenance by 75 %. Results of thecollection indicated that the lignin sulfonate suppressant outperformed calcium chloride and soybean oil soapstock on all four unpavroads, the effect of the suppressants on the alluvial sand/gravel surface treatment was less than that on the crushed limestone rock, the residual effects of all the products seem reasonably well after blading, and the combination of alluvial sand/gravel surface treatment anhigh traffic count caused dust reduction to decrease dramatically.


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Foreign aid provides a windfall of resources to recipient countries and may result in the same rent seeking behavior as documented in the curse of natural resources literature. In this paper we discuss this effect and document its magnitude. Using data for 108 recipient countries in the period 1960 to 1999, we find that foreign aid has a negative impact on democracy. In particular, if the foreign aid over GDP that a country receives over a period of five years reaches the 75th percentile in the sample, then a 10-point index of democracy is reduced between 0.6 and one point, a large effect. For comparison, we also measure the effect of oil rents on political institutions. The fall in democracy if oil revenues reach the 75th percentile is smaller, (0.02). Aid is a bigger curse than oil.


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Tapaustutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää verkostoitumisen vaikutusta yrityksen taloudenohjaukseen. Tutkielmassa tarkastelun kohteena on suuri metallialan yritys, joka on ulkoistanut tehtaan kunnossapitotoiminnon. Yrityksen taloudenohjausta tarkastellaan prosessien kautta muuttuneessa liiketoimintaympäristössä, joka asettaa vaatimuksia yrityksen johtamisjärjestelmälle. Verkostoitumista tarkastellaan transaktiokustannusteorian perusteella sekä pohditaan yritysjohdon roolia verkostoitumisessa ja verkosto-organisaatiossa. Verkostoitumishankkeen prosessointia varten luotiin ylemmän tason prosessimalli, jonka perusteella verkostoitumisen vaikutuksia yrityksen operatiiviseen ja strategiseen taloudenohjaukseen tarkastellaan.


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We present a brief résumé of the history of solidification research and key factors affecting the solidification of fusion welds. There is a general agreement of the basic solidification theory, albeit differing - even confusing - nomenclatures do exist, and Cases 2 and 3 (the Chalmers' basic boundary conditions for solidification, categorized by Savage as Cases) are variably emphasized. Model Frame, a tool helping to model the continuum of fusion weld solidification from start to end, is proposed. It incorporates the general solidification models, of which the pertinent ones are selected for the actual modeling. The basic models are the main solidification Cases 1…4. These discrete Cases are joined with Sub-Cases: models of Pfann, Flemings and others, bringing needed Sub-Case variables into the model. Model Frame depicts a grain growing from the weld interface to its centerline. Besides modeling, the Model Frame supports education and academic debate. The new mathematical modeling techniques will extend its use into multi-dimensional modeling, introducing new variables and increasing the modeling accuracy. We propose a model: melting/solidification-model (M/S-model) - predicting the solute profile at the start of the solidification of a fusion weld. This Case 3-based Sub-Case takes into account the melting stage, the solute back-diffusion in the solid, and the growth rate acceleration typical to fusion welds. We propose - based on works of Rutter & Chalmers, David & Vitek and our experimental results on copper - that NEGS-EGS-transition is not associated only with cellular-dendritic-transition. Solidification is studied experimentally on pure and doped copper with welding speed range from 0 to 200 cm/min, with one test at 3000 cm/min. Found were only planar and cellular structures, no dendrites - columnar or equiaxed. Cell sub structures: rows of cubic elements we call "cubelettes", "cell-bands" and "micro-cells", as well as an anomalous crack morphology "crack-eye", were detected, as well as microscopic hot crack nucleus we call "grain-lag cracks", caused by a grain slightly lagging behind its neighbors in arrival to the weld centerline. Varestraint test and R-test revealed a change of crack morphologies from centerline cracks to grainand cell boundary cracks with an increasing welding speed. High speed made the cracks invisible to bare eye and hardly detectable with light microscope, while electron microscope often revealed networks of fine micro-cracks.


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Due to their numerous novel technological applications ranging from the example of exhaust catalysts in the automotive industry to the catalytic production of hydro- gen, surface reactions on transition metal substrates have become to be one of the most essential subjects within the surface science community. Although numerous applications exist, there are many details in the different processes that, after many decades of research, remain unknown. There are perhaps as many applications for the corrosion resistant materials such as stainless steels. A thorough knowledge of the details of the simplest reactions occuring on the surfaces, such as oxidation, play a key role in the design of better catalysts, or corrosion resistant materials in the future. This thesis examines the oxidation of metal surfaces from a computational point of view mostly concentrating on copper as a model material. Oxidation is studied from the initial oxidation to the oxygen precovered surface. Important parameters for the initial sticking and dissociation are obtained. The saturation layer is thoroughly studied and the calculated results arecompared with available experimental results. On the saturated surface, some open questions still remain. The present calculations demonstrate, that the saturated part of the surface is excluded from being chemically reactive towards the oxygen molecules. The results suggest, that the reason for the chemical activity of the saturated surface is due to a strain effect occuring between the saturated areas of the surface.


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Despite increasing interest in long-distance migration, the wintering areas, migration corridors, and population mix in winter quarters of most pelagic marine predators are unknown. Here, we present the first study tracking migration movements of shearwaters through the non-breeding period. We used geolocators (global location sensing [GLS] units based on ambient light levels) to track 22 Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) breeding in three different areas. Most birds wintered in one or more of three relatively small areas, all clearly associated with major coastal upwelling systems of the tropical and south Atlantic. Trans-equatorial movements were dominated by prevailing trade winds and westerlies, while calm, oligotrophic areas were avoided. Breeding populations clearly differed in their preference amongst the three major wintering areas, but showed substantial mixing. This illustrates the exceptional value of GLS, not only for determining and describing the influence of oceanographic features on migration patterns, but also for assessing population mix in winter quarters. This knowledge is essential to understanding the impacts of population-level threats, such as longlining, offshore windfarms, and oil spills on multiple breeding sites, and will be critical in devising conservation policies that guarantee the sustainable exploitation of the oceans.


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It was evaluated the applicability of Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin models to copper adsorption in three classes of soils. Fractions of each soil were added to test tubes containing growing concentrations of the metal in solution. The tubes were shaken and the copper concentrations were determined in the extracts by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The models offered a good fit for the experimental data indicating that presence of silicated clay had high influence on copper sorption. The Langmuir isotherm showed high influence of the organic matter in the absorption phenomenon. It was evidenced the importance of further studies related to Temkin model.


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Direct decomposition of NO on copper supported on zeolite catalysts such as MCM-22 and Beta was compared with that on the thoroughly studied Cu-ZSM-5. The catalysts were prepared by ion-exchange in basic media. They were characterized by atomic absorption, surface area, nitrogen adsorption at 77K, X-ray diffraction and temperature programmed reduction. The products of the reaction were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using a gas cell. Catalytic activity tests indicated that zeolite catalysts, like Beta and MCM-22, lead to NO conversion values comparable to ZSM-5.


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Copper selenide (berzelianite) films were prepared on the title substrates using the chemical bath deposition technique (CBD). Film composition was determined by energy dispersion of x-rays. The kinetics of film growth is parabolic and film adherence limits the film thickness. On titanium, copper selenide forms islands that do not completely cover the surface, unless the substrate is prepared with a tin oxide layer; film composition also depends on the titanium oxide layer. On vitreous carbon, CBD and mechanical immobilization techniques lead to films with similar resistances for the electron transfer across the film/substrate interface. On gold, composition studies revealed that film composition is always the same if the pH is in the range from 8 to 12, in contrast to films prepared by an ion-ion combination route. On copper, a new procedure for obtaining copper selenide films as thick as 5 µm has been developed.


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In this work a sulfide quantification protocol using voltammetric methods was developed to evaluate the effect of dissolved sulfides on copper complexation. On the basis of pH, sulfide release from the dissociation of specific metal sulfide complexes can be electrochemically measured and then removed (as H2S) by a N2 purge. Cathodic stripping square wave voltammetry (CSSWV) was conducted to quantify Cu sulfides complexes which dissociate at pH < 5.0 during the process of acid titration.